Tribe Byron Bay

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 60:24:53
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Tribe Byron Bay is a community of passionate lovers of Jesus.We have intentionally built a community based on all that Christ taught His disciples to do.Our passion is to live in His presence and walk in His love.


  • Episode 119: Ken Fish - Kingdom Series - Prophecy as a tool of awakening - 13 August 2022

    26/08/2022 Duration: 47min

    Our next talk in the Kingdom Series, comes from the Saturday morning of our great weekend with Ken Fish!Ken is a powerful American revivalist with over 40 years of ministry under his belt, of traveling the globe preaching, teaching and doing the work of the Kingdom!This weekend marked his 100th trip to Australia and we were SO thrilled to celebrate this milestone with him, and privileged to receive his equipping to our community! In this message Ken refocus' us to the power and importance of the prophetic, in catalysing revival. Stating that each move of God was preceded with an extortionary prophetic word or sign! These were steeped in anointing and backed by not only scripture, but multiple signs and markers .Referring to many of the messianic prophecies, then the angelic encounters Joseph experienced, Ken uses the lead up to Jesus' birth to unpack this process. Ken also uses a prophetic word he received during the worship time, 'prophecy is designed to extrude us'! He goes on to show how this extrusion pro

  • Episode 118: Rosie Moulton - Kingdom Series - Honour & it's reward - 7 August 2022

    23/08/2022 Duration: 39min

    In this next instalment of our Kingdom Series, Rosie looks at the kingdom principle of honour. Rosie unpacks the connection between honour and authority in the kingdom and the importance of understanding and walking in honour both towards each other in the church and towards those in positions of authority in our wider world. In chapter 10 of the gospel of Matthew, Jesus tells his disciples that there is a reward attached to the kingdom principle of honour. Jesus sends them out to minister with authority in his name and tells them that, anyone who receives them also receives him, and anyone who receives him receives the one (Father) who sent Him. In the next sentence Jesus then goes on to tell them, “anyone who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet will receive a prophet’s reward; and anyone who receives a righteous person in the name of a righteous person will receive a righteous person’s reward”. Then finally, whoever receives any of his disciple and gives, “these little ones even a cup of cold water

  • Episode 118: Phil Mason - Kingdom series - The Kingdom of God Part 3 - 31 July 2022

    23/08/2022 Duration: 53min

    In part 3 of this series, Phil Mason introduces what he calls the Seven Pillars of Kingdom Ministry. Based upon Luke 4:18, the seven unique expressions of Jesus’ kingdom ministry outline the scope of all that God has on the menu for each of us as we posture our hearts to receive everything He came to earth to release. The Seven Pillars also outline the kingdom ministry to which Jesus calls us as we join Him in advancing the kingdom. Let this message spark in you a kingdom revolution as you become activated in kingdom ministry. 

  • Episode 117: Phil Mason - Kingdom series - The Kingdom of God Part 2 - 24 July 2022

    31/07/2022 Duration: 35min

    In Part Two of Phil’s series on the Kingdom of God he explores the nature of the coming of the kingdom. God’s kingdom is revealed in three dimensions. As we explore the ministry of Jesus, we discover that He ministered in sign, word and deed. The sign dimension unveils the power of God. The word dimension unveils the revelation of God, and the deed dimension unveils the love of God. Kingdom ministry is 3 dimensional. It is the outpouring of revelation, power and love, sometimes singularly as when Jesus was teaching or when He was healing the sick but sometimes, He would minister three streams simultaneously. Once we establish that the kingdom is poured out in 3-D we can position ourselves to receive each of these three streams. This is how we receive the kingdom as little children. Jesus said, “Let the children come to Me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” (Matthew 19:14 NLT)

  • Episode 116: Phil Mason - Kingdom series - The Kingdom Message - 10 July 2022

    14/07/2022 Duration: 40min

    We are beginning a new series on the Kingdom of God. Phil is passionate about kingdom theology and in this message he gives an introduction to Jesus’ teaching on the kingdom. The kingdom message was always front and centre for Jesus. He proclaimed the presence of the kingdom and He demonstrated the power of the kingdom.  God wants the kingdom to be front and centre in the life of every believer. That is why Jesus commanded us to “seek first the kingdom of God.” Join us on this journey as we explore the kingdom theme and the way the kingdom message is intended to define the church.

  • Episode 115: Chris Miller - Vision: God’s prophetic ministry to the imaginations of our heart - 3 July 2022

    08/07/2022 Duration: 48min

    Does God minister to the imaginations of our hearts? Yes! In this podcast, Christopher takes us through some of the many biblical accounts of God ministering to our hearts and the visions we hold there. God’s prophetic ministry to our imagination is a ministry to our hearts. It’s a combination of firstly exposing what’s in the heart, limiting our vision, and encouraging us to let go of those imaginations. Secondly, energising us towards receiving God’s ways and God’s vision in the imaginations of our hearts. For us to engage in this ministry our hearts need to soften before God. This is done through persevering in our faith, abiding in God’s loving presence and beholding God’s Word. Allowing His Word to paint pictures in our hearts of what it looks like to live in full agreement with what His Word promises.  God is wanting to build up our awareness of imagination and how it connects to our hope, faith and the realisation of God’s promises. It’s time for the church to not shrink back but instead boldly and cre

  • Episode 114: Rosie Moulton - Vision: Vision and the battle over perspective Part 2 - 19 June 2022

    28/06/2022 Duration: 48min

    Our Perspective matters as it affects everything in our lives. In part one we talked about the battle that rages over our perspective. In this second instalment Rosie unpacks the power of having the perspective of the Father and what our perspective as adopted children of God is called to look like.   The Father is calling for us to live from the Truth of who we are as his children, to throw off and turn from all other perspectives.

  • Episode 113: Maria Mason - Vision: A Vision for Godly Friendships Part 2 - 19 June 2022

    25/06/2022 Duration: 37min

    In Part 2 of this message, we touch again on the uniqueness of Godly relationships. The key feature of Christ centred friendships is the cross. We must have the cross in our relationships if we are to live in the Spirit with one another. The cross is described as a sword in Matthew 10:33 dividing the soul and the spirit deep within our hearts. Our tendency is to be “soulish” to get our needs met by being one with everyone and not having to stand up in our convictions or values. The way of the Spirit is to teach us to stand up in our connections by being powerful to our own values. Sin will ultimately destroy us or our friendships if we don’t keep the door shut and live in the Spirit together – learning the way of deepening love.One of the most outstanding ways God has provided for us to go deeper in our friendships is to pray together. There is a unique “glue” that bonds us when we pray. Meals and lots of sharing is also obviously a way to deepen our connections, but the greatest way to deepen Christian conne

  • Episode 112: Phil Mason - Vision: The Day of Pentecost - 5 June 2022

    11/06/2022 Duration: 54min

    Pentecost was a massive corporate God encounter. It was an unforgettable, life-changing experience for those who were there. Encounter is the best remedy to the snare of dead religion. We lapse into religion when we are not encountering God. One of the great lessons of the Day of Pentecost is that God desires to pour His Spirit out upon us again and again and to keep our experience of Him fresh and vital. Paul warned us against “Having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.” (2 Timothy 3:5 NIV) Another translation is: “They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Stay away from people like that!” (NLT) The Day of Pentecost teaches us that God desires to bring people into corporate encounters. We ought to expect a fresh Pentecost every time we come together as the New Testament people of God. We hope you enjoy Phil’s message delivered on Pentecost Sunday.

  • Episode 111: Rosie Moulton - Vision: Vision and the battle over perspective Part 1 - 22 May 2022

    27/05/2022 Duration: 47min

    Our perspective affects everything in our lives. There has been a battle raging over perspective from as far back as the garden. The serpent came to Eve, challenged her point of view on who God is and told her, that if she ate the forbidden fruit, she would get to see in a new way. Our perspective is framed up by our proximity to what we are looking at and the angle from which we are positioned. As we draw close to God and his presence, we are able to gain his perspective and see and feel his heart and intention towards us and the world around us. Gaining God’s perspective is a foundational part of our faith journey and builds hope and resilience into our hearts. 

  • Episode 110: Phil & Maria Mason - Vision: A Vision to be deeply grounded in the word - 15 May 2022

    24/05/2022 Duration: 38min

    Today we dive into a conversation about how rich the Word of God is in growing in a grounded life. Further to that if we want to be deeply grounded in faith, we must dwell in the Word of God deeply. Currently, there is a growing culture of deconstructionism in our Christian world. This culture is deconstructing the church, the Word of God and ultimately your connection to Him in a personal Way. Many have lost their faith because they deconstructed so much -there is nothing left to believe in! This is tragic. Our faith rests on His character as revealed in His Word. It’s vital for your own spiritual survival as a believer that you are filled with a deep reverence for the Word of God.Our message today covers four key points: 1. How to build a relationship with the Word. 1 John 1:1 2.Fellowship is connection. You have to fellowship in the Word with God and others to grow strong.3.A life of love of the Word grows. We fall in love with His Word as we abide in it. Colossians 3:164.A lifestyle or disciplined life in

  • Episode 110: Chris McRae - Vision Series: A Vision for the Faithfulness of Jesus - 8 May 2022

    24/05/2022 Duration: 35min

    Ever feel weary? Or do you feel like giving up? In this message our dear friend and visiting minister, Chris McRae, unpacks some great wisdom and practical encouragement from the book of Hebrews from chapter 12: 1- 3. “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” Chris looks at four unique portraits of Jesus Christ from this text that give us a clear picture of who He is in the midst of every opposition: Jesus as finisherJesus as race leader(pioneer) Jesus enduring the cross Jesus with the prize at the end of the ageBe encouraged to see Christ the overcomer in you

  • Episode 109: Maria Mason - Vision: A Vision for Godly Friendships Part 1 - 1 May 2022

    04/05/2022 Duration: 36min

    Today’s message is a simple encouragement to have a Godly vision for your friendships. We all need great friendships! Friends love and support us and are there for us in hard times. In Christ however, our friends are those who fight for us to fulfil our calling or destiny. They confront us and say, “come on!” or “grow up” or “you’re doing awesome, or you’ve got this!” We all need fun and we need support and all the lovely things that are a by-product of our close connections, but we need comrades who fight for us to be over-comers in the love tests and spiritual battles that are presenting. The downside of friendship can be that we lose our fire when others around us are in hard times. Beloved, we cannot be passive in how we approach this area as our friends are also our influencers. They help us discern, they affect us, and they leave a deposit in our lives. Having a vision for spiritual connection versus the soul realm, is the key for Kingdom people. Watch out for those who are only about their needs or the

  • Episode 108: Phil Mason - Vision: The Apostolic Project - 24 April 2022

    25/04/2022 Duration: 55min

    God has a dream! His desire is to see apostolic communities emerging all across the globe, filled with on fire radical disciples who join Jesus in His passionate vision to expand His kingdom across the nations. This is central to the prayer of Jesus in John 17. That the world may know and that the world may believe that the Father has sent His Son! This is the “apostolic project” and it hinges upon the establishment of five fold communities arising through the restoration of the five fold ministry. The flourishing of local churches as cities set upon a hill, are central to the fulfillment of God’s dream and He doesn’t have a Plan B. Join Phil in this compelling podcast as he continues the theme of vision in 2022. 

  • Episode 107: Rosie Moulton - Vision: Living Hope - 17 April 2022

    17/04/2022 Duration: 34min

    Easter is a time when we as followers of Christ, are once more reminded that God’s ways are not our ways. On the first Easter Sunday Jesus disciples woke up full of grief, thinking and believing that everything they had hoped for in Jesus, their promised messiah, was now lying dead in a tomb. Fortunately for all of us this was not the end of the story. Jesus had risen and he revealed himself to many women and men that day including two disciples as they walked the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus. As they walked Jesus came along side them and set their hearts ablaze as he spoke to them and revealed himself to them in the scriptures. He then he broke bread with them and opened their eyes to the reality that he was indeed alive and risen from the dead. Jesus comes to us in the same way today and walks along side us, in the midst of life and circumstances that we may not fully understand. Out of his great love for us and kindness towards us, he meets with us, reveals himself to us and fills us with his living hope.

  • Episode 106: Maria Mason - Vision: A Vision for the Resurrected Life - 10 April 2022

    14/04/2022 Duration: 33min

    The Gospel is the power of God for salvation, and the preaching of the cross is the way into our God given free gift of resurrected life. Our vision must be framed up by this extraordinary reality. We died with Him and are raised with Him anew. As we surrender our lives and pass through the cross, we move from death to life. Jesus had to prepare for many years to go to the cross for us to be made free. He was the sinless one, but he had to learn how to obey the Father. He had to see the joy set before Him and cast out any tendency to go to the “victim mindset” even when falsely accused and rejected. If we want to live in the fullness of the gospel reality, we have to cast out the tendency we all have to be victims instead of trusting God in the process. The Lord has great things for us, and He is pouring out His Spirit in these days to get us ready for even more. Let's keep our eyes on the cross, and although it is offensive to the mind, renew your mind to believe and know that the cross is the power of God f

  • Episode 105: Phil Mason - Vision: A Vision for finding God in the Storm - 3 April 2022

    14/04/2022 Duration: 33min

    Life is full of storms! Relational storms, emotional storms, health storms, actual storms, floods, pandemics, earthquakes, wars, fires, tsunamis etc. And there seems to have been a lot of them lately! Our highest priority in the midst of the storms of life is to find God in the storm. David could endure the valley of the shadow of death because he found God in the storm and discovered that God was with him. We know we are finding God in the midst of life’s storms when we experience the comfort of heaven no matter how intense the storm gets. God is present to comfort us in every trial and tribulation but His comfort is found in the context of hearing His intimate voice. As the storms increase with the threat of far worse storms on the horizon, now is the time to build a deep connection with our Father and to access the unlimited comfort He desires to pour out upon us. Join Phil in this journey of finding God in the storm

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