Dr. Carolyn Dean Live

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Meet award-winning doctor, naturopath and best-selling author of Death by Modern Medicine and The Magnesium Miracle Carolyn Dean MD ND. Hear a wealth of information designed to empower listeners and callers to pierce the veil of traditional (allopathic) medicine and discover how to improve health, vitality, and emotional well-being through natures perfect nutrients and picometer mineral supplementation. Enjoy weekly featured segments including: a review of news from around the health world, Dr. Deans Mail Bag, and a variety of guests and call-in listeners who share experiences of their quest for optimal physical, mental, and emotional health. Co-hosted by life coach Ginney Gunther, Dr. Carolyn Dean Live fills your prescription for inspiration, information and success in achieving the next level of health, vitality and wellness!


  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Success is unlikely in any health or fitness regime that doesn’t address all sides of the equation – body, mind and emotion. Additionally, programs that lack individualized, personal support aren’t likely to produce sustainable results. This is what is so great about the work of Dr. Carolyn Dean which culminates in the Completement Formulas. While it’s true that Dr. Dean has devoted a portion of her attention to identifying and educating the public about the appalling record of mainstream medicine, she has spent an even more significant portion of her career developing a way to help the people who are alone in the trenches, bruised and diseased from years of misinformation and misdiagnosis to recover and develop perfect health. In tonight’s show, Dr. Dean talks about her Seven Pillars of Health, why she makes herself available for personal support to all our customers, why the Complement Now program is a two year program, and why you can begin, sustain, and remain healthy using these practices and authentica

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Success is unlikely in any health or fitness regime that doesn’t address all sides of the equation – body, mind and emotion. Additionally, programs that lack individualized, personal support aren’t likely to produce sustainable results. This is what is so great about the work of Dr. Carolyn Dean which culminates in the Completement Formulas. While it’s true that Dr. Dean has devoted a portion of her attention to identifying and educating the public about the appalling record of mainstream medicine, she has spent an even more significant portion of her career developing a way to help the people who are alone in the trenches, bruised and diseased from years of misinformation and misdiagnosis to recover and develop perfect health. In tonight’s show, Dr. Dean talks about her Seven Pillars of Health, why she makes herself available for personal support to all our customers, why the Complement Now program is a two year program, and why you can begin, sustain, and remain healthy using these practices and authentica

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    There is all kinds of talk about the microbiome today. And, it’s true that optimizing your gut flora may be one of the most important things you can do for your health. Not only can optimizing your gut health help normalize your weight and ward off diabetes, it’s also a critical component for a well-functioning immune system, which is your primary defense against virtually all disease. The microbiome is one of the primary factors that drive your genetic expression, turning genes on and off depending on which microbes are present. A number of health conditions and chronic diseases have been linked to the makeup of your microbiome, including depression, obesity, type 1 and type 2 diabetes, Crohn’s disease, brain diseases, autism, and allergies. And, recent research also suggests your microbiome may determine your immune response to vaccines, and that wearing contact lenses alter your eyes’ microbiome making you more prone to eye infections. BUT – there is a missing culprit in the upset you may be experiencing i

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    There is all kinds of talk about the microbiome today. And, it’s true that optimizing your gut flora may be one of the most important things you can do for your health. Not only can optimizing your gut health help normalize your weight and ward off diabetes, it’s also a critical component for a well-functioning immune system, which is your primary defense against virtually all disease. The microbiome is one of the primary factors that drive your genetic expression, turning genes on and off depending on which microbes are present. A number of health conditions and chronic diseases have been linked to the makeup of your microbiome, including depression, obesity, type 1 and type 2 diabetes, Crohn’s disease, brain diseases, autism, and allergies. And, recent research also suggests your microbiome may determine your immune response to vaccines, and that wearing contact lenses alter your eyes’ microbiome making you more prone to eye infections. BUT – there is a missing culprit in the upset you may be experiencing i

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Healthy, biologically alive soil is the basis for nutrition security for all people and every single organism on the Earth. Within our limited and deteriorating supply of topsoil is the foundation for the nutrients essential for human health and the health of all other organisms on Earth. In the United States and throughout the world there is a widespread lack of adequate nutrition in both in the agricultural soils in which food is grown and in harvested food. A critical need exists to halt the alarming declines in the world’s supply of topsoil and to increase the nutritional values of our food. The last 50 years has resulted in the destruction of over 50% of our supply of topsoil needed for food production. Extensive topsoil has been lost through the overuse of inorganic fertilizers, erosion and farming practices that deplete soil nutrients. The nutrient values of harvested food are linked to the biological activity of soil microbes, soil organic matter, the mineral composition of the soil, fertilization pr

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Healthy, biologically alive soil is the basis for nutrition security for all people and every single organism on the Earth. Within our limited and deteriorating supply of topsoil is the foundation for the nutrients essential for human health and the health of all other organisms on Earth. In the United States and throughout the world there is a widespread lack of adequate nutrition in both in the agricultural soils in which food is grown and in harvested food. A critical need exists to halt the alarming declines in the world’s supply of topsoil and to increase the nutritional values of our food. The last 50 years has resulted in the destruction of over 50% of our supply of topsoil needed for food production. Extensive topsoil has been lost through the overuse of inorganic fertilizers, erosion and farming practices that deplete soil nutrients. The nutrient values of harvested food are linked to the biological activity of soil microbes, soil organic matter, the mineral composition of the soil, fertilization pra

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Millions of people are suffering—trying all kinds of diets, pills, and treatments to clear their mental fog, to boost energy and lose weight. Unfortunately, they will all fail unless they learn how to heal the underlying thyroid issues. Tonight Dr. Dean lays out a comprehensive presentation on the thyroid and important strategies to improve metabolic function including healing your gut, balancing your immune system, and optimizing your mineral intake including magnesium, iodine and selenium and the appropriate approach to vitamin D supplementation. Plus, a trip down Memory Lane, reflections on the allo-pathetic medicine and much more!

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Millions of people are suffering—trying all kinds of diets, pills, and treatments to clear their mental fog, to boost energy and lose weight. Unfortunately, they will all fail unless they learn how to heal the underlying thyroid issues. Tonight Dr. Dean lays out a comprehensive presentation on the thyroid and important strategies to improve metabolic function including healing your gut, balancing your immune system, and optimizing your mineral intake including magnesium, iodine and selenium and the appropriate approach to vitamin D supplementation. Plus, a trip down Memory Lane, reflections on the allo-pathetic medicine and much more!

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Chronic illness frequently is diagnosed in very black and white terms such as arthritis, asthma, ulcer and psoriasis. However, many chronic conditions are not as easily diagnosed and present incredible frustration for both doctor and patient. For example many patients have, at a relatively young age 30-40, difficulties with remembering and calculating simple sales register receipts. Obviously it is very unlikely that these individuals have major brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s. But what can explain these lessened abilities to think in apparently normal persons? Others continue to experience recurrent upper respiratory infections, sinusitis, sore throats, ear infections and colds with no apparent cause. Despite numerous rounds of antibiotics, even throat or ear surgery, they continue to have infection after infection. Other patients have terrible digestive tract disorders with continuous gas, indigestion, diarrhea, constipation, bloating or heartburn, trying all sorts of medications and diets with little r

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Chronic illness frequently is diagnosed in very black and white terms such as arthritis, asthma, ulcer and psoriasis. However, many chronic conditions are not as easily diagnosed and present incredible frustration for both doctor and patient. For example many patients have, at a relatively young age 30-40, difficulties with remembering and calculating simple sales register receipts. Obviously it is very unlikely that these individuals have major brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s. But what can explain these lessened abilities to think in apparently normal persons? Others continue to experience recurrent upper respiratory infections, sinusitis, sore throats, ear infections and colds with no apparent cause. Despite numerous rounds of antibiotics, even throat or ear surgery, they continue to have infection after infection. Other patients have terrible digestive tract disorders with continuous gas, indigestion, diarrhea, constipation, bloating or heartburn, trying all sorts of medications and diets with little r

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Nutritional magnesium is deeply involved in energy production, oxygen uptake, central nervous system function, electrolyte balance, glucose metabolism and muscle activity, including that all important muscle—the heart. Magnesium plays an essential role in many of the functions of energy production itself. It is an integral part of the energy (ATP) and protein (enzymes - as co-factor and as a structural component of the muscle protein, myosin) molecules—without which the energy to contract and relax the heart does not occur properly. Magnesium is also an essential element in the construction of the cell membrane and vitally important to the electrolyte balance of cells. In that the heart is composed of cells, magnesium plays a role in the integral strength of the heart muscle itself. When magnesium levels begin to get too low the body tries very hard to adapt, but these basic functions of energy production and cell structure can be affected, and when they are, symptoms of heart or cardiovascular disease can be

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Nutritional magnesium is deeply involved in energy production, oxygen uptake, central nervous system function, electrolyte balance, glucose metabolism and muscle activity, including that all important muscle—the heart. Magnesium plays an essential role in many of the functions of energy production itself. It is an integral part of the energy (ATP) and protein (enzymes - as co-factor and as a structural component of the muscle protein, myosin) molecules—without which the energy to contract and relax the heart does not occur properly. Magnesium is also an essential element in the construction of the cell membrane and vitally important to the electrolyte balance of cells. In that the heart is composed of cells, magnesium plays a role in the integral strength of the heart muscle itself. When magnesium levels begin to get too low the body tries very hard to adapt, but these basic functions of energy production and cell structure can be affected, and when they are, symptoms of heart or cardiovascular disease can be

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Atrial Fibrillation: Remineralize Your Heart, a new book by Carolyn Dean MD ND, is flying off the shelves - or should I say being downloaded every minute - and is already demonstrating the willingness of many individuals to consider their options when it comes to treating A-Fib. On tonight\\\\\\\'s Live with Dr. Carolyn Dean show we discuss this new and valuable book which walks you through the possible triggers for this condition and uncovers their basis in magnesium deficiency. Numerous case histories help you realize that you don’t necessarily have a heart condition, you have a magnesium deficiency condition that can be treated. An excellent and compelling radio show which also includes a number of wonderful call-in guests, Total Biology resources and a really special intro segment that poses great questions about modern medicine model and offers that the potential answers may be within the intelligence of the body and nature!

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Atrial Fibrillation: Remineralize Your Heart, a new book by Carolyn Dean MD ND, is flying off the shelves - or should I say being downloaded every minute - and is already demonstrating the willingness of many individuals to consider their options when it comes to treating A-Fib. On tonight\\\\\\\'s Live with Dr. Carolyn Dean show we discuss this new and valuable book which walks you through the possible triggers for this condition and uncovers their basis in magnesium deficiency. Numerous case histories help you realize that you don’t necessarily have a heart condition, you have a magnesium deficiency condition that can be treated. An excellent and compelling radio show which also includes a number of wonderful call-in guests, Total Biology resources and a really special intro segment that poses great questions about modern medicine model and offers that the potential answers may be within the intelligence of the body and nature!

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Tonight’s radio show provides a variety of observations about how mis-information and fear mongering can cause individuals to to be dazed and confused, paralyzed, panic and even spend way to much money on supplements and other products to try to offset the potential hazards of something as innocuous as eating kale [see Carolyn’s blogpost on killer kale]. BUT…as demonstrated by several callers and testimonials throughout the broadcast, taking the Completement Formulas is the ultimate antidote to information overload! You, too, can enjoy the same sense of confidence, ease and grace as the cares of life grow strangely dim and your confidence in your own power, health and vitality improve using the Completement Formulas.

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Tonight’s radio show provides a variety of observations about how mis-information and fear mongering can cause individuals to to be dazed and confused, paralyzed, panic and even spend way to much money on supplements and other products to try to offset the potential hazards of something as innocuous as eating kale [see Carolyn’s blogpost on killer kale]. BUT…as demonstrated by several callers and testimonials throughout the broadcast, taking the Completement Formulas is the ultimate antidote to information overload! You, too, can enjoy the same sense of confidence, ease and grace as the cares of life grow strangely dim and your confidence in your own power, health and vitality improve using the Completement Formulas.

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Iodine is an essential mineral and a diet rich in iodine has been shown to reduce risks from many forms of chronic degenerative condition. Even more crucial than its role in the body’s immune system is iodine’s essential role within thyroid hormones. Tonight, Dr. Carolyn Dean reviews the benefits of iodine as well as iodide and includes her perspective on proper iodine mineral supplementation which includes balancing iodine with the eight other minerals that provide the thyroid with all it needs to function optimally. Plus, in Hour Two you’ll find extensive information on magnesium supplementation and atrial fibrillation support along with great testimonials and lots of joy at the success folks are experiencing as their health, joy and lifestyle improves as a result of using The Completement Formulas.

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Iodine is an essential mineral and a diet rich in iodine has been shown to reduce risks from many forms of chronic degenerative condition. Even more crucial than its role in the body’s immune system is iodine’s essential role within thyroid hormones. Tonight, Dr. Carolyn Dean reviews the benefits of iodine as well as iodide and includes her perspective on proper iodine mineral supplementation which includes balancing iodine with the eight other minerals that provide the thyroid with all it needs to function optimally. Plus, in Hour Two you’ll find extensive information on magnesium supplementation and atrial fibrillation support along with great testimonials and lots of joy at the success folks are experiencing as their health, joy and lifestyle improves as a result of using The Completement Formulas.

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    If you were to list today\'s leading chronic diseases, heart disease (angina, high blood pressure, and elevated cholesterol) along with diabetes, osteoporosis, depression, generalized inflammation, and toxicity are found at top. ReMag Magnesium Solution is a mineral and nutrient that when eaten or supplemented in the proper amounts and form, has had a miraculous healing effect on these and other serious health conditions. The proper use all the Completement Formulas including ReMag THE Magnesium Miracle has improved the health conditions of thousands of customers around the world and has undoubtedly saved lives as implied by our customer Howard Klemmer of Surprise, Arizona Dear Dr. Dean I bought ReMag a week ago, my heart was in sinus but took some anyway, but didn’t feel any change. Today July 5, 2015 watch tv I got excited during a movie and my heart started to beat faster and then went into a-Fib. Very unusual since I’ve been in sinus for a long period of time. Now, I remember Dr. Dean wrote ab

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    If you were to list today\'s leading chronic diseases, heart disease (angina, high blood pressure, and elevated cholesterol) along with diabetes, osteoporosis, depression, generalized inflammation, and toxicity are found at top. ReMag Magnesium Solution is a mineral and nutrient that when eaten or supplemented in the proper amounts and form, has had a miraculous healing effect on these and other serious health conditions. The proper use all the Completement Formulas including ReMag THE Magnesium Miracle has improved the health conditions of thousands of customers around the world and has undoubtedly saved lives as implied by our customer Howard Klemmer of Surprise, Arizona Dear Dr. Dean I bought ReMag a week ago, my heart was in sinus but took some anyway, but didn’t feel any change. Today July 5, 2015 watch tv I got excited during a movie and my heart started to beat faster and then went into a-Fib. Very unusual since I’ve been in sinus for a long period of time. Now, I remember Dr. Dean wrote ab

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