Consciousshift With Julie Ann Turner

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 178:32:53
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We are crossing the threshold of a fundamental shift in our WorldView, which carries the potential to positively transform our lives beyond any shift we as humans have ever before experienced.Much more than a fad or a trend, this creative shift of thought - into our power as creators of our lives, work and world - is massive in scope and unlimited in potential -It will alter all we know or believe we have known.



    30/03/2017 Duration: 55min

    Steve Jobs, fresh from the sting of being unceremoniously dismissed from Apple, bought a little-known graphics company called Pixar from George Lucas. For years Jobs personally financed the company — hoping that it would be his comeback story — breaking new ground in the technology of computer animation. For Pixar to lift off the ground though, it would need help. And that was where Steve Jobs turned to Lawrence Levy, Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest, and author of TO PIXAR AND BEYOND: My Unlikely Journey with Steve Jobs to Make Entertainment History. What Lawrence, a Harvard-trained lawyer and executive, found as he explored Pixar - was a company on the verge of failure. Lawrence shares the story of what happened next: how, working closely with Jobs, Lawrence produced and implemented a highly improbable plan that transformed Pixar into one of Hollywood’s greatest success stories.Join Julie Ann and Lawrence to discover the untold and unknown story of how he worked hand-in-hand with Steve Jobs to reinvent a ti


    15/03/2017 Duration: 47min

    We are witnessing a revolution in human possibility - a growing movement to storm heaven and steal fire. It's about a $4 trillion dollar underground revolution in hacking consciousness to increase performance. Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest Steven Kotler -co-author with Jamie Wheal, of STEALING FIRE: How to Harness the Revolution in Altered States - the story of Silicon Valley executives, members of the U.S. special forces, maverick scientists, to name only a few—who are turning everything we thought we knew about high-performance upside down. Instead of grit, better habits, or 10,000 hours, these trailblazers have found a surprising short cut.They're harnessing altered states of consciousness to solve critical challenges and outperform their competition.Today, this revolution is spreading from the extreme to the mainstream, forcing us to rethink how we can all lead richer, more productive, more satisfying lives. Driven by four accelerating forces — psychology, neurobiology, technology and pharmacology —we


    01/03/2017 Duration: 56min

    Orly Wahba is an educator, entrepreneur, and activist passionate about inspiring people to embrace the power of kindness. As Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest, Orly Wahba - author of KINDNESS BOOMERANG: How to Save the World(and Yourself) Through 365 Daily Acts - shares personal stories on the power of paying it forward, and tangible steps to change your outlook on life. Orly began her career as a middle school teacher in Brooklyn and for fifteen years has worked with youth and local charities. She is known for incorporating kindness, love, and respect into curricula. Orly founded Life Vest Inside in 2011, is the writer and director of the Kindness Boomerang video, and has spoken about its mission to many audiences, including in a TED talk.Yearning to make a larger impact with her philanthropic work and after having been inspired by a small sign on a plane labeled “Life Vest Inside” Orly founded (2011) Life Vest Inside, a non-profit organization with a mission to encourage people to embrace the incredible pow


    16/02/2017 Duration: 55min

    Brooke Axtell's own story - and the heartbreakingand stunning way she tells it - helps give voiceand hope to all other victims of abuse and human trafficking.Brooke's own story and voice rangout across the globe in her appearance on The Grammy's with Katy Perry in 2015 - where her gifts as a writer, poet and activiststunned the world: "After a year of passionate romance with a handsome, charismatic man, i was stunned when he began to abuse me. I believed he was lashing out because he was in pain, and needed help. I believed my compassion could restore him, and our relationship. My empathy was used against me.I was terrified of him, and ashamed I was in this position.What bound me to him was my desire to heal him.My compassion was incomplete - because it did not include me.When he threatened to kill me, I knew I had to escape.I revealed the truth to my mom, and she encouraged me to seek help at a local domestic violence center.This conversation saved my life.Authentic love does not devalue another human bein


    01/02/2017 Duration: 54min

    STORY SHAPES keeps us evolving, pushing forward, wanting to grow,desiring to explore … So declares Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest,Story Alchemist Kylie Slavik - who also warnsthat we are in danger of becoming "a people without a story."Kylie shares how power of storytelling has evolved dramatically - from the dayswhen only scribes and royals possessed - and restricted - the power of story our current digital world where now anyone can tell a story ...And why this not only increases our potential power - but also our responsibilityas visionaries - as we are now calledto help consciously shift the story.By telling a new story - we can not onlyhelp resolve problems, but craft a new endingthat serves us all, both on a personal level,and on a global level.Join Julie Ann and Kylie to discover how your stories can stop you – or propel you to success we reveal the keys to craft a new story,assume your leadership voice,and start living by conscious design..


    19/01/2017 Duration: 53min

    Ever feel like the clouds are closing in on you -and you just can't seem to break throughto see the blue sky of your true potential - and your power to choose happiness?Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest and renowned Zen masterJoseph Emet - author of FINDING THE BLUE SKY: A Mindful Approach to Choosing Happiness Here and Now - shares powerfulmindfulness techniques that allow us to choosehappiness in every moment.Joseph says multiple mindfulness techniques can foster happiness -even when life is far from perfect. These practices help us to:• Retell our personal narrative• Incorporate moments of pleasure into each day• Identify and omit the destructive habits that we assume will bring us happiness • Understand how emotional states impact the way we experience the world• Determine real needs from wants, and learn how to express them• Counteract the daily indoctrination of the media • Practice mindful laziness• Experience agelessness by being in the momentInstead of focusing on the negative,

  • ALEX PANG/REST: Why You Get More Done When You Work Less 12/07/16

    08/12/2016 Duration: 51min

    In our 24-7 global economy, RESTfeels like a luxury at best and a weakness at worst. We see work and rest as competitors - but what if they're actually partners in a productive, balanced life?Indeed, knowing how to rest well turns out to be the secret to how many writers, scientists, and artists managed to be creative and prolific, while having less harried and busy lives than ours.Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT Show guest - Alex Pang, author of REST: Why You Get More Done When You Work Less - shares scientific research,along with examples of writers, painters and thinkers - from Darwin to Stephen King - to expose how we've underestimated the power of rest for our success. Though it's as natural as breathing, REST is also a skill we can all learn to boost our creativity and productivity.We'll explore three big ideas:Work and rest are partners.We normally think of rest as the opposite of work, or a negative space defined only by the absence of work. Conversations about “work-life balance” imply that work and rest


    01/12/2016 Duration: 55min

    What if you are perfectexactly as you are?Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest, Jeff Foster - author of THE WAY OF REST: Finding The Courage to Hold Everything in Love - invites each of us to rediscover that you are perfect even in your imperfection ..and that even your pain, confusion, and exhaustion are saturated with intelligence and sacredness. Discover how radical self-acceptance can be the keyto cultivating vulnerability, finding peace of mind, and celebrating the majesty of every moment.You immediately get a sense of the power of Jeff'sgentle, yet profound, guidance:“I hope my words inspire, challenge, and encourage you. But most of all, I hope they help you remember that you are life ...inseparable from the power that grows the flowers and gives birth to galaxies,” Jeff says. Drawing from his personal journey - including his own struggles with illness and depression - Jeff guides us to restore and revive ourselves when we feel exhausted or defeated, inviting usto contemplate “the Way of Rest” - and and it


    16/11/2016 Duration: 52min

    So often, we look at life as a game to win, or a journey to get from where we are now to that magical, far-off destination where, finally, we get to live a good life.Except, it doesn’t work that way. There is no there there, there is only here now.When we look at living a good life as some faraway “place,” we end up losing so much of the grace that comes from the practice of day to day life.Everyone is so focused on happiness. Does it matter? Yup. But the real difference-maker is meaning. In no small part because happiness is a snapshot, it's fleeting. Meaning endures, sustains and fills, even when happiness is off on walkabout. Join Julie Ann and Jonathan in a dynamic, live exploration of how to find your own meaning - your own Good Life; and leave you feeling lit up by the way you contribute to the world, as you're guided to do the work you were put on the planet to do.


    19/10/2016 Duration: 56min

    What if the world as we know it operates on a false premise - a premise that everything is separate from everything else? What if ultimate reality is something different than what we believe in the mainstream? What if we can create Heaven on Earth by simply living as who we really are?Global Oneness Day was created precisely to address these things.Join Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest, Steve Farrell - co-founderwith "Conversations with God" author Neale Donald Walsch of Humanity's Team, the international organization andmovement that created "Global Oneness Day" -the "Earth Day for Awakened Humanity" - in its 7th year, on Monday, Oct. 24.> Register for the free Global Oneness Day Summit & Gifts include Deepak Chopra, Iyanla Vanzant, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Neale Donald Walsch, and many others. ConsciousSHIFT is a Global Oneness Day Co-Creator this year, and I am committed in lending my support, as I have for years. It is an


    08/09/2016 Duration: 56min

    Finding the Essence of Innovation in Creative PairsWhen is the work of two people together greater than what either could do on their own? As long as we’ve been interested in creativity, we’ve been preoccupied by the myth of the lone genius. Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT Guest Joshua Wolf Shenk -author of THE POWERS OF TWO - busts this fantasy apart,and draws on new scientific research to show how the pair is the embodiment of ingenuity. On the show, we'll explore the magic of John Lennon and Paul McCartney, the power of "hidden partners"(even Einstein had one), and the genius of scores of others in the fields of writing, music, dance, science, technology, social activism, and business. When it comes to creative success, we'll discover whyJosh persuasively argues that two is the magic number – and why this changes everything we thought we knew about creativity.Join Julie Ann and Josh to discover the “secrets” of creative pairs!


    17/08/2016 Duration: 55min

    Some believe authenticityis about being genuine and real. Others say it’s about being true to yourself.Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest Jason Moffatt -author of THE ART OF AUTHENTICITY: Tapping Into the Uniqueness of You - says his version of authenticity "is a bit different. A little less self-centered.""I believe authenticity is not so much about you. It’s about the people around you and how you relate to them," Jason explains. "It’s how you interact,value, and appreciate them. It’s whether your respect, listen and give others a fair shot ... through flexibilityand having an open mind. This allows you to demonstrate your authenticity to others."While many marketers spend time and energy trying to grow their business with external tools and automated software, Jason believes there's another path to success -a more natural and honest way of running your business. An authentic path that lieswithin you - that combines humor, personal growth, and quick action. Join Julie Ann and Jason for what he calls an oppor


    15/06/2016 Duration: 49min

    What if everything we think we know about how the world works ... ... from our ideas of love, education, spirituality, work to happiness and love ... ... are based on Brules (bullsh*t rules) that get passed from generation to generation and are long past their expiration date?Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest, Vishen Lakhiani - CEO of Mindvalley and author of THE CODE OF THE EXTRAORDINARY MIND:10 Unconventional Laws to Redefine Your Life and Succeed On Your Own Terms - saysyou can remove these outdated ideas,and start anew.What Vishen shares in CODEX is a blueprint of laws to break us free from the shackles of an ordinary life. He makes a case that everything we know about the world is mostly decided not by rational choice – but instead by conditioning and habit. And thus, most people live their lives based on limiting rules and outdated beliefs about pretty much everything – love, work, money, parenting, sex, health and more -which they inherit and pass on from generation to generation.What would your life lo


    02/06/2016 Duration: 53min

    Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest, Chade-Meng Tan - author of "JOY ON DEMAND: The Art of Discovering the Happiness Within" (the long-awaited follow-up to his New York Times bestselling book SEARCH INSIDE YOURSELF) - shows us how anyone, no matter where they are, can access this source of happiness.“If you have been unhappy, or you are happy and aspire to be even happier, know that your happiness set point can be upgraded. I know because I did it, I have seen many others do it, and scientific studies have measured it,"Meng explains. "Of course, Buddhist monks and other contemplative people have been doing it for thousands of years, but it’s not something in the water in the Himalayas, it’s something you can do too, wherever you are. I think the main problem is most people aren’t aware that it is even possible. Or, if we’ve heard of it, many of us think it is unattainable so we don’t even try. We don’t know it’s something that every single one of us can learn.”The path to joy on demand is through mindfulness, bu


    06/05/2016 Duration: 49min

    As both a jazz saxophonist and a theoretical physicist, Stephon Alexander struggled to reconcile his passion for music and physics with the ancient realm where music, physics, and the cosmos were one. Playing the saxophone and improvising with equations, Stephon uncovered the connection between the fundamental waves that make up sound and the fundamental waves that make up everything else. In his book THE JAZZ OF PHYSICS: The Secret Link Between Music and the Structure of the Universe, Stephon reveals the ancient poetic idea of the “music of the spheres,” taken seriously, clarifies confounding issues in physics. The book has already received praise from musicpioneer Brian Eno, who said it “could just as well be called The Joy of Physics because what leaps out from it is Stephon Alexander’s delight and curiosity about the cosmos ...”.Join Julie Ann and Stephon to explore the amazing - and actual - resonance between science and music.

  • STEVE MASTROIANNI / VØID Cancer 04/20/16

    20/04/2016 Duration: 55min

    No matter how famous you are, how much money you have, or how successful you have become ... you are not immune to tragedy.Steve Mastroianni (aka VØID) - who toured the world with KISS, wrote with legendary songwriter Desmond Child and created some of the most popular guitar courses used by thousands of guitar students - had tragedy strike close to home.Steve’s father, Anthony Mastroianni, was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. Steve went from being on top of the world, feeling invincible and untouchable - to having his world turned upside down - to help his father fight for his life.“When my father was diagnosed, I knew right away that I would put my music career on hold and stop at nothing to get him back to 100% and onto the golf course. I didn’t know exactly how we would do it, but I knew that his passion would be a KEY component to his recovery,” said Steve.Despite the emotional rollercoaster ride that was 2013-2014, after two surgeries, countless visits to the hospital, and the horrors of spending mo

  • NANCY DUARTE / ILLUMINATE: Ignite Change Through Speeches, Stories, Ceremonies, and Symbols 04/06/16

    06/04/2016 Duration: 56min

    A leader is anyone who can see a better future and rally people to reach it. Inspiring change takes creativity, tenacity, and very thoughtful communication.Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest, Nancy Duarte - award-winning author of ILLUMINATE: Ignite Change Through Speeches, Stories, Ceremonies, and Symbols - has discovered the proven patterns in how the world’s most legendary leaders communicated during time of transformation.As a leader, YOU have the potential to not only anticipate the future and invent creative initiatives, but to also inspire those around you, illuminate your communication, and transform your ideas into a movement. Nancy shares that leaders who inspire change are ‘Torchbearers’, able to envision new possibilities, ‘light the path,’ and bring ’Travelers’ on the journey along with them ... ... not only presentations and speeches, but through compelling stories, ceremonies and symbols. Leaders draw on this ‘torchbearer’s toolkit’ - artfully employing it to affect what people think, feel and do

  • JACKIE MCMILLAN / THRIVING WITH AUTISM: Hope for Autistics, Our Health & Our World 03/16/16

    16/03/2016 Duration: 58min

    Autism is revealing the increasingly toxic world we live in - that is threatening the health of every one of us.Autistics are more sensitive to our toxic world - like the miner's canary, whose sensitivity alerted miners to a toxic atmosphere, the dramatic rise in autism points to underlying toxicity in our world that ultimately - and far more than we realize - affects the health of everyone. It is essential for all of us - not just those with autism or caring for them -to pay attention now, and learn about the toxic root causesthat give rise to autism, as well as similar environmental factors that, according to the latest research, affect up to 70-90%of all disease.*The extent to which our toxic environment is behind many other diseases is not yet fully realized, but is likely affecting all of us to a greater or lesser extent.Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest, Jackie McMillan, founder of THRIVE WITH AUTISM ( and author of "The Five Root Causes of Autism" - has extensively studied her ow


    17/02/2016 Duration: 56min

    ConsciousSHIFT with Julie Ann Turner featuringE.R. HAAS / THE EXCELLENCE HABIT We are what we repeatedly do.Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”— AristotleWhat if there were a way to make it easier for ordinary people to produce extraordinary results?Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest, E.R. Haas -CEO of and author of THE EXCELLENCE HABIT - reveals that intentionalexcellence is the SINGLE HABIT so powerful, that it will change our lives, and the lives of every person we love.RECEIVE YOUR EXCELLENCE HABIT GIFT BOOK (FREE) HERE:>>> Genius.TQsmart.comE.R. will share with us that The Excellence Habit is "the conditioned response to consistently and automatically do the Right Things ... for the Right Reasons... in the Right the Right Time — without thinking. It is the instinctive propensity to choose Intentional Excellence over Intentional Mediocrity in every choice you make and every action you take."In this powerful interview, we'll discover:* How to rewire your brain for SUCCESS


    04/02/2016 Duration: 54min

    Frustrated with the slow pace of natural human evolution, scientists, researchers, and biohackers across the globe are pushing the boundaries of sensory perception in bold new directions. The results are fascinating - as Julie Ann and her ConsciousSHIFT Guest, award-winning science journalist Kara Platoni, author of WE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY: How Biohackers, Foodies, Physicians, and Scientists are Transforming Human Perception, Once Sense at a Time -will explore in this thought-provoking ConsciousSHIFT Show.Labs are developing brain-controlled robotic limbs that could one day provide people with prosthetics the sense of touch; advances in visual implants are restoring sight to those who have lost it; and the biohacker startup Grindhouse Wetware recently launched Northstar, a light-up skin implant inspired by bioluminescent animals. They hope to one day engineer a version that will include a magnetic compass, giving the user a semi-innate sense of direction. Kara Platoni will introduce us to researchers who are

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