Motivate Me! With Lynette Renda




  • MM398 – Day 40 HI – Using Song to Inspire and Coach People with Glenn Yukio Arakawa

    22/09/2017 Duration: 13min

    Glenn Yukio Arakawa uses his soothing voice and "God given" song to coach and support people through their challenging times. His advice to all is to, "Chase after your dreams today as if there is no tomorrow." Let Glenn inspire you to acknowledge what you know is meant for you, and to act on it.

  • MM394 – Day 39 HI – Motivating Military Members through Fitness with Master Chief Ky Simpson

    21/09/2017 Duration: 14min

    Twenty-nine year Navy veteran, Master Chief Ky Simpson, thrives on motivating people to get fit. He does this outside of his Master Chief position at Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam. While the military mantra: "Serve your country with honor" is a big part of who Master Chief is, helping others to get fit to do this is his purpose. It goes to show you that life purpose is not a role that we play, it is a feeling we get.

  • MM391 – Day 37 CA – Creating and Designing Fashion with Edwin Haynes

    19/09/2017 Duration: 25min

    Edwin Haynes, so full of experience and drive, took a leap from chef to self-taught fashion designer. His passion is to create, to design, and to set trends. This is someone who uses his work-hard-if-you-want-to-eat work ethic from his childhood and catapulted it into creating a legacy in his company, Sav Noir. Edwin will make you feel silly for not living a life you love.

  • MM388 – Day 35 CA – Awakening People to the Power of Choice with Kimberly Zink

    17/09/2017 Duration: 18min

    Kimberly Zink is someone who escaped verbal and physical abuse. She did this by embracing the power of choice. This had such an impact on her person and life, years later she became part owner in the professional development company Klemmer and Associates, who she credits for this awakening. Do you have a burning desire to disseminate information that could change the lives of others, and in return, yours, like Kimberly?

  • MM385 – Day 33 OR – Getting through LIfe’s Struggles as a Family with Craig Hirshman

    15/09/2017 Duration: 07min

    Craig Hirshman never envisioned having a family of his own, never mind one that would require so much from him: an ill wife, two sons, one with Down Syndrome, and his own debilitating medical issues. Yet, his life is filled with joy. It is the perspective with which you view situations that create your situation - what reality are you creating?

  • MM384 – Day 33 OR – Not Allowing Life’s MANY Challenges to Take Away Love for Encouraging the “Underdog” with Tracy Hirshman

    15/09/2017 Duration: 17min

    Tracy Hirshman is passion. And it is her passion that helped her discover strength. Having a child with Down Syndrome, a husband on disability, and now battling Rheumatoid Arthritis herself, Tracy had to dig deep to seek out her core and live in her purpose in a new way. Let her show you that to deny your passion is to deny those around you.

  • MM383 – Day 33 OR – Putting a Stop to Bullying with Carson Hirshman

    15/09/2017 Duration: 08min

    Nine-year-old Carson Hirshman uses his gentle nature, as well as his experience of having a brother with Down Syndrome, to get passionate about encouraging others and putting a stop to bullying. The formula to life purpose = passion + personality. What is yours? How will you use it?

  • MM382 – Day 32 WA – Helping Women Escape Sex-Trafficking with Cherie Pierucci

    14/09/2017 Duration: 20min

    Helping woman escape sex-trafficking with Cherie Pierucci. How many times has something pulled at your heart, you want to get involved, but you just don't know how. Let Cherie show you her first steps, let her give you the courage it sometimes takes to make change in the world.

  • MM380 – Day 31 AK – Teaching Alaska Native Culture through Art with Andrew Abyo

    13/09/2017 Duration: 11min

    Some people believe that a passion is something you always know you have, that it is not something you may need to discover. Let Andrew Abyo show you how he went from a full-time laborer to a full-time artist and teacher of art - having NEVER done art until he was 35! Are there interests floating around your subconscious that you would like to explore? This is what could be meant for you.

  • MM379 – Day 31 AK – To Keep Alaska Native Culture Alive with Loren Anderson

    13/09/2017 Duration: 09min

    Loren Anderson, a director of the Alaska Native Heritage Center, believes all people should man the front lines of their culture in order to keep history and traditions alive. He is so passionate about this, that he worked as a volunteer at the center until he earned a full-time position. Is culture, history, or tradition what lights up you? How can you get creative to include this in your life?

  • MM378 – Day 30 AK – Need Inspiration? Get Thousands of Feet above Sea Level with Ben Napolitano! Audio Journal MM232

    12/09/2017 Duration: 12min

    Live from the road: The Motivate Me! crew got an exceptional opportunity to visit the Alyeska Resort in Girdwood, Alaska. This is a place where many passions are realized. The photos in this episode, along with the passion from host Ben Napolitano, say it all. If Alaska is on your Bucket List, Alyeska Resort is a must visit.

  • MM377 – Day 30 AK – Jack Sprat Restaurant with Frans and Jen Weits

    12/09/2017 Duration: 14min

    Frans and Jen Weits took a leap into restaurant ownership when they opened Jack Sprat in Girdwood, Alaska. While it was not an easy road, it was one they will never regret. As Frans says, a measure of their success is that they could sit down and speak with us while others ran their kitchen. Let this couple motivate you to get creative in the kitchen with your partner, and over a nice meal, push the boundaries of your perspectives enough to dream about business possibilities together.

  • MM376 – Day 30 AK – Watching People Fulfill Lifelong Dreams with Sasha Swift

    12/09/2017 Duration: 08min

    Sometimes you stumble into a role that completely fills your passion, like Sasha Swift who makes dreams come true for others through her role at Alpine Air Alaska. The is a great example of how bringing joy to others brings more joy to you. Imagine feeling that much of the day, every day.

  • MM375 – Day 30 AK – Exploring, Adventuring, the Rugged Beauty of Nature with Captain Cody Hanna

    12/09/2017 Duration: 09min

    At only 26-years-old, Captain Cody Hanna accomplished his dream of becoming the captain of a 26 glacier tour boat on Prince William Sound in Alaska. See how he made this happen. How can you use his techniques to accomplish a goal of your own?

  • MM374 – Day 30 AK – Family Boat Charter Business with Kelly Bender

    12/09/2017 Duration: 07min

    Kelly Bender and her husband Mike worked years to create a family business on Prince William Sound in Whittier, Alaska. Watch this video to see one of the most gorgeous landscapes in life, and listen as Kelly shares her passion and advice for anyone else who wants to realize a dream similar to hers, one that includes the whole family.

  • MM373 – Day 30 AK – Cruising, Tourism, Community Networking with Lisa Kruse

    12/09/2017 Duration: 05min

    Lisa Kruse, Director of Sales and Marketing for Phillips Cruises & Tours, shares how she leaped from a degree in criminology to living a life filled with travel and tourism. One that took her from behind a desk to on a ship that tours 26 Alaskan glaciers. How invested in your path are you? Is this limiting your ability to live a life of which you would be more passionate?

  • MM372 – Day 30 AK – Alaska Makes Dreams Reality with Lisa Kruse – Audio Journal MM231

    12/09/2017 Duration: 09min

    Meet Lisa Kruse, Director of Sales and Marketing for Phillips Cruises & Tours, and discover the phenomenal itinerary she has orchestrated for the Motivate Me! crew all over Portage, Whittier, and Girdwood, Alaska. It turns out to be a fifteen-hour day filled with kind people, incredible scenery, new experiences, and many passions! When was the last time you reached out and asked someone to help you accomplish a goal? Sometimes that is, simply, all it takes. Thank you, Lisa, for believing in us.

  • MM371 – Day 30 AK – Wildlife and Wildlife Conservation with Scott Michaelis

    12/09/2017 Duration: 10min

    Scott Michaelis, a director at the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center in Portage, Alaska, gets to live his passion every day: preparing animals of Alaska to get back out into the wild. Have you ever entertained the idea of participating in a non-profit organization, whether it is on a full-time, part-time, or volunteer basis? Like they say: If it is a true passion, you will do it for free.

  • MM370 – Day 29 AK – Passionate about Beds, Breakfasts, and Alaska with Carol Ross, Audio Journal MM230

    11/09/2017 Duration: 08min

    Live from the road: Listen to bed and breakfast owner Carol Ross describe her passion for her home, using what she grows on her land, and the state of Alaska.

  • MM369 – Day 29 AK – Politics – Running for Alaska State Senate with Jeff Landfield

    11/09/2017 Duration: 16min

    All Jeff Landfield is is passion! He's passionate about Alaska, about politics, about people, about making things happen... and about Speedos! Tenacious and gregarious he WILL motivate you to get moving on something - maybe even politics.

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