Paragon Church



Messages from Paragon Church in Rio Rancho, NM.


  • Blessed are the pure in heart


    What does it mean to be pure in heart? What should it look like in our daily lives? Matthew 5:8

  • Blessed are the merciful


    The shift in the Beatitudes from "vertical" to "horizontal" takes place in Matthew 5:7. While the first four are "vertical" between us and God... the rest of our Beatitudes will flow from the heart change that comes from a relationship with God to our "horizontal" relationships with others.

  • Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness


    What do you hunger for? What do you thirst for? What truly satisfies your everything? As we progress through the beatitudes and look at Matthew 5:6 "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled" know that our desire for Jesus leads to our satisfaction in Him.

  • Blessed are the (meek) humble


    In the progression, Jesus starts with "Blessed are the poor in spirit" (not those who think they are righteous but those who know they are broken) and follows that up with "Blessed are those who mourn" (not those who have are happy with themselves but hose who mourn their sinfulness). The next in the list is "Blessed are the meek or humble" (not those who are proud of all that they are and all they have done, but those who have given themselves to God and celebrate what He has done). How do we apply that truth in our lives? Matthew 5:5

  • Blessed are those who mourn


    In the progression of the Beatitudes, Jesus follows up "blessed are those who are poor in spirit" (realize they are spiritually bankrupt without Christ) with "blessed are those who mourn." What does that mean? How can those who "mourn" be "happy or satisfied?"

  • Blessed are the poor in spirit


    Blessed are. Eight phrases over the next eight weeks from the mouth of Jesus telling us where we find our true JOY and contentment (even our happiness). It is "FLIPPED" from what the rest of the world might tell us... This week, Matthew 5:3 - Blessed are the poor in spirit, for the kingdom of heaven is theirs."

  • The end is just the beginning


    As we wrap up Revelation, we need to remember this book was not written for us to have to argue and fight over what the future return of Jesus looks like... it was written to give us hope and challenge us to live for Christ today. Are you growing in holiness? Are you growing in godliness? Are you growing closer to Jesus today? Revelation 22

  • It's the end of the world as we know it


    In two places. Between two points. For one purpose. We live in the Kingdom of God, both now and not yet. In our series we are coming to the completion of all things... how do we respond? Revelation 21:1-22:5

  • The Millennium - what you need to know


    With so many varied interpretations of Revelation 20 and the Millennial reign, this week we will focus on the truth, no matter what beliefs you hold on to. How ever it "pans out" God's love doesn't change the fact that He is sovereign, Satan is under Him, the Gospel will move forward, Christ will return, and Judgement is coming.

  • The Hallelujah Chorus


    Up to this point, we have seen the seven seals, seven trumpets, seven angels with seven plagues, and seven bowls of Gods wrath. Revelation 19 introduces us to a chorus of hallelujahs sung by the heavenly choirs in response to Jesus Christ victoriously riding on a white horse. The point we will see is God-centered worship will ultimately overcome human-centered selfishness. We have said this throughout, but God deserves our worship. Revelation 19 reveals God as heaven sees Him, which in turn drives us to bow before Him.

  • The Reality of Hell


    Hell. Is it real? If so, does God really send people there? If so, why? How could a God of Love also be a God of Judgement? Is Hell Eternal? These are all questions that people have about Hell. The truth is we need to better understand the reality of Hell... because you cannot fully appreciate the coming of Jesus (first or second) without grasping what the Bible says about hell. Revelation 20:11-15

  • The Resurrected King (Easter)


    On Easter (and every day) we celebrate the Resurrected King and look forward to his return (Revelation 19)

  • Choose your side


    The final wrath of God is poured out in Revelation 16... but why? God is a God of Love, not hate, right? Why would He send anyone to hell? Better question, why would anyone choose this world over God in Revelation 17? Let's dive into Revelation 15-18 and see what it has to say.

  • The War for your Worship


    A look at Revelation 12-13 - The War for our worship. Looking at the "unholy trinity" of Beast 1, Beast 2, and the Dragon.

  • God's Judgement and Mercy


    Christ's Revelation (John's vision) of the seven trumpets conveys the severity of Gods judgment but also the greatness of his mercy and grace toward those who oppose him. - Revelation 8-11

  • Let it begin?


    As we dive into the seven seals found in Revelation 6:1-8:5 remember that this a REAL letter, written to REAL churches, dealing with REAL issues, and experiencing REAL persecution. This is a book/letter of encouragement, hope, courage, and ultimately, completion. It was written to churches reminding them in the midst of everything going on GOD IS IN CONTROL.

  • He is worthy of our worship


    Who is God to you? The answer to that question will drive your worship and how you do it. Is worship a "Sunday thing" or is it your lifestyle? - Revelation 4 & 5

  • You make me sick - Revelation 3:14-22


    "You make me sick!" Not the words you want to hear from anyone, much less the Creator of the Universe... but that is where the church at Laodicea found themselves. How? They had money. They were self-sufficient. They weren't causing any problems... why did they make Jesus want to vomit and what could they do to remedy the situation? Questions we may need to ask ourselves after looking at this passage?

  • How much strength do you have?


    The church in Philadelphia was identified as a church with little strength and yet the Lord said I know your deeds. (Look! I have put in front of you an open door that no one can shut.) I know that you have little strength, but you have obeyed my word and have not denied my name.

  • The Dead Church - Sardis - Revelation 3:1-6


    Of the seven churches to which Jesus had John write letters, two of them found themselves in the place where nothing positive was said. In this message we look at the church of Sardis. Jesus description was, you have a reputation for being alive but you are a dead. Those are pointed words coming from the mouth of Jesus. He didn't say the church at Sardis was a weak church that needed to be restored to strength. He didn't say it was a sick church that needed to be brought back to health. He said it was a dead church that needed a resurrection. The church had a great reputation but it wasn't great. What can we learn from the Church at Sardis and how can we keep from becoming a DEAD CHURCH? Revelation 3:1-6

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