Core Education

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 107:26:28
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Podcast by CORE Education


  • LEARNZ Our Primary Industries Unpacking The Apple Story podcast 3 of 3

    10/10/2022 Duration: 40min

    The following questions are answered: 1. Why are green apples sour? 2. How can you tell the difference between an apple tree and another tree when there are no apples on it? 3. How many varieties of apples are there in the world? 4. Apart from red and green apples, do apples come in any other colour? 5. How does the apple develop on the branch of a tree? 6. Do apples ripen after they are picked and how do apples stay ripe and not go off when exported overseas? 7. Can you tell us a little more about the countries that our New Zealand apples get exported to (can they not grow their own) and do they only travel by ship? 8. How are the growers going to manage global warming in the future? 9. How do you control the sugar levels in apples when breeding new varieties? 10. We have heard about the red-fleshed apple but would it be possible to produce a different coloured apple? 11. As a world-leading apple growing country with a great reputation, what biosecurity measures do we take to protect our apple industry

  • LEARNZ Our Primary Industries Unpacking The Apple Story podcast 2 of 3

    10/10/2022 Duration: 45min

    The following questions are answered: 1. How do you think this project (and this field trip) will change society? 2. How will this online trip help our learning? 3. How do you check for pests? 4. How successful are the pest control measures? 5. What is the most common apple disease? 6. How many trees are lost per year? 7. Tell us more about the robot apple picker. 8. How big do apples get? 9. What inspired you to start this programme? 10. We have heard that the robot picker detects red apples but cannot yet detect black spot. What happens if those apples get to the packhouse? 11. Do you have pollinators or your own bees? 12. Do you use a microscope? if so what for? 13. How long does an apple last after you pick it?

  • LEARNZ Our Primary Industries: Unpacking The Apple Story podcast 1 of 3

    10/10/2022 Duration: 37min

    The following questions are answered: 1. How did your business start and what sustainable practices do you have? 2. How do you choose your workers and how many do you have? 3. What are the main roles that staff have and what qualifications do they need? 4. How do you transport the apples so they don't get bru5. ised? 5. How long does it take for a seed to grow into a tree and then produce apples? 6. How do you stop possums and other pests from attacking or eating your trees? 7. What kind of growing conditions do apples need to grow and what climate do they need? 8. How do you set the sale price of your apples? 9. Does the Government assist you with subsidies to get your business up and running? 10. What varieties of apples do you have?

  • LEARNZ Natural Hazards Alpine Fault AF8 Podcast 3 of 3

    06/10/2022 Duration: 29min

    The following questions are answered: 1. What are the differences between a normal earthquake and an Alpine Fault earthquake? 2. Will a tsunami happen if the Alpine Fault ruptures? If so, will it be different to other tsunamis? How and why? 3. How do we prepare for a one in every 300 year event? 4. Tsunamis, floods and the White Island eruption are all natural disasters. How is preparing for an Alpine Fault earthquake different to preparing for these disasters? 5. Where would be a safe place during an Alpine Fault earthquake and how can we best be prepared for one? 6. What is the anticipated radius of damage from an AF8 rupture? 7. Would a rupture of the Alpine Fault affect the weather? Would it cause other earthquakes? 8. What do you wish New Zealanders would do to be prepared?

  • LEARNZ Natural Hazards Alpine Fault AF8 Podcast 2 of 3

    06/10/2022 Duration: 32min

    The following questions are answered: 1. We have watched animations of P waves and S waves and I was wondering what is the formula you use to measure the distance of an earthquake epicentre from a specific point? 2. With Scientists, Geologists and Seismologists: how do their jobs differ and how do they work together on earthquakes in New Zealand? 3. I have been to Franz Josef and I was wondering what would happen to the glacier when a large earthquake comes? 4. What depth have the earthquakes on the Alpine fault been and how have they affected the landscape at Franz Josef in the past? 5. Does the depth of the P and S waves and/or the depth of an earthquake affect the time it takes the shaking to reach a certain point? Please explain. 6. When you drill into the fault line, how far down do you go; what type of rocks are you looking for and what information do they give you? 7. As the tectonic plates rub together will they eventually break apart and wear down so that in the distant future we may not have earthqu

  • LEARNZ Natural Hazards Alpine Fault AF8 Podcast 1 of 3

    06/10/2022 Duration: 37min

    The following questions are answered: 1. When the Earth had Pangaea as one land mass, what was the rest of the Earth 'held together' with? (we're thinking about the fact that if all the plates started there, what was the rest of the Earth made up of? If it was plates too, did they merge or meld together? 2. What makes a continent a continent? 3. Have there been any eruptions along the Alpine Fault and do you believe there could be? 4. How do you measure the highest point along the fault? 5. Can tectonic plates meld / join together? 6. What is the biggest magnitude earthquake caused by movement along the Alpine Fault? 7. How is the age of the Earth measured? 8. What is the educational pathway and skills required to become a geologist? 9. Is there such a thing as an extinct volcano? 10. What is the oldest active volcano in New Zealand?

  • Show me and I will learn - develop your leadership

    04/10/2022 Duration: 11min

    Kia ora, talofa. Approaches to leadership, and the best way to develop as a leader, vary from person to person. CORE Education facilitators Ruta McKenzie and Justine Mason share their personal experiences working in the area of Early Years.

  • Kei hea te reo Māori i āianei?

    15/09/2022 Duration: 12min

    Kei hea te reo Māori i āianei? by

  • Te reo Māori - normalise it, use it, hear it - kōrero with Gemma Stewart and Hana O’Regan

    12/09/2022 Duration: 14min

    Gemma Stewart and Hana O’Regan share a kōrero on the revitalisation of te reo Māori, how this has impacted culture, historically and today. They talk about the challenges of normalising te reo, noting if you “build stepping stones with words” you can “erode the fear factor”.

  • The importance of fun - Kōrero With Gemma Stewart & Rebbecca Sweeney

    12/09/2022 Duration: 21min

    “Start in your heart.” Gemma Stewart and Rebbecca Sweeney talk about the importance of knowing your “why” when learning te reo Māori. They also note that positive experiences create positive attachments, so it’s helpful to approach learning te reo “with the mindset of having fun with it”.

  • LEARNZ Get Outdoors Safely in Aotearoa New Zealand podcast 3 of 4

    09/09/2022 Duration: 23min

    The following questions are answered: 1. What is the difference between GPS and GIS? 2. How can the weather affect the RCCNZ’s searches? 3. Do search and rescue use a GPS or some sort of tracking device just in case you get lost? 4. How do you train search and rescue dogs and what is the best breed for search and rescue? 5. How long does it take for a rescue dog to find someone? 6. What is your best search and rescue story? 7. How much time difference between a rescue mission and a recovery mission and do digital maps help reduce this? 8. Can you explain why maps are important in a search and rescue mission? 9. What was the free software that Karl mentioned earlier, that anyone can download and use to make their own maps? Spell it please. Notes: Google Maps is also free. Schools can also use ArcGIS for free. QGIS.

  • LEARNZ Get Outdoors Safely in Aotearoa New Zealand podcast 2 of 4

    09/09/2022 Duration: 29min

    The following questions are answered by outdoor experts: 1. What is the success rate for rescues? 2. What technology do you use when there is a power cut, or no nearby electrical source? 3 Is your equipment waterproof, what else proof? 4. What equipment do you use? Vocab: Ortho-rectified aerial images 5. Do you ever save animals, do you need to use different technology for animal rescues? 6. How many rescues in a year do you make? 7. What are shifts like as a rescuer? 8. What was your worst incident and how did you know how to get there if it was a new and strange environment? 9. What technology could you use to save someone in mid-air? 10. What tech issues have you had and what did you do to overcome these? 11. What is your favourite rescue story? 12. What do you do when you end up getting in trouble? 13. Do you get a longer break after a rescue? 14. What happens when people don’t know who you are? 15. Whats your favourite type of rescue? 16. When was your last rescue? 17. What’s your most technical rescue c

  • LEARNZ Get Outdoors Safely in Aotearoa New Zealand podcast 1 of 4

    09/09/2022 Duration: 36min

    The following questions are answered: 1. When you create a map how do you know things are in the right place? Vocab: Ortho-rectified aerial image. 2. What are the different types of maps, and how would each one help? 3. How do you use a compass in the right way? Vocab: Bearing. Note: Map north is different from magnetic (compass) north. 4. How do you transfer your compass bearings onto a map? 5. What is the difference between a digital map and a paper map? Vocab: Cartographic representation. 6. What are some safety precautions to take with you if you are going on a trip out bush? Other: Hydration? Leaving intentions. 7. Apart from food, medicine and water, what would be the three most and crucial pieces of equipment to take into the outdoors? Appropriate footwear - tramping boots. 8. What do you think about GPS and how useful is it when performing a search and rescue mission? 9. Is an EPerb necessary? Vocab: PLB - Personal Locator Beacon. 10. What's the best best of advice you can give to a young adult who

  • LEARNZ Tsunami podcast 1

    06/09/2022 Duration: 41min

    The following questions about tsunami are asked and answered: 1. You have called the field trip lessons from the Chathams, so what is the number one lesson that you can share with us about tsunami in Aotearoa New Zealand? 2. What mātauranga Māori can you share about natural hazards like tsunami in Aotearoa? 3. What area of Aotearoa is at most risk of tsunami and why? 4. What has been the largest tsunami to have ever hit Aotearoa and how do you know? 5. What are the best preparations that we can all make for future tsunami events? 6. How can we find out more about the natural hazards that exist in our local area? 7. What would happen if a tsunami hit a dam or something like that? 8. What causes earthquakes? 9. Countries that are most at risk of tsunami, are they leading the world in research? 10. If you are out a sea and there was a tsunami, could you dive under the tsunami? 11. What height can tsunami get up to?

  • What is the metaverse and why is it important for education?

    01/09/2022 Duration: 11min

    'The ultimate metaverse experience? To be able to create a space of who we are.' - Alicia Ngaropo-Tuia Listen to the podcast where facilitators Alicia Ngaropo-Tuia and Karl Summerfield discuss what the metaverse is (and isn't), its potential for education and consideration around equity and safety.

  • LEARNZ Digital innovation and rail safety podcast 1 of 1

    23/08/2022 Duration: 21min

    The following questions from schools were answered by Andy and Susan from KiwiRail: 1. We think rail is a really safe way to get around so we are wondering why rail safety is such a big thing? 2. Andy, tell us about digital shield and how and why it was developed and how it is used? 3. Is rail safety harder to do in Aotearoa than other countries? 4. Susan, how is VR used in your work? How successful is it? 5. Andy, what other tech things are you developing for rail? 6. Susan, what else tekkie is on the horizon for your work? 7. If everything on the rail network is getting safer, what responsibility rests on individual people to keep themselves safe? 8. What have been the biggest improvements in rail safety in the last 10 years? What do you think will happen in the next 10 years? 9. We need to reduce carbon emissions to slow climate change and reduce its effects. Do you think rail has a role to play in reducing carbon emissions and in sustainability overall? 10. Andy and Susan, we guess you are big fans of

  • LEARNZ Getting around: your options for a sustainable future podcast 1 of 3

    22/08/2022 Duration: 24min

    Hugh from Wellington City Council answered the following questions from students about Walking and wheeling - choosing a more active mode of transport: 1. How would you define an active mode of transport? (Are ebikes? We use our hands and feet when we drive - why is that not an active mode of transport?). Are there other similar terms we might come across that have similar meanings? 2. What examples do you have of places where active modes of transport are used a lot. Why do you think this is? 3. What about where active modes aren't used much? Why? 4. Do you use active transport yourself? What sorts, when and why? 5. What are the benefits of choosing more active modes of transport? 6. What are some of the things we need to be aware of to make active transport modes successful/safe? 7.Are active modes of transport increasing? Why/why not? 8. How have active modes of transport evolved over time? How do you see them changing in the future? 9. What are some things we can do today that could increase our own use

  • LEARNZ Getting around: your options for a sustainable future podcast 2 of 3

    22/08/2022 Duration: 24min

    Aileen from Hutt City Council answered the following questions from students about Our changing streets - What our streets will look like in the future and how we might play a part in shaping how they look: 1. Can you give an example of your favourite street? Why is it your favourite? 2. And your least favourite street. Why is it? 3. Can our streets be better places? How? 4. If you were to make some changes to a street or public place, how is it decided what those changes would be? 5. What might an ideal street or public space look like? 6. How can people get involved in making decisions about street or public space redesign?

  • LEARNZ Getting around: your options for a sustainable future podcast 3 of 3

    22/08/2022 Duration: 26min

    Hugh from Wellington City Council answered the following questions from students about Walking and wheeling - choosing a more active mode of transport: 1. How would you define an active mode of transport? (Are ebikes? We use our hands and feet when we drive - why is that not an active mode of transport?). Are there other similar terms we might come across that have similar meanings? 2. What examples do you have of places where active modes of transport are used a lot. Why do you think this is? 3. What about where active modes aren't used much? Why? 4. Do you use active transport yourself? What sorts, when and why? 5. What are the benefits of choosing more active modes of transport? 6. What are some of the things we need to be aware of to make active transport modes successful/safe? 7. Are active modes of transport increasing? Why/why not? 8. How have active modes of transport evolved over time? How do you see them changing in the future? 9. What are some things we can do today that could increase our own us

  • LEARNZ rail and STEM learning podcast 2 of 2

    18/08/2022 Duration: 34min

    The following questions are posed and answered by a locomotive engineer (train driver) : 1. How do you build and test a New Zealand diesel train and what materials are involved? 2. How do you get trains onto a track after they are built and how do you get them off if they need a repair? 3. What is the speed of a train at a crossing and is there any way to tell it is coming other than the lights or barrier arms? 4. What is the weight of an average train and how strong does a bridge need to be to handle a train? 5. How does wild weather like earthquakes, lightning, and floods affect trains and tracks? 6. How does a train balance on a train track and how do they stay and move along on them? 7. Is there a gear system and how does it and the brakes work?

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