Third Eye Science



In the Third Eye Science podcast, host Susan von Thun and her guests will explore the lines between science and spirituality. As a scientist and yogi, Susan has found that these two realms do not have to be mutually exclusive. With the mind of a logical scientist, she has navigated her own spiritual journey with a curious, open mind. Shell share lessons and tools she found along the way and have compelling conversations with spiritual leaders, teachers, yogis and fellow travelers about their experiences and practices. In this age of information and misinformation, its time to interpret and understand the world with your third eye.


  • Ep 192: 10 Years of Self Discovery

    29/05/2024 Duration: 52min

    The path of self-inquiry and awareness is long and winding. Cultivating the willingness and discipline to embark on—and continue—the journey is critical to our evolution as humans having a human experience. In this episode, I reflect on a decade since I hit rock bottom and the steps I've taken towards self-illumination and truly BEING myself. Mentioned in this episode:Join us for Sat Devbir's Vagal Toning class series.My upcoming offerings:My mission is to help others find balance between their spiritual and logical sides and realize these two aspects work best together as a collaborative experience. If you feel called to explore working with me, check out my one-on-one session options.Shop Sage Moon a conscious lifestyle shop offering inspired boho-chic clothing, sacred gifts, and more.Check out the sustainable yoga products at and use the promo code WARRIORSUSAN at checkout for 10% off.Get updates about my offerings directly to your inbox by signing up for my newsletter.

  • Ep 191: Your devotion to your inner work becomes devotion to everyone

    15/05/2024 Duration: 41min

    Inner work may fee like a solitary experience—and it's true that only you can heal your traumas, blocks, and limitations. But the work you do to heal yourself and connect more deeply with your Soul is not done in a vacuum. That healing benefits everyone around you. The more devoted you are to the work, the more you transform and make that transformation available to the entire planet. In this episode, I share thoughts on how you can expand your devotion to your spiritual journey to impact your family, ancestors, and the collective. Mentioned in this episode:Subagh Kriya instructions and a track by AkalStars to follow when you practice it. My upcoming offerings:My mission is to help others find balance between their spiritual and logical sides and realize these two aspects work best together as a collaborative experience. If you feel called to explore working with me, check out my one-on-one session options.Shop Sage Moon a conscious lifestyle shop offering inspired boho-chic clothing, sacred gifts, and m

  • Ep 190: Are you taking inspired, aligned action? Start with one small step!

    17/04/2024 Duration: 39min

    Are you moving through life with intention, or are you on autopilot? Hopefully, you have a few long-term goals that will allow you to feel fulfilled and living in your purpose. Or maybe you have a big dream that you don't quite know how to realize. The key to creating that new reality is to take one small, aligned action each day. Eventually, they'll add up to your dream. You have to commit to those small actions. Otherwise, it's easy to give up. In this episode, I talk about some ways to start small and build momentum and motivation towards your long-term vision. My upcoming offerings:You're invited to join us on a collective journey to sacred realms! The next six-month container of the Cosmic Rose Collective begins on April 19. We'll be attuning to the Rose of Venus and her frequencies of prosperity, abundance, unconditional love, and beauty. If you see this after we begin, you can still join until early May and you'll receive the first session's record. My mission is to h

  • Ep.189: Slow down, be present, and navigate the intensity with more ease

    31/03/2024 Duration: 42min

    The spring Aries energies may make you feel like you have to rush to do things and make things happen. But this year, we have an eclipse season and Mercury retrograde coming together in April. This means that slowing down, listening deeply, and being present in as many moments as possible will help you navigate the intensity of the cosmic alignments. In this episode, I share some ways you can bring more intention and awareness into your everyday life as we transit through the current space weather. My upcoming offerings:You're invited to join us on a collective journey to sacred realms! The next six-month container of the Cosmic Rose Collective begins on April 19. We'll be attuning to the Rose of Venus and her frequencies of prosperity, abundance, unconditional love, and beauty. My mission is to help others find balance between their spiritual and logical sides and realize these two aspects work best together as a collaborative experience. If you feel called to explore working with me, check out my

  • Ep 188: Go with the flow, even when you don’t know where you’re headed

    13/03/2024 Duration: 42min

    We must balance our actions with full surrender to make our dreams a reality. This process empowers us, allowing us to find harmony and fulfillment when we walk this line between completely relaxing to receive and taking definitive action.  Through practices like meditation and journaling, you learn to listen deeply to your inner guidance. Then, you know exactly what aligned actions to take and when and when to pause and allow the alignment to find you. In this episode, I share my thoughts on this process and some examples in my life. My upcoming offerings:Join me for Attune, Cosmic energy guided by the Soul. The next session will be a Spring Refresh on Wednesday, March 20, at 7 pm. We will attune to the Spring EquinoxWhether at the session live or listening/watching the recording, your energy is held in the space, and you receive the attunement directly from your Guides and Higher Self.Learn more about the Cosmic Rose Collective. The next six-month container begins April 19, and the theme is the Rose of Venu

  • Ep 187: Pisces season encourages you to feel your feelings!

    21/02/2024 Duration: 42min

    Pisces season! Feel! Cry! Laugh! And cry again! I’m only sort of kidding. It’s that time of year again when the watery, all-encompassing emotional states of being are not only expected—but encouraged. We are emotional beings living in a culture that conditions us to suppress and numb our feelings. But doing so stunts growth and can even cause disease. In this episode, I share some of the ways we can encourage our emotions to come out in healthy, supportive ways. Your emotions are NOT something to be scared of. They are a critical part of the human experience! My upcoming offerings:Join me for Attune, Cosmic energy guided by the Soul. The next session will be a Spring Refresh on Wednesday, March 20, at 7 pm. We will attune to the Spring EquinoxWhether at the session live or listening/watching the recording, your energy is held in the space, and you receive the attunement directly from your Guides and Higher Self.Learn more about the Cosmic Rose Collective. The next six-month container begins in April!My missio

  • Ep 186: Align with your future self

    07/02/2024 Duration: 39min

    Now is the perfect time to tune into where you're headed and who you're becoming.  Maybe you can envision yourself in a new job, relationship, new community, or strength, healthy body. New Year's resolutions rarely work because getting from here to there can feel overwhelming and overly ambitious. But if you spend some time visualizing and connecting with your future self, you can get a clear idea of who you want to be and then ask yourself what skills, behaviors, or actions that person would need to embody to create that life. All we need to do is take one small, aligned action each day to empower ourselves to trust the process. It's not as complicated as we often make it out to be. Commit to becoming the future You today! My upcoming offerings:Join me for Attune, Cosmic energy guided by the Soul. The first session will be welcoming the Year of the Dragon on Saturday, February 10 at 9 am. Whether at the session live or listening/watching the recording, your energy is held in the space, an

  • Ep 185: 8 Things I've Learned Over the Last Decade Through Self-Awareness Practices

    17/01/2024 Duration: 38min

    As we undergo a significant shift in our astrological weather, I've been reflecting on what I've learned over the last decade on my journey toward self-awareness. In this episode, I share eight things I've learned to inspire you to do some self-reflection this week as we enter into a new two-decade-long chapter in our lives with Pluto shifting into Aquarius. I also share more about what this transit could mean for all of us. My upcoming offerings:Join me on Thursdays at 6:30 pm (Pacific) for a weekly energetic tune-up!   Sessions are live on Zoom, or watch whenever you can with the recordings on the Soul Tribe Online class archive.  Join me for a special workshop January 20 at 9 am: Cosmic BreathMy mission is to help others find balance between their spiritual and logical sides and realize these two aspects work best together as a collaborative experience. If you feel called to explore working with me, check out my one-on-one session options.Shop Sage Moon a conscious lifestyle shop offering in

  • Ep. 184: New Year's Revelations with Sat Devbir

    10/01/2024 Duration: 01h17min

    My favorite intuitive guide, teacher, healer, and Lightworker, Sat Devbir, is back to share wisdom about the coming year. In this conversation, he shares guidance that he has received in the past few weeks from the Spirit Guides about the energy of 2024 and how we can all leverage that energy to create a stable foundation for our future expansion.  Learn more about Sat Devbir and his offerings at My upcoming offerings:Join me on Thursdays at 6:30 pm (Pacific) for a weekly energetic tune-up!   Sessions are live on Zoom, or watch whenever you can with the recordings on the Soul Tribe Online class archive.  Join me for a special workshop January 20 at 9 am: Cosmic BreathMy mission is to help others find balance between their spiritual and logical sides and realize these two aspects work best together as a collaborative experience. If you feel called to explore working with me, check out my one-on-one session options.Shop Sage Moon a conscious lifestyle shop offering inspired boho-chic clothing, sac

  • Ep 183: Year-End Pep Talk: Give yourself the gift of self awareness this holiday season

    20/12/2023 Duration: 31min

    This is my annual year-end pep talk encouraging you to make space to sit quietly with yourself this holiday season! Yes, I'm sure you are busy. But meditating every day—even for just 11 minutes—will help you have more self-awareness, self-compassion, and ease, despite the hustle and bustle.My upcoming offerings:Join me on Thursdays at 6:30 pm (Pacific) for a weekly energetic tune-up!   Sessions are live on Zoom, or watch whenever you can with the recordings on the Soul Tribe Online class archive.  My mission is to help others find balance between their spiritual and logical sides and realize these two aspects work best together as a collaborative experience. If you feel called to explore working with me, check out my one-on-one session options.Shop Sage Moon a conscious lifestyle shop offering inspired boho-chic clothing, sacred gifts, and more.Check out the sustainable yoga products at and use the promo code WARRIORSUSAN at checkout for 10% off.Get updates about my offerings direct

  • Ep 182: Finding Peace in Chaos and Conflict

    06/12/2023 Duration: 28min

    While the chaos and conflict in the world continue, it is more important than ever to create stability and security in your own field. From this place of calm, neutral balance, and peace within, we can have a tremendous impact on the collective. I'm not talking about spiritual bypass—meditating our way out of real-world atrocities—but about that deep inner work that includes being honest with yourself about how you create resistance and struggle for yourself. Whether you feel called to speak out against or for something or take action for a cause, the most important thing we can each do as individuals is address the conflict, distraction, and fear within ourselves. As more people consciously disengage from the fear and conflict programming inundating our screens, the more momentum we will build toward a new way of operating on this planet. Mentioned in this episode:The Down to Astro podcast: check out the Nov 16 episode where they discuss the eclipse season aftermath. My upcoming offerings:Join me on Thu

  • Ep 181: The Space Between

    22/11/2023 Duration: 32min

    Have you ever felt like you are in between who you were and who you are meant to become? That liminal space is a moment in your spiritual evolution to be revered, not ignored! It is an invitation to pause, contemplate, and surrender to the flow of the Cosmos. The death and rebirth cycle is a critical process to embrace. It happens on time scales from moments to days to years. In our world filled with distractions and noise, it is so important to allow yourself to be nourished by this sacred pause. My upcoming offerings:Join me on Thursdays at 6:30 pm (Pacific) for a weekly energetic tune-up!  The theme for Dec 7 - 21 is Inner Luminary. Sessions are live on Zoom, or watch whenever you can with the recordings on the Soul Tribe Online class archive.  Join me for an 8-day Winter Solstice Immersion: Luminous Star. In this eight-day immersion, we will gather each morning at 6 am (PST) for 30 minutes to move, breathe, and contemplate ourselves, allowing our luminosity to shine. My mission is to help others find bala

  • Ep 180: Create space in your life to allow your true essence emerge

    08/11/2023 Duration: 39min

    It's easy to be swept up by our busy lives and all the external things competing for our attention.  When we create a little space each day to be quiet and detach from the barrage of distractions, we open up to our true essence. Then, our inner guidance, creativity, and messages from the ether realms become more prominent. Meditation, journaling, and time in nature are just a few of the ways to turn our attention inward and allow for a more profound connection to emerge. My upcoming offerings:Join me on Thursdays at 6:30 pm (Pacific) for a weekly energetic tune-up!  The theme for Oct 19 - Nov 30 is Inner Refuge. Sessions are live on Zoom, or watch whenever you can with the recordings on the Soul Tribe Online class archive.  Join us in the Cosmic Rose Collective. Embody your inner Mystic. There's still time to join! We will come together at 7 am (Pacific) on the second Friday of every month starting October 2023, and completing the container in March 2024. If you join, you'll receive a 30% disco

  • Ep 179: A simple way towards world peace—cultivate peace within

    25/10/2023 Duration: 41min

    Prayers for world peace may seem like a lofty—or even naive—dream. But I believe that we can, and will, create a more peaceful, just planet by starting with ourselves. If those of us in the privileged, relatively safe parts of the world can't hold compassion, empathy, and love for ourselves and the people around us, how can we ask that to happen on the world stage? When you cultivate inner peace and serenity, you radiate it into the morphogenic collective field. We can do simple things, such as a smile to a stranger, an intentional burst of light to a passerby, or forgiveness to someone (or yourself) for some wrong-doing. If we remember each other—recognize the divinity in all—we create a pathway to harmony on this planet. My upcoming offerings:Join me on Thursdays at 6:30 pm (Pacific) for a weekly energetic tune-up!  Oct 19 - Nov 30 is Inner Refuge. Sessions are live on Zoom or watch whenever you can with the recordings on the Soul Tribe Online class archive.  Join us in the Cosmic Rose Collective. Embo

  • Ep. 178: How can we more actively work to become the person we want to be?

    11/10/2023 Duration: 42min

    We all have behaviors we'd love to shift or release, and they are often related to triggers that touch on sensitive issues that we haven't yet healed or transcended. But when something or someone triggers you into a trauma response, you can look at it as a moment to learn more about yourself. The programming and conditioning from childhood and beyond can be stuck deep in the subconscious. You may not even be aware of why you react in extreme ways in any given situation. In this episode, I share some recent experiences observing myself in less-than-enlightened reactions and some steps we can all take to do the self-inquiry required to heal our past traumas. As we continue to evolve emotionally, more is revealed to be healed. I believe this is a lifelong process towards your true Self. Mentioned in this episode:Harsimran Narwal Kundalini Yoga Teacher and Sat Nam Rasayan Healer.My upcoming offerings:Join me on Thursdays at 6:30 pm (Pacific) for a weekly energetic tune-up!  Sept  14 - Oct 12 is The Rese

  • Ep 177: How can you create a refuge within where you can believe?

    27/09/2023 Duration: 49min

    The world around us is not transforming on the time scale that makes our lives easier. But we can create—and believe in—a refuge within.  In this episode, I share some ways to create a refuge of peace and prosperity for yourself.  You can invite this energy into your life in simple yet profound ways. We can create a space where we believe all the magic, miracles, love, and peace are available. Each day, if you create a container—a reminder—for yourself, you begin to transform your inner world. You can manifest your biggest dreams from that sanctuary of faith in yourself. And from that space, the energy is so abundant that it will overflow and create a wave of peace in the world.Mentioned in this episode:The Invincible HallKat Hunt's Akashic Records readingsSriMati's Water Tiger community container.Meggan Watterson's Diving Feminine OracleMy upcoming offerings:Join me on Thursdays at 6:30 pm (Pacific) for a weekly energetic tune-up!  Sept  14 - Oct 12 is The Reset. Sessions are live on Zoom or w

  • Ep. 176: Embracing our differences

    06/09/2023 Duration: 39min

    As humanity continues to evolve and learn from the past, more and more people identify in ways that are "different" from the traditional norm. But what if we look at these beautiful ways that make people unique as strengths? What if we saw neurodivergence as a natural progression of how humans are able to sense the world and connect in new ways? In this episode, I contemplate some of these concepts and invite you to take a wider perspective on our differences. Let's embrace the diverse ways we can navigate and be in this world!Mentioned in the episode:Swim Down: Finding Neurodivergent Identity in the DepthsMy upcoming offerings:Join me on Thursdays at 6:30 pm (Pacific) for a weekly energetic tune-up!  Sept  14 - Oct 12 is The Reset. Sessions are live on Zoom or watch whenever you can with the recordings on the Soul Tribe Online class archive.  Join the Cosmic Rose Collective. Embody your inner Mystic. We will come together at 7 am (Pacific) on the second Friday of every month starting October 1

  • Ep 175: Why community connection is so important

    30/08/2023 Duration: 45min

    Whether you're an introvert or an extrovert, we all receive benefits from engaging in community. As we connect with other human beings, our own gifts are amplified through that heart connection. In this episode, I reflect on my experience at a recent yoga retreat and how it reinforced for me how much collaboration and immersion in collective energy is for my own evolution. Maybe it will help inspire you to join a community or start to cultivate your own! My upcoming offerings:Join me on Thursdays at 6:30 pm (Pacific) for a weekly energetic tune-up!  These sessions are live on Zoom or any time in your week with the recordings on the Soul Tribe Online class archive.  Join the Cosmic Rose Collective. Embody your inner Mystic. We begin in October. My mission is to help others find balance between their spiritual and logical sides and realize these two aspects work best together as a collaborative experience. If you feel called to explore working with me, check out my one-on-one session options.Shop Sage Moon

  • Ep 174: Leverage the astrological energies for deep healing and activation

    26/07/2023 Duration: 48min

    There's a lot happening in our skies right now and we can all benefit from tuning in to the current astrology for potent healing. In this episode, I share some of the ways to connect with these energies and leverage them for profound healing and activation. The nodes have shifted to Aries and Libra, calling for collective harmony between the self and others. With Venus retrograde in Leo, along with Mercury and the Sun in Leo, we have an opportunity to focus our healing in the heart. Leo is courageous, passionate, and most importantly, heart-centered. Venus is inviting us to go inward, notice our desires around beauty, relationships, artistry, and prosperity, and reevaluate all of these areas of our lives. This Venus retrograde (July 22 –Sept 3, 2023) allow your inner artist/creator to express itself! You'll be amazed by the shifts that occur in your life. My upcoming offerings:Join me every Monday at 5:30 pm on Soul Tribe Online or at your own timing with the recording on the class archive. In July

  • Ep 173: How can we nourish the body and the soul at once?

    12/07/2023 Duration: 41min

    There's lots of information out there about how we can take care of the body and connect with our spiritual Self, but I've noticed that not many people are talking about how we can nourish both the body and soul. In this episode, share some of the ways to connect with your Soul and be fully embodied at the same time. When we listen to what our bodies need—move and find stillness when our intuitive guidance tells us it aligns—we can truly be ourselves.  That is what your Soul intended for this life, to be human and spirit at once and most importantly, be YOU. It's really not as complicated as many people think. Listen, do, create, and align with your true nature; you are doing exactly what you're meant to do. My upcoming offerings:Join me every Monday at 5:30 pm on Soul Tribe Online or at your own timing with the recording on the class archive. In July is Quantum Nourishment.Join Kerry Armstrong and friends (including me) for a yoga retreat in COSTA RICA! We'll be gathering August 5 -

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