Paragon Church

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 368:03:13
  • More information



Messages from Paragon Church in Rio Rancho, NM.


  • Tolerance and the church of Thyatira


    Week 6 of our Revelation Series... Church Letter #4. To the Church at Thyatira. Thyatira was a small, seemingly insignificant city and the smallest of the seven churches... but it received the longest letter. While they were doing some good things, behind the scenes they were tolerating the teachings of "the woman Jezebel" that was undercutting the doctrine of the church and creating lots of issues. How do we guard against this happening in our church today? Revelation 2:18-29

  • Compromise and the church - Rev 2:12-17


    What is the greatest threat to the church? Is it outside threats like Persecution or Opposition? Or does it come from the inside in the form of Compromise? Tony Evans says... "Compromise is the cancer of the church, and we must rid Christs body of it. While Christians can compromise on preferences, they cannot compromise on principles. We cant be one way on Sunday and another on Monday. This is a major problem among Christians in America today. We dont take a stand. We dont keep our standards. We merely shift to satisfy society." What can we learn from the church at Pergamum and Revelation 2:12-17 about compromise?

  • Christ is faithful - Rev 2:8-11


    In his defense of Christianity before the Roman Empire in 197 AD, the early church father Tertullian said "We multiply whenever we are mowed down by you; the blood of Christians is seed." Since then that saying has morphed into "the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church." We must understand that as a follower of Christ we will face opposition even potential martyrdom for the sake of the gospel. The good news is the promise of Jesus is deliverance and eternal life. The end result? "We can be faithful because Christ is faithful." Revelation 2:8-11 and the letter to church at Smyrna.

  • Abandoned your first love - Revelation 2:1-7


    As we look at Revelation 2:1-7 we will see the first letter authored by Christ to the first of the seven churches. The church at Ephesus has some really good qualities (their works, labor, endurance, and their discipline) but one major flaw (abandoned their first love). What do they need to do to come back to their love for Jesus? REMEMBER. REPENT. RETURN. Don't forget what we have said from the beginning... The book of Revelation is all about Jesus. He is the Author of these letters... He is the Answer to their problem(s)... He must be the Authority of their lives and their church.

  • A Vision of Christ


    In the middle of suffering and persecution THE CHURCH can look to Jesus for hope and encouragement. Revelation 1:9-20

  • Intro to Revelation


    Are you ready for Revelation? This Sunday we begin our journey into the "majestic waters" of the book of Revelation. As one writer put it... the book of Revelation can be described the same way Winston Churchill described Russia in the 1930's "...a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside of an enigma." I will give you fair warning as we enter into this study... my goal is not to answer all your questions (because I can't)... but instead, my goal is to make much of Jesus because ultimately, that is what Revelation is all about. The Majesty and the Glory of the Lamb who was slain, King Jesus, who is coming again to rule and the reign forever. No matter what disagreements people have about this book, no matter what view point on interpretation you may take (preterist, historical, futurist, or idealist), no matter how you see the millenium come about (pre-, a-, or post-) we need to focus on the fact.. THIS BOOK WAS WRITTEN to GIVE UNSHAKABLE HOPE TO SUFFERING CHRISTIANS both then and now... and to encourage us

  • Trust in the Lord (New Year's)


    Trust in the Lord with all your heart (Proverbs 3:5-7) - What does it look like to go ALL IN for 2022?

  • Wise Men Still Seek Him


    Wise Men Still Seek Him today... but how? Matthew gives us some great examples of what the wise men of the birth story did and how we can be like them.

  • Contending for the Faith (Jude)


    Contend for the Faith. Don't distort grace. If grace does not alter us, we will alter grace. If grace does not break us and drive us to repentance; if grace does not open our blind eyes to the holiness, majesty, and mercy of God; if grace does not fill our empty hearts with the desire to please Christ above all else; then we will transform grace into a tool to justify and sink deeper into sin and further from Christ.

  • Obey from Love (1 John)


    Is it possible to KNOW GOD but live in rebellion of His commands? Is it possible to LOVE GOD but not obey Him? Why should we obey Him? What does it mean to ABIDE or REMAIN and what are the results? 1 John 2:6 (CSB) - "The one who says he remains in him should walk just as he walked."

  • Living in Grace (Philemon)


    The Gospel of Jesus Christ changes us. It changes our relationship with God. It changes our relationship with others. Join us as we look at the shortest letter in the NT, Philemon (only 25 verses) and see how it speaks strongly to the fact we LIVE IN GRACE and LIVE FROM GRACE

  • Trust God


    What does it mean to "trust" God? Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us to Trust in the Lord with All our Heart... what does that look like as we fight the good fight? Let's look at Paul and the final two chapters of Acts and what it looks like to trust God with all

  • Tell your Story


    What is your "why?" Simon Sinek says the why is the purpose, cause, or belief that drives every one of us. Paul's "why" was to live for Christ and take the gospel "to the ends of the earth." That happens when he gets to Rome... but how he got to Rome might have been a little different than he planned. (isn't that too often the case?) Acts 24-26

  • Pressing On - What's the Goal?


    One Thing I do... forget what is behind, press on to what is ahead. Strive for the goal. The questions are... what is your goal? What is your life? Do you believe that life with Jesus is better than life without Jesus? Why? Explore Philippians 3 with us today.

  • Fighting through Barriers


    Our world is full of division. The things that divide range from small insignificant things to things we are willing to die for... how do we FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT and go through the WALLS THAT DIVIDE? Ephesians 2:14-18 gives us the answer.

  • Fight the Good Fight - Opposition


    Jesus tells us as followers of His we will face persecution. Paul echos that throughout his letters to the churches and to Timothy. How do we fight through OPPOSITION to continue on MISSION? Acts 20:22-24 gives us some great answers.

  • Fight the Good Fight (idols)


    What is it that gets in the way of you following and serving Jesus? We have been given a mission and we get distracted by the things (idols) of this world how do we persevere? How do we Fight the good fight when everything inside of us wants to fight for our idols? Lets look at Acts 19:11-41 together.

  • Church United: United in Faith


    Where do you find hope in this life? People? Politics? Sports? How does that work out for you? Find hope in Jesus. Look with us at 1 Thessalonians

  • The Church United: United in Faith


    CHURCH UNITED: In a time when its easy to see division in our world, the prayer of Jesus and the challenge of Paul was that the Church would stand UNITED. Throughout history when the church joins together, it is an unstoppable force for good in the world.

  • The Church United: United in Love


    CHURCH UNITED: In a time when its easy to see division in our world, the prayer of Jesus and the challenge of Paul was that the Church would stand UNITED. Throughout history when the church joins together, it is an unstoppable force for good in the world.

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