Jerry Banfield

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 470:58:33
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Sober, WPFB diet, husband, father, gamer, and an entrepreneur online with 55 video classes on Skillshare, 17 books, 613+ blog posts, 1,850+ YouTube videos, and 70 songs on iTunes/Spotify! Become a supporter of this podcast:


  • When you feel sad, how do you feel better? Here is what works for me!

    11/05/2015 Duration: 09min

    How do pick yourself up when you are feeling down? What do you turn to when you are feeling depressed? In the past when I would feel sad, I would try to rationalize my depression. This would often lead to me changing my routine, picking fights with people I felt treated me unfairly, and ultimately turning to alcohol. This caused me to extend my periods of sadness. Having brief periods of depression is normal. Instead of focusing on what is making me sad, I try to stick my routine and be as consistent as possible. The feeling of sadness will leave on it's own! Thank you for taking the time to listen to this, and I appreciate your feedback. --- Support this podcast:

  • How can you see that you already have everything you need today?

    10/05/2015 Duration: 11min

    How do you know if you have everything you need? I know I have everything I need, and knowing this gives me peace of mind. The hardest moment in my life was when my dad passed away. Even though I knew my dad was terminally ill and I tried to prepare myself for the day he finally passed, I still thought it was unfair that he was taken from me. My mom, dad, brother and wife were the four people I could not live without, and I was angry that my dad was taken from me at such a young age. I eventually realized that I wan't mad that my dad had passed away, I was mad that he was taken away from me. I now know that my dad is still here with me in spirit, and that I am blessed to have so many people in my life already who want to see me succeed. I now view my dad's death as an opportunity to build stronger relationships with the people in my life! Thank you for taking the time to listen to this, and I appreciate your feedback! --- Support this podcast:

  • How having more is having less.

    09/05/2015 Duration: 08min

    Have you worked hard in your life to get more? Do you want a more expensive car, a bigger house, or more things to fill your house with? For most of my life I always wanted more money, possessions, and friends. The surprising thing is having more is having less. Having just what I need is perfect, and having more than I need is just as much of a burden as having less than what I need. I have a house full of things, and I feel the weight of things I don't use very acutely. How many times have you resisted the idea of giving or throwing something away? In the past I have resisted giving away things I did not use because it felt like I was getting rid of a part of me. I have worked hard in my life to accumulate everything I own, so it is hard to part ways with things even if I do not have a need for them. Today I gave away a mini fridge for free because the idea of keeping it filled with things was a burden on me. Do not let your possessions own you. Don't be afraid to part ways with things you do not use, becau

  • How to stop being in a

    08/05/2015 Duration: 14min

    Are you always in a hurry? Do you constantly find yourself in rush to get to work, school or appointments? Like most Americans, I always found myself in a hurry to get somewhere. Not only did this cause me to be stressed, but I found myself hurting others around me. Now I make an effort to get to my appointments early. This allows me to take my time driving, make great first impressions and most of all avoid the stress of being in a hurry. Even if I am going to be late getting somewhere, I will take a deep breath, appreciate the moment and take my time traveling. I want to thank you for taking the time to listen to this, and as always I appreciate your feedback! --- Support this podcast:

  • How to make the right decision now using the past and the future to help

    07/05/2015 Duration: 10min

    How do you use the past and future to make decisions in the moment? Most of my life I made selfish, impulsive decisions. You could almost describe my behavior as childish. I made choices based only on what I wanted to do, and if I didn't get my way I would go into the situation with a negative attitude. Now when I make decisions, I try to imagine what my future self would have wanted to do. So now whenever I have a free moment, I choose to spend it with my family. When I am on my death bed I will not regret that I didn't play more video games or spent more time by myself, but I might regret not spending more time with my loved ones. Instead of focusing on not liking a particular activity, I tell myself that I am there to be with my family. I want to thank you for taking the time to listen to this, and as always I appreciate your feedback! --- Support this podcast:

  • You are changing the world today!

    06/05/2015 Duration: 10min

    You are changing the world today! What do you have in common with Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison? You are all part of a changing world. Society likes to give these innovative minds all the credit when it comes to changing the world, but what gets lost is all the people and circumstances that allowed them to have an impact. Without Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs might not have been such a prominent figure in our culture. Who is Steve Wozniak? This same principle holds true to everyone throughout history. No one person changes the world, everyone has their own impact. So, the next time you get down on yourself for not being able to have an impact, remember that you are a part of a changing world and everyone in the world plays an integral role in society. I want to thank you for taking the time to listen to this, and as always I look forward to your feedback! --- Support this podcast:

  • The easiest way to not get sick and be healthy is to get sleep + relax every day.

    29/04/2015 Duration: 08min

    Do you find yourself getting sick all the time? I have found that the easiest way to stay healthy is to make sure I get enough rest each day. In the past I viewed sickness from a scientific standpoint, and I tried to avoid germs at all cost. But, no matter how much hand sanitiser I used, I still found myself getting sick. During the past year I have made an effort to take better care of my body. This included getting more rest, eating healthier and maintaining a regular exercise routine. The results have been incredible! In addition to being more productive and having more energy, I have not gotten sick! In the past I noticed that I would often get sick when I deprived myself of sleep, and now I make an effort to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night. If I find myself in a position where I cannot get 7-8 hour of sleep, I make up for this by taking some time during the day to either take a nap, listen to a book or meditate. I hope some of these tips help you to avoid getting sick, and as always I appreciate you

  • Dating after 50 is easier when you give what you want to get and are willing to try.

    28/04/2015 Duration: 10min

    Are you or someone you know 50 and looking to date? Whether you are 15 or 50, the principles of dating remain the same. You want to have someone in your life to be in a relationship with. Many people I have come across who are over 50 talk about dating like it's a completely different challenge. Yes, some of the details may change such as the family dynamic, but fundamentally it is the same as at any other point in your life. As you grow older you may become more risk adverse and this can be a serious impediment to dating. Dating involves risk taking. You do not know what someone will be like upon first meeting them or if you will be able to eventually cultivate a relationship, but this is the same at any age. If you are honest about what you want out of a relationship with yourself and the person you are dating, you are much more likely to be happy in the relationship! Do not let your age deter you from dating! Thank you for listening to this and please share what has helped you to get out and date! --- S

  • Why I stopped saying "you started it" in an argument.

    27/04/2015 Duration: 10min

    Have you ever found yourself saying "he" or "she" started it? I know I used to say this a lot, and lived my life on a "you started it" basis. What does "you started it" mean? It means someone did or said something that forced you to react out of your own control. In other words, you are not at fault for your reaction since someone else caused it. When you apply this thinking to adult relationships it becomes pretty ridiculous. The idea of "you started it" creates an artificial beginning that ignores everything that happened before it, and takes the responsibility away from the person who did not start it. If you want to feel better about yourself and others, you must first be accountable for your own behavior. Do not let others dictate how you act. I want to thank you for taking the time to listen to this, and as always I appreciate your feedback! --- Support this podcast:

  • Why I treat others as I want to be treated

    26/04/2015 Duration: 08min

    How do you treat other people? When someone does something you do not like, how do you react to them? How you treat other people is inseparable from the life you are living inside. In other words, when you hurt other people, you are ultimately hurting yourself. I can say this from experience. During my darkest times when I was angry at the world, I also suffered from low self-esteem and a lack of self-worth. As I have grown my profile online and built up a healthy following, I have noticed an increase in negative comments on everything from my voice, appearance and quality of work. I am thankful to have reached a place spiritually where instead of fighting fire with fire, I now opt to pray for people who try to do harm to me. I was once in their shoes, and I pray they will learn how to love themselves and their neighbors. In the end hate will lead to your own destruction. I want to thank everyone for taking the time to listen to this, and I hope you will share what helps you love your neighbor! --- Suppor

  • Why working to impress and pay attention to the people already in my life works better than focusing on new people

    25/04/2015 Duration: 09min

    Who do you work to impress in your life? Do you prioritize working to impress strangers over the people close to you? Most of my life I only worked to impress new people. Whether it was a new girl I wanted to date or new co-workers, I always found myself putting more time and effort in to trying to impress people I hardly knew. Now I try to impress the people close to me everyday as if they were new people in my life. Working to impress the people close to me has helped me achieve a much higher quality of life and build deeper relationships. Thank you for taking the time to listen to this and as always I value your feedback! --- Support this podcast:

  • What is the worst thing in life and how to deal with it.

    25/04/2015 Duration: 06min

    What is the worst thing that can happen to you in your life? For a long time I feared that shame, embarrassment, and death were some of the worst things that could happen to me. However, now I see that the worst thing that can happen to me is to miss the beauty of this moment. Life is ultimately one moment, and the past and future are experienced in the present. Everyone in the world has set me up to experience this one moment and I can either accept it and be thankful, or reject it and feel sorry for myself. The thing I fear most now in life is that I will not be thankful for each moment in my life. I want to thank you for taking the time to listen to this, and I hope everyone has a great weekend! --- Support this podcast:

  • Thank you for a year of peace and sobriety in my life

    23/04/2015 Duration: 12min

    Have you struggled with a problem that seemed impossible to overcome? Today, I am thankful for being sober for a whole year. For years prior I tried to quit drinking, and was never successful. Only when I asked for help was I able to finally quit drinking. After embracing spirituality in my life and attending AA meetings, I came to the realization that alcohol wasn't the problem. The real problem was my own selfishness and a lack of service to others. Now, instead of focusing on my own deficiencies and perceived problems, I take the time each day to serve others who are less fortunate than me. Thank you for taking the time to watch this, and as always I appreciate your feedback! --- Support this podcast:

  • Understanding and dealing with people that are hot and cold

    23/04/2015 Duration: 12min

    How do you deal with people that are hot and cold? How many people do you know that seem to be completely different when they are in an emotional or aroused state of mind? A good example of this concept is students in a classroom setting versus students at a party. For example, students would be cold in a classroom setting. If you asked a student if they would binge drink at party they would most likely say, "No, I would never do that." However, if you put that same person in a heightened state of arousal, they may act differently. I experienced this first hand with gambling. It was easy to avoid gambling in a cold state of mind, but when I was drinking or having a good time with friends, it became harder to resist. I try to live in a persistent warm state so I am open to the world. A warm state of mind helps me be more consistent as far as my behavior with friends, family, co-workers and encounters with new people. I have noticed that life is really hard when you are constantly role playing to a situation in

  • People have a right to be wrong and why this helps

    21/04/2015 Duration: 09min

    How do you feel when someone tells you that you are wrong? I know I hate when people try and tell me I am wrong, because what do they know? I am here today because many people in my life have let me be wrong. In that past I have struggled to follow this idea of letting others be wrong. This was especially true when I was working as a police officer. I loved enforcing the law, but the more I learned about the system, the more I learned how subjective it could be. Often times, people would get away with certain crimes because they knew someone or their circumstances were slightly different. I pray that I can let other people be wrong because people have the right to be wrong. Thank you for taking the time to listen to this, and I hope you will share your thoughts! --- Support this podcast:

  • How I accept pain and get natural relief from pain

    21/04/2015 Duration: 16min

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  • How do I accept my limitations with how many people I can be friends with

    20/04/2015 Duration: 13min

    How do you accept your limitations? For most of my life I had a hard time accepting my limitations. This led to me taking on more than I could handle in both my life and business. When I first started my business I took on as many clients as possible. It got to a point where I could barely convert new clients, and many of my existing client were not satisfied with the quality of my work. How many times have you done something like this in your personal life? You can only juggle so many things at once, and sometimes we take on more than we can handle. The more you try and do, the lower quality of work you will do across everything. However, not having enough responsibility can also be negative. Often when we don't have enough to do we will overly fixate on things. When I first started working online I wasn't a part of very many communities, and this led to me over-fixating on problems and the relationships I did have. I am thankful for the people I have the opportunity to work with online, and for having a sup

  • How do I know what the right decision to make today is

    19/04/2015 Duration: 06min

    How do you appreciate the moment, and make the right decisions? In the past, I would make decisions based on whether or not I thought I would have fun. For example, yesterday my wife and her family invited me to a baseball game. I do not particularly care for baseball, and at times I think it can be boring. In the past, I may have declined the invitation and played video games at home, or gone to the game with the idea that the person had to do what I wanted next time. Now when I make decisions each day I choose to do things based on if it is my last day in my body. When I look at things in this context, it is easy to enjoy everything I do in the moment. Thank you for listening to this, and I hope you will share what helps you make the right decisions! --- Support this podcast:

  • How I can learn like a genius

    18/04/2015 Duration: 07min

    Do you have something in your life you are trying to get better at? Do you have an area you would like to improve upon? As simple as it sounds, I have found that the easiest way to get better at something is by taking the time to practice it everyday. When I first started filming videos, I started with a camcorder and recorded them in front of a shower curtain. Now I use an iMac with studio lighting and a backdrop! I have found that classroom learning is very restrictive as far as what benefit I get out of it. If you want to learn something like a foreign language, find a fun creative way to use it each day. I am grateful to be able to teach others online because I didn't get much benefit from serving clients. If you want to try and learn something new, first ask yourself if you are doing it as a means to an end. You are more likely to be successful if you enjoy what you are doing! I want to thank everyone for taking the time to listen to this, and I hope you will share what helps you learn! --- Support th

  • How I maintain a healthy weight and stopped overeating

    17/04/2015 Duration: 13min

    Have you or someone you care about had a problem maintaining a healthy weight? Have you struggled to maintain a healthy figure or just a healthy lifestyle? Myself and many other Americans have the luxury of very low cost food, and I know I have had problems in the past controlling how much I ate. The number one thing I do to maintain a healthy weight is to be aware of what I'm eating from a calorie standpoint. I use the health app on my iPhone to keep track of my calories each day. If I have enough time each day to spend time playing a game on my phone, I figure I can take the time to track my calories. In the past I have tried multiple diets and extreme workouts to help me lose weight, but I have found that controlling what you put into your body is the easiest way to maintain a healthy weight. I want to thank you for taking the time to listen to this, and I hope you will share tips on what you do to maintain a healthy lifestyle! --- Support this podcast:

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