Design Yourself



A weekly podcast for people who want to lead a well-designed life. Figure out what you want + make it happen. Hosted by Sharon Lipovsky, founder of Point Road Studios, executive coach, and creative entrepreneur.For show notes visit


  • Asking for Help

    30/08/2023 Duration: 24min

    To realize our big, bold visions, we need support. Asking for help can offer us so much - from bringing ease to our daily rhythms and routines to getting resources in crisis to deepening our connection to our community. What is your relationship to asking others to help you out? What are the mindsets and habits at play for you? We explore these questions and more as we build up our muscle memory on how to ask for help.   Links and Resources: For show notes visit: To connect on Linked In:  @Sharon Lipovsky @Point Road Studios  To connect on Instagram: @pointroadstudios Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on Apple & Spotify

  • Reimagining Routines

    23/08/2023 Duration: 25min

    We choose how to shape and give meaning to our lives. It seems simple enough. Make a choice each and every day to align with what matters. But it is not always that easy. How do you balance the short and the long-term priorities? How do you shift long-held routines that involve other people? We get into these questions and more as we discuss reimagining routines.   Links and Resources: For show notes visit: To connect on Linked In:  @Sharon Lipovsky @Point Road Studios  To connect on Instagram: @pointroadstudios Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on Apple & Spotify  

  • Presence and Pivot

    16/08/2023 Duration: 32min

    Being able to redirect your path is a unique skill. Often we summon so much energy to set a direction in the first place that it can feel particularly hard to pivot. The more momentum we have behind us, the more force we need to bring with us to create a change. But that force doesn't have to come with a bang. We can spark transformation through deep attention to what's true right now - through presencing. In this episode of Design Yourself, we begin by creating a shared understanding of what it means to presence. We expand our discussion by exploring three simple ways to practice this way of being. Finally, we close things out by investigating how presencing showed up in a backpacking adventure in the wilds of the Adirondack mountains.   Links and Resources: For show notes visit: To connect on Linked In:  @Sharon Lipovsky @Point Road Studios  To connect on Instagram: @pointroadstudios Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on Apple & Spotify

  • Choose Your Own Adventure

    09/08/2023 Duration: 31min

    Every moment offers us a new choice. Will we be guided by the momentum of what has been or carve a new path forward? In this episode Sharon discusses five tips for how to choose your own adventure and highlights what this guidance looks like in practice as she shares an adventure unfolding in her life right now. Links and Resources: For show notes visit: To connect on Linked In:  @Sharon Lipovsky @Point Road Studios  To connect on Instagram: @pointroadstudios Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on Apple & Spotify

  • Sharing the Workload

    02/08/2023 Duration: 29min

    Our working partnerships define how we move through our professional and personal lives. The movement can be heavy with mistrust, judgment, and frustration. It can also be ease-filled, characterized by aligned expectations, clear communication, and mutual accountability. Achieving goals rarely happens in isolation, and the division of labor is rarely 50-50. In this episode, we reflect together on the critical working relationships in your life and how you can bring more ease and impact to the way you work together. Links and Resources: For show notes visit: To connect on Linked In:  @Sharon Lipovsky @Point Road Studios  To connect on Instagram: @pointroadstudios Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on Apple & Spotify

  • Bottling Up Summer

    26/07/2023 Duration: 26min

    Summer is a season of rapid growth - in our gardens, our home lives, and at work. What is your relationship to this season? What transformation might you like to spark in the weeks ahead? Join Sharon as she shares five prompts and personal reflections inspired by Summer.   Links and Resources: For show notes visit: To connect on Linked In:  @Sharon Lipovsky @Point Road Studios  To connect on Instagram: @pointroadstudios Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on Apple & Spotify

  • Wear Who You Are

    19/07/2023 Duration: 24min

    Fashion is a creative playground. Every new day offers a chance to express yourself. How has your style evolved? What are opportunities to honor who you are and the cultures where you show up?  Join us in this episode of Design Yourself to reflect on these questions together. "Fashion you can buy, but style you possess. The key to style is learning who you are, which takes years. There's no how-to road map to style. It's about self expression and, above all, attitude." – Iris Apfel   Links and Resources: For show notes visit: To listen to Sharon on the Wear Who You Are podcast: To connect on Linked In:  @Sharon Lipovsky @Point Road Studios  To connect on Instagram: @pointroadstudios Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on Apple & Spotify

  • Delight in Small Wins (And Other Lessons from the Garden)

    12/07/2023 Duration: 31min

    Wisdom surrounds us. One of the most profound teachers is the natural world. We can learn strength and power from the wind, resilience from seeds, and adaptive leadership from our shape-shifting landscapes.   In this episode of Design Yourself, we explore six lessons we can take in from our own backyards as we talk about delighting in small wins and other lessons from the garden.   Links and Resources: For show notes visit: To connect on Linked In:  @Sharon Lipovsky @Point Road Studios  To connect on Instagram: @pointroadstudios Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on Apple & Spotify

  • Reset and Focus: Reflecting on Your Goals Midway Through the Year

    05/07/2023 Duration: 23min

    Our time on this planet is absurdly brief. Our gifts and perspectives are uniquely our own. Being intentional about where we gift our talents and attention is critical to leading a life of intention.  As we step into the second half of 2023, it is a natural moment to check in and take stock on how we are doing - and also a chance to reset our intentions and focus. Join Sharon as she reflects on five questions to prompt your best thinking on how things are going and what shifts you might like to call in as you step into the second half of the year.   Links and Resources: For show notes visit: To connect on Linked In:  @Sharon Lipovsky @Point Road Studios  To connect on Instagram: @pointroadstudios Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on Apple & Spotify

  • Finding Your Message Through Writing A Script

    28/06/2023 Duration: 29min

    Translating what we think and feel on the inside to the outside world isn't always easy. It requires us to discern our point of view and find the words and voice to share them with authenticity. It also asks us to consider the people and environments where we are communicating that message. What do I want to say? And how can I draw that out of myself? In this episode of Design Yourself, we explore how to find your message by writing it down.   Links and Resources: For show notes visit:…writing-a-script/  To connect on Linked In:  @Sharon Lipovsky @Point Road Studios  To connect on Instagram: @pointroadstudios Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on Apple & Spotify  

  • Throw Yourself A Trying Party

    21/06/2023 Duration: 25min

    News flash: You are doing a great job. So why not celebrate it? In this episode, get a sneak peek into the difference between adaptive and maladaptive perfectionism, learn why celebration prevents burnout and set you up to start planning your own Trying Party. (Yeah, it's a thing.) So here's to know what matters and bravely taking small steps each day to move towards being the fullest expression of your unique gifts and dreams. Here's to trying.   Links and Resources: For show notes visit:   

  • Building A Meaningful Career Path

    14/06/2023 Duration: 31min

    We spend about 1/3 of our waking hours at work. And yet many of us don't know how to navigate our careers. While we can allow our professional lives to be molded by the people and environmental circumstances around us, there is a cost. In today's episode we look at how to support ourselves and those around us in building meaningful career paths.   Links & Resources: For show notes visit: To connect on Linked In:  @Sharon Lipovsky @Point Road Studios  To connect on Instagram: @pointroadstudios Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on Apple & Spotify

  • Mom Guilt

    07/06/2023 Duration: 31min

    Women continue to struggle. Same with our kids. The height of the global health crisis may be behind us, but not its impacts. Families around the world are struggling financially; children are facing increased poverty and anxiety; women and leaving their professional roles at a higher rate than any other demographic. What norms do we need to disrupt? How can we bring more equity to the way we support ourselves and others? What's at stake if we don't? These are questions that we explore in this episode on Mom Guilt.   Links & Resources: For show notes visit: To connect on Linked In:  @Sharon Lipovsky @Point Road Studios  To connect on Instagram: @pointroadstudios Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on Apple & Spotify

  • Nostalgia

    31/05/2023 Duration: 32min

    Can we ever really go home? In a literal sense, maybe. In a figurative sense, probably not. As dynamic human beings living in an ever changing world, there is no going back to what was. We are changing. The places around us are changing. This is the gift of growth. Still it can be a joy to return to a location or experience that holds special memories. It offers a chance to reconnect and reevaluate. Join Sharon in this episode on a trip down memory lane as she shares some personal reflections on the occasion of her 20 year college reunion and invites you to reflect on and connect to your own moments of nostalgia. Links & Resources: For show notes visit: To connect on Linked In:  @Sharon Lipovsky @Point Road Studios  To connect on Instagram: @pointroadstudios Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on Apple & Spotify

  • Living A Creative Life

    24/05/2023 Duration: 26min

    We live our lives, one choice at a time. That choice can be conscious, of our own making. And it can be unconscious, left up to the whims of the momentum that swirls around us . What do you wish to express in your own life? What are the brushstrokes and compositions that make your life a work of art? That's what we get into in today's episode on living a creative life.   Links & Resources: For show notes visit: To connect on Linked In:  @Sharon Lipovsky @Point Road Studios  To connect on Instagram: @pointroadstudios Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on Apple & Spotify

  • Identity & The Roles We Play

    17/05/2023 Duration: 25min

    What you do is not who you are. But left unchecked and unconsidered, our roles become part of our identity. In this way, the roles we play create pathways for what we see as possible - or not possible. In this episode, Sharon talks about the impact that roles and identity have on professionals and human beings considering making a change. She also discusses her challenges of answering the question, "Are you an artist?" Finally, she shares a set of reflection questions and invites you to consider the roles you play and how that's working.   Links & Resources: For show notes visit: To connect on Linked In:  @Sharon Lipovsky @Point Road Studios  To connect on Instagram: @pointroadstudios Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on Apple & Spotify

  • Ask For What You Want

    10/05/2023 Duration: 28min

    How many times have you shrunk behind the weight of your desire and said nothing? A dream that sits only in the quiet of your own heart is just that - a dream. But a vision communicated with curious confidence is something you can move with - something that can come to life.  In this episode, Sharon invites listeners to ask for what they want and challenges them to get curious about when and how. She then walks through 5 moves to guide you as you give voice to wishes and shares how one client put it all together and did just that.    Links & Resources: For show notes visit: To connect on Linked In:  @Sharon Lipovsky @Point Road Studios  To connect on Instagram: @pointroadstudios Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on Apple & Spotify

  • Anxiety

    03/05/2023 Duration: 21min

    We are living through unprecedented times. Words like pandemic, recessions, layoffs, hybrid work, and more are part of our everyday professional vernacular. And that's to say nothing of ongoing systemic issues from which there are many to choose. As a result, anxiety has become a necessary part of workplace conversations. What do I do when anxiety strikes - for myself or for a colleague? How can I get out of an anxiety spin cycle and into aligned and inspired actions?     Links & Resources: For show notes visit: To connect on Linked In and Instagram: @Sharon Lipovsky @Point Road Studios  @pointroadstudios Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on Apple & Spotify

  • Growing Capacity

    26/04/2023 Duration: 20min

    The week we explore how to stretch into greater capacity. Both within yourself and beyond yourself. As we age and evolve, we often seek to be able to do more. This desire to grow might be tied to a certain season of life when you are stepping into something new and expansive - taking on a new role, launching a side hustle or creative endeavor, welcoming a child into your family. The need to stretch into a new way of doing things could also be tied to loss - letting go of a relationship, losing a job, grieving the death of a loved one. Or it could emerge from a personal conviction where you declare that you are ready to grow. Wherever the source, asking ourselves maximize our capacity is not an uncommon experience. But how? Tune in to learn about pathways to growth from within yourself and when you expand through building out a team of support. -- Links & Resources: For show notes visit: To connect on Linked In and Instagram: @Sharon Lipovsky @Point Ro

  • Assessing Capacity

    19/04/2023 Duration: 24min

    Oh the things we carry. Our capacity is precious resource and must be treated with care and attention. And to do this, we have to have an honest assessment on what our capacity actually is. This episode is all about deepening our awareness on how to assess our capacity. We gain new perspective as we explore the interplay between capacity and scale, capability, attention and discernment. And we reflect together on 6 simple questions to cozy up to the truth of your own capacity right now.   For show notes visit:

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