Talking Tea



Podcasts exploring tea and tea culture


  • Tea Goes to College

    30/03/2016 Duration: 51min

    An institute dedicated to intensive, interdisciplinary tea education and research is not something you'll typically see at a college or university in North America - or anywhere else, for that matter. But it's exactly what you'll find at Penn State University in State College, Pennsylvania, where an initiative originally undertaken by students has resulted in the groundbreaking, university-funded Tea Institute at Penn State. This week on Talking Tea we visit the Penn State Tea Institute and chat with its current Executive Director Zongjun "Sam" Li, Director of Research John Miraszek, founder Jason Cohen and past Executive Director Ryan Ahn (all pictured here, along with host Ken Cohen), to explore the Institute's history, curriculum, public programs and research. Jason first talks with us about the Institute's beginnings as a student club, how it grew into a tea house and finally, in 2009, into an institute with an established international reputation and funding from the governments of Taiwan, Japan and Kore

  • Tea Culture/Youth Culture

    25/02/2016 Duration: 36min

    This week on Talking Tea we look at the growing popularity of tea and tea culture among youth and teens. Chatting with us (via Skype) is Connor Adlam of, the well-known blog and online forum for tea information. Connor, the intern social media editor at Tching and also a member of this demographic, shares his perspectives both from a personal standpoint and from his work at Tching. We chat about what makes tea and tea culture attractive to younger drinkers, the role of social media in breaking through misinformation and stereotypes, and how tea connects with the rising interest in mindfulness and spirituality among young people. Connor also talks with us about his own “tea ride” and how tea drinkers of all ages can use online resources to increase their knowledge of tea and connect with the depth, passion and diversity of the worldwide tea community.   You can find Tching's many resources (including articles by Connor) at, at its Facebook page and Twitter feed and on Instagram at tchin

  • Tea, Zen, Awareness

    27/01/2016 Duration: 29min

    We're releasing this episode in between the Western new year and the Asian lunar new year, and we took this opportunity to quiet our minds, turn inward a bit, and look again at tea as a contemplative practice. Chatting with us in this exploration is Ven. Hyeonmin Prajna, a Zen teacher in the Five Mountain Zen Order based in New York City, and a student and practitioner of Japanese tea ceremony in the Dai Nihon Chado Gakkai school of tea. The history of tea culture is so intertwined with Zen Buddhism that it seemed natural to ask a Zen teacher to give us some perspectives on the practice of tea, and we talk with Hyeonmin about the essence of Zen and how to apply Zen ideals to both tea ceremony and casual tea drinking. Hyeonmin sheds light on how the Japanese tea ceremony in particular reflects some of those ideals, gives us suggestions on applying these principles to everyday tea and everyday life, and discusses how all tea culture can, from a Zen perspective,  expand our awareness and help us “correct the min

  • How To Spot a Quality Tea - Part 2: Silver Needles

    24/12/2015 Duration: 20min

    In our last episode of Talking Tea we began to explore the elements of a quality tea with Shunan Teng of New York City's Tea Drunk. As examples of what to look for in choosing tea, Shunan selected two historically famous teas from China. We began in our last episode by looking at Gua Pian, a green tea, and now we chat with Shunan about Bai Hao Yin Zhen, also known as Silver Needles, as we continue discussing how to spot a quality tea. Shunan chats with us about some of the unique characteristics of Bai Hao Yin Zhen and white tea in general, and common mistakes buyers make in choosing a white tea. One of the things that makes Bai Hao Yin Zhen unusual is that it's composed only of buds of the tea plant, and we talk with Shunan about what the appearance, aroma and texture of the buds can tell us about the tea's quality and how it was harvested and processed.    More info on Tea Drunk, including its online store, shop hours and events, can be found at its website, The website also has links

  • How To Spot A Quality Tea - Part 1: Gua Pian

    25/11/2015 Duration: 38min

      This week on Talking Tea we return to Tea Drunk in New York City to chat with Shunan Teng, founder and owner of Tea Drunk, about tips and tricks for identifying quality teas. As an example of what to look for in choosing tea, Shunan selects a Gua Pian, a historically famous green tea from China.  Shunan uses our exploration of Gua Pian to break some myths about tea quality, and tells us what to look for in appearance, aroma and taste. We chat about how different methods of plucking, shaping and firing tea affect the taste, what to look for in the appearance of the dry and infused leaf, and what the dry leaves' aroma can tell us about the quality of the tea. (The Gua Pian leaves Shunan shared with us in our chat are pictured above.) Shunan also chats with us about what makes Gua Pian unique among green teas, and the qualities which, in Shunan's view, define a truly artisanal tea.   In our next episode, we continue our chat with Shunan by looking at a classic white tea from China to further explore the elemen

  • Baozhong: Born in China, Rooted in Taiwan

    28/10/2015 Duration: 38min

    We're continuing our exploration of Taiwanese oolongs this week with a focus on one of the most celebrated of Taiwanese teas, Baozhong. Shiuwen Tai, of Seattle's Floating Leaves Tea, gave us such a fantastic and comprehensive intro to Taiwanese oolongs in our last episode that we had to invite her back to give us some more in-depth knowledge, and we asked Shiuwen to talk about Baozhong because, well, it's one of our favorite oolongs. Shiuwen chats with us about Baozhong's history, from its origins in China to its later cultivation in Taiwan, and how this history along with Taiwanese innovations in growing and processing Baozhong give it the distinctive flavor and bouquet it's known for today. We also talk about the birth of floral teas in Taiwan, about aged Baozhongs and aged oolongs in general, and about how a tea maker's skill can create an experience for the drinker that, in Shiuwen's words, is "almost beyond imagination."   In the photo above, Shiuwen visits the Baozhong fields of Farmer Chen, in Taiwan's

  • The World of Taiwanese Oolongs

    22/09/2015 Duration: 54min

    This week on Talking Tea we begin exploring the spectrum of Taiwanese oolongs with Shiuwen Tai of Seattle's Floating Leaves Tea. Shiuwen chats with us via Skype about the history of tea in Taiwan, and how Taiwan's tea production has been influenced by its relationships with both China and Japan. We discuss some of the factors that go into forming the unique flavor profiles of oolong teas from Taiwan, including aged oolongs, why mouthfeel and texture are important in evaluating tea, and then take a closer look at two oolongs: Alishan, a high mountain Taiwanese oolong (the photo shows an Alishan tea garden), and the famous Tieguanyin.  Shiuwen also gives us tips on best brewing practices,  and shares her perspectives on how "science, art, love and patience" come together to create exceptional Taiwanese oolongs.  More info on Floating Leaves, including its online store, shop hours and classes, can be found at the Floating Leaves website,, and on its Facebook page. Shiuwen's blog

  • Kevin Gascoyne on Darjeelings, Fair trade and the Future of Tea

    28/08/2015 Duration: 52min

    We’re back in Montreal this week on Talking Tea chatting with Kevin Gascoyne of Montreal’s famed Camellia Sinensis Tea House. Kevin, a co-owner of Camellia Sinensis, is known around the world as a prominent tea taster, educator and author. We talk with Kevin about his passion for Darjeeling teas, how classically grown Darjeelings compare with newer clonal teas, and current trends in tea processing. Kevin also discusses fair trade and labor conditions at tea gardens in India and elsewhere, and shares his perspectives on the future of tea’s popularity and growth, both in North America and worldwide. And, as an added bonus, we chat with Kevin about Camellia Sinensis’ groundbreaking studies on caffeine and anti-oxidants in tea.   More info on Camellia Sinensis, including its online store, shop hours, blog and upcoming seminars and events, can be found on its website,, and also on its Facebook page and Twitter feed.   Among Kevin Gascoyne’s many publications are two acclaimed books he

  • A Relaxed Approach To Tea & "Tea Decadence" At Montreal's Cha Do Raku

    13/08/2015 Duration: 32min

    Today at Talking Tea we’re in Montreal beginning our exploration of this city’s vibrant tea scene. Our first stop is Cha Do Raku, a new tea house and shop in Montreal’s Plateau district. Cha Do Raku (it means “decadence of tea” in Japanese) and its owner and founder, Shiho Kanamaru, have already made a name for themselves through the highly regarded teas offered through Cha Do Raku’s online store. Today we visit Shiho in her new shop and chat about how she realized her dream of a tea space that embodies the spirit of doraku, a simple, relaxed enjoyment of tea. Some of Cha Do Raku’s most talked-about teas are “icho”, an unusual, slightly oxidized green tea from Japan. Shiho talks with us about some of these teas, how they compare with other Japanese green teas and with Taiwanese oolongs, and best methods for brewing them. Cha Do Raku also carries high quality matcha, and Shiho shares a little-known preparation technique she discovered for bringing out the aroma and sweetness of matcha. More on Cha Do Raku, inc

  • From The Czech Republic With Oxalis Tea

    30/07/2015 Duration: 43min

    On today's episode we have two guests speaking to us from  Oxalis Tea and Coffee in the Czech Republic. First up is Petr Zelik, owner and founder of Oxalis. Petr chats with us about tea culture in the Czech Republic, and especially about the challenges and successes of building a tea company after the fall of Communism. We also explore Oxalis’ offerings of Korean teas, which are not easy to come by among quality tea offerings in the US. Our second guest is Julian Overall, who coordinates Oxalis’s English-language social media flow. Julian's Twitter and Facebook feeds have become an invaluable source of news and connections for many of us in the tea world, and we talk with Julian about his views on the roles of social media and online information sharing for the tea community.   Here's a brief break-down of today's show, with time marks: 1:00    Petr's vision: starting a tea company in a nation without a tea culture; initial challenges 9:14    Success! The growth of Czech tea culture and the phenomeon of the C

  • Tea & Relational Culture: What's Tea Got To Do With It?

    15/06/2015 Duration: 47min

    One of the things we hear over and over again from people in the tea world is how so many great relationships have been created and nurtured through tea. But what is it in tea culture that's so good at bringing us together? In this week's episode we get philosophical about tea and relationships with Benjamin Olshin and Alex Schein,  two men whose own friendship was forged over tea and who have helped build community through tea in their professional and personal lives. Ben, a writer, teacher and consultant, teaches philosophy (among other things) at the University of the Arts, and has co-owned a Taiwanese-inspired teahouse in Philadelphia. Alex, a media producer, singer and songwriter, has run two teahouses in the U.S. and has produced and directed a documentary about Dobra Tea. Together we talk about why tea is not just a beverage but an experience, a practice, a way of being, a way of relating with each other and with the universe.    You can watch Alex's film, "Dobra Tea: The Good Tearoom" at http://www.go

  • Beauty in Imperfection: A Visit to the Shofuso Tea House

    28/04/2015 Duration: 52min

    This week on Talking Tea we’re back in Philadelphia at Shofuso, an authentic, and quite amazing, Japanese house and garden with a fully functioning tea house and roji, or tea garden. We’re joined by Derek Finn, Shofuso’s site and program manager, and Morgan Beard of Urasenke Philadelphia,  an organization dedicated to practicing and teaching the Japanese way of tea.  Morgan is returning to Talking Tea after having been a guest on our “Artful Tea” episode. In this week’s podcast, Derek, Morgan and I hang out on Shofuso’s veranda, stroll through its roji and finally spend some time in its tea house, as we chat about how the way of tea, Zen Buddhism and traditional Japanese architecture and design come together at Shofuso to allow us to glimpse what Morgan calls the beauty of imperfection, and the beauty of life itself. More information on Shofuso, the Japanese House and Garden in Philadelphia's Fairmount Park, including visiting hours, tours and events, is at and at its Twitter feed @Shofu

  • Teatulia: A New Model of Tea Farming in Bangladesh

    09/04/2015 Duration: 31min

    This week on Talking Tea we chat via Skype with Chris Olsen of Teatulia, an organic tea producer based in Bangladesh founded on principles of social responsibilty and sustainability. You may be familiar with the unique flavor profiles of Teatulia's teas and blends, and Chris and I discuss the influence of the Bangladeshi terroir on the complex flavors and aromas of some of Teatulia's award-winning teas. But what most impressed us at Talking Tea was the positive impact Teatulia has made on the environment and society surrounding its tea garden. Chris talks about Teatulia's transformation of a formerly desert terrain into a lush tea-growing region, and how Teatulia has not only created jobs but also fostered literacy programs. schools, and economic opportunity through better working conditions and its unique cattle lending and farm sharing programs. You can find Teatulia's teas and information about Teatulia's programs at If you're interested in purchasing tea through Teatulia's website, be su

  • The Qi of Tea: Tea's Healing and Spiritual Qualities

    12/03/2015 Duration: 01h05min

    You might think we're having an identity crisis this week on Talking Tea, since our host and guest on this week's podcast share the same name. In this week's show our host and producer Ken Cohen chats with renowned qigong master and author Ken Cohen, who also writes and lectures extensively about the health benefits of tea.  Ken shares his personal tea journey with us, talks about both the health benefits and the spiritual benefits of tea from the perspectives of Western science and traditional Chinese medicine, discusses how our connection with nature and poetry influences our enjoyment of tea, and explains how the intention, heart and spirit we bring to the preparation and drinking of tea change not only our experience of tea, but also our relationship with the world.  This week's episode is a bit longer than our usual shows on Talking Tea, since Ken was willing to share so much of his knowledge and wisdom with us, and we didn't want you to miss out on any of it. So make yourself some tea, relax and enjoy T

  • Talkin' Matcha, Part 2: How To Make It

    19/02/2015 Duration: 23min

    Have you been wondering how to make a bowl of matcha without the ritual of a formal tea ceremony? How to get a smooth, frothy lime-green foam that looks and tastes great? Talking Tea is here to help. In Part 2 of Talkin' Matcha, tea blogger Tyas Huybrechts explains how to make a fine bowl of matcha in a few easy steps.   Tyas also recommends this YouTube link demonstrating a good whisking technique for preparing matcha at home:   Tyas' blog, Tea Talk, is at, and is packed with information about Japanese green tea. You can also follow him on Twitter @TeaTalkBe and on Facebook at   For more information on Talking Tea and updates on new episodes, visit our Facebook page at To inquire about being a guest or having your organization featured, please email us at Talking Tea is produced and hosted by Ken Cohen. You can follow Ken on Twitter @Kensvoiceken.    This podcast features music f

  • Talkin' Matcha, Part 1

    29/01/2015 Duration: 37min

    This week Talking Tea talks matcha with Tyas Huybrechts, founder and blogger at Tea Talk, a blog devoted entirely to Japanese green teas. Matcha, a powdered green tea that's whisked into a frothy brew, is fast becoming the caffeinated drink of choice among many in the West, and Tyas tells us about matcha's history and cultural background in Japan, how it's grown and processed, and what to look for in buying quality matcha.    Tyas is also a long-time student (and soon-to-be tea master) of the Enshu school of Japanese tea, and he shares some of his insights and personal perspectives about matcha in the Enshu tradition.   In our next episode, Part 2 of "Talkin' Matcha", Tyas gives us a detailed guide on how to prepare matcha at home. Stay tuned!   Tyas' blog, Tea Talk, is at, and is packed with information about Japanese green teas. You can also follow him on Twitter @TeaTalkBe and on Facebook at   For more information on Talking Tea and updates on new episodes, visit

  • An Eclectic Path of Tea

    05/01/2015 Duration: 23min

    This week Talking Tea is back in Philadelphia to chat with Rebecca Goldschmidt of Philly's Random Tea Room & Curiosity Shop, one of the most eclectic tea shops we've encountered on our tea journeys to date. Rebecca talks with us about her own path of tea and her aim of providing a space for health and well-being, which come together to create the unique tea environment that is the Random Tea Room. Rebecca also gives us a short overview of gong fu cha, one of the various ways tea is prepared at Random.   More on the Random Tea Room & Curiosity Shop, including a menu of teas, an online store and social media links, can be found at its website,   For more information on Talking Tea and updates on new episodes, visit our Facebook page at To inquire about being a guest or having your organization featured, please email us at Talking Tea is produced and hosted by Ken Cohen. You can follow Ken on Twitter @KensvoiceKen. 

  • Crafting Tea and the Good Life

    17/12/2014 Duration: 26min

    On our pre-holiday episode of Talking Tea we chat with Andy Hayes, founder and tea maker at Plum Deluxe, a tea blender based in Portland, Oregon. Andy talks with us about his mission to help people slow down and craft a life they really enjoy, and how this goal, combined with Andy's views on the importance of organic teas and his experiences of European tea traditions, influences his blending process.   More on Plum Deluxe's teas can be found on its website,, on Pinterest at and on Facebook at   For more information on Talking Tea and updates on new episodes, visit our Facebook page at To inquire about being a guest or having your organization featured, please email us at Talking Tea is produced and hosted by Ken Cohen. You can follow Ken on Twitter @KensvoiceKen.      This podcast features music from "Japanese Flowers" ( by mpgiiiBEAT

  • Artful Tea

    25/11/2014 Duration: 43min

    This week on Talking Tea we chat with Morgan Beard of Urasenke Philadelphia, an organization dedicated to practicing and teaching the Japanese way of tea.  We recorded our podcast inside the amazing Japanese galleries at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, which include a complete tea house and garden as well as centuries-old tea utensils and masterpieces of Japanese art.  Morgan talks with us about some of the objects in the galleries (including the tea bowl shown here), and about how Japanese traditions of tea and aesthetics come together in the spirituality of the Way of Tea. For information on Urasenke Philadelphia's classes and events, go to its website at More on the Philadelphia Museum of Art's Japanese collections and its extraordinary upcoming show on the art of the Kano period is at the Museum's website,  Info about tea events at Shofuso, the Japanese House and Garden in Philadelphia's Fairmount Park, is at     For more information on Talking

  • Drunk on Tea, Part 2: All About Pu Erh

    04/11/2014 Duration: 31min

    Everything you always wanted to know about pu erh but were afraid to ask...and more. In Part 2 of "Drunk on Tea", Shunan Teng of New York City's Tea Drunk shatters some myths about pu erh tea, contrasts cooked vs. raw pu erh, and talks in-depth about pu erh regions and fermentation. Shunan also chats with us about her ongoing tea classes and events at Tea Drunk.   Tea Drunk's website is at Its Twitter feed is @teadrunknyc.   For more information on Talking Tea and updates on new episodes, visit our Facebook page at To inquire about being a guest or having your organization featured, please email us at Talking Tea is produced and hosted by Ken Cohen. You can follow Ken on Twitter @KensvoiceKen.    This podcast features music from "Japanese Flowers" ( by mpgiiiBEATS ( available under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license (http://creativecommons.or

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