30 Second Bytes With Dietitian Cindy



This podcast offers quick evidence-based health tips. Creator and host, Cindy Huggins, is a registered dietitian nutritionist, motivational speaker, and lover of life! Thanks for listening!


  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    07/09/2016 Duration: 01min

    Disclosure: I did not receive monetary compensation for product promotion. I did receive a free sample but, again, was not compensate to write this post or plug in my podcast. Thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. IBS sucks...end of story but there's hope. A registered dietitian nutritionist can help. To find one in your area visit EatRight.Org. If you are in my neck of the woods email me at info@cindyhuggins.com for appointment information or visit here. Resources for your reading pleasure: https://medlineplus.gov/irritablebowelsyndrome.html My Regular Girl Blog Post https://www.regulargirl.com/ Printables: Food Log Nutrition Journal Meal Planning Printable

  • Fueling your Young Athlete

    16/08/2016 Duration: 46s

      August is Kids Eat Right Month TM Today's 30 second byte is about nutrition needs for your young athlete.  Please subscribe:

  • Kid Friendly Kitchen Tips

    10/08/2016 Duration: 05min

    AUGUST IS KIDS EAT RIGHT MONTH! Articles: Teaching Kids to Cook  Toddlers in the Kitchen Teach your kids to cook with this online training course. Kids Cook Real Food worksheet  Knife Skills for adults Essential Cooking Tools for Beginners

  • Kids Eat Right

    03/08/2016 Duration: 40s

    August is ‘Kids Eat Right’ Month With childhood obesity on the rise, making sure kids eat right and get plenty of exercise is vital. Parents and caregivers can play a big role in children’s nutrition and health, teaching kids about healthy foods, being a good role model and making sure physical activity is incorporated into each day. August, which is Kids Eat Right Month, is a great time for families to focus on the importance of healthful eating and active lifestyles. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is encouraging families to take the following steps: Shop Smart. To encourage a healthy lifestyle, get your children involved in selecting the food that will appear at the breakfast, lunch or dinner table. Cook Healthy. Involve your child in the cutting, mixing and preparation of meals. They will learn about food and may even be enticed to try new foods they helped prepare. Eat Right. Sit down together as a family to enjoy a wonderful meal and the opportunity to share the day’s experiences with one a

  • Lettuce Talk Lettuce

    28/07/2016 Duration: 46s

      Choose leafy greens of all types and of all colors. Many leafy greens are rich in the following nutrients:  Vitamin K, Vitamin A, Folate, B Vitamins, Iron Cooking and Prepping Tip: Do not leave dark greens soaking in water as the water-soluble vitamins (Vitamin C, B Complex Vitamins) will leak out.    My Favorite Summer Salad Recipe: Spring Mix Lettuce 1/2 C Blueberries or 1/2 C Strawberries or Chopped Apples and/or Grapes! 1/4 Cup Reduced Fat Feta Cheese 1/4 Cup Unsalted Almonds or Walnuts 2-4 Tablespoons of Light Raspberry Vinaigrette  Check our these articles for more information: Photo Source: https://rebeldietitian.us/leafy-greens/ Different Kinds of Lettuces and Greens Washing Leafy Greens     www.CindyHuggins.com

  • Pokemon Go

    13/07/2016 Duration: 48s

    Photo Source: PokemonGo.com     Pokémon Go unintentional health hack!? The latest augmented reality app, Pokémon Go was released last week and faithful fans have fully committed to the slogan, "Get Up, Get Out, and Explore!" Pokémon Go player mission: capture as many wild Pokémon as you can, but you have to leave your couch…and your house. Gamers and even some non-gamers get out your smart phone and begin your Pokémon adventure in your own neck of the woods. Players literally have to mill around the real world. I have to give the creators mad props because this game has motivated unintentional exercise. My husband has been a Pokémon fan since grade school. "It's the nostalgia the game brings," says my husband when commenting on why he wants to play. He has no problem taking longer evening stroll just to have the opportunity to find more. He bragged on how many miles he had walked since beginning. Others are also bragging out load on social media. 30 minutes of walking and all I got was EXERCISE. Ugh. #Pokem

  • Water wins!

    30/06/2016 Duration: 36s

      Water is Winning!Soda...Not so much... Hydrate with water daily for overall good health. Replacing one 12 oz soda with water each day can cut close to 1300 calories a week. If you keep that up you will slowly see about a half a pound weight loss each week which is 26 pounds a year. That small reduction with weight loss SIGNIFICANTLY reduces risk of chronic disease like diabetes and heart disease. Think about it! TIP: Not a fan of water? No worries! Set small daily goals. For instance try to drink 2-4 oz of water each day this week. That's about 4 gulps. Increase by 1 oz each week to slowly reach a goal of around 64 oz per day. You got this!  Don't forget to subscribe and please share! Follow on Twitter Visit the ol' Facebook Page! Show some love on Instagram!

  • Happy Father's Day

    16/06/2016 Duration: 32s

    Nothing says "Father’s Day" like grilling outdoors, but protect Dad’s and your family’s health. Be choosy about what you put on the grill. Choose lean cuts of meat or ninety-five percent lean ground beef. Go beyond meat with chicken, fish or shrimp. Grilled vegetables make a delicious Father’s Day side dish. Visit www.Eatright.Org for more!  Recipes: Best Grilled Fruits Grilled Fruit for Summer

  • Healthy Dairy

    05/06/2016 Duration: 44s

    Show your bones some love! Celebrate National Dairy Month by adding protein, phosphorus, potassium and vitamins A and D to your eating plan with dairy. These are essential nutrients that your body desperately needs! Healthy calcium choices should be low-fat or fat-free. Brands worth mentioning: Laughing Cow's Light Gourmet and Cabot's 50% Light Vermont Cheddar! Don't for get to follow along on social media! Twitter | Facebook | Instagram Website: CindyHuggins.com Resources: The National Dairy Council Eatright.Org The Southeast United Dairy Association    

  • How to Hydrate

    04/06/2016 Duration: 41s

    Welcome to summer all! This 30 second byte is all about keeping you nice and hydrated all summer long. Here in the south I cannot walk to my car without breaking a sweat. Water intake is essential to good health. Water maintains homeostasis in the body and helps transport nutrients to cells and removal and excretion of waste products. Water makes up more than 1/2 your body weight and you cannot live more than a few days without it. An average healthy adult needs 30-35 ml/kg of body weight Example: An adult weighs 165 lbs (165 / 2.2 = 75 kg) 75 x 30 = 2250 ml of fluid per day (or a little over 9 cups per day) 75 x 35 = 2625 ml of fluid per day (or about 11 cups per day) Note 1 cup = 8 oz What are the best hydrating fluids? Water! Add lemon or any other fruit that adds flavor. Decaf Tea or Coffee that is unsweetened (artificial sweeteners are ok). Fruits and vegetables also provide some fluid in your diet. Seek advice from a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist at Eatright.org

  • Meal Planning Process

    16/03/2016 Duration: 41s

    Meal Planning is challenging. Today I share my 3 step process in getting started. Download Free Meal Planning printables here. Thanks for listening. Please, don't forget to subscribe. 

  • National Nutrition Month

    02/03/2016 Duration: 39s

    It’s like my Christmas time: March is National Nutrition Month. Visit the blog all month long for freebies and give-a-ways. 

  • Blood Pressure or Bleeding Stroke?

    29/02/2016 Duration: 21s

    New research says uncontrolled blood pressure may lead to extreme health risks. Know your numbers! Research Study

  • Good Fat Bad Fat

    22/02/2016 Duration: 55s

    Good Fat versus Bad Fat! Listen to learn.

  • Signs and Symptoms of a Stroke

    17/02/2016 Duration: 38s

    Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women, which is why it is imperative that women learn the warning signs and symptoms of a stroke. Visit GoRedForWomen.Org

  • Signs and symptoms of Heart Attack

    17/02/2016 Duration: 49s

    Heart Disease is the #1 Killer of Women! Learn the signs and symptoms of a heart attack. Know your risk. Visit www.GoRedforWomen.Org

  • Heart Broken? Heart Health Check Up

    10/02/2016 Duration: 44s

    Are you a women? Then you are at risk for heart disease. Don’t let this often time silent killer sneak up on you. Visit My Life Check to assess your heart health! More info here. 

  • Weight Loss Tips

    08/01/2016 Duration: 02min

    In this episode I’m talking Weight Loss Tips the Experts! Consult with a dietitian. Visit here for more resources. Extended show notes here.

  • New Year Health Hacks

    01/01/2016 Duration: 34s

    Let’s get real about dieting in 2016. Step away from the fad diets and prepare yourself for real results. 2016 is going to be different and here’s why. You are going to approach it differently. Join me each Friday as I talk #HealthHacks2016 

  • Importance of Carbohydrates for controlling blood sugars

    26/11/2015 Duration: 41s

    Carbohydrates are the body’s main source of fuel. If we were a car carbs would be our fuel. It’s important to maintain consistent amounts of carbohydrates in the diet for good blood sugar control. For a complete list of carbohydrate rich foods visit www.CindyHuggins.com

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