Prophecy Watchers

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 575:09:56
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Gary Stearman explores the world of Bible prophecy.


  • Brent Miller: Fire from the Sky

    08/09/2015 Duration: 28min

    Signs in the heavens are all the rage today. We’ve all heard about the 4 Blood Moons, but there is another MAJOR sign in the heavens that no one is talking about. No one but the producer of The Final Prophecies, Brent Miller. You are about to get an advanced education into the events of the Tribulation Period—things you have NEVER heard before.The Bible mentions fire from heaven and says that Satan returns with God-like powers—lying signs and wonders. Something secret is in the works. Governments of the world are creating seed vaults that are being protected by armed guards. Underground cities are being constructed all over the world. NORAD is making preparations for . . . something. What do they know that we don’t? Is there a natural electro-magnetic pulse event coming? Will there be an electronic attack from a rogue nation? Is the world about to experience the most outrageous moment in time since Noah’s Flood and be sent back to the Dark Ages?

  • Brent Miller: The Coming Pole Shift

    01/09/2015 Duration: 28min

    There’s a bizarre passage in Isaiah 24:20 that says, “The Earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard.” What exactly does that mean? Ingenuity Films co-producer, Brent Miller Sr., the producer of The Final Prophecies and Decoding the Future DVDs, suggests a future geographical pole shift, where chaos reigns and mountains fall into the sea. Tribulation time! He also connects this with the passage that says, “No man knows the day or the hour,” suggestive of a possible change in the times and seasons. I’ve heard Brent preach this message before and have seen people walking out shaking their heads in disbelief. You’ve never heard anything like this before!

  • Bill Salus: The Prophetic Timeline, Part 2

    25/08/2015 Duration: 28min

    Strange events are in the air in Iran, Israel and the USA. The Obama administration is attempting to fast track an Iranian nuclear agreement through Congress, opening wide Pandora’s Nuclear Box for a country that supports terrorism worldwide, and names the US and Israel as their biggest enemies—countries they’d prefer be annihilated! What’s wrong with this picture? Enter Bill Salus, author of Nuclear Showdown in Iran: The Ancient Prophecy of Elam. Bill has a prophetic angle on their future and he’ll bring you up to speed on this brewing battle in the Middle East—and God’s clear answer from the pages of the Bible!

  • Bill Salus: The Prophetic Timeline, Part 1

    21/08/2015 Duration: 28min

    Bill Salus has become the voice of authority on many of the events heading our way in September. Blood moons, Shemitah cycles, Wars in the Middle East, Iran’s nuclear program—we’re all on edge waiting to see if these are orchestrated events, or just a series of random coincidences. What IS going to happen? He joined with two very familiar names—Jonathan Cahn and Mark Biltz, to create an exceptional DVD, Out of the Mouth of Two Witnesses: Signs From the Heavens. Perhaps Bill’s DVD can be used to alert a lost friend or family member of the rapid escalation of end time events. It’s powerful. Are we at the very end of days?

  • Doug Stauffer: Salvation in the Tribulation

    11/08/2015 Duration: 28min

    The investigative team of Stearman and Stauffer is back, examining yet another controversial end-times subject. After the rapture of the church, when Christians are removed from planet Earth, will people who have heard the Gospel and rejected it still be able to receive God’s gift of salvation? Are they permanently disqualified from receiving Christ? Will the Holy Spirit still be active during the Tribulation? Will there be a great revival “after the rapture?” Or will people be tricked into believing “the lie?”

  • L.A. Marzulli: The Biblical Giants

    05/08/2015 Duration: 28min

    The 3rd annual Nephilim Mounds Conference is just 5 weeks away—it’s scheduled for September 12th and 13th in Newark, Ohio. Gary Stearman and L.A. Marzulli, two of the guest speakers, discuss this one-of-a-kind conference and the bizarre subject of the ancient Nephilim, the offspring of the rebellious fallen angels and the women of Earth. While this may be a controversial, uncomfortable and over-the-top subject to many, Genesis 6 is pretty clear—this horrific event really happened. Is there a better explanation for the flood of Noah and the virtual annihilation of the human race?

  • Doug Stauffer: After The Rapture

    29/07/2015 Duration: 28min

    Stearman and Stauffer. No, they’re not a law firm, but they are two great defenders of the faith and the pre-tribulation rapture. Gary and Doug are “looking for that blessed hope” like no two people I know. They will encourage you to Godly living and have you looking for the Lord’s soon return. Answering the tough questions, these two eager researchers discuss the “Last Trump,” Dispensationalism, the Day of the Lord, the Pre-Wrath rapture and the Mark of the Beast. A good old fashioned prophecy program! Watch it.

  • L.A. Marzulli: Exploring the Supernatural

    21/07/2015 Duration: 28min

    L.A. Marzulli, co-creator of The Watchers Series, continues to break new ground. With 8 Watchers DVDs completed and two more in the works, Marzulli has captured the attention of the entire world with his archaeological adventures, UFO film footage and his focus on the world of the supernatural. As world chaos escalates, Marzulli is anticipating a game-changing event just over the horizon. Tune in to hear Gary and L.A. talk about end-time events.

  • Avi Lipkin: Islamic Rivalry Part 2

    14/07/2015 Duration: 28min

    Gary called his recent interviews with Avi Lipkin some of the most powerful interviews he’s ever done. Avi takes a look at America and sees the leadership of our country moving closer and closer to a relationship with Islam. Avi is usually way ahead of the news media, and he provides a startling update on the coming fall of the Saudi Kingdom. Will ISIS conquer the Middle East, come ashore in America, and then look towards the Promised Land? Avi is no prophet, but he’s been right before! Don’t miss this interview!

  • Avi Lipkin: Islamic Rivalry

    07/07/2015 Duration: 28min

    Israeli insider, Avi Lipkin, is usually way ahead of the curve. During a recent visit with Gary, he took a look at ISIS and their violent march across the Middle East. They aren’t going away any time soon. They have their eyes on Jordan and then Saudi Arabia. Can they be stopped? Soon they will control all of the territory surrounding the Land of Israel. Will Israel do battle with ISIS soon?

  • Billy Crone: Mark of the Beast

    16/06/2015 Duration: 28min

    Only in this age of high-technology could the “Mark of the Beast” be implemented successfully. The Bible says that during the Tribulation no man can buy or sell without the dreaded mark. Will you be here to take “the mark” in your right hand or your forehead? Will it doom you to a lifetime in hell? Or, as some Christian theologians are now suggesting, will you get a second chance? Billy Crone offers his latest advanced research on one of the hottest subjects in Christianity. Will R.F.I.D. technology be the high-tech tool that enslaves the whole world? Hear about the very latest prophetic developments in this bizarre, people-tracking world.

  • Cris Putnam: Supernatural Worldview

    09/06/2015 Duration: 28min

    Cris Putnam has a testimony that will send shivers down your spine. One day, on the brink of suicide, he heard a voice that clearly said “The cemetery or the seminary.” Fortunately for us, Cris chose the latter. His book, The Supernatural Worldview, covers a myriad of subjects, one more fascinating than the last. Spoon-bending psychokinesis parties? ESP training? Ghosts and demons; heaven and hell; poltergeists and near-death experiences; shocking, verifiable medical miracles—The powers of heaven and the powers of darkness are real! What a fascinating interview!

  • Tom Horn & Cris Putnam: On the Path of the Immortals, Part 2

    03/06/2015 Duration: 28min

    We were introduced to Tom Horn through his fascinating book, Nephilim Stargates. The possibility of “stargate portals”—pathways to another dimension, seemed bizarre at the time, but perhaps the book of Enoch is accurate. Enoch claims that fallen angels left their home in heaven and traveled to another dimension—Planet Earth, landing on Mt Hermon and creating the genetic nightmare of Genesis 6. Tom has done it again with co-author Cris Putnam, penning a new book, The Immortals, and revealing the strange secrets of the CERN Large Hadron Collider. Tom and Cris suggest that perhaps there is a plan underway to open up a new portal to another dimension—a parallel universe. Are there intelligent beings waiting on the other side? Or a nightmare for humanity?

  • Gary Stearman: The Pentecost Prophecy

    19/05/2015 Duration: 28min

    Pentecost is the most mysterious of all the Jewish Feast Days. This May 24th marks this year’s festival, a day Jews believe the heavens open for a brief moment and they decorate the Bride. Wow. Everywhere one looks, Pentecost seems to be hinting at the Rapture of the Church. King David was born and died on Pentecost. According to rabbinic tradition, Enoch was born and died on Pentecost. The church, of course, was born on Pentecost as believers were indwelt permanently with the Holy Spirit for the first time. The hidden symbolism in the Feast Day makes one wonder—will the Church mark it’s original birthday with our calling away to eternity? Will the trumpet sound on May 24th? Or perhaps on a future Pentecost? Gary and Bob discuss some of the historical intracacies that point to a possible rapture on this day. This is an amazing study! Watch it!

  • Tom Horn & Cris Putnam: On the Path of the Immortals

    16/05/2015 Duration: 28min

    There’s a gigantic high-powered telescope sitting on the top of a high mountain in Arizona. It’s owned by none other than the Vatican—and it has been nicknamed “The L.U.C.I.F.E.R device.” The Jesuits claim to be monitoring “something” that is approaching the Earth. The mountain is said to be a portal, a stargate to another dimension. What, or WHO are they waiting for? Best-selling authors Tom Horn and Cris Putnam have blown the lid off of these dimensional portals in a way no one ever has before. Gaining access to private Indian reservations, Tom and Cris explore secret caves where they have gained access to the legend of “The Old Ones.” Those cave paintings feature beings with six fingers—shades of the Nephilim! Will these beings return to Earth one day? Their new book, On the Path of the Immortals, will take you places you’ve never been before!

  • Gary Stearman: Dispensationalism and the Pre-Trib Rapture

    13/05/2015 Duration: 28min

    Law vs Grace. This ages-old battle started long ago and reached a boiling point in the early church. Even the disciples were caught up in the confusion. Between these two points of view sits the controversial perspective of dispensational theology. You want to start a battle with extreme passion on both sides? Well, here you go. Gary and Bob discuss a complicated chapter in the book of Acts that Gary thinks should clear up the confusion, all the while producing added proof of a pre-tribulation rapture!

  • Stan Deyo: Cosmic Conspiracy

    06/05/2015 Duration: 28min

    When Gary and deep-thinking scientist Stan Deyo get together, you better put your thinking cap on! Stan’s background in anti-gravity experimentation and UFOs make him uniquely qualified to speak about things “you’ll never hear in church.” We’ve all heard of the Roswell “weather balloon” crash in 1947. But shortly thereafter Israel became a nation and high technology took off. Many people, including Stan and Gary, believe that we had a helping hand from “the other side” in using reverse technology to bring the world into the computer age. You will be amazed when you hear Stan talk about the bumblebee and hear him compare it’s God-designed flight capabilities to alien technology. The dark powers behind the “New World Order” have a carefully organized and orchestrated plan in place. It will come to fruition very soon. Don’t be deceived! When this program wrapped up, Gary was almost speechless! Great minds think alike!

  • Stan Deyo: The Garden of Eden

    22/04/2015 Duration: 28min

    Stan Deyo has led quite the fascinating life—working undercover for the FBI and gaining “top secret” government security clearance; working with Edward Teller, the father of the hydrogen bomb on “flying saucer” technology; lecturing on Tesla, biblical archaeology and UFOs—he’s seen things and been places no man has gone before. So when Stan claimed to have found the original Garden of Eden using the Bible as a road map and high technology as the hidden access key, people listened. This is an interview you will not want to miss!

  • Billy Crone: The Final Countdown

    15/04/2015 Duration: 28min

    Las Vegas pastor Billy Crone is shocking audiences all over the country, waking them from a deep prophetic slumber. While the Middle East reaches a boiling point and Iran moves closer to nuclear capabilities Americans continue to slowly lose their freedoms. The platform for the rise of the Antichrist is being constructed in plain sight. Surveillance technology is reaching new heights and our day to day movements are being tracked like never before. The advances in hand scanning, drones, and RFID technology is disturbing and Google’s secret plans to become “The Mind of God” are hard to believe. Join Gary and Billy Crone as they discuss “The Final Countdown” of world events.

  • L.A. Marzulli: Further Evidence

    08/04/2015 Duration: 28min

    In July of 1947 there was a “flying saucer” crash in Roswell, NM. In May 1948 Israel became a nation after nearly 2,000 years in exile. L.A. Marzulli believes it’s no coincidence. He’s been “on the trail” of the Nephilim for several years, but he’s also hot on the trail of the burgeoning UFO activity going on in the world. Will we have a government-sponsored revelation soon? Will an alien appearance explain away the rapture of the church? Is this the trigger event that will convince the whole world to believe the lie?

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