Roache On Recovery

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 222:26:00
  • More information



Discussions about all things RECOVERY, all things SUBSTANCE ABUSE ADDICTION, all things SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT, all things OCG, and all things DAYTOP



    11/08/2015 Duration: 01h29min

    OCGRadio WILL NOT BE ON LIVE TODAY AS OUR BROADCAST HOST IS STILL WORKING TO RESOLVE OUR BROADCAST ISSUES THAT WE EXPERIENCED DURING THE LAST SHOW. WE PLAN TO BE BACK LIVE NEXT TUESDAY. PLEASE ENJOY OUR REPLAY OF OUR "FORGIVENESS" SHOW.  This show seemed to be quite popular despite the technical issues that interrupted the show. We're playing an edited podcast after removing the interrupt point so the show is only about 90 minutes long.  


    05/08/2015 Duration: 01h00s


  • TREATMENT and RECOVERY: The Great Sabotage

    04/08/2015 Duration: 10min

    Show Topic:  You're progressing through treatment. You've turned the corner. You see the end of the treatment road on the horizon. The end of the safety of the cocoon is near. Your tool kit is stocked. It's now about repetition, practice, and exercising your new or readjusted attitutude and behaviors. Then BOOM (or BAM), you blow it up. You "engineer" a relapse. You SABOTAGE yourself, and the process. Why do we do this to ourselves?!? Show Segments:  Recap, Shpw Topic, Recovery Support Time

  • TREATMENT and RECOVERY: Conquering our Fears, Insecurities, and Inadequacies

    28/07/2015 Duration: 02h00s

    Show Topic:  In the TC model, but not limited to this model, are five integrated core competencies that must be addressed while going through the treatment experience. Today we're going to to discuss three aspects within the Emotional / Psychological competency that must be identified, examined/validated, addressed, and resolved, PRIOR to leaving the treatment setting. We're talking about ones Fears, Insecurities, and Inadequacies. We'll disucss why this particular competency is integral to overall success in Recovery, and some tools for initiating the process. Show Segments:  Happy Recap, Show Topic, Recovery Support Time

  • Forgiveness

    21/07/2015 Duration: 01h29min

    restart of the show  

  • TREATMENT and RECOVERY: Forgiveness........What's the Secret?

    21/07/2015 Duration: 21min

    Show Topic:  One of the forgotten unwritten philosophies of life. Forgiveness. No subject touches a nerve more in the treatment setting than the topic of Forgiveness. Whether you are the one doing the Forgiving or whether you are the one seeking Forgiveness, it often seems out of arms reach.  We're going to discuss what's required in order to "experience" Forgiveness and why some find it so diffcult. Here's a clue: There's No Free Lunch......... Show Segments:  Recap, Show Topic, Recovery Support Time

  • TREATMENT and RECOVERY: Dealing with Loss & Grief while in Recovery

    14/07/2015 Duration: 01h46min

    Show Topic:  The culture of addiction and recovery is rife with experiences of grief and loss for the person struggling with addiction or striving for recovery. The nature of these experiences combined with the stigma, shame and general lack of understanding of addiction can make grief and loss associated with addiction lonely and difficult to heal from. The treatment setting can provide an effective healing environment for dealing with past or current loss and grief. We must also learn to deal with this experience outside of the cocoon of the treatment setting. We'll review the various stages of loss and grief, recount some personal experiences, and how as providers we can better help clients through this experience. Show Segments: Recap, Show Topics, Recovery Support Time

  • TREATMENT and RECOVERY: ANGER: The Most Verbalized Feeling

    07/07/2015 Duration: 02h00s

    Show Topic: How many times do you see someone who is visibly upset and they're asked to speak to being "upset," and they state that they're angry? 70% of the time? 80% of the time? 90% of the time? Rarely does the person speak to any other feelings. How often, in the treatment setting, do you hear it stated: I have an anger problem? Anger just seems to dominate the landscape. Lets discuss this Anger thing and how we can move past it... Show Segments:  Happy Recap, Show Topic, Recovery Support Time

  • TREATMENT and RECOVERY: Counselor 101 Series: What is our Role?

    30/06/2015 Duration: 01h59min

    Show Topic:  We have covered numerous subjects on the recovery experience for the addict. Today we'll initiate our Counselor 101 Series which will cover The Counselor for the recovering addict. What is our role? What are the do's and dont's? What are some of the most common issues faced by treatment organizations, with The Counselor? Show Segments: Happy Recap/News Update, Show Topic, Recovery Support Time

  • TREATMENT and RECOVERY: War Stories (The Good, The Bad, The Ugly)

    23/06/2015 Duration: 02h00s

    Show Topic:  Traditionally, the recovery community has frowned upon the telling of War Stories, and with good reason. We're not fond of clients glorifying past negative behaviors and prefer that they focus on the present, and also their future. However, in honor and memoriam, of former OCG employee, and in celebration of what would've been his 52nd birthday today, we on behalf of the late Great Joe Williams, will suspend that tradition and tell a few select War Stories, that all have a Moral of the Story, in line with our recovery values Show Segments: Happy Recap, Show Topics, Recovery Support Time

  • TREATMENT and RECOVERY: Relationships, and why it's the #1 Relapse Trigger!

    16/06/2015 Duration: 01h57min

    Show Topic:  In no other area of our lives do we experience the full range of feelings than in our intra and inter-personal relationships with others. From extreme joy to extreme sadness. Inability to manage, cope, and deal with these feelings, as persons in various stages of recovery, can have a negative result, which can include a relapse episode. Is there any way to preempt this? Is there anyway to intervene? Show Segments: Happy Recap, Show Topic, Recovery Support Time.

  • The Demise of DAYTOP: The True Hollywood Story

    09/06/2015 Duration: 01h59min

    Show Topic:  We told the story of DAYTOP from its founding through it's eventual closure and merger with Samaritan Village, to become Samaritan DAYTOP. (See our podcasts DAYTOP Parts 1, 2, & 3)  There still appears to be however some unconfronted, and unvented feelings, thoughts, and opinions, as to the cause of the demise of DAYTOP as an insititution and a standard bearer in the substance abuse treatment field. We'll see if we can separate some fact from fiction. Show Segments:  Happy Recap, Show Topic, Recovery Support Time

  • TREATMENT and RECOVERY: The Therapeutic Community (TC) Part 2 of 2

    02/06/2015 Duration: 01h59min

    Show Topic:  Last week we discussed the core concepts of the TC and the methods used to apply, implement, and experience those concepts. This would be described as the "macro" aspects of the TC. What we will delve into this week are the "micro" aspects of the TC, the daily mental and physical "exercises" built into the structure all aimed at developing, and or improving the two behavioral necessities required to utlimately have a successful recovery experience. Show Segments: Unhappy/Happy Recap, Sharing is Caring Updates, Show Topic, Recovery Support Time

  • TREATMENT and RECOVERY: The Therapeutic Community (TC) Part 1 of 2

    26/05/2015 Duration: 01h59min

    Show Topic:  The everyday goals of the TC are compassion, achievement, discipline, and accountability / responsibility achieved through community life based on a social learning model, and created in formal and informal settings. The beliefs that are essential to the TC are that a person can change, and that a group can foster this change.  The individual must at some point take responsibility, but going through the motions is ok as a stopgap measure until the beliefs are integrated. We'll discuss the five core concepts of the TC and the many tools used to facilitate them. Show Segments:  Happy Recap, Show Topics, Recovery Support Time  

  • TREATMENT and RECOVERY: The Encounter Group

    19/05/2015 Duration: 01h58min

    Show Topic:  The encounter group is one of, if not, the, back bone group of the therapeutic community milieu. For participants it is important to understand and know the purpose of the group and your role in it.  For staff it is important to be well trained in the facilitation of the group and to understand your role in it.  it is without a doubt the most challenging group to participate in, and facilitate.  We will discuss the group, it's dynamics, and how it translates to the outside world, post treatment. Show segments: Happy Recap, Show Topic, Recovery Support Tim  

  • TREATMENT and RECOVERY: Is Recovery a Life Long Process?

    12/05/2015 Duration: 02h00s

    Show Topic:  This topic is pulled from our X-files (write-ins) as a common question that has both simple and complex answers. We'll delve into the various circumstances that sometimes guide the answer for individuals as well as touch on "industry dogma". Historically there has been strong opinion across the board. We have our own......... Show Segments: Happy Recap, Show Topic, Recovery Support Time


    05/05/2015 Duration: 01h59min

    Holiday History: Cinco de Mayo, by Co-host, Chris Morales Show Topic:  With long term addiction, comes learned behaviors that become instinctual. One of treament's many goals is to replace those negative (destructive) instinctual behaviors (or reactions) with positive and constructive ones. Is this possible? Yes. This of course, is not, an overnight process, so we will have some MAYDAY calls due to some severe C.A.T. experiences (what is that you say? We'll explain).  Show Segments: Happy Recap, Hoilday History, Show Topic, Recovery Support Time  

  • OCG RADIO: ROACHE on RECOVERY replay: DAYTOP The Birth & Evolution (Part 2 of 3)

    28/04/2015 Duration: 01h09min

    OCG Radio's ROACHE on RECOVERY will be airing a partial replay of part 2 of 3 of its DAYTOP: The Birth & Evolution series. We continue to explore the path of DAYTOP as an industry leader, from the perspective of Charles (Charlie) Devlin, affiliated with DAYTOP over 40 years, the first Graduate of DAYTOP, and his journey to ultimately becoming the CEO, and serving during a time when the organization probably served its greatest number of clients. There is an abbreviated recovery support time segment ROACHE on RECOVERY wil be back live Tuesday, May 5th for a special Cinco de Mayo and NFL draft show.

  • TREATMENT and RECOVERY: Self-Esteem & Self-Confidence (gettin it and keepin it)

    21/04/2015 Duration: 02h00s

    Personal Story Segment:  The success story that is Ken Lubin Show Topic:  Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem.  How do we get it? How do we keep it? Everything, including, but not limited to, what we are, how we are, and what we do, in some way shape or form speaks to how we feel about ourselves. Often, the lack of self-confidence and self-esteen, answers the why...question.  We'll discuss...... Show Segments:  Personal Story Segment, Show topic, Recovery Support Time  

  • TREATMENT and RECOVERY: The ill-fated Pursuit of Perfection...........

    14/04/2015 Duration: 02h00s

    Show Topic:  As a jet aircraft aficionado your humble host is not short of using flying analogies to make a Recovery point. With that in mind, as we approach and settle into the cruise altitude of the post treatment recovery phase, we'll continue on the theme of what should go right, or what could go wrong.  This week we'll discuss a common cause of post treatment recovery turbulence: The Pursuit of Recovery   Show Segments:  Happy Recap, Show Topic, Recovery Support Time

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