Awakened Radio With Donna Devane



Awakened Radio is all about answers. We live real lives & want real solutions. No fluff n puff here, no tickling of the ears. What's it all mean? Ever ask yourself that when watching the news? How did we get here as a nation, a people? The answers just might surprise you as may the solution to the problem. Humanity is awakening to awareness that we are more than we've thought so far. As we awaken we need a bit of guidance. Awakened Radio is interested in answers, solutions for empowered living on a variety of topics that matter to you & your family. Visit the 24/7 always on stream at the stations website Chat room is always open on the website.


  • America we have a problem! Mass School Shooting Other Insanity


    Mass shootings, #MeToo #BLM accusations, finger pointing, safe spaces, getting triggered, being offended. These seem to be the new fad in America. What has happened to the Nation of Mavericks who took on problems head on, worked together, and solved our problems? Our college children can not even listen to an idea that is in conflict with what they believe. People are flipping our over flags and monuments. Blacks need "safe spaces" away from whites, but if whites want a white only space they are racists and part of the "white supremacy" group! We have a mess of division here folks, and it's on purpose. We are not talking about wars, taxes, health care.. rather we are demanding a multi billion wall and more laws to protect us from the bogey man who is everywhere & every one. For goodness sakes we don't even know what gender we are anymore. The insanity has afflicted most of the population and seems to be increasing in intensity. What can we do? What will we do? Will more laws save us? We already have laws



    I was listening to the Richie Allen show about The Presidents Club and how women are whining and playing victim, once again, due to a situation they placed themselves in. Let's lay this out. Young women are invited to work a fundraiser with only rich men. They are told to dress in a provocative manner, even down to the type of underwear they are to put on. They are also told to have a drink to get in the mood. If this was told to me when seeing about a job I would get it.. You are being hired not as a "hostess" but as a call girl, a prostitute. I know some will get their panties in a tangle over this and that's ok with me. I will not practice political correctness in the overwhelming contagion of insanity that seems to have infected so many women in the US and UK. We need some straight talk on these issues. One.. Women.. GROW UP! Take some responsibility for your own life and choices. Think things through. If you are invited to play with a group on men and told to dress like high class whores expect th

  • Minimum Wage Hating the Working in America


    Want to Support the channel? Use Donate Button on the banner top of channel page! or Thank you. Why is there so much push back on raising the minimum wage here in America? A lot of this comes from those poor folks who don't want to pay more for a fast food meal.. It's time we stop the insanity & learn to work together to make life better for all of us. As long as corporations are the only ones who are supposed to make money the rest of us will struggle. Counter Propaganda with Donna DeVane, Making Sense of Headline News Author, radio host, teacher Donna DeVane takes on the insanity of today's news and gets to the truth. You can't believe most of what is on the media today, even many â??alternativeâ?? media sources have become cheer leaders for this current administration. While I don't support any political party, I do have a dog in this fight.. Us, the people of the world. Together we can lay aside our fear and stop the infig

  • 2017 The Year the World Went Insane


    Donna DeVane does a year recap of the insanity we've witnessed this past year & offers a few ideas on changing things for our own personal life and the world in general. Do you KNOW Who You Are? Are you boxed in by beliefs? Listen to discover a new aspect of yourself.

  • Offended By The Offended & other Foolishness


    We are ALL being brainwashed into division. The entrainment is working.. we are being guided into beliefs and actions that don't benefit us, rather they only benefit those at the top of the food chain. We are being led to feeling offended, slighted, victim hood and we are for the most part unaware. Listen as Donna DeVane weighs in on these issues, challenges a few beliefs and ruffles a few feathers.

  • Are accusations equal to guilt in America?


    Have we reached the low point in this country where just accusing someone of sexual harassment means we should believe them even when no evidence is offered? How far will this go? Will we move away from a Nation of Law to a Witch Hunt society? Listen to Southern Belle Donna DeVane talk & rant a bit on these latest accusations.

  • Texas Church Shooting Guns Knives Cars Bombs Don't Kill People do


    Texas Church Shooting Guns Knives Cars Bombs Don't Kill People do! What's going on? Why are people so angry and afraid? We need to get to the heart of the matter.

  • Something's Fishy In America We are all being played against one another


    Something's Fishy In America We are all being played against one another! It must stop. If we continue on this way we will end in a place that will not be good for any of us. We are all being brainwashed, programmed, turned against one another. We no longer demand facts or proof.. we just react emotionally to what we are told. Our minds and emotions are not being controlled by us but by media, government & groups of people who don't care one wit for us. We MUST awaken from our slumber & face this nightmare head on while there is still time to move in another direction. Listen at

  • Awakened Living for an Awakened Life


    Author, teacher, Donna DeVane shares her new insights about how to Change The World by Changing YOUR World & new projects.

  • You are being programmed all day every day


    You are constantly being programmed by tv, radio, social networks, friends, family. Society is running on these programs that are so automatic that even though we want a different life, a different world, we can not get past the inner programs. Author Donna DeVane, The Barefoot Guru discusses the power of these programs, how they limit our lives and how to move out of them into a new role that better suits you. Get your Happy on! Discover the power within you to create with happiness! Http:// Discover YOUR power to heal & experience Abundance! New self healing online course. It's all about life. Your life, your dreams, your beliefs. Change is a bit unsettling.. BUT without the unsettling part nothing is ever different. If you want to be happy, have new relationships, get a better job, something that already is has to be released in order for you to experience anything different. Donna DeVane, The Barefoot Guru discusses easy ways to transition throug

  • Your Beliefs Are The Problem Get Outside Your Comfort Zone to Grow


    If you stay where you are comfortable you will only re-experience the same old life over and over again. Move outside the belief system where it's a bit spooky and learn to spread your wings to fly. Beliefs are programs, put in place by society to keep us conforming. BE a Non-conformist and live life as an exciting journey. Want to Support the channel? Use Donate Button on the banner top of channel page! Thank you. Get your Happy on! Discover the power within you to create with happiness! Http:// Discover YOUR power to heal & experience Abundance! New self healing online course. It's all about life. Your life, your dreams, your beliefs. Change is a bit unsettling.. BUT without the unsettling part nothing is ever different. If you want to be happy, have new relationships, get a better job, something that already is has to be released in order for you to experience anything different. Donna DeVane, The Barefoot Guru discusses easy ways to transitio

  • TSA Rights Freedoms We Need to Stand Together


    Author, teacher, Donna DeVane shares on the infringement of our rights and freedoms with ideas on how we can come together and take our power back to live a free & successful life. It's important that we unite! visit

  • Who Benefits from Wars, Fear, Politics, Religion? Order out of Chaos


    Support my work by making a donation here on YouTube or at Who Benefits from Wars, Fear, Politics, Religion? Order out of Chaos! How brain washed and brain trained are you? Do you just go along to get along or risk it to think outside the box? Fear keeps most conforming and not asking the big questions about who benefits. Why is the United States bombing and droning in so many places? Why does Trump need to build up our military? Who will we bomb next? Do corporations and neocons run the country? The World? Do we need to change our minds about how things work and stop going along with what we've all been trained since childhood to think, believe and do? It's time for humanity to rise up and throw away the chains of mind slavery that keeps the rich and powerful in office and in control. Let's go into the silence and heal ourselves so that we can be the solution. We can.. but will we? Will civilization come to ruin if we don't wake up in time? The clock is ticking! Get

  • Grow Up Take Responsibilty STOP Whoring Ourselves Evolve Already


    Grow Up Take Responsibility STOP Whoring Ourselves Evolve Already! "The Donna" talks about how humanity has played "whore" to the "elite" long enough. Stop debasing ourselves and grow up already before yet another civilization bites the dust. Will America go the way of Rome? Pedophiles are coming out from under their rocks, assuming that humanity is numbed enough by war, drugs and fear to not pay attention or take action. Trump is the result of our demand for Change, yet is it the change we really wanted or the result of not being willing to make personal changes which would result in a different world? Is World War 3 on the way? Will Israel bomb itself and blame Iran to get the US, Russia, China and the world involved? Why isn't Saudi Arabia on "the List"? Will women be the ones to bring about healing on our planet or are they too caught up in the "nasty game" to awaken and bring up into awareness as consciousness? I'd love to hear your thoughts on these topics and if you have ideas for further videos

  • Where is MY White Privilege Plus Illegals Trump Agenda Riots in America


    Where is MY White Privilege Plus Illegals Trump Agenda Riots in America are the topics "TheDonna" take on today. I'm tired of hearing about my white privilege, I want to know where it is? When will the blame game be seen for what it is, a way to keep us divided so we don't work together to bring about real change in our nation? Immigrants are staying home from work, businesses shutting down to protest President Donald Trumps ban on ILLEGAL Immigrants. What are the legal immigrants afraid of? If you haven't broken the law, then you will not be sent back. Things are crazy, I was accused of wearing a white hood in private by a black person on Facebook! What is going on America? Are we going to come apart at the seems, riot and destroy our country or realize we are being played and come together for real change? The choice is up to us Get your Happy on! Discover the power within you to create with happiness! Http:// Discover YOUR power to heal & experience Abundance! New self healin

  • Muslims National Security Trump Russia American Freedom & Common Sense


    Muslims National Security Trump Russia American Freedom & Common Sense! Whatever can we do? Does Trump have special relationships with Russia? With Putin? Does our National Security have more leaks that a colander? What are Americans supposed to think about all the craziness going on today? Is it all fake news, just pure supposition and propaganda intended to keep us angry and confused? Perhaps there are a few insights into why this mess is happening.. AGAIN! Keep the public at odds and in fear with everyone about everything. Donna DeVane, TheDonna, speaks out on these firecracker issues. You may not agree, and that's ok. Leave your comments, like, subscribe and share! Get your Happy on! Discover the power within you to create with happiness! Http:// Discover YOUR power to heal & experience Abundance! New self healing online course. It's all about life. Your life, your dreams, your beliefs. Change is a bit unsettling.. BUT without the unsettli

  • Why Religion & Politics Don't Work Wise Women Rise Up Together


    Why Religion & Politics Don't Work Wise Women Rise Up Together and teach our young women how to be truly empowered. Abortion is NOT a birth control method. While I do support a woman's right to choose, I do ask that women take responsibility for their own actions. Also discussed on this video: Religious Rule is Never a good idea no matter which religion or country. Stop identifying as color, or sexual preference, or geographical local. We are All Divine Eternal Beings experiencing being Humans. It is time for humanity to stand for something, rather than being divided by being against everything. Get your Happy on! Discover the power within you to create with happiness! Http:// Discover YOUR power to heal & experience Abundance! New self healing online course. It's all about life. Your life, your dreams, your beliefs. Change is a bit unsettling.. BUT without the unsettling part nothing is ever different. If you want to be happy, have new relation

  • Do Americans really Believe in Rights & Freedom


    Do Americans really Believe in Rights & Freedom? Do we understand how being for something has more forward energy to create change than being against something does? Donna DeVane, the Barefoot Guru asks some important questions about what is going on with the Women March, protests, violence and politics/religious activities in the USA. Discover YOUR power to heal & experience Abundance! New self healing online course. It's all about life. Your life, your dreams, your beliefs. Change is a bit unsettling.. BUT without the unsettling part nothing is ever different. If you want to be happy, have new relationships, get a better job, something that already is has to be released in order for you to experience anything different. Donna DeVane, The Barefoot Guru discusses easy ways to transition through the changes in your life so you can live your dreams and enjoy prosperity. Donna DeVane, The Barefoot Guru, author of "A Journey Back To Self", "How To Thrive In A Survival Mindse

  • Trump Reflects American Fear Anger


    Trump is a mirror showing us how afraid we are. We don't really know what we fear, we are just reacting to all the "fake news" telling us that we are being threatened on all fronts. It doesn't make sense and it's not intended to. We are being further trained to live in fight or flight, to just react. This keeps us feeling and acting powerless. It doesn't have to be this way. Move away from the fake news media, take a few deep breaths and feel your way back to thinking outside the box of beliefs forced on you by others. We can heal our lives and our world.. but we've got to be willing to start with self first! Discover YOUR power to heal & experience Abundance! New self healing online course. It's all about life. Your life, your dreams, your beliefs. Change is a bit unsettling.. BUT without the unsettling part nothing is ever different. If you want to be happy, have new relationships, get a better job, something that already is has to be released in order for you to experie

  • How much happy can you handle? Discover the Power of Happiness


    How much happy can you handle? Discover the Power of Happiness! Happiness is the power that transforms every day struggles into experiences of pure joy and pleasure. Do you know how you create? Are you conscious or unconscious in your creating? You create all day long, you just don't understand how you are doing it or how to do it to get the result you actually want to live. Discover YOUR Power Discover YOUR power to heal & experience Abundance! New self healing online course. It's all about life. Your life, your dreams, your beliefs. Change is a bit unsettling.. BUT without the unsettling part nothing is ever different. If you want to be happy, have new relationships, get a better job, something that already is has to be released in order for you to experience anything different. Donna DeVane, The Barefoot Guru discusses easy ways to transition through the changes in your life so you can live your dreams and enjoy prosperity. Donna DeVan

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