Awakened Radio With Donna Devane

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 0:55:27
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Awakened Radio is all about answers. We live real lives & want real solutions. No fluff n puff here, no tickling of the ears. What's it all mean? Ever ask yourself that when watching the news? How did we get here as a nation, a people? The answers just might surprise you as may the solution to the problem. Humanity is awakening to awareness that we are more than we've thought so far. As we awaken we need a bit of guidance. Awakened Radio is interested in answers, solutions for empowered living on a variety of topics that matter to you & your family. Visit the 24/7 always on stream at the stations website Chat room is always open on the website.


  • Fear In Your Life


    Are you aware just how much fear controls you? These days you can't be online without being called a name or censored in some way. How can we move past the fear so that we can live life to the fullest? Listen to Donna DeVane Speak Out on this topic. For more information about Donna visit

  • Abortions Wars Distractions


    Donna DeVane discusses how we are all being manipulated through fear & anger and how it keeps us from asking bigger questions. Why? Why are these the only things in the news? What's going on behind the scenes? How does it affect us? Can we do anything about world events? How does healing our emotions play into all of this? Visit my website at for blog and other information.

  • Forced Vaccines? How Far Into CRAZY are we going?


    Donna DeVane talks about some of the headlines & suggests that the present insanity will only increase unless we take a stand. It's time for each of us to stop letting ourselves be manipulated by our emotions. Fear, anxiety & stress are bad for your health, your family, your relationships and for our world. Visit for more information on Donna.

  • Does it Even Matter?


    Have we gone to far to turn things around? What is the answer to the problems in the world today? How are you affected? Do you care? Should you care? These and other questions discussed today by Donna DeVane. Visit

  • Living in Strange Times

    24/02/2019 Duration: 55min

    It's an upside down inside out world today. How do we cope? Let's discuss not only what's going on around us but how to navigate our way through it so we are joy filled, successful and healthy. Visit for more information about Donna and her work.

  • A little figurine of hate. What have we become America?


    If you are looking for something to offend you .. this video just might do that. I discuss some of the utter insanity making headline news today. Let's talk about those things that we are supposed to keep silent about. Visit for more information.

  • Abortion Women's rights Illegals Oh My Distractions!


    While we are all arguing among ourselves the anger and fear does the work it was meant to. We don't look past these click bait headlines of propaganda and misinformation to see what's really going on. We don't ask the hard questions and come together for real solutions. Today I just might offend & trigger everyone. Watch & see!

  • I Want You To Get REALLY Offended by this


    People don't like you, they don't agree with you. That's NOT racism. If you want something to be offended by check out this video. I give you plenty of things that should offend you enough to get off your behind and speak out. Stop being played for a fool with the divide & conquer crap everywhere, open your eyes to what's going on. Food isn't food, medicine isn't medicine, the law doesn't protect you, big business is destroying our planet & we just keep calling one another names and feel empowered in our own ignorance.

  • Your Life Is In Your Hands Take Responsibility


    It's time to stop the blame game & get real. It's not the fault of others that you feel bad and aren't the success you say you want to be. Pull yourself together & be honest. Who are you saying you are? What are you blaming, who do you blame? You can live a different way if you put your heart and mind into it. You have more power than you've been led to believe you do, take it and create your life your way. Visit

  • Time to #SelfCensor ? Is it? Don't say it, don't even think it!


    Is censorship the new norm? Are we being taught to just sit down, shut up & not make waves? How soon before we even stop thinking? Alex Jones is just the start of what we are dealing with. We are not supposed to think outside what we are told to think. visit my website for more

  • LGBT Courses in School, Parents Banned from Seeing


    School lessons Parents Banned from Seeing what's being Taught LGBT taught in schools, Parents banned from seeing material. Why? What do you think? Let's talk about it. What's going on in this country where parents have no rights, no say so over the material taught to their children? I understand the LGBT community have rights & I fully support that. I also support parents having the power to determine what outside subjects are taught and how they are being taught. Everything is upside down and inside out today & we must stop playing the game of just how crazy can it get, because I have a feeling it can & will get much crazier if we don't stop fighting among ourselves, move out of the fear propaganda and learn to work together. Look for my books on Amazon, ITunes & Audible Thank you for watching. I'd love to hear what you think about this topic. Peace

  • You ARE Being Targeted by FEAR Propaganda


    You really are a targeted individual and probably not even aware of it. You go through your day reacting with fear and anger to social media, news, talk from family & friends never realizing that you are just a reactionary, not thinking but just jumping through the hoops of reptilian brain function. We must awakened & come out from the agenda in order to be free. visit

  • Immigration & The Poor Children How do YOU Feel?


    I'm not trying to be politically correct with this broadcast. I want to talk about the emotions & the ever changing facts around immigration in America. Join in for a challenging conversation. visit for more broadcasts, chat & other information.

  • Fear & Hate Tangle Dangle


    Donna DeVane covers topics of concern to all of us.. fear, hate, war & what we can do about it. How do we make a difference? Visit

  • Censorship is HERE Now!


    Censorship is not a good thing. I know, I know, there are people saying things you don't agree with and you don't like. You may even wish they would stop saying them, BUT the problem with shutting people down is eventually it gets around to shutting YOU down! I read recently about an 80 something year old woman in Germany who has been sentenced to two years in jail because she wrote an article on a right wing outlet denying the holocaust. Personally I don't get how anyone can deny it happened, BUT they have a right to believe that. I don't understand racism or religious folks trying to force others to believe as they do. I don't agree with a lot of things people believe and say, BUT I do support their right to believe that way and to speak openly. After years of being on YouTube and over a thousand videos uploaded, I have been suspended! ME! For what? I couldn't get anyone to tell me exactly what I'd done that violated the terms of service, just that I had done so. I don't cuss or name call people, don't

  • Is it the End of the World? WW3 ? Syria Russia USA War?


    It just might be the end of the world as we know it. Unless we wake up to the propaganda and realize we are all being played off against one another, learn to work together and make positive changes.. our world as we know it just might be lost. Trump is a Swamp Monster! Don't get all offended and start calling me names. Look at the facts. THINK!!! Visit

  • War Political Correctness Power or Victimization Your Choice


    In today's insane world of reaction and being offended, it's important for us to hear some hard truths. The #MeToo and #BLM groups are playing you. Media is playing you. Religion & politics are playing you, programming you to react.. not think. Divide and conquer is the rule of those in "power" and we keep going along with the game. How do we change things? How do we make things better? Can we bomb our way out of this mess? Will self censorship save us all? Listen in and see what "The Barefoot Guru" has to say. WARNING!! you might get triggered by this video LOL To show support for this channel use the PayPal link at to use the Donate Button. I really appreciate your support.

  • Guilt By Accusation OR Question Everything Believe NOTHING!


    We are being led like sheep to the slaughter and we are all arguing on the best way to be killed! Seriously, we have bought into the madness of believing, taking the word for it, no matter if there is no evidence. What is behind this push to get us all to just believe? It started big time with the #MeToo movement where we were shamed if we didn't just believe. Now we are being led into a place where if a government says Putin did it, we are just to accept it. I remember being told that "they" had WMD, weapons of mass destruction.. and look where it's led us. Now even our videos will soon be deleted or "corrected" if we are not in agreement with the "official story"! We MUST stand up together and stop this insanity. Stop buying this bill of goods that is leading us into a culture of conformity and loss of freedom. Should we just all agree with the official story of everything? Will we support our own loss of freedom & censorship? Visit

  • Prescription for Murder! Big Pharma's Role in Mass Shootings


    Pushing for new and stricter Gun Laws is the easy answer with no teeth! Laws DO NOT keep people from doing bad things. I hear a lot of fussing about how guns are the problem, but few are discussing what's really going on. Big Pharma's role in these murders is being ignored. Why? Could it be the money and power they have over government and media? When the side affects of the pills cause the very things that are happening, wouldn't it make sense to look into the drug pushers? Visit for more information and stats on this topic. Read the full article

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