Prophecy Watchers

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 600:13:36
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Gary Stearman explores the world of Bible prophecy.


  • Tim Alberino: True Legends - The UnHoly See, Part 2


    Gary Stearman and Tim Alberino discuss the second episode of True Legends.

  • Tim Alberino: True Legends - The UnHoly See, Part 1


    Gary Stearman and Tim Alberino discuss the second episode of True Legends.

  • Paul McGuire: Mass Awakening

    13/09/2016 Duration: 28min

    The “New World Order” phrase has become commonplace in today’s society. Is there a shadow government that operates behind the scenes and secretly runs our country? With over $19 TRILLION in national debt, where is America headed? A complete collapse? A reset button? Or could this be a pre-planned and carefully orchestrated destruction? Will a worldwide financial collapse bring about an end-times scenario straight out of the pages of the Bible, ushering in the last-days system of the Antichrist? Paul McGuire makes his first-ever appearance on Prophecy Watchers and looks at “things to come” in the 2016/2017 years.

  • Tom Hughes: Why Israel?

    06/09/2016 Duration: 28min

    I’m sure you’ve heard the old Jewish adage directed to God, “If we’re the Chosen People, choose someone else!” So we ask the question, “what’s so special about Israel? Why did God choose the Jewish people to bring salvation to the world through Jesus? And why is Jerusalem this special place favored by God? Just yesterday we were accused of being anti-Semitic for suggesting the Tribulation Period is all about Israel. Yet the Bible indicates that one day, perhaps very soon, Israel will be surrounded by the armies of the world, facing complete annihilation at Armageddon. Are the people living in Israel today God’s Chosen People? Or just imposters as some people claim? Gary and Pastor Tom Hughes answer the tough question, “Why Israel?”

  • Tim Alberino: True Legends – The UnHoly See

    30/08/2016 Duration: 28min

    Cyclopean masonry? Ancient structures built with intricate precision that survived the flood of Noah? 15 foot giants airlifted out of Afghanistan by the US military under the cover of darkness? Massive telescopes searching the skies for the return of “the old ones?” Secret languages carved into the Earth’s surface? Say what? Join Gary and the increasingly popular Timothy Alberino as they discuss the subjects no one in the church dares talk about! There are dark and shocking days coming to Planet Earth. The biblical giants of Genesis 6 may be returning soon—or are they already here? Is full disclosure of Earth’s ancient past just around the corner?

  • Paul McGuire: Prophecies for the Future of America

    23/08/2016 Duration: 28min

    The “New World Order” phrase has become commonplace in today’s society. Is there a shadow government that operates behind the scenes and secretly runs our country? With over $19 TRILLION in national debt, where is America headed? A complete collapse? A reset button? Or could this be a pre-planned and carefully orchestrated destruction? Will a worldwide financial collapse bring about an end-times scenario straight out of the pages of the Bible, ushering in the last-days system of the Antichrist? Paul McGuire makes his first-ever appearance on Prophecy Watchers and looks at “things to come” in the 2016/2017 years.

  • Tom Hughes: America in the New World Order

    12/08/2016 Duration: 28min

    Where does America fit into the end-times prophecies of the Bible? Were we a special nation chosen by God for the last days? As the moral character of our nation deteriorates, will judgment soon follow? How does the Illuminati fit into the picture—were we a nation founded on a conspiracy? And what part does America play in the future Gog and Magog war? California Pastor Tom Hughes takes a look at America’s past and looks at her future through the eyes of the prophets. He ties our past and our future in with the nation of Israel—and looks at the future of both nations uniquely blessed by God.

  • Ron Rhodes: The Prophecies of Daniel

    30/07/2016 Duration: 28min

    The book that bears the Old Testament prophet’s name, Daniel, drives liberals crazy! From the carefully crafted words and detailed future prophecies, it appears that Daniel was a “Time Traveler” and could see into the future! Imagine that! Critics claim the book of Daniel was written after certain events already happened, but we’re not buying it. It took Gary and best-selling author Ron Rhodes all of 5 seconds to strike a chord and become best friends, studying one of their favorite books together. The 70 Weeks of Daniel, Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, the Antichrist, the Fiery Furnace, the Handwriting on the Wall—this was an exciting program!

  • Chuck Missler: The Encroaching Darkness

    24/07/2016 Duration: 29min

    Chuck Missler was not able to attend our recent sold-out prophecy conference in Colorado Springs in person, but he sent us this message all the way from New Zealand to join in the excitement!

  • Aaron Judkins & Michael McDaniel: The Alien Agenda

    24/07/2016 Duration: 28min

    What’s a Christian supposed to think about UFOs? Are they government experiments gone awry from WW II? Are they demons entering and exiting the dimensional veil? How do the Sphinx, the Cherubim and the Nephilim enter the equation? Are they all interconnected? What better combination can we offer but a trained archaeologist, Aaron Judkins, a gifted writer and thinker—and one who was present on L.A. Marzulli’s recent skull-hunting trip to Peru. And Pastor Michael McDaniel, a gifted thinker, writer and Bible scholar. Will the Nephilim return? Will they explain away the Rapture? Is the Great Pyramid a Stargate to another dimension? Where does the Antichrist fit into the picture? Will he be superhuman? Tune in for some fascinating conversation!

  • Michael Lake: The Shinar Directive, Part 2

    19/07/2016 Duration: 28min

    “Viewer Warning: This may be one of the most fascinating programs you have ever seen! Gary and Dr. Michael Lake explore his book, The Shinar Directive, an explosive book that details those things you will NEVER hear in church. Watcher technology, the ancient city of Shinar, the real occult agenda behind the Tower of Babel and the leader of this anti-God rebellion—Nimrod, a man who evolved into “a gibborim.” Seeking ancient technology from the fallen angels after the flood, the people of Nimrod’s day refused to be victims of a flood again! They built a massive wall around Shinar, an excavated city the size of London! Masonic symbolism reigns in the dark world of the occult—a world in which Dr. Lake and his family are all too familiar! Don’t miss this program! An all-time classic! Take a look behind the curtain!”

  • Gary Stearman: The Importance of Prophecy

    12/07/2016 Duration: 28min

    The biggest prophecy conference in the USA kicks off this next week, July 15-17, 2016. Featuring 27 speakers of the top names in the world of Bible prophecy, the 1st annual Rocky Mountain International Prophecy Conference offers something for everyone. Prophecy, evangelism, transhumanism, robotics and super-soldiers, the supernatural, biblical archaeology, the upcoming Presidential election—the upcoming war in the Middle East—it’s a smorgasbord of fascinating information. Gary and Bob talk about the speakers, many who only require a single name—Stearman, Horn, Gilbert, Marzulli, Koenig, Price, Missler, Lipkin, Farah, Richardson, Deyo, Salus, Putnam, McGuire and 13 more! A few event tickets still remain, but LIVE STREAMING provides access to 75% of the entire conference!

  • Ken Johnson: Biblical Dreams and Visions

    03/07/2016 Duration: 28min

    Dreams and visions . . . Just those words alone will spark immediate controversy! But yet the Bible is full of spectacular accounts of God using this method of communication to send a clear message. Who can forget Joseph, Pharaoh’s personal dream interpreter? Or the dream that sent Mary and Joseph fleeing to Egypt? Pilate’s wife had a dream she’ll never forget while Abraham, Gideon, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Zechariah, Jeremiah and the Magi all experienced some very unusual encounters. Leave it to Gary Stearman and Ken Johnson to take a bizarre and controversial subject and add the Scriptural underpinnings to this method of Godly communication. Does God still work through dreams and visions today? Soon you shall know!

  • Bill Salus: The Coming Global Transformation

    24/06/2016 Duration: 28min

    Bill Salus has captured the attention of prophecy students with his unique take on Psalm 83, Iran’s nuclear program and eventual destruction, and most recently, The NOW Prophecies. But what about the unique work he helped create a few years back, a 3-hour MP3 Audio CD that weaves all of the “last-days” prophecies into a fascinating, end-times scenario, laying out the possibility that a sudden, unexplainable UFO appearance and a subsequent war in the Middle East might explain away the Rapture of the church! This “Coming Global Transformation” could happen at any moment—perhaps tonight! Will the “little green men” be friendly? Will they introduce the world to “their leader.” Can there by any doubt that a great deception lies just ahead?

  • Michael Lake: The Shinar Directive

    16/06/2016 Duration: 28min

    “Viewer Warning: This may be one of the most fascinating programs you have ever seen! Gary and Dr. Michael Lake explore his book, The Shinar Directive, an explosive book that details those things you will NEVER hear in church. Watcher technology, the ancient city of Shinar, the real occult agenda behind the Tower of Babel and the leader of this anti-God rebellion—Nimrod, a man who evolved into “a gibborim.” Seeking ancient technology from the fallen angels after the flood, the people of Nimrod’s day refused to be victims of a flood again! They built a massive wall around Shinar, an excavated city the size of London! Masonic symbolism reigns in the dark world of the occult—a world in which Dr. Lake and his family are all too familiar! Don’t miss this program! An all-time classic! Take a look behind the curtain!”

  • Gary Stearman: The Pentecost Prophecy

    08/06/2016 Duration: 28min

    The two-day Feast of Pentecost arrives in just a few days, June 11-13. It offers a remarkable shadow and type of the Rapture of the Church in so many different ways. The Church of course was birthed on a Pentecost. The Jewish people believe that Pentecost is the day the fruit of the trees is judged! King David was born and died on Pentecost. According to tradition, Enoch was born and then raptured on Pentecost! The Law was given at Mt Sinai on Pentecost and 3,000 people died. Peter preached the Gospel on Pentecost and 3,000 people were saved! It’s no coincidence—a perfect picture of Law and Grace! Gary and Bob discuss this important day on God’s calendar and wonder—will the Church be raptured on a future Pentecost?

  • Aaron Judkins and Bruce Hall: Finding Noah

    01/06/2016 Duration: 28min

    Noah’s Ark. Just those two famous words conjure up all sorts of mental images and endless quests for adventure. Enter Bible-believing archaeologist Aaron Judkins and his team of explorers, braving 30-degrees below zero temperatures, treacherous ice-covered canyons, the threat of terrorists and wild dogs, and the ominous and legendary 17,000 foot-high Mt. Ararat! Once they take out their chainsaws and start cutting through the ice searching for what they believed were the remains of the Ark, you’ll be hooked on their adventure! Join Gary Stearman, Aaron Judkins and Bruce Hall as they search for a relic that could change the world’s view of the Bible forever! Will the Ark be found in our lifetime?

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