Jerry Banfield

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 470:58:33
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Sober, WPFB diet, husband, father, gamer, and an entrepreneur online with 55 video classes on Skillshare, 17 books, 613+ blog posts, 1,850+ YouTube videos, and 70 songs on iTunes/Spotify! Become a supporter of this podcast:


  • What do you do with a new idea? I have a 24 hour cooling off period.

    10/06/2015 Duration: 09min

    When you have a new idea, what do you do with it? Do you get to work on it right away? I have had a lot of new ideas being an entrepreneur online, and in the past I would either begin work on them right away or tell myself I could not accomplish them. It was either one extreme or the other. Now, I have a 24 hour cooling off period before I begin work on a new idea. I noticed that new ideas were interfering with my daily work. It was always tempting to work on something new and exciting rather than solving a difficult problem or finishing a project. Online entrepreneurs have a bad reputation for not being able to complete projects, and I have seen this first hand with myself and others. Taking my time to evaluate new ideas allows me to stay focused with my current work and better weigh the pros and cons. Thank you for taking the time to be here with me, and I appreciate your feedback! --- Support this podcast:

  • Top 10 Causes of Death in the USA: Truth versus Perception. What is your Final Destination?

    09/06/2015 Duration: 13min

    What are your three guesses for the top three causes of death in the USA? This video shows mine plus the difference in perception versus reality. You find causes of death broken down by age, gender and states. The top three causes of death for young adults is poisoning (alcohol and drug related), suicide and traffic accidents. It is interesting to compare the statistics to what the media and government portrays as dangers to us! See the stats yourself at --- Support this podcast:

  • meditation for beginners at home for falling to sleep and relief from pain, anxiety, and stress

    07/06/2015 Duration: 45min

    You will not believe how easy meditation is to get started with! Beginners can use this video for immediate help falling asleep and getting relief from stress, pain, and anxiety! This video is a free preview of one day from my Geniuses course on Udemy at --- Support this podcast:

  • How I changed my past from bringing pain to bringing gratitude.

    06/06/2015 Duration: 14min

    Does your past bring you pain or gratitude into today? I changed my past from an instrument of torture, to something that consistently brings me knowledge and gratitude. Most of my life I thought I was a collection of past occurrences. I characterized myself based on what jobs I had, my family name, groups I was a part of and the amount of money in my bank account. However, how are all of these things a part of who I am in this moment? How can I be defined so simply by these past events? It turns out my past was running my life in the present. When I would be presented with a choice I would often fall back to past behavior. This brought me consistent pain because I was not proud of my past behavior. So instead of obsessing over my past behavior, I try to live each day like it's a clean slate. Instead of using my past to define who I am as a person, I simply use it to avoid making the same mistake over and over. Thank you for taking the time to be here with me, and I appreciate your feedback! --- Support th

  • Why is it so hard to ask for help and what can you do about it?

    05/06/2015 Duration: 08min

    Do you have trouble asking others for help? I know I have trouble accepting my limitations as a person. I believe that I can accomplish anything, but this is not true. Everyday I need the help of others to be successful. Whether it be my business or personal relationships, I rely on the input of others to succeed in life. Now that I have had success in the past year with my business, it is harder than ever for me to ask for help. I am grateful for websites such as that allow me to seek the help of people who been in my shoes and found even greater success. I know that to stay motivated and humble, I must continue to seek feedback and constructive criticism from others! Thank you for taking the time to be here with me today, and I appreciate your feedback! --- Support this podcast:

  • Why I stopped giving advice to other people and started looking at what I should

    04/06/2015 Duration: 11min

    Do you find yourself always trying to tell other people what to do? In the past, I never passed up on the opportunity to give other people advice. Telling others what to do felt empowering to me, but it didn't come without consequences. Putting in my two cents at every opportunity had a negative impact on my relationships, and also took my attention away from my own development and problems. Now, I try to never tell others what to do, and instead I try to focus on my own problems. Leading by example works much better than trying to tell other what to do! Thank you for taking the time to be here with me, and I appreciate your feedback! --- Support this podcast:

  • The power of consistent attention paid each day.

    03/06/2015 Duration: 10min

    What is the one thing you attribute most of your success to? My number one key to success is consistency. Everyday I like to spend time with things I am trying to grow and build. This applies to my business, personal relationships and spiritual learning. The same principle that applies to learning also applies to life. If you want to get better at something and perform at your best, you must give it attention on a daily basis. If you take the time to focus some attention each day on the things you are trying to build, I guarantee you will notice a considerable difference! I want to thank you for taking the time to be here with me today, and as always I appreciate your feedback! --- Support this podcast:

  • Changing from great expectations to gratitude

    02/06/2015 Duration: 07min

    Do you find yourself getting angry when the smallest things go wrong? Are you grateful when things work how they are supposed to? Yesterday I had a short internet outage and my first instinct was to get angry at my service provider. However, my service has also been the best in terms of speed and consistency since I started paying for high speed internet. I am thankful to live in a country where most things work how they are supposed to. However, having such a high quality of living creates high expectations. So, today I ask you to be thankful when things perform as intended. Don't get angry when the bus is late or when your food takes too long to get to the table, instead be grateful for all the times your expectations were met. I want to thank you for taking the time to be here with me, and as always I appreciate you feedback! --- Support this podcast:

  • Would you rather be an addict or have cancer?

    29/05/2015 Duration: 14min

    Would you rather suffer from an addiction, or have cancer? The reason I ask this question is not to single out one group, but show how both are serious illnesses. What exactly is considered an addiction? The American Psychiatric Association defines addiction as a "chronic brain disease that causes compulsive substance use despite harmful consequences. Health, finances,relationships, and careers can be ruined. The abuse of drugs and alcohol is by far the leading cause of preventable illnesses and premature death in our society." People often think of addiction simply as a lack of self-control, however this could not be further from the truth. Addiction is an illness just like cancer and it can also have varying levels mortality, just like cancer. The public perception of both addiction and cancer couldn't be more different. A woman who is part of my support group told me that her son died due to a drug overdose. She said that family and friends had varying degrees of sympathy because many thought he brought it

  • Why is it so easy to control what my dog eats and so challenging to control what I eat?

    28/05/2015 Duration: 09min

    Are you a do as I say, or a do as I do person? For years I was a do as I say person. In fact, looking back on it, I can't believe how much of a hypocrite I was! I remember when I put my dog on a diet when he started getting heavy, before I ever considered going on a diet myself. The funny thing about this was I was more out of shape than my dog! Needless to say, I was living a life where I didn't live by example. How many times have you wanted to work on a family members problems rather than your own? It can be difficult to look in the mirror and work on our own problems, because it forces us to admit that we have a problem in the first place. For most of my life I had a problem with overeating. I thought that if I exercised enough, I could eat as much as I wanted. Wrong! But, once I took the time to identify that I was overweight and change my eating habits, it helped me lose 30 pounds this past year! Thank you for taking the time to be here, and I appreciate your feedback! --- Support this podcast: http

  • How I deal with the death of a friend

    27/05/2015 Duration: 12min

    I lost my friend today. Every morning, he would call me and ask how I was doing, and tell me to give my wife a hug. When a few days passed without receiving a call from him, I knew something was wrong. I tried calling him and I was informed the line had been disconnected. Later on I learned that he had been hit by a car and killed. After the passing of my dad, it has become easier to accept loss. I was so mad that he was taken from me at such an early age, but when I really began to think about it, it was for selfish reasons. I soon realized the only thing that was lost was my dad's physical body. I am a reflection of my dad and his teachings. I know that he is still here with me in spirit and I now live to continue his work. I want to thank your for taking the time to be here with me, and I appreciate your feedback! --- Support this podcast:

  • How to not feel sick when flying and feel better after landing

    26/05/2015 Duration: 14min

    If you get nauseous when your are flying or landing, I know how much of a struggle that can be. I cannot read or use my phone when I am in the car or flying because it makes me sick. The last time I flew, the plane had a bit of a rough landing. In the past, this would have bothered me. I would have been angry with the pilot and all this would have done is make me feel more nauseous. Instead of focusing on the negative aspect of the flight, I accepted what had happened and was thankful we landed safely. This new found sense of relief helped settle my stomach. Our mind tricks us into focusing on the negativity of the past and future. Focusing and being thankful for the present moment creates a positive energy that helps me overcome obstacles more easily. Thank you for taking the time to be here with me today, and I appreciate your feedback! --- Support this podcast:

  • President Obama's new Twitter account @POTUS shows how love and understanding can overcome hate.

    20/05/2015 Duration: 10min

    President Obama's new Twitter account (@POTUS) provides an opportunity for us all to use love and understanding to accept others. In search, you will see many people using hateful terms and phrases when mentioning the president, and you will also see people making hateful remarks towards the people using the hateful terms. What these people don't realize, is that both groups are engaging in self-hatred. We as a society here in the United States are full of self-hatred. We have the largest prison population in the world, even though countries such as a China have three times the population. We have a cultural need to punish people we deem below us. Jesus said, "Forgive, for they not know what they are doing." So, the next time to rush to judge others, take the time to realize that they know not what they are doing, and are probably in pain themselves. Thank you for taking the time to be here, and I appreciate your feedback! --- Support this podcast:

  • Is life like Groundhog Day or Edge of Tomorrow? One day at a time.

    19/05/2015 Duration: 09min

    Is life like the movie Groundhog Day or Edge of tomorrow? In the movie Edge of Tomorrow, Tom Cruise relives the same moment in his life over and over with the sequence ending in his death. This premise is very useful because you live life one day at a time. Yesterday and tomorrow are figments of our imagination. You might be able to give me a glimpse into the future or you can reminisce about the past, but you can never actually be in yesterday or tomorrow. Everyday you receive small lessons that you can either learn from or ignore. I know I used to ignore these lessons and each day would feel the same to me. In the Edge of Tomorrow, Tom Cruise does the same thing over and over and gets the same result. If you are willing to learn these daily lessons in life, you will make progress each day and become a better person. Life is much more fulfilling when you learn to love others and be open! Thank you for taking the time to be here, and I appreciate your feedback! --- Support this podcast:

  • Getting enough sleep will create a miracle for your health.

    18/05/2015 Duration: 08min

    Do you get enough sleep? Getting enough sleep will create a miracle for your health! Sleep is essential to your body's healing process. When you deprive yourself of sleep, you will notice that you get sick easier, and illness lingers. I attribute my increased productivity to the fact that I take sleeping much more seriously. Do you or someone you know have trouble getting to sleep each night? Here are three tips that help me sleep each night: 1) Only use your bedroom for sleeping - As I married man, I know that other things take place in the bedroom (you know what I am talking about), but try not to watch TV, play video games or eat food in bed. 2) Get at least 30 minutes of physical exercise each day - This is where I noticed the most improvement as far as my ability to sleep goes. Your body needs to burn off all the excess energy you feed it. Something as simple as going for a walk will have a noticeable impact. 3) Find a way to put your mind at ease - Some people do this through prayer, others do it thr

  • On the seventh day God rested from all his work, should you?

    17/05/2015 Duration: 10min

    How often do you take a day to rest? Once a week I try to take a whole day off from my work. I found that this is the best system for keeping my mind fresh, and not getting burnt out. When I was younger, I would often take as much work on as I possibly could. While I was working as police officer, I would rarely go a week without working overtime. So, where did this get me? I wasn't nearly as productive at work working such long hours, I was irritable and soon found myself lacking the motivation to go into work each morning. A complete day of rest from work does wonders for the mind. No checking e-mails, no phone calls, course discussion and collaboration helps me start the new week refreshed and eager to conquer new challenges! Thank as always for taking the time to be here with me today, and I hope you will share your feedback! --- Support this podcast:

  • Seeing through the illusion that you are separate from the world.

    15/05/2015 Duration: 14min

    Do you feel separate from the world? I have felt separate from the rest of the world at times in my life, but I am quickly reminded that I am not alone. Separation is an illusion we create in our minds. To separate or divide you must first create boundaries. So, you can think you are separated from the rest of the world, but in reality you are very much a part of it. Our actions have ripple effects on the rest of the world. Every morning I wake up and make these videos for you. I enjoy making these videos because people have told me that they enjoy them. I wouldn't be able to make them without my computer, and I am thankful for all of the people who helped to assemble it! Remember that no matter how lonely or isolated you may feel, you are never alone in this world. Thank you for being here with me and allowing me to share with you! --- Support this podcast:

  • How I accept my lazy nature and build a great life out of that knowledge.

    14/05/2015 Duration: 10min

    Do you struggle with laziness? Have you struggled with laziness at work, with eating or in some other area of your life? I know that I am a lazy eater, and I will not go very far to eat when I am hungry. In the past, I would keep unhealthy snacks such as cookies, chips and candy around the house. I have found that the easiest way for me to maintain a healthy weight is to only keep healthy food around the house. Since I know I am too lazy to leave the house to buy unhealthy snacks at the store, I will default to eating healthy food I enjoy. Most bad habits are due to laziness and if you can identify what makes you lazy, you can often use it to your advantage! I want to thank you for taking the time to listen to this, and as always I appreciate your feedback! --- Support this podcast:

  • Ever been bed with someone and could not sleep? You will not believe what happens next time after you hear this!

    13/05/2015 Duration: 11min

    Do you take the simple things in life for granted? I know that in the past I have. Something as simple as laying in bed with my wife gives me all the happiness in the world now. After my dad passed away, my mom said she would give anything in the world to be able to wake up next to him. She regretted all the times they went to bed angry at each other. After hearing this, I am thankful for each and every morning I wake up next to my wife. I pray I can be thankful for the simple things in life that truly matter! Thank you for taking the time time to listen to this, and I appreciate your feedback! --- Support this podcast:

  • How to make life easier by living one day at a time.

    12/05/2015 Duration: 12min

    What is the most powerful thing you can do to change your life? For me it is living one day at a time. By acknowledging that life is only lived today, you can focus on all of the little things rather than concerning yourself with a completely unknown future. Living in the moment has helped me to truly appreciate everything life has to offer. I also like to focus on the similarities in my life rather than the differences. Focusing on similarities has allowed me to make the most positive changes as a person. Living one day at a time allows you to maintain a level of consistency that is best for you and the people around you. I want to thank you for taking the time to watch this, and as always I appreciate your feedback! --- Support this podcast:

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