


The New Voice of Brotherhood


  • 058: More on Ritual

    10/09/2015 Duration: 19min

    A critique of an article that appeared in The Northern Light, the monthly magazine of the Scottish Rite, NMJ. You can read the article here. As always, my opinions are my own and do not represent those of any Masonic Grand Lodge, Appendant Body or Lodge.

  • 057: Sexual Orientation, the Craft and a Lot of Disclaimers

    14/07/2015 Duration: 26min

    This is a controversial topic, but it doesn't mean we should shy away from subjects that are difficult to talk about. Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that homosexual couples can be legally married in all 50 states. In other news, the recent change in gender of Olympic athlete Bruce Jenner to female (now called Caitlyn) has pushed questions of sexual and gender orientation into the sphere of public debate. In this episode, I explore some of the difficult questions and implications these issues have for the craft: Is homosexuality a moral issue as far as Masonry is concerned? In an age of same-sex marriage, how does gender now define what it is to be a Masonic Widow? What would happen if a Mason changed his gender to that of a woman? Would that person be obligated to resign from the Craft? I'll weigh in with my perspective on these issues. My opinions are always my own and I do not speak for Masonry as a whole, nor for any official Masonic Grand Lodge or Appendant body. I welcome all opinions and respo

  • 056: George Washington's Rules for Social Media

    25/05/2015 Duration: 47min

    What would our esteemed Brother George Washington think of social media today? Back when Washington was a kid he copied a book which was to prove influential in how he conducted his affairs. Called The Rules of Civility, the book was a series of rules on how gentleman should behave in the presence of others. I was curious how many of those rules could be applied to social media. Quite a few as it turns out!

  • 055: The Age of Enlightmentment

    20/04/2015 Duration: 41min

      This is Part 2 of our discussion with Prof. Sandy Goldberg, Chairman of the Philosophy Department at Northwestern University. In this episode we focus on the Age of Enlightenment and the legacy it has left us.

  • 054: For the Love of Wisdom

    20/03/2015 Duration: 17min

    When Freemasonry emerged from the mists of history in 1713, it emerged into a world that was still suspicious and mistrustful of science, had just finished a decades long war fought over religion and had a stagnant social mobility with a growing distance between the aristocracy and the rest of us. It occurs to me that this is the world we find ourselves in today. Back then, our forebrothers helped to establish an Age of Enlightenment. Do we need another one? In Part 1 of a 2 part series, I discuss philosophy and Enlightenment Values with Dr. Sandy Goldberg, Professor of Philosophy and Chair of the Department of Philosophy at Northwestern University. In Part 1 we discuss the qualifications and values one must have to be called a "philosopher," and in Part II we'll talk specifically about the Age of Enlightenment and its values.

  • 053: Manifesto!

    09/02/2015 Duration: 31min

    Sure we've read our share of Masonic Manifestos. Down with drive-through Masonry! Up with Standards! Better degrees! Festive Boards! And there is nothing to disagree with in them. But what if we're missing something? What if a decline in standards is only a part of the picture? What if we've declined in social relevance and we can't articulate the value we bring to society enough to attract the kind of man that wants what we have and has what we need? In this episode we'll begin to explore the problem and in future episode we'll look at solutions. The world needs Freemasonry more than it ever did. Are we up to the challenge to make ourselves the cutting edge of society once again? Also special thanks and welcome to our newest Xecutive Producers!

  • 052: Housekeeping

    24/01/2015 Duration: 17min

    Just a short episode to fill you in on some details about the show, and to announce a new program to help support the show: X-Oriente Xecutive Producers! Become an Xecutive Producer, get cool X-Oriente schwag, and exclusive content. To support the show, go to www.patreon.com/xoriente and sign up. For $5 a month you'll be helping create thought-provoking Masonic content for Freemasons everywhere. We'll be back in a week or so with a new series on Freemasonry and Social relevancy. You won't want to miss it!

  • 051: The Importance of Ritual

    09/01/2015 Duration: 37min

    Ritual is more than just a nice way to spend a meeting. It actually changes your brain, and how you perceive the world. In this episode, we'll explore what role ritual plays in creating bonds between brothers. We'll also look at how ritual works to effect change and why it is important not to mess with it, even if we don't understand its meaning right away. In fact, a candidate who doesn't immediately "get" the degree is essential to the transformation process from profane to brother. This is the real secret psychology of Freemasonry.

  • 050: Generational Friction Part III

    13/04/2014 Duration: 14min

    The studio is back! We've gotten rid of the asbestos in the studio so it is safe to go inside and resume the show. And resume we will! In this episode, we wrap up the discussion of generational fricition in Freemasonry with the discussion of the Millenial generation. This generation will do more to change the face of the craft more than any since the Veteran generation's grandfathers.

  • 049: Generational Friction in the Craft, Part II

    19/02/2014 Duration: 26min

    Never before has Freemasonry had such a huge generational spread actively working in the Fraternity. And becasue of the accelerating pace of change, the generations are more diverse in terms of style, values and outlook. In this episode we begin to explore the characteristics of each generational style, and how they relate to each other, as well as where the friction points might be. As the French say, a warned man is worth two, so by understanding these differences in outlook and approach we can avoid problems and misunderstandings as we work toward common purposes in the Craft. In Part II, we explore Generation X, one of the most misunderstood generations of recent history. Much of my data came from the excellent book, Generations at Work, by Ron Zemke, Bob Fitzpatrick and Claire Raines. 

  • 048: Generational Friction in the Craft

    13/01/2014 Duration: 22min

    Never before has Freemasonry had such a huge generational spread actively working in the Fraternity. And becasue of the accelerating pace of change, the generations are more diverse in terms of style, values and outlook. In this episode we begin to explore the characteristics of each generational style, and how they relate to each other, as well as where the friction points might be. As the French say, a warned man is worth two, so by understanding these differences in outlook and approach we can avoid problems and misunderstandings as we work toward common purposes in the Craft. In Part I, we explore the Veterans (those born before 1943) and the Boomer (1943-1960). Much of my data came from the excellent book, Generations at Work, by Ron Zemke, Bob Fitzpatrick and Claire Raines. 

  • 047: X-Oriente is Back

    01/01/2014 Duration: 19min

    The show has returned. In this episode, I revisit the rationale of the show, what is changed and what to expect in the new season. It's going to be an interesting season, full of thought provoking ideas, critical analysis and new ideas. Please tell your brothers, and subscribe, if you are not alredy a subscriber. To those who've written, thanks, and keep the converesation going.  Fiat Vox!

  • 046: Troubles in France

    02/03/2012 Duration: 25min

    What is going on with the GLNF in France? Last summer, the UGLE suspended relations with them. Now, following recommendations by a committee of COGMINA, other Grand Lodges around the USA are also suspending relations with the French Grand Lodge. Why? What is all the fuss about? I've been trying to follow the story, but it hasn't been easy. In this episode I try and unravel the story. As always, I speak only for myself and my opinions do not reflect any official position of any body or group in Freemasonry.

  • 045: Masonic Education

    20/01/2012 Duration: 36min

    How do you make Masonic Education more compelling? Today we talk a little about how to make education more compelling and useful for both your candidates and your lodge.

  • 044: Selling Masonic Treasures?

    02/01/2012 Duration: 24min

    St. Bernard Commandery No. 35 is selling some of their Masonic treasures and it's raised some interesing discussions. In this episode we talk to the Eminent Commander of St. Bernard No. 35 to find out what's up. We're also experimenting with the format ofthe show, now that it's back. What do you think? Music: "Nothing At All," by 3 Minute Pop Songs

  • 043: A Discussion on Civility

    11/02/2011 Duration: 01h14min

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 12.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Verdana} We have a new co-host! Jason van Dyke, the Director of Media Projects (I probably got that wrongly worded, but you get the idea) at the House of the Temple in Washington DC joins me on the show. The audio is a little rough, and the show is completely unscripted, but we are in the field during Masonic Week. This episode is a discussion that continues a national discussion on the idea of civility and what the hell happened to it. We'll talk about how to disagree as Freemasons and still preserve harmony.  Let me know how you like the change. We'll be fine-tuning as we go, and the show may indeed morph some more, but this is an exciting episode for me and the show. Also, if you are here in DC for Masonic Week, come find me on Facebook or drop me an email.  

  • 042: A Verdict In West Virginia

    18/12/2010 Duration: 09min

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 13.0px 0.0px; font: 13.0px Georgia} The first in a series of shorter episodes on topical Masonic subjects, I'm calling "X-Oriente Dispatches." In this Dispatch, I comment on the recent verdict in the Frank Hass vs. the Grand Lodge of West Virginia case. Just remember the disclaimer: I speak only for myself and not for any Lodge, Grand Lodge or any other Masonic body!

  • Kabbalah and Masonry Part III

    13/12/2010 Duration: 22min

    We conclude our tour or the Sephirot from a Masonic perspective. In this episode we cover Chesed, Gevurah, Da'at, Tifaret, Netzach Hod, Yesod and Malkhut

  • 040: Kabbalah and Masonry, Part II

    28/08/2010 Duration: 18min

    We continue the discussion of Kabbalah. In this episode we begin to focus on creation, the beginnings of light and how Kabbalaistic ideas intersect with Masonic ones. Let me know your feedback, and please share this with your brothers!

  • 039: We're back!

    24/07/2010 Duration: 20min

    We are back! In this episode, we'll begin a multi-episode look at the basics of Kabbalah and how it intersects with Freemasonry. This is the real deal...we'll be looking at it from a very traditional perspective, with lots of Hebrew and lots of context. WARNING: We're getting a little bit into discussion of religion and spirituality if only to set context. 

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