Heather And Paul Christie

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 62:00:37
  • More information



Heather Christie is an Executive Coach, Professional Speaker, Author and Attorney, working with CEOs, Professionals and Executives on strategy, execution and leadership.


  • 123: Time, Money & Freedom with Ray Higdon

    05/01/2021 Duration: 28min

    Ray Higdon is a two time best selling author and CEO of a celebrated coaching network. His inspiring story has made him an incredible coach and given him unbelievable success over the years. Join me this week as we chat about his latest book, "Time, Money, Freedom".

  • 122: Virtual Annual Meeting with Terry Powell

    29/12/2020 Duration: 29min

    Terry Powell is a leadership coach, speaker, author, and entrepreneur. He founded The Entrepreneur's Source in 1984, a business coaching and advisory service. Join us this week as I talk to him about how he dealt with the pandemic, switching business practices from in-person to virtual, and more.

  • 121: Who Do You Want To Be in 2021

    22/12/2020 Duration: 10min

    Do you want to reduce your stress levels and figure out who you want to be as the new year approaches? Join me this week as I take you through an exercise that could completely change your mindset.

  • 120: One of the best books I have read in a long time

    20/10/2020 Duration: 09min

    Limitless by Jim Kwik gave me a new perspective to looking at the power of your brain. This episode is not sponsored, I don't have an affiliate link, and I haven't even spoken to Jim. I just really love this book. Join me as I discuss one of the best books I've read in a long time.

  • 119: Are You Coaching or Problem Solving

    13/10/2020 Duration: 08min

    More and more companies are asking their leaders to coach their company. And it's show that most do want a coach! But are you coaching or problem solving? This episode breaks down the difference so you can be the best leader possible.

  • 118: I am on Day 8 and Down 8.5 Pounds - Want to Join the Challenge

    06/10/2020 Duration: 12min

    This challenge is all about discipline, self-esteem, and self-confidence. In this episode, I go through the 5 rules you need. Anyone and everyone can participate!

  • 117: Why You Aren't Doing the Things You KNOW You Should be Doing

    22/09/2020 Duration: 07min

    Why aren't you doing the things you know will elevate your success. Only about 50% of advisors say they're using video, but you know now more than ever we need to be embracing video conferencing. This is just the tip of the iceberg. We start this episode, by breaking down what you identify as necessary, but aren't doing and the reasons why you aren't using what you know you should. 

  • 116: 134 Dots - Why We See Things SOOOO Differently

    15/09/2020 Duration: 11min

    Have you ever wondered how it's possible that someone could remember an event completely differently from you? After all, you were both there at that meeting. You have one version and someone else has an entirely different version. How about opinions? How can people be so diametrically opposed?Tune into the #evolvetowin show to hear about a concept that completely changed my perspective. Once you learn about your 134 dots, you will never see things the same way again!

  • 115: What Got You Here Won't Get You There

    08/09/2020 Duration: 06min

    I was just talking with a client who is a self-proclaimed "doer". She knows that her ability to get things done is what got her promoted to VP and yet that same formula doesn't seem to be working for her in her new role.She has two things she wants to work on: patience and delegation. She does well at times and then reverts to her old ways and takes work back so she can get it done right and get it done on time. Sound familiar?In this episode of #evolvetowin, I am going to share a story to help you understand why we have the tendency to go back to what's comfortable and what to do about it.

  • 114: Guaranteed Improvement on Business Presentations

    19/05/2020 Duration: 08min

    I was working with a client last week who had to give a really important business presentation. This particular client struggles with being concise because she has so much that she wants to share. This time she effectively used time blocking and set aside completely focused time to prepare. Huge win!The preparation was great, but it was the debrief of her presentation that will guarantee her continued growth. Why? Because she also set aside focused time following her presentation to gain insight. Most people will never do this in a systematic way. Will you?In this episode of #evolvetowin, I will share a super simple process that will help you review your presentation to gain helpful insights that you can use going forward.

  • 113: The Simple Strategy to Find Focus

    05/05/2020 Duration: 08min

    Since the "safer at home" orders started, do you find yourself struggling to find or maintain focus? It feels like this: you know what to do, but you just cannot get started. If so, I have a super simple strategy that will help you get into action and feel like you are making progress.

  • 112: Ladies ONLY! Top 7 Video Hacks That Make It Easier to Be on Video

    21/04/2020 Duration: 20min

    Are you either new to video or dislike being on video? Welcome to the club! In this episode of the #evolvetowin show, I will share the top hacks that I have discovered to make getting on video less stressful. I will share products, technology and even show you how to "touch up your appearance" virtually if you don't have time to get ready...Please help your professional sisters by sharing your top tips and sharing this video.

  • 111: Health and wellness during turbulent times w/ Christin Collins

    14/04/2020 Duration: 29min

    Christin Collins, System Director of Health & Wellness at Lee Health, will be joining me on Monday, April 6th at 12:30 pm Eastern on #linkedinlive for the Evolve to Win podcast. I cannot wait to interview Christin on how she leads health and wellness in such turbulent times.Christin is a magnetic, thought-provoking influencer inspiring thousands to connect with their purpose, ultimate joy and love. Her relentless pursuit to improve herself has led her to open her heart to the world and share the lessons she has learned along the way – from better health and healing to connecting people through her unique and creative charity and community.Self-understanding, care and actualization serve as the foundation for this health and healing. Knowing and liking oneself is essential for health and happiness. By courageously pursuing the root cause of one’s discomfort, not only do we heal our minds and bodies, but we ascend to healing our family, community, environment and globe.This purpose practitioner sheds light

  • 110: What You Do (Or Don’t Do) Today Will Show Up 3-6 Months From Now with Bill Cates

    07/04/2020 Duration: 30min

    If you are in the financial services industry, you likely already know Bill, author of Beyond Referrals and Radical Relevance and founder of The Cates Academy for Relationship Marketing.Bill says what you do (or don’t do) to grow your business today will show up 3 to 6 months from now. If you put off working on client acquisition, you may be digging a deep hole in your business.Do the current conditions mean you have to do things a bit differently? You bet! But you must never take your eye off client engagement and business growth.Bill's message will resonate with you no matter what industry you serve. His message is about building relationships and serving your clients. Over the last 25 years, Bill has helped thousands of individuals and companies cultivate exponential growth in their businesses through referrals, introductions from advocates, and more compelling marketing messaging.

  • 108: Cyber Security for Remote Workforce

    31/03/2020 Duration: 45min

    "Accept the fact that you are a target and cybersecurity is your responsibility. The probability of being a victim over the next 12 months is a guarantee." - Dr. Eric Cole, Cybersecurity expertDr. Eric Cole shares very practical tips on how you can protect yourself, your employees and your loved ones from a cyber attack (start at 2:40). With companies shifting to a remote workforce due to the #coronavirusoutbreak the attackers have increased their efforts and spear phishing is up 300%.Some top takeaways for me...1. Spear phishing is when a hacker sends an email from a known or trusted sender to get someone to click on a link or open an attachment and become compromised. Learn about the emails that everyone is opening.2. Learn what kind of endpoint security is needed on your computer. This is anti-virus software like Symantec or McAfee. I just learned I need to upgrade.3. FREE is the new "F" word. Learn why you should avoid all free cloud-based programs - you are agreeing to share your data when you do...Tune

  • 108: Executive Presence - Intentional Leadership in Times of Uncertainty

    24/03/2020 Duration: 16min

    In times of uncertainty, the best of the best leaders get even more intentional about their executive presence. Unfortunately, uncertainty has become the new norm and people are desperate for leadership right now. Regardless of your title, your executive presence will be amplified during this time. Are you amplifying the image that you really want to project?

  • 107: Travel Cancelled? Get Comfortable on Video NOW!

    17/03/2020 Duration: 15min

    Has the Coronavirus scare changed anything within your company? As we are facing some shift in the marketplace, I want to have a discussion about what we can do during this time to increase your use of video and shift the culture of video use in your organization.

  • 106: Why Delegating Doesn't Work

    10/03/2020 Duration: 11min

    Delegation usually doesn't work because the person who is delegating is making a few mistakes. When you think about what needs to be delegated you need to look a couple of different things. A lot of people struggle with prioritizing and determining which tasks to focus on. This episode helps you create a more efficient way to delegate effectively.

  • 105: It's Not What Did You Do Today, But How Did You Prepare Last week? with Mark Hunter

    25/02/2020 Duration: 34min

    In this episode, I have asked Mark to share specific strategies from his new book “A Mind For Sales” that you can use immediately to make a difference. No theory, just facts you’ll benefit from whether you have sales in your title or not.

  • 104: Go Back To The Basics with These 3 Tips

    18/02/2020 Duration: 17min

    Do you ever feel stressed out about having more to do than the amount of time you have? Do you feel ambitious in the morning and then feel like you didn't get enough done by the end of the day? In the midst of massive growth and change, we have to remember to be consistent and go back to the basics. This episode is all about getting back to where you need to be to be as productive as you know you're capable of being.

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