Pop Trends Price Culture



Pop Trends, Price Culture is the podcast about the intersection of psychology and markets. You can access our show notes at www.elliottwave.com/podcast (it's free). In each episode, Robert Folsom presents real people and real stories as they meet in the crossroads of mood and markets. Note: This podcast contains strong opinions and strong language.


  • Marijuana, Eight Presidents, One Neurosurgeon - and Social Mood

    09/07/2015 Duration: 12min

    What made a sitting president go on TV to show America a big bag of crack cocaine - literally? And what made a later president drop the phrase “War On Drugs” from his vocabulary?

  • 4th of July Week: Hear How an "Independent Mind" Truly Works

    01/07/2015 Duration: 09min

    Real liberty begins with independent thinking -- and Professor Dennis Elam is really good at it. You heard his insights for yourself if you caught part one of our interview, and in part two he covers an even more amazing range of topics...

  • How this Professor Makes 'Fascinating' and 'Accounting' Work in the SAME Sentence

    24/06/2015 Duration: 08min

    Dr. Dennis Elam is a tenured professor of accounting at Texas A & M University, San Antonio. He is an expert in finance, yet Professor Elam blows up stereotypes about the accounting profession. He's incredibly well versed in popular culture: his insights go from Richard Pryor, to themes in cinema, to the "mob museum" in Las Vegas. And, as we learned in conversation with Professor Elam, he actually applies socionomics in his curriculum for accounting -- students love it.

  • The Rise of the Anti-Authoritarians: Then and Now

    18/06/2015 Duration: 09min

    Can you name the MOST authoritarian government document in U.S. history? A Pulitzer Prize winning author described it as a plan "for America's intelligence services ... to monitor the communications...

  • Here's Where Art AND Life Imitate Mood

    11/06/2015 Duration: 09min

    Lots of critics say television has been in a second "Golden Era." But truth be told, the phrase 'Dark Golden Era' describes it better -- because the best shows in the past 15 years have indeed been a deep shade of "dark gold."  Listen in and hear Robert Folsom's four top nominees for the best and most conspicuously negative shows since 1999 (yes, including Game of Thrones).

  • No Turning the Dial on This Prime Time Revolution

    03/06/2015 Duration: 10min

    The 'Rural Purge' of the 1970-1971 season changed television forever -- it was fast, dramatic and revolutionary, yet it's all but unknown today. This historic transformation reveals an influence more powerful than historians and sociologists can ever discern.

  • What Happened When A Safari Hunter Met Social Mood

    27/05/2015 Duration: 11min

    Alastair MacDonald has a pretty cool resume: Successful business owner, stockbroker on Wall Street, and a real estate investor. Yet he was born & raised in Zimbabwe, so before his career in finance he was a professional hunter and safari guide. Alastair has had amazing success using socionomics to anticipate major trend changes. Hear his story now.

  • If Cash Is King, Is Government An Assassin?

    20/05/2015 Duration: 08min

    Two stories this week reveal huge possible abuses of government power. Both stories were vastly underreported in the media -- and both also sound too far-fetched to be true... but they are.

  • Old Tech/New Tech: Spying on U.S. Citizens Is Mood Off the Rails

    13/05/2015 Duration: 11min

    The 100-year rise of the security state did NOT happen in subtle steps across decades. Instead, nearly all the growth came during identifiable SURGES — specific periods when the downtrend in social mood fueled the uptrend of authoritarianism.

  • How NOT to Treat Our Soldiers - A Forgotten True Tale

    06/05/2015 Duration: 08min

    When Uncle Sam said 'I want YOU,' they stepped forward. But after 14 years the U.S. government STILL would not pay the money it owed tens of thousands of military veterans for their war service. This shameful true story previews the rise of the security state.

  • A 30-Year Wall Street Insider Describes A Lifetime of Elliott

    29/04/2015 Duration: 09min

    Andrew Baptiste's career spans three decades on Wall Street, including senior positions at Morgan Stanley and J.P. Morgan. Yet his familiarity with the Elliott Wave Principle began even earlier, as an insight literally passed from father to son.

  • A Bullish Ghost Inhabits Market Sentiment

    22/04/2015 Duration: 09min

    When do you know the past is about to repeat itself? Well, in the stock market that time comes when you hear phrases like “This time it’s different,” or, like today’s “New Normal.” Get the 9-minute...

  • A Bad Call and Busted Career, Reconsidered

    15/04/2015 Duration: 09min

    Can you name the first “Rock Star” economist? No, not Robert Shiller. Not Greenspan. Not even Milton Friedman. It was the 1920s, when virtually every literate American knew Irving Fisher.

  • From Econ to Comedy The Ruin of Heroes

    08/04/2015 Duration: 08min

    What could the Federal Reserve and comedian Bill Cosby possibly have in common? In a sentence, “Ruined reputations, thanks to negative social mood.” Yes it sounds bizarre -- but hear Robert Folsom and TR explore WHY the ugly hidden truths about heroes (and heroic institutions) can so suddenly make news. Listen for yourself.

  • The Fed Loses Its "Superpowers"

    31/03/2015 Duration: 08min

    The central bank has a story to tell about itself. Should you believe it? We explain why the Fed wants you to think it has superpowers, even as it befuddles you with preposterous language.

  • The Who and Why of Getting PAID to Borrow Money

    25/03/2015 Duration: 09min

    How do you define "Deflation"? Hint: It begins with psychology, NOT with falling prices. Deflation turns the economy and financial world upside down, to the point that borrowers get PAID by lenders. Get the 9-minute story in this episode of Pop Trends, Price Culture.

  • Horror Movies Horror Markets

    17/03/2015 Duration: 11min

    We survey history's greatest horror films across the decades, and WHY they so often cluster during stock market declines.

  • If Money Is On Sale, Why Is Almost No One Buying

    11/03/2015 Duration: 07min

    Bond yields have fallen to 50-year lows in the world's major economies, and this trend has reached nearly ALL countries. Yet if you can even find a news article about this story, it will probably include phrases like "unanticipated," "surprise," and "against the consensus forecast." What that means is, the experts did NOT see any of this coming...

  • Annabelle

    04/03/2015 Duration: 05min

    Three hugely popular horror movies, and three simultaneous stock market declines. Is that just a semi-interesting coincidence... or could the timing of bear markets in stocks and the popularity of...

  • Profanity, Comedy and Social Mood

    02/03/2015 Duration: 13min

    Social mood transformed a pair of conventional comedians - George Carlin and Richard Pryor - into two of history's greatest stand-up comedians. Hear the story you haven't heard told until now...

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