Absolute Freedom Lifestyle



Investing in yourself is the key to living a life of meaning and purpose and to me, it is the best investment that you could ever make for yourself. So start your new journey today.


  • 5 Signs You’re In An Abusive Relationship

    27/04/2022 Duration: 06min

    There’s a common misconception about anyone in an abusive relationship. People think that it’s easy for the abused to know they’re in a bad situation. People assume it’s easy to move away from the abuser and start a whole new life. Sadly, that’s far from the truth. Before we begin our article, there’s something important you have to remember. Abuse is all about manipulation and power. Read on to find out whether or not you’re in an abusive relationship.

  • 5 Simple Ways To Improve Your Relationships With Friends

    28/05/2021 Duration: 05min

    Friendship is a major part of our lives. We can’t exist without our friends and all the memories we share. Our friends are the first ones we run to when we have good news or need a shoulder to cry on.  At the same time, they’re also some of the people we take for granted most in our lives. If your friendships seem like they’re in troubled waters, we’re here to help. In this hi-tech day and age, we’re all busy doing our thing and living our lives.  But that shouldn’t mean you leave your friendships behind.  There are many things you can do to stay close to your friends despite your busy work/family schedule. After all, it was Honest Abe who said, “The better part of one’s life consists of his friendships.”ًWe know how much your friendships mean to you.  So, we rounded up five simple ways to improve your relationships with friends. Let’s get started.

  • Passion, Purpose and Perserverance

    10/04/2021 Duration: 13min

    You might feel that holding down a job, getting ahead, and taking care of your family is enough, without worrying about your life’s purpose. But taking the time to work out your calling in life is not a luxury or escapism, it is important for helping you live a more meaningful and successful life. Think about it. What do you want? Chances are you don’t want to be doing the same thing, facing the same issues, in twenty years’ time, right? Humans are hard-wired to find purpose in what they’re doing. They look for fulfillment in their lives. And finding your life purpose can help you define and achieve your life goals.

  • HowTo Communicate More Clearly

    05/04/2021 Duration: 07min

    Communication is the foundation of everything we do.  Whether you leave the house or not, you still communicate with others daily, be it online or in person.  How well you get along with people hinges on how well you communicate.  How successful you are in life hinges on how well you communicate. 

  • Your Inner Circle

    01/04/2021 Duration: 09min

    It matters who you let into your inner circle. Why? Because we are social beings. None of us (despite all the hype of “self-made people”) do anything big all by ourselves. It is the social constructs that create the needed “safe” space to first belong fully, as oneself. So, until we can belong, we cannot bring our fullest ideas to the table. 

  • How To Make Quicker And Better Decisions

    19/03/2021 Duration: 06min

    Many professionals seek to become more efficient decision-makers. Being a good decision-maker is a sought after skill. It can often be the difference between a promotion or a pink slip. In today’s uncertain times this skill lets you stand out on the team with quicker and better decisions. How do you become more accurate and effective at making decisions when it counts?

  • The 7 Step Roadmap To Freedom - A Guide for Aspiring Digital Nomads

    24/02/2021 Duration: 12min

    Becoming a digital nomad means becoming a pioneer. This is a way of working that would have been completely unthinkable even 15 years ago but now, thanks to the available technology, there’s no reason that we can’t take our laptops and start traveling around the world. It’s taking a while for the world to catch up though. Many of us still work 9 to 5 jobs in stuffy offices, feeling stressed and far too exhausted at the end of the day to do anything worthwhile with our lives. There’s an incredible, beautiful world out there and so much to see, do and explore. And yet most of us spend our lives working and sitting in the same dull rooms. We’re stressed, we’re bored and we’re exhausted. Is this really what life should be like? And when the alternative is right there in front of you why would you continue to subject yourself to such a style of living? It’s time to make a change – and I’m going to show you how in 7 easy-but-powerful steps. THE DIGITAL NOMAD SECRETS 


    20/02/2021 Duration: 07min

    Assertiveness is an important skill for effective communication as an adult.  Assertiveness allows you to advocate for yourself and your needs in a healthy way.  Some people interpret assertiveness as hostility or rudeness.  Many factors can go into how assertiveness is interpreted or received.  Let’s take a look at ways to advocate for yourself in an effective manner.


    23/12/2020 Duration: 02min

    All of us have great skills and abilities that we have been born with or that have come to us very naturally. Some people tap into these talents and use them to create exciting opportunities in their lives. Many people, however, never fully express themselves and their own capabilities and they pay a great price for it.


    27/11/2020 Duration: 04min

    f you’ve never heard the term introspection, don’t worry you’re not alone. Introspection is a term in psychology that relates to examining your thoughts, emotions, and experiences.The first real science about introspection came on to psychological sciences platforms when Wilhelm Wundt did famous experiments trying to define conscious thought through the study of introspection.Though according to Simple Psychology, introspection cannot be subjectively verified, it is something that can be used to study the perceptual process and how your cognitive processes work. In more simple terms than Simple Psychology put it, introspection can help you learn why you think the way you think and see things the way you do.


    30/10/2020 Duration: 17min

    You’ve probably heard the term “self-care” used a lot lately. It’s become a popular buzzword in the media and in personal development circles. However, you still may be unclear on what it means. While the concept does involve taking care of yourself, it actually goes much deeper. Listen on to learn what self-care is, why it matters and how to get started doing it.

  • Setting Your Daily Routine

    21/08/2020 Duration: 03min

    You should find the routines that work for you, and work hard to stick with them. Routines are habits, and it takes some effort to develop habits to the point where you don’t even think about them. There is room for some spontaneous activity which everyone needs once-in-a-while. Don’t try to make major changes all at once. Small changes are best as it’s easier to succeed with them.

  • Be A Leader

    07/08/2020 Duration: 09min

    It takes courage to be a leader, but even if you have fears that have kept you from leadership roles so far doesn’t mean that you can’t overcome them and achieve positions of leadership.Each decision you make in your personal and business life is a testament to your courage. Something as simple as refusing a rich dessert because you want to stay fit takes a certain amount of courage if you have gnawing cravings for sugar.Other decisions you must make may be monumental and require the courage of a lion. A decision to quit a high-paying job to follow your life’s dream is a major decision that takes courage – and planning. And, some decisions may seem unimportant in the moment, but later you may see that they were life-changing.

  • How To Start Blogging And Stick To It

    19/07/2020 Duration: 02min

    Blogging is a sure way to magnify your brand. Blogging requires an individual to first obtain a domain name and a blog host. This is followed by creating a blogging avenue such as WordPress. Once this is achieved, embark on a journey of formulating content that will add value to your followers. Let us now divulge more information about how to start blogging and stick with it.

  • How To Beat Insecurities And Self-Doubt To Become The Best You

    18/07/2020 Duration: 04min

    One of the most limiting things a person can experience in this life is self-doubt. It has the ability to keep you feeling locked away in a prison of your own insecurities. It will suffocate your ability to explore and be free to engage with opportunities and adventures and it will hold you back from ever achieving the things that you really want.I have personally given up on wanting anything at all due to having such a high level of self-doubt. My insecurities had escalated to such a point over the course of my life where I eventually gave up on even considering that I had any level of freedom at all regarding my own choices.This is a terrible place to find ourselves in and it caused me to live a life that has been massively limited by the illusory constructs that have formed in my mind. Fortunately, though, with a little work and the right amount of determination, there is something that we can do to conquer this.

  • Learn the Reasons Why You Don’t Trust Yourself

    07/07/2020 Duration: 03min

    Many people don’t trust themselves for one reason or another. If you include yourself in this group, ask yourself why.Knowing the cause can help you break the issue down and begin to change. Once you discover the problem, you will be well on your way to learning how to trust yourself.

  • 5 Ways To Remain Self-Motivated After A Setback

    07/07/2020 Duration: 03min

    You did it! You figured out how to be self-motivated. It was no small feat, but now you’re done…right? Not so fast. Just because you learned how to be motivated from within doesn’t mean the chase is over, and you’ve won the game. Just as life has its ebbs and flows, people have their own ups and downs. You may have a setback (or two or three), and in that case, you have no idea how your mindset could change. That may sound daunting, but it’s important to be realistic. If you’ve gotten this far as a self-motivated individual, you’ve likely had to be realistic with yourself in the past. It’s not game over – you’ve just started a new level, a new phase of life that you’ll have to conquer.

  • Finding Courage To Do Anything You Want

    03/07/2020 Duration: 04min

    Fear stops us in our tracks. It is that little voice in the back of our head that says, Your question is dumb. It is the turning and turning in the pit of your stomach before you submit a big project proposal, the feeling that the plan is flawed and worthless. Fear is that hesitation before you grab the door to walk into an interview for a job you know you deserve. No matter what fear you experience, you can find the courage to overcome.

  • Day 4 - Living Your Best Life Now 30 Day Challenge

    19/05/2020 Duration: 03min

    Living intentionally is what this entire series is about. This concept is incredibly important when it comes to living your best life. Being intentional means taking charge of the decisions you make each and every day. It’s easy to get caught up in the ebb and flow of today’s hectic world. We often find ourselves falling into habits and getting stuck in a rut. To live with intention is the exact opposite of that. It means taking your life into your own hands and making deliberate choices.


    10/05/2020 Duration: 02min

    You’ll hear people refer to routine as being dull or boring. It implies that life is the same from one day to the next. However, routines are a great way to get your work done. It’s also a great means for teams to work together towards a common goal. When everyone has an understanding of what needs to get done, i.e., what routines each team member needs to perform, projects tend to run smoother.

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