Ed Mylett Show



Delivering to you on the show great ideas, tactics, strategies and hopefully some inspiration that could help shape and transform areas of your life that you want to improve, whether that's your body, or your mind, your business or your family.


  • Science-Backed Secrets to Brain Health and Mental Resilience

    09/04/2024 Duration: 01h16s

    Revolutionize your well-being with Science-Backed Secrets to Brain Health and strategies to build Mental Resilience! I’m excited to reconnect with my good friend and a titan in the realm of neuroscience, Dr. Daniel Amen. With an illustrious career that spans 5 best-selling books, pioneering clinics across the country, and transformative health strategies, Dr. Amen's insights have the power to change lives across all ages.  Stress, digital overload, and lifestyle choices constantly challenge our mental equilibrium, which means understanding the fundamentals of brain health has never been more critical.  Here's a sneak peek of the insights from today’s episode: Mind vs. Brain: What’s the difference and how to nurture both  Learn about Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTS) and practical steps to counteract their harmful effects on our mental state Explore the impact of diet—caffeine, sugar, and beyond—on brain health, mental clarity and resilience The critical importance of bonding and attachment, not just fo

  • 15 Life-Changing Tips I Would Give My Younger Self

    04/04/2024 Duration: 37min

    Unlock the blueprint to revolutionize your life with "15 Life-Changing Tips I Would Give My Younger Self". In a world brimming with distractions and diverging paths, finding your way can seem like an insurmountable task, especially for the younger generation stepping boldly into their futures. But imagine if you had a compass or a guide who’s navigated the paths of life before you. This week, I'm here to be that guide.  Drawing from my personal experiences and lessons learned, I'm sharing 15 pieces of advice, designed not only to steer you clear of common pitfalls but to propel you toward a life of unparalleled success and fulfillment. Whether you're just starting out or looking to recalibrate your journey, these insights are your game plan for transformation.  Here's a glimpse of what we'll explore:  The truth about hard work vs talent  The Power of Mentorship  Communication Mastery and Gaining Influence  How to network and open doors of opportunity  Key financial principles that drive wealth  How to I

  • Damar Hamlin Given A Second Chance In Life: Faith, Football and Fighting Back

    02/04/2024 Duration: 59min

    What would you do with a second chance at life? Damar Hamlin's story transcends the world of football, marking a pivotal moment not just in sports history but in the narrative of human endurance and divine intervention. Damar collapsed on the field during an NFL MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL game in January 2023. He went into cardiac arrest after taking a blow to the chest during a tackle. The world held its breath. But his story was far from over. Through a miraculous recovery fueled by quick action, unwavering faith, and a collective outpouring of support, Damar's life was saved, and his purpose magnified. But Damar’s story doesn’t end there. Because eight months later, Damar stepped on the field once more to play the game he loves. In one of the most profound conversations I've had on this show, Damar opens up about his extraordinary journey back to the field and how his brush with mortality has reshaped his outlook on life.  Here's what you'll uncover in this incredible episode: Damar's firsthand account of that

  • How to Recharge the Strong Men in Your Life

    28/03/2024 Duration: 29min

    There’s a growing EPIDEMIC I’m seeing in men everywhere I go. Many men are tired. They are suffering mentally and emotionally. It’s causing a lot of damage to them. This conversation is for anyone feeling the weight of life's burdens, regardless of gender. I'm talking directly to you, about the quiet struggles, the hidden weariness, and the silent battles that many of us face but seldom acknowledge. This isn't just about being tired; it's about the deeper exhaustion that seeps into your bones—the mental, emotional, and spiritual fatigue that whispers doubts in the dead of night. It's about the journey of navigating life when you're running on empty, feeling invisible in a world that constantly demands more. In this heart-to-heart, you’ll uncover the lifelines that can pull you or someone you love, back from the brink including: How to turn your struggles into strength How to BELIEVE in yourself again How to let those around you reignite your inner fire Simple yet profound actions to start reclaiming

  • Nick Kyrgios: Grand Slam Mentality

    26/03/2024 Duration: 59min

    Nick Kyrgios reveals all: battling demons, chasing glory, and finding strength in vulnerability. I’m serving up an important talk about peak performance and MENTAL HEALTH issues this week with NICK KYRGIOS, one of the most fascinating, and complex athletes in the world today and a powerhouse in the tennis arena known not just for his explosive talent but for navigating the complexities of mental health in the glaring spotlight. Originally from Greece, Nick moved to Australia at a young age and became one of the TOP TENNIS PLAYERS IN THE WORLD. He is known for a mercurial, aggressive style of play, including his fiery on-court rants, fines, suspensions, and other colorful displays. He has developed a legion of devoted fans, and a fair number of critics as well. But as you’ll hear, there’s a lot more to Nick than what you see in on the court. As Nick steps back to rehab from an injury, he's hitting pause to reflect on his whirlwind of achievements and the road ahead. For anyone standing at their own life's c

  • 14 Signs You Don't Love Yourself Enough

    21/03/2024 Duration: 39min

    You might be neglecting the most important relationship you have—the one with yourself! Today we’re diving into the heart of what it means to truly embrace and cultivate self-love, a topic that's often discussed yet rarely unpacked with the depth and authenticity it deserves. I'm sharing the 14 SIGNS YOU DON’T LOVE YOURSELF ENOUGH that just might change your perspective on self-love, the way you see yourself and how you navigate your journey towards becoming your best self. You’ll learn: The Hard Truth about Self-Love How Discipline is one of the highest forms of self-love How to align Your Life with Your Values How setting and adhering to high personal standards as a testament to self-love. How to Experience the joy and fulfillment that come from living authentically, aligned with your true self and potential. I believe that to love ourselves truly, we must strive to be ourselves fully. This means pursuing our goals with discipline, living in congruence with our values, and continually seeking to e

  • Inky Johnson: The Resilience Formula

    20/03/2024 Duration: 01h03min

    Resilience, courage, and unwavering determination are the 3 words I’d use to describe today’s interview with my friend Inky Johnson. Inky was on the brink of realizing his lifelong dream of playing professional football when a catastrophic injury during a game for the University of Tennessee changed his life forever. In a fleeting moment, his promising athletic career was halted, leaving his right arm and hand permanently paralyzed. Yet, what Inky chose to do in the aftermath of this life-altering event is nothing short of remarkable. Instead of succumbing to despair, Inky transformed his greatest setback into his biggest breakthrough. Today, he's not only an acclaimed author and entrepreneur but also one of the most compelling motivational speakers, touching the lives of people across the globe, from elite athletes to top executives. Inky's narrative is a powerful reminder that our greatest trials often pave the way for our most significant triumphs. In this episode, you’ll learn about: Inky’s journey throu

  • Must-Hear Health Hacks From the Doctors who Saved My Life

    14/03/2024 Duration: 50min

    In many ways These 2 doctors literally SAVED MY LIFE… This weeks episode is 5 % about me and 95 % about all of YOU and all about HEALTH In a personal and pivotal episode of the Ed Mylett Show, I’m sharing something that’s reshaping my journey a bit ….something that does not come as a surprise for those who know me or follow closely here. Its time for a bit of a pause for me from my crazy workload. Actually, its just a season where my health is going to be my priority, not this darn phone and all the demands that come with it! So I'm taking a step back from social media for now and I will do less speaking and crazy travel. Still being focused strategically on biz and mentoring/coaching ..but cutting out the unnecessary and taking time for health, particularly heart health. This decision didn’t come lightly. It’s part of a broader challenge I’ve embraced under the guidance of my doctors - two remarkable women who have cared for me for many years and literally keep me going ! Dr. Amy Doneen and Dr. Gabrielle Lyo

  • Deion Sanders: Coach Prime's Success Game Plan

    12/03/2024 Duration: 01h02min

    COACH PRIME reveals ALL including his battles with suicide, depression, life-threatening diagnoses, and his fight for survival! He was the biggest story in the @‌NCAA college football this past season, but “COACH PRIME” aka DEION SANDERS has been making headlines in the sports world for almost 40 years! Known for his electrifying presence in both the @‌NFL and @‌MLB winning both a SUPERBOWL and WORLD SERIES championships, Deion's journey from NEON DEION and PRIME TIME to a transformational figure, COACH PRIME, in college football and beyond is nothing short of legendary. Yet, behind the dazzling highlights and cultural icon status, Deion's story is one of profound resilience, faith, and a relentless pursuit of greatness not just on the field, but in all facets of life. In this episode, I dive deep into his transition from a celebrated athlete to a visionary coach and mentor, his battles against formidable personal challenges, and his unwavering commitment to uplift and inspire including: The Fight for Survi


    07/03/2024 Duration: 30min

    THIS is how you overcome MENTAL BLOCKS and LOW PRODUCTIVITY… We've all faced moments where we feel like we're up against an insurmountable wall, blocking us from our BEST LIFE. It's like being in a maze where every turn leads to more frustration and stagnation. But what if I told you that there's a way out? That you possess the tools to scale that wall and catapult yourself into a realm of unprecedented productivity and fulfillment? Listen up because this week, I’m going to give you the ladder you need to get you UP AND OVER THAT WALL and SMASH THROUGH YOUR BARRIERS. In this episode, I'm not just talking about adding more to your plate; I'm talking about subtracting the negatives, the barriers that cloud your vision. I’m going to give you some of the most effective strategies you can use to REMOVE OBSTACLES TO YOUR DREAMS. There are 4 D’s that stand in your way. These are the devilish ADVERSARIES and LIES that keep you from progress. I’m giving you not just the insights but the strategies to dismantle these 4


    05/03/2024 Duration: 50min

    The INCREDIBLE BOSTON CELTICS OWNER is revealing his SECRET on today’s episode! As a lifelong Boston sports fan, this show is extra special for me! Get ready to tip off for a fascinating conversation with WYC GROUSBECK, the primary partner of the BOSTON CELTICS ownership group. This episode isn't just for the sports enthusiasts; it's for anyone eager to learn about resilience, vision, and the power of pursuing your passions with everything you've got. Join us as we dive deep into a world where sports, business, and personal passion intertwine. Wyc isn't just a figure in the sports world; he's a venture capitalist who transformed his love for the Celtics into a groundbreaking ownership that skyrocketed the franchise's value, a philanthropist making significant impacts, and an innovator in entertainment, co-founding Cincoro Tequila with fellow NBA owners, MICHAEL JORDAN, JEANNIE BUSS and WES EDENS, and bringing his life stories to TV screens with his hit show, "Extended Family." Wyc's journey from dreaming abou


    29/02/2024 Duration: 55min

    Navigate Through Stress and Overwhelm with the #1 and #2 Mindset and peak performance coaches IN THE WORLD! In this NEW EPISODE, we're tackling a topic that's become a modern-day epidemic – STRESS. With the incredible Brendon Burchard by my side, we're here to guide you through the turbulence of life with actionable strategies for overcoming stress. This conversation, recorded live in front of an audience at a recent GROWTH DAY event, and I pray it brings you HOPE and HEALING. Brendon and I dive deep into personal practices and universal principles that have helped us navigate through life's storms including: How Faith and Prayer can provide unparalleled comfort and clarity, helping to distinguish between what's within our control and what we need to surrender. Strategies to fight back against discouragement, doubt, and delusions that often accompany stressful periods. Sharing simple, effective methods to physiologically combat stress. Strategies to foster a more peaceful and resilient mindset. The Law o


    27/02/2024 Duration: 01h06min

    Build a life you LOVE, grounded in self-appreciation and personal fulfillment! To navigate these waters, I've enlisted the help of Matthew Hussey, a renowned love coach, New York Times bestselling author who is celebrated by millions worldwide through his impactful videos and seminars. Forget the search for external validation; today, we're focusing on the internal journey. This episode is your guide to embracing the beauty of your existence, nurturing a loving relationship with yourself, and cultivating a life filled with joy and satisfaction. If you've ever felt like you're searching for love in all the wrong places, you're in the right spot! In this episode, you’ll learn: The concept of RELATIONAL INTELLIGENCE and its critical role in all areas of your life. The journey to a healthier relationship with the most important person in your life: YOU. Practical strategies to shift your behavior and mindset towards a more fulfilling love life. Embracing contentment and finding happiness in what you already h

  • 10 Steps To Fulfillment

    22/02/2024 Duration: 21min

    Are you chasing HAPPINESS or FULFILLMENT? (There IS a difference!) The things that make you feel HAPPY are not always the same things that make you FULFILLED! HAPPINESS is that feeling you get when you finally buy that new car or move into your new home, or close a new deal. As blissful as it is... Happiness is also TEMPORARY! FULFILLMENT is what you experience when you use your unique and natural gifts, like your intelligence, compassion, creativity, determination, athleticism or sense of humor, to make an impact on the lives of others! FULFILLMENT is DEEP and it's INFINITE! It's OK to want both! We ALL want more happiness AND fulfillment! In this episode, I'm going to reveal exactly how you can acquire and experience more of BOTH in every area of your life! I'm breaking down my entire process into 10 PRACTICAL STEPS you can take to open the gateway to more Happiness and Fulfillment. I'm going to teach you how you can enhance the caliber of your entire life simply based on your own emotions and experiences.


    20/02/2024 Duration: 01h01min

    How to become a SUPER COMMUNICATOR! In todays' episode of The Ed Mylett Show, you’ll learn EASY steps to become a MASTER COMMUNICATOR with me and my phenomenal guest, Charles Duhigg, a Pulitzer Prize-winning genius whose work has revolutionized how we understand habits, productivity, and the art of communication. I've always said that the ability to communicate effectively is a major component of what separates the good from the great. Whether you're leading a team, building a business, or just trying to make meaningful connections, how you express yourself and connect with others is crucial. Charles is here to share his groundbreaking practical steps on not just how to talk better… but how to truly CONNECT with anyone. It's about making every conversation count, making sure you're not just heard, but that you're truly engaging the person on the other side of that conversation. Here's a sneak peek at what you’ll learn: ACTIVE LISTENING and how it can change the way you relate to others. Understanding the re

  • How to Find Peace Under Pressure

    15/02/2024 Duration: 19min

    Do you maintain KINDNESS AND GRACE under pressure? Practicing KINDNESS AND GRACE is easy when life is going well. But how you behave during stressful times REVEALS WHO YOU REALLY ARE! The true test of our identity comes when we're caught in the storm. My ability to practice kindness and grace has been tested a couple of times recently, and in today’s episode I am going to share the strategies I use to maintain control over my emotions and how to create a RESILIENT ADVANTAGE over people and circumstances that seek to bring the worst out of you. We'll explore: The significance of keeping your emotions aligned with your highest self, even when provoked or under stress. The power of not allowing others' actions to dictate your emotional responses. How to choose reason and restraint over retaliation How being in control of your emotions will drastically improve the QUALITY OF YOUR LIFE How to harness undeniable STRENGTH found in kindness and grace. In this episode, I'm not just sharing insights; I'm invitin

  • SEBASTIAN MANISCALCO: How To Do The Hard Things

    13/02/2024 Duration: 01h06min

    HEART meets HUMOR in this EXPLOSIVE new episode with my good friend, SEBASTIAN MANISCALCO! Sebastian is a master of comedy who went from waiting tables to captivating audiences nationwide as a comedian, actor and now preparing to light up the stage yet again with his 2024 tour. This episode transcends the boundaries of comedy. It’s about more than just making people laugh; it’s about the silent victories, the lessons learned in the pursuit of balance, and the legacy we hope to leave for our children. In our raw conversation, we get real about: The significance of fatherhood in our lives and the ongoing journey to find the right BALANCE every parent yearns for. The evolution and impact of comedy in Sebastian’s career, exploring how stand-up has shaped his path and why maintaining a HIGHER STANDARD is crucial for staying at the top. The surreal experience of working alongside icons like ROBERT DeNIRO How much is enough, now and in the future? Reflections on SUCCESS – does the reality lives up to the dream?


    08/02/2024 Duration: 33min

    There is POWER in taking action IN THE MOMENT and I’m teaching you how to HARNESS that POWER RIGHT NOW! Having a vision and a well laid out plan is great but it’s not enough… The real game-changer? The SPEED and DECISIVENESS with which you execute those plans! I've witnessed firsthand, time and time again, that the true movers and shakers possess an uncanny ability to act without hesitation. This is what I like to call the POWER OF NOW. The energy, the pure vibrational potential of an idea, is at its peak the instant it hits you. Waiting around, second-guessing, or drowning in the need for more information kills more great ideas than almost anything else. It stifles the momentum before it even has a chance to build. Now, I'm not saying there's never a time for patience. But let's be real — those moments are few and far between. The vast majority of victories come when you strike while the iron's hot, transforming that initial spark into a roaring fire. In this episode I’m teaching you: How swift action frees

  • THIS 1 THING MADE US MILLIONS! w/ Jamie Kern Lima

    06/02/2024 Duration: 01h35min

    If you want to get FREE live coaching with Jamie and Ed, visit worthybook.com/ed and you’ll gain access to a live coaching with the both of us when you pre-order Jamie’s new book, WORTHY. This 1 thing made us MILLIONS… On today’s episode we're tackling a silent barrier that just may be the 1 thing holding you back from reaching your dreams, no matter what they may be: SELF-WORTH! Joining me for this life-changing episode is my dear friend, the extraordinary Jamie Kern Lima, who went from a Denny's waitress to a billion-dollar entrepreneur, New York Times bestselling author and world-class speaker. Now remember this… Building UNSHAKEABLE SELF-WORTH is the singular most powerful tool that catapulted our success to staggering heights and THIS EPISODE is a toolkit, loaded with strategies and insights, for anyone fighting the internal battle of self-doubt and negative thinking including: Identifying the signs of low self-worth and understanding its impact How self-worth can fuel or destroy your success A deep-d


    01/02/2024 Duration: 24min

    SHATTER BOUNDARIES by THINKING BIG!!! In a world that often encourages playing it safe, this new episode is all about shattering those boundaries through the incredible power of THINKING BIG. It's a deep dive into expanding your horizons far beyond the ordinary, embracing GIANT GOALS, and believing in the LIMITLESS POTENTIAL of YOU. It's about how to break free from the constraints of practicality, conformity, and the conventional order. Too often, our ambitions are caged by the perceptions and beliefs instilled in us from a young age. But to truly excel, you need to BREAK FREE from these mental shackles! In this episode, I'm teaching you how to silence the naysayers, the doubters, and the small thinkers and pour your focus into your own potential and ambition. Once you embrace this big-thinking mindset, your world WILL transform! Small thoughts may change things incrementally, but big ideas? They have the power to revolutionize your life and impact the world in profound ways. Think about it – it costs nothin

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