Run With Coach Parry



10km, 21km or 42km. It doesn't matter what distance or time you run, what matters is that you RUN. In this weekly running podcast Coach Lindsey Parry helps you become a better a runner.


  • What gradient should hill repeats be done at and can I do them on a treadmill?

    29/04/2014 Duration: 02min

    TalkFEED — Today’s question for Coach Parry comes all the way from the United Kingdom and was sent by Andrew Blake: Hi Lindsey, I live in London and am training for the Comrades Marathon. There are not many long hills that I can do hill repeats on - max I have easy access to is about 90 seconds. I would like to do hill reps of 3 minutes in duration and may need to resort to the treadmill. What gradient should I use on the treadmill - I have heard 5% is about right? Read More · Training Programs

  • How do I stop muscle cramps?

    24/04/2014 Duration: 03min

    TalkFEED — Today’s question comes from Michael Hove: I ran the Old Mutual Two Oceans Ultra over the Easter period. I was comfortable up to the standard marathon mark (42.2km), however from there on suffered massive muscle cramps. Although I had two massages (46 & 50km mark). It didn't really help, rubbing ice though helped. What is the best way of treating this as the Comrades Marathon is around the corner. Will breathing through my the mouth help? Should I run slower? Muscle cramp pills? Salt? Please help! Read More · Training Programs

  • Am I allowed seconds at Comrades&how; to know where they should be on the route?

    24/04/2014 Duration: 05min

    TalkFEED — Today’s question on the Ask Coach Parry Podcast comes from Yolandi Sapet: Hi Lindsey and Brad, I am running my first Comrades Marathon this year and I was wondering about seconding? What are the rules regarding seconds and support at comrades and how do we know where they have to be along the Comrades Marathon route? Read More · Training Programs

  • How long before an International Marathon should I arrive?

    23/04/2014 Duration: 05min

    TalkFEED — Today’s question comes from Hettie Booysen: Hi Lindsey, My entry for the New York Marathon was successful. In terms of traveling, how many days should I arrive before the race? Read More · Training Programs

  • I have injured my back picking something up – Can I still run?

    22/04/2014 Duration: 04min

    TalkFEED — Today’s question comes from Nonkululo Mcuntula: Hi Coach, I need advice, I have injured my back. I bent down to pick something up and felt a very sharp stretch at my waist. I immediately tried to stretch, but pain didn’t go away. The following day I ran a marathon, I could not feel the pain but after 3 days it started again, I can’t bend down, please help! Read More · Training Programs

  • Why are my calves sore and do my feet go numb when I run?

    17/04/2014 Duration: 03min

    TalkFEED — Hi Coach! I’m training for my second Comrades and running is going ok. I am however battling with my calves, especially my left calf, my whole foot goes numb. Should I be seeing a physio? Read More · Training Programs

  • How do the pacing buses work at big races like the Comrades Marathon

    16/04/2014 Duration: 08min

    TalkFEED — Today’s question comes from Siobhan Macleod.My hubby and I are both new to the Comrades Marathon and will be running our first Comrades this year – how do the timed ‘buses’ work, i.e. I have read that there is an 11 hour bus (I assume it’s a trained runner leading a group) and 12 hour bus etc where runners can stick with a guy/group to try and complete Comrades within that time frame. Is this true and how does one join or run with a bus?Thanks, Siobhan Read More · Training Programs

  • My left knee feels like it wants to lock when I run, please help.

    15/04/2014 Duration: 06min

    TalkFEED — Today’s question on Ask Coach Parry comes from Henrico Slotto:Hi coach, a little advice please.  I started running in late March last year and didn’t have any coaching or advice I just ran until a friend of mine who is a runner started giving me tips. In the end I ran too fast and ended with very sore knees and it is still a problem.  My left knee is the most painful and I took a month break before I started running again last month but my left knee is still acting up as if it wants to lock but brisk walks do me no harm at all. How can I remedy this situation? Read More · Training Programs

  • Is it possible to do an Ironman Triathlon and Comrades in the same year?

    14/04/2014 Duration: 03min

    TalkFEED — Today’s question most definitely comes from a South African. We are a week post Ironman South Africa and one of our listeners want to know is it possible to do an Ironman and the Comrades Marathon in the same year? Read More · Training Programs

  • How do I improve my running cruising pace? Ask Coach Parry 20

    11/04/2014 Duration: 04min

    TalkFEED — Today’s question comes from Warren Kidgell:My training is going pretty well so far, but there is a long way to go. One thing I’m grappling with is the idea around how to improve cruising pace for the Comrades Marathon. A key session you have in your schedule is the 8km TT. To me I consider this to be a threshold run, so run at about 15km race pace, barring a complete blow out once a month where you give it your best. What are your thoughts around replacing this with a longer tempo to marathon pace type session? Something like 16km at MP? I find this a great session and although the pace is somewhat slower (I’ll run threshold at 3:35/km and MP at circa 3:50/km), I find that it is a great session for marathon training. Which session is better geared towards Comrades prep in your opinion? My thinking is to do the longer session more often but still throw in the 8km once a month or so. Read More · Training Programs

  • I have a knee niggle, how do I know whether it is ITB or not? What is ITB?

    10/04/2014 Duration: 06min

    TalkFEED — Today’s question is from Nisha PadayacheeHi Coach, I am a bit worried. I qualified for Comrades in early January and eased back into running. Over past 2 weeks, I have a knee niggle that is making an appearance at every run. The current issue is pain on the left side of left knee and I fear it might be ITBS. I have enlisted help of a sports physiotherapist and will see her come Monday. I’ve always been an injury-free runner and hope this is not as serious as I fear. Is a confirmed ITBS injury a death sentence to my Comrades dream? Read More · Training Programs

  • How many marathons and ultra-marathons should you run before Comrades?

    09/04/2014 Duration: 03min

    TalkFEED — Today’s question comes from Michelle DonneHi Lindsey, in your opinion how many marathons and/or ultras should one fit in between Jan and Comrades? We are bronze medal and Vic Clapham finishers. Our first one will be run on Sunday 23rd Feb. How many weeks before the Comrades Marathon should our last “long” run be? And how far would you say that long should be? Read More · Free Training Programs

  • I am struggling with low energy levels, is there supplements to improve them?

    08/04/2014 Duration: 05min

    TalkFEED — Today’s Question comes from Lorraine Taylor-Mawisa:Hi Coach, my energy levels are starting to dip, is there anything you can recommend I supplement with in addition to my meals? Read more · Training Programs

  • Will I be disqualified from Comrades if I run with an MP3 player?

    07/04/2014 Duration: 05min

    TalkFEED — Today’s question comes from Keiran Aytoun:Will the Comraded Marathon marshals and race officials disqualify back runners if they use mp3 players? Music is my psychological visualisation. Read More · Training Programs

  • How much mileage should you have on a pair of running shoes?

    04/04/2014 Duration: 06min

    TalkFEED — Today’s question comes from Riaan Loretz:How much mileage should one put on a new pair of running shoes before you use them for a ultra-marathon like comrades and how do you avoid blisters? Read More · Free Training Programs

  • What strength training can I do if I am running a net downhill marathon?

    03/04/2014 Duration: 04min

    TalkFEED — Today’s question comes from David Morrison:Hi Lindsey, I am the rookie on the block, and I get the message, strength training in a gym, rather than that extra run you talk about.Can you direct me to a training plan, or the exercises you recommend for Strength, specifically for the down run. Read More · Free Training Programs

  • What sort of intensities and speeds should I run my different runs at?

    02/04/2014 Duration: 06min

    TalkFEED — Today’s question comes from Pitso Vundla:Hi Coach. Does it make any difference if i run slow or just run my normal speed in training? Read More · Free Training Programs

  • I have sore Achilles tendon region from running.What is its cause and treatment?

    01/04/2014 Duration: 05min

    TalkFEED — Today’s question is from Brad:I am currently training for the Comrades Marathon. I ran 15km on Saturday, totally pain free and then ran 10km on Sunday. The last two kilometres of my run on Sunday my Achilles tendon region felt a bit tender. After I had cooled down following my run I could hardly walk I was in so much pain. What have I done to my Achilles and how long am I going to be out of action? Read More · Free Training Programs

  • Are there other products than gels that have a high concentration of carb?

    31/03/2014 Duration: 10min

    TalkFEED — Today’s question comes from Francois:I previously asked you about fuelling after running low at Johnsons Crane marathon. So lets say I plan to take in 60g of carbs an hour during runs. This would mean that each hour I would need about 1 Gu (25g) and 500ml Energade (39g). So during a 4 hour marathon I would require 4 energades and 4 Gu’s and if I were to run a 10hr comrades then obviously 10 energades and 10 Gu’s. I am not sure if I can comfortably consume this much fluid and perhaps water additionally. I know that it is beneficial to take in carbs in fluid form, but would you suggest other products that are perhaps more carb concentrated? Thanks, Francois Read More · Free Training Programs

  • How many half marathons and marathons should you run before attempting an ultra?

    28/03/2014 Duration: 03min

    TalkFEED — Today’s question comes from Jeanne-Marie Globler:In an ideal world, how many 21km and 42km races will be enough to prepare you for a comrades marathon? For example, would you suggest 3-4 21km before moving to a 42 and then 3-4 42 before doing at least an ultra and then the comrades or what figures do you suggest? Read More · Free Training Programs

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