Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 224:47:17
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An alternative deep dive into the spiritual, metaphysical, and paranormal realms with the leading authors, researchers, and thinkers from all over the globe.


  • Terry Lovelace: UFO Disclosure Mandate, Mystery Monoliths, Ear Buzzing & other Weirdness

    21/01/2021 Duration: 01h11min

    Terry Lovelace, author of Incident at Devils Den shares his thoughts on the High Strangeness in 2021 and Beyond With the prospect of mandates for “Official” UFO Disclosure on our doorstep, thanks to a provision “tucked” into the new 2.3 trillion dollar stimulus package, the appearance (and disappearance) of strange and mysterious metal monoliths showing up all over the world with no explanation, coupled with bizarre experiences among the lay public including persistent ear buzzing, a thrash of repeating numbers haunting millions and other high strange activity on our planet, the question becomes, “What the heck is going on?” Moreover, who or WHAT is behind all of the weirdness happening right now? Terry Lovelace, an experiencer (of alien contact), author and “dot connector” has a lot to say about what may be behind it all. We cover the aforementioned subjects in great detail. And yes, Terry too has and continues to experience some of the physical “symptoms” many of you have been reporting. But the questio

  • Julia Cannon on How to Become Your Own Channel in 2021

    19/01/2021 Duration: 57min

    Daughter of the late Dolores Cannon shares her insights on why channeling will be more effective during the current times The late Dolores Cannon left a lasting legacy on millions of people around the world, but no other individual could reap the teachings of Dolores more than her daughter Julia. Julia Cannon, who is a big proponent of self healing and self mastery through a set of modalities led by the landmark hypnosis instruction QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) says that now is the time to ignite our own inner channel. The author of the book, Soul Speak and now a new course by the same name, says that her own guides (who she feels is really her higher or soul self) have been nudging her to speak more about the individual ability and necessity to channel for yourself. But just how is this done? Can we actually develop a relationship with the “wise oracle” that on some level is us? How do we tap this intelligence and what approaches should we use? Why is it that now, in 2021, we have better ac

  • Numerologist Sharon Millstein – 2021 Forecast by the Numbers: “We Will Become Unearthed!”

    03/01/2021 Duration: 59min

    After a year that brought the "Twilight Zone" to real life, what do the numbers have to say about 2021? This video is sponsored by Keen!

  • The Tulpa Takeover – Novelist Rob MacGregor Releases His Latest SciFi Thriller

    18/12/2020 Duration: 42min

    The Tulpa is known to Tibetan Buddhists as manifested entities created from thought. Novelist Rob MacGregor takes this concept to a whole new level in his new SciFi thriller About the book "Tulpas" "Inception meets Westworld in an original SF novel about a parallel universe only a dream away." In Tibetan Buddhism, the tulpa is a human-like creature created through deep meditation. In this compelling story, tulpas take over the sub-conscious world in a parallel universe—where they quickly become invincible. For Bruce Lang and Risa Ferraro, on this side of that dream world, the tulpa army is just a puzzling nightmare. But for their counterparts on the other side, Alex Brooks and Lydia Cabrera, the tulpa army—Dominion—is far too real. As the states of reality and dreams converge in an inevitable clash that may destroy all consciousness in both universes, the four must band together to save what is left of reality. Though the book Tulpas is a work of fiction, as many feel, all "fiction" is based on some meas

  • Skeptiko Host Alex Tsakiris on the Metaphysics of Evil

    14/12/2020 Duration: 52min

    New Book "Why Evil Matters" Exposes the Underbelly of Darkness and Light What is evil? Why is it seemingly so pervasive on our planet right now? Is there a purpose to evil that can help mankind truly extricate the light? These questions were the basis of a discussion with the host of the popular podcast Skeptiko and author of the new (forthcoming) book: Why Evil Matters, Alex Tsakiris. We explored the questions… - Does darkness act as an independent agent or is it a catalyst to help us understand who WE really are? - Has science largely dismissed the idea of evil as nothing more than a “social construct” vs a force in and of itself? - What lives beyond the 3D and to what extent does it impose its reality upon us? - What role do we (humans) play in co-creating ALL reality, including the shadow (or evil) that appears to be foisted upon us? - Do Near Death Experiences, Out of Body Experiences, After Death Communication, and even contact with ET play a part in this “play” we call “evil?” In this DEEP DI

  • Christine Day on What’s Happening and What’s Coming: A Pleiadian Message

    10/12/2020 Duration: 45min

    "Pleiadian Ambassador" Christine Day Sheds Light on the Shadow of 2020 and What's to Come. Christine Day known as the Pleiadian Ambassador shares her insights from the Pleiadians about what’s coming up for us (both individually and collectively) on December 21, 2020 and beyond. According to the Pleiadians, we are about to be birthed into a new world the likes of which no one has ever seen before. Each of us has a unique opportunity to expand our awareness (including our psychic capacity) through our heart center -  the area which she says is that link to the multidimensional awareness and self. And with what is about to happen beginning on December 21, we will soon see that we are moving swiftly into a new energetic frequency that no one will be able to ignore...not this time! Christine also shares from the Pleiadians the significance, from an energetic perspective, what 2020 has been all about - It’s significance and it’s framework that has been readying us for a new world that although looks challengin

  • HeartMath Senior Executive Tells of Harrowing Experience During California Wildfires

    19/11/2020 Duration: 46min

    Howard Martin of HeartMath says his entire life has been transformed like never before! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gSvyrdll5o HeartMath has been on the leading edge of understanding the otherwise unknown potentials of the heart, heart intelligence, coherence and intuitive capacity for nearly three decades. Howard Martin, who along with its founder Doc Childre both of whom co-authored the landmark best-seller The HeartMath Solution has been the voice of HeartMath and integral in leading its mission since 1991. Martin, who has been a powerful and knowledgeable speaker on stages throughout the Globe was sure he had his mission in check, that is until his life was nearly turned upside down during the California wildfires earlier in 2020. What began as an intention during this episode to discuss the ways to navigate uncertain times (during the pandemic) using heart intelligence was well planned, that is, until this conversation took an unexpected turn. In this POWERFUL and intimate conversation, Howard

  • Remote Viewing Secrets REVEALED with Billy Carson

    12/11/2020 Duration: 45min

    Remote Viewing can be taught to anyone but some are more wired for RV than others says 4biddenknowledge's Billy Carson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEMMfMHCnVA In this eye opening episode of Higher Journeys, guest AND seasoned remote viewer Billy Carson shares his insight about the process of remote viewing and ESP (extrasensory perception) and how he got started and trained by well known remote viewer Major Ed Dames. Billy will be sharing some of his own techniques and training in an upcoming remote viewing and ESP workshop in December of 2020. In this episode we discuss: - The background of RV in government sponsored projects involving parapsychologists Russell Targ and Hal Puthoff along with the work of Ingo Swann. - How to discern a feed of information that exists in space-time. - Why certain individuals have a higher aptitude for ESP than others. - Can Remote Viewing be used across different timelines? - Are people who have precognition or premonitions actually remote viewing? - Does ill i

  • How to Meet and Interact with Your Future Self with Cynthia Sue Larson

    06/11/2020 Duration: 53min

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SD163aeGhrA Many feel that the veils between the seen and unseen are as thin as they’ve ever been. Some say that the veil no longer exists at all. If this is the case, then we are primed to experience all sorts of “phenomena” that would be considered paranormal or metaphysical in nature right here in the 3D realm. Given this possibility, what if we could call forth our future self and glean insight from them? What if we have MORE THAN ONE future self (possibly hundreds)? How would we choose which “self” to connect with and moreover, if we could summon this aspect of ourselves from “the future,” how could they help to guide us in our present life? These are the questions we posed to quantum physicist and consciousness researcher Cynthia Sue Larson during this episode. After an inexplicable but VERY real encounter with an older version of Cynthia back in 1978 when she was just a teen, and the disappearance of a stack of love letters she’d tucked away in a dresser drawer,

  • Sai Baba Comes Through the Veil: Gives a Powerful “Pandemic” Message!

    16/10/2020 Duration: 45min

    Intuitive Valerie Barrow brings forth "Cosmic" Sai Baba for an exclusive channeling on Higher Journeys https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AftpTR7RsFs When you think of the process of channeling, which names first come to mind? Darryl Anka and Bashar, Esther Hicks and Abraham, Jane Roberts and Seth, Edgar Cayce. There are many others who tout their ability to bring through information and insight from the non physical realm, but one name you may not have heard to-date, but a voice and a message you’ll definitely want to hear comes from an elegant and un-assuming woman residing in Australia, Nearly 88 years young. Her name is Valerie Barrow and her decades long channeling work includes powerful messages she says are from the late Indian guru Sathya Sai Baba. “Cosmic Sai Baba” is how she refers to the discarnate voice of a most enigmatic and mystifying character. We’ve heard stories of how in life Sai Baba could inexplicably make objects appear out of thin air, cure illnesses and perform a myriad of miracles. W

  • 2020 Predictions – There’s MUCH More to Come! featuring Terry Lovelace

    09/10/2020 Duration: 01h03min

    "I don't want to frighten anyone, I just want you to know what I'm getting," says experiencer Terry Lovelace https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKeKTYTYuxM Many astrologers, numerologists, and other future forecasters were keen to give their 2020 predictions late last year in 2019. Some, including Higher Journeys numerologist Sharon Millstein hit the nail on the head back in December when she warned that 2020 would be rocky, to say the least. But some - maybe you're one of them - are saying that with less than three months to go until 2021, there will be many more surprises and unfortunately, these events will cause unprecedented upheaval here in the United States and around the world. Terry Lovelace is one such person. Lovelace, an attorney and former assistant attorney general, who also happens to be a long time experiencer of contact with extraterrestrials or "non-human intelligence" received a very mysterious and important visit from a being he calls "Betty" in late 2019 about what would be coming up in 2

  • Ancient Aliens Michael JS Carter on ET Contact, The Pandemic and the Nature of Life in “These Times”

    07/10/2020 Duration: 59min

    Ancient Aliens Contributor Rev. Michael JS Carter Joins Higher Journeys LIVE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REGG317nvkU Reverend Michael JS Carter, well known for his frequent appearances on the hit documentary series Ancient Aliens shares with the Higher Journeys audience his perspective when it comes to contact with non-human intelligence, how to deal with the "strange" interactions with beings from other worlds, how to deal with contact encounters and still navigate the "real world," and what this "Pandemic" of 2020 means for us all. We covered a broad spectrum of reality during this special livestream broadcast which originally aired September 30, 2020 while delving deep into the spiritual implications of what's happening right now and how to navigate this labyrinth of "madness." Back in April, we had Michael JS Carter on to discuss his initial thoughts on the Pandemic. You'll definitely want to tune in to that episode and you can, right HERE! PLUS... Don't miss our OFF THE RECORD After Show "The Priv

  • Filmmaker Sean Stone on Trump, The Pandemic and The Jump to 5D – Are You Ready?

    05/10/2020 Duration: 31min

    Sean Stone is no shrinking violet. In this candid (and raw) interview you'll soon see why! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0Tnkj4_k2Q Sean Stone has never been short on words, or thoughts. His philosophy on life, history and the underpinnings of this world are vast and he’s showing no signs of slowing down. In this very “raw and real” discussion Sean shares his own insights about what’s happening in our world right now including the political climate during this important campaign year. We also discuss the idea of moving into 5D or fifth dimensional consciousness. What will it take to seamlessly integrate this “new” territory into our own lives? Is this about jumping into a new reality or rather blending 5D awareness with our still very real 3D existence? We cover it all in this short but succinct episode with Sean Stone. Sean had some very strong opinions during the course of this conversation. Some may agree, others not, and further some may straddle the fence of opinion. Regardless of where you sit,

  • Consciousness, Our Future & The Metaphysical World

    01/10/2020 Duration: 01h26min

    Consciousness researchers weigh in on how the metaphysical world plays in to the "New Normal" of 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1srk7_gblbA There's no shortage of talk this year when it comes to the subject of consciousness. With all that's happened since the "pandemic" kicked into high gear earlier this year, many in the alternative research community are asking, "How does the metaphysical world figure into the 3d reality of today, and where will it take us?" World renowned researchers Anthony Peake, Cynthia Sue Larson, Mary Rodwell, Penney Peirce, and PMH Atwater, all experts in their own right, all best-selling authors and ALL with a unique but connected view on what's happening right now share their broad but succinct distillations of how our world is being navigated and orchestrated by a universal current that has BIG things in store for humanity! This is a special edition of Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks

  • Billy Carson – Egyptian Mystery School: The Art & Science of Manifestation

    25/08/2020 Duration: 01h02min

    In this special livestream episode of Higher Journeys which aired August 19, 2020, 4BiddenKnowledge.TV host Billy Carson discussed his latest series: Egyptian Mystery School. Billy shares the Mystery School teachings in Ancient wisdom and knowledge connected within us and our ancient ancestors. Discover previously hidden knowledge that will help you in your life as Billy takes you on an adventure through time and space to uncover ancient secrets about life, the Universe, and what it means to be human. BIG QUESTION: How can we apply the Egyptian Mystery School teachings to the Science of Manifestation? Loaded question. BIG answers. Billy will shares this with our live audience!! PLUS... Don't miss our OFF THE RECORD After Show "The Private Journey" with Billy Carson exclusively for Patreon members! Get - Compendium of the Emerald Tablets by Billy Carson Billy Carson is the founder of 4biddenknowledge.com. Billy Carson is also an expert host on the new original streaming series by Gaia named ‘Deep Space’ Th

  • Trish MacGregor – Ascension Fatigue or Symptoms of a Planetary Empath

    14/08/2020 Duration: 44min

    Ascension fatigue may just be something more permanent: Are you a planetary empath? https://youtu.be/Thci3iyVWOk Ascension FATIGUE - Are you a “Planetary Empath?” Exploring Symptoms AND Synchronicity During These WONKY Times! Whether you call it ascension symptoms, empathic stress or just plain stress during these incredibly different days, many people are reporting symptoms including: - burning, watering eyes - ringing in one or both ears - nausea, spatial disorientation depression left ear “popping” vertigo unusual nightmares …and much more. Are these what many in the New Age have referred to as ascension symptoms or ascension fatigue or might some of us be tethered to the planet in a way that has yet to be fully understood? Sure, 2020 has brought on a whole layer of angst, anxiety and unfamiliarity, but are these directly due to what’s in our midst on the 3D or are you a planetary empath - an individual who is connecting to the planet’s energy shifts that at present seem to be occurring at wa

  • Cynthia Sue Larson – The Mandela Effect in 2020: What’s New?

    12/08/2020 Duration: 53min

    The buzz about Mandela Effects continues. 2020 reveals new insights about what this phenomenon is really about https://youtu.be/aLCIXvqidXE In this August 5th special LIVESTREAM episode of Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks, Mandela Effect researcher and author of Realty Shifts Cynthia Sue Larson shared some of the explosive new information she’s found on the legitimacy of the Mandela Effect and how in 2020 its more obvious than ever that this otherwise anomalous phenomenon is linked to what is called “bubble reality.” We explore… - What role does consciousness (mass and individual) play in all of this? - Why we need to look at reality as a process, not a “thing.” - How the Mandela Effect is linked to the times we’re going through. Plus here about Cynthia's involvement in the first International Mandela Effect Conference and why the buzz over this phenomenon has warranted a major annual event! Get these books by Cynthia Sue Larson: Reality Shifts - When Consciousness Changes the Physical World Quantu

  • The Real Exorcist – An Interview with the Producer of a BLOCKBUSTER in the Making!

    24/07/2020 Duration: 39min

    The Real Exorcist Producer says this film was driven by an urgent need to Heal! https://youtu.be/v0IdvIrmNBU The reality of the supernatural is still considered a taboo subject in many circles of “polite company.” Though the anecdotes of individuals who can “read minds” (telepathy), remote view people and places, and even exorcise so-called “possessed” individuals are replete throughout history and multiple cultures, it’s still largely dismissed as fantastical fiction. In the soon to be released film, THE REAL EXORCIST, the supernatural is the overarching theme, but not just for the sake of satisfying thrill seekers who love the horror genre. In this interview with the film’s producer Yoichi Utebi, he explains that the central focus of the film was to illuminate the reality of psychic and supernatural abilities as a means by which to help individuals with life challenges. Themes such as suicide, bullying, depression, peer pressure and more are highlighted with individuals who are marred by these challenges. B

  • Steven Halpern – Use the RIGHT Sound for Immune System Health

    17/07/2020 Duration: 39min

    Everyone today is concerned about boosting the immune system. Award-Winning composer Steven Halpern says sound can do the trick if it's the right sound... The immune system is on everyone's mind these days. With pandemic concerns front and center, immune health is central to one's concerns like never before. Along with a plethora of supplements, herbs and daily meditation as recommended mitigators of illness and a good boost to health, sound is still a form of "medicine," that many have yet to actively employ. World-renowned new age recording artist and “sound scientist” Steven Halpern shares insider knowledge along with his decades long research about how and which sounds work best immune health and overall healing. NOTE: It’s not just ANY sound that will work for you. You'll need to know... ✅  What sounds are harmful vs. healing. ✅  Why certain Hz frequencies are better than others. ✅  How vocal toning can be used to boost our immune health (and what to do). ✅  How we all can benefit from “harmonio

  • PMH Atwater – “We’re In it Now!” The Crisis, 2020 and What’s Next

    10/07/2020 Duration: 40min

    Expert astrologer and near-death researcher PMH Atwater tells it like it is on the state of 2020 and beyond. https://youtu.be/cuKsr6Ey03s Near Death Researcher and Astrology expert PMH Atwater joins Higher Journeys once again, after a stunningly accurate prediction back in January as to the details we’d be seeing play out in our world right now! How was she able to procure this insight? And now that we know she’s “nailed it,” just what did she have to share this time? Buckle up and get ready for yet another “wild ride,” not just in what PMH Atwater had to say, but what she had to share about the next several (or more) years. Most importantly, she’ll talk about the things we can do to surf these unprecedented tides that are here now with more to come! Books by PMH Atwater - Highly Recommended! Future Memory Children of the Fifth World  

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