Ed Mylett Show



Delivering to you on the show great ideas, tactics, strategies and hopefully some inspiration that could help shape and transform areas of your life that you want to improve, whether that's your body, or your mind, your business or your family.



    20/02/2024 Duration: 01h01min

    How to become a SUPER COMMUNICATOR! In todays' episode of The Ed Mylett Show, you’ll learn EASY steps to become a MASTER COMMUNICATOR with me and my phenomenal guest, Charles Duhigg, a Pulitzer Prize-winning genius whose work has revolutionized how we understand habits, productivity, and the art of communication. I've always said that the ability to communicate effectively is a major component of what separates the good from the great. Whether you're leading a team, building a business, or just trying to make meaningful connections, how you express yourself and connect with others is crucial. Charles is here to share his groundbreaking practical steps on not just how to talk better… but how to truly CONNECT with anyone. It's about making every conversation count, making sure you're not just heard, but that you're truly engaging the person on the other side of that conversation. Here's a sneak peek at what you’ll learn: ACTIVE LISTENING and how it can change the way you relate to others. Understanding the re

  • How to Find Peace Under Pressure

    15/02/2024 Duration: 19min

    Do you maintain KINDNESS AND GRACE under pressure? Practicing KINDNESS AND GRACE is easy when life is going well. But how you behave during stressful times REVEALS WHO YOU REALLY ARE! The true test of our identity comes when we're caught in the storm. My ability to practice kindness and grace has been tested a couple of times recently, and in today’s episode I am going to share the strategies I use to maintain control over my emotions and how to create a RESILIENT ADVANTAGE over people and circumstances that seek to bring the worst out of you. We'll explore: The significance of keeping your emotions aligned with your highest self, even when provoked or under stress. The power of not allowing others' actions to dictate your emotional responses. How to choose reason and restraint over retaliation How being in control of your emotions will drastically improve the QUALITY OF YOUR LIFE How to harness undeniable STRENGTH found in kindness and grace. In this episode, I'm not just sharing insights; I'm invitin

  • SEBASTIAN MANISCALCO: How To Do The Hard Things

    13/02/2024 Duration: 01h06min

    HEART meets HUMOR in this EXPLOSIVE new episode with my good friend, SEBASTIAN MANISCALCO! Sebastian is a master of comedy who went from waiting tables to captivating audiences nationwide as a comedian, actor and now preparing to light up the stage yet again with his 2024 tour. This episode transcends the boundaries of comedy. It’s about more than just making people laugh; it’s about the silent victories, the lessons learned in the pursuit of balance, and the legacy we hope to leave for our children. In our raw conversation, we get real about: The significance of fatherhood in our lives and the ongoing journey to find the right BALANCE every parent yearns for. The evolution and impact of comedy in Sebastian’s career, exploring how stand-up has shaped his path and why maintaining a HIGHER STANDARD is crucial for staying at the top. The surreal experience of working alongside icons like ROBERT DeNIRO How much is enough, now and in the future? Reflections on SUCCESS – does the reality lives up to the dream?


    08/02/2024 Duration: 33min

    There is POWER in taking action IN THE MOMENT and I’m teaching you how to HARNESS that POWER RIGHT NOW! Having a vision and a well laid out plan is great but it’s not enough… The real game-changer? The SPEED and DECISIVENESS with which you execute those plans! I've witnessed firsthand, time and time again, that the true movers and shakers possess an uncanny ability to act without hesitation. This is what I like to call the POWER OF NOW. The energy, the pure vibrational potential of an idea, is at its peak the instant it hits you. Waiting around, second-guessing, or drowning in the need for more information kills more great ideas than almost anything else. It stifles the momentum before it even has a chance to build. Now, I'm not saying there's never a time for patience. But let's be real — those moments are few and far between. The vast majority of victories come when you strike while the iron's hot, transforming that initial spark into a roaring fire. In this episode I’m teaching you: How swift action frees

  • THIS 1 THING MADE US MILLIONS! w/ Jamie Kern Lima

    06/02/2024 Duration: 01h35min

    If you want to get FREE live coaching with Jamie and Ed, visit worthybook.com/ed and you’ll gain access to a live coaching with the both of us when you pre-order Jamie’s new book, WORTHY. This 1 thing made us MILLIONS… On today’s episode we're tackling a silent barrier that just may be the 1 thing holding you back from reaching your dreams, no matter what they may be: SELF-WORTH! Joining me for this life-changing episode is my dear friend, the extraordinary Jamie Kern Lima, who went from a Denny's waitress to a billion-dollar entrepreneur, New York Times bestselling author and world-class speaker. Now remember this… Building UNSHAKEABLE SELF-WORTH is the singular most powerful tool that catapulted our success to staggering heights and THIS EPISODE is a toolkit, loaded with strategies and insights, for anyone fighting the internal battle of self-doubt and negative thinking including: Identifying the signs of low self-worth and understanding its impact How self-worth can fuel or destroy your success A deep-d


    01/02/2024 Duration: 24min

    SHATTER BOUNDARIES by THINKING BIG!!! In a world that often encourages playing it safe, this new episode is all about shattering those boundaries through the incredible power of THINKING BIG. It's a deep dive into expanding your horizons far beyond the ordinary, embracing GIANT GOALS, and believing in the LIMITLESS POTENTIAL of YOU. It's about how to break free from the constraints of practicality, conformity, and the conventional order. Too often, our ambitions are caged by the perceptions and beliefs instilled in us from a young age. But to truly excel, you need to BREAK FREE from these mental shackles! In this episode, I'm teaching you how to silence the naysayers, the doubters, and the small thinkers and pour your focus into your own potential and ambition. Once you embrace this big-thinking mindset, your world WILL transform! Small thoughts may change things incrementally, but big ideas? They have the power to revolutionize your life and impact the world in profound ways. Think about it – it costs nothin

  • Amberly Lago: How To Survive Unthinkable Pain

    30/01/2024 Duration: 01h05min

    Even living with the "suicide disease," which causes unpredictable bouts of severe pain that make everyday living unbearable, couldn’t stop my incredible and awe-inspiring guest today… This week, we're diving into a story of unimaginable challenge and extraordinary resilience with Amberly Lago. Her life as a professional dancer and athlete was brutally interrupted by a catastrophic accident, an event that reshaped her destiny and tested her spirit in ways most can hardly imagine. In a moment, everything changed for Amberly when an SUV collided with her, leaving her grappling with a potential leg amputation and the relentless agony of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, commonly nicknamed the "suicide disease," due to unpredictable bouts of severe pain that make everyday living unbearable. Through 34 surgeries and endless days of pain, what seemed like an insurmountable ordeal became the foundation of her remarkable journey of healing and rebirth. Amberly, now a bestselling author and influential podcast host, is


    25/01/2024 Duration: 33min

    It’s time to get DESPERATE! How HUNGRY and FOCUSED are you on your dreams? Do you want it as bad as breathing? Do you want it as bad as LIFE itself? Are you literally DESPERATE to achieve? Desperation is one of the most powerful emotions because when you are desperate, your mind and body will tap into your reserve or strengths, talents and abilities that you never knew you had! I’m telling you, the people who WIN in life are DESPERATE for their dreams and goals. Imagine this… How resourceful, motivated, and relentless would you be if your children were literally starving and you were DESPERATE to feed them? What about if a loved one, a child, a parent, a niece or nephew were in grave danger? You would be DESPERATE to get to them and to help them! There would be NO OBSTACLE too big or NO REJECTION strong enough to STOP you from reaching that loved one! You must also be HUNGRY and DESPERATE for your goals and dreams! Do you need your goals like you need to breathe? to eat? to survive? Are you willing to do EVER

  • Andy Frisella - Build Your Mental Toughness!

    23/01/2024 Duration: 01h28min

    Gear up for an episode that's all about pushing limits and shattering expectations! This week, I'm joined by my brother-in-arms, Andy Frisella, a titan in the world of entrepreneurship and a mastermind of mental toughness. Together, we've forged the ARETE SYNDICATE, but today, we're diving deeper, sharing the raw, unfiltered truths about success in business and life. Andy, renowned for his transformative program "75 HARD" and as the visionary behind 1st Phorm, brings to the table his latest powerhouse, "THE BOOK ON MENTAL TOUGHNESS." Trust me, you'll want this book in your arsenal. This interview is your backstage pass to the strategies that drive REAL TANGIBLE SUCCESS! Discover why Andy's role as a CULTURE BUILDER is a game-changer and how he's crafted a team that embodies the ethos of compounded GROWTH and EXCELLENCE. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. we peel back the curtain to reveal: The true WEIGHT of entrepreneurship – mentally, physically, and emotionally. The stark contrast between the glossy


    18/01/2024 Duration: 30min

    I literally thought we were going to die… ❗️NEW EPISODE ALERT! This special episode is all about seizing control and steering your life in the direction YOU choose. Recently, a hair-raising cab ride with my daughter Bella turned into much more than a moment of heart-pounding fear; it became a profound lesson about life's unexpected turns and who's really in the driver's seat. That ride wasn't just scary; it was a stark reminder of the chaos we invite into our lives when we let others take control. When we finally escaped that cab, the ordeal didn't end there. The driver's next turn led to a crash – a literal collision that echoed the potential disasters we face when we surrender our power to others. Reflecting on that day, I realized it was more than just a bad ride; it was a metaphor for life. Too often, we sit back, not questioning, not asserting, letting someone else steer our course. And where does that lead? To situations, relationships, or decisions that we never wanted, putting everything precious at r

  • TONY ROBBINS - His SECRETS Revealed!

    16/01/2024 Duration: 01h17min

    TONY ROBBINS reveals his LIFE and MONEY MASTERY SECRETS right here on The Ed Mylett Sow!

  • How To Build Wealth In 2024

    03/01/2024 Duration: 32min

    This is how you MASTER YOUR FINANCES in 2024! This week, we're tackling a topic that's on everyone's mind but often misunderstood: MONEY

  • 12 Steps To Become A Master Listener

    21/12/2023 Duration: 25min

    HERE are my 12 MASTER STEPS to MAXOUT your LISTENING SKLLS! MY SECRETS TO BECOMING A BETTER LISTENER! More important than what you say is your ability to LISTEN! People don’t respond to what you say or do, people respond to how you make them FEEL. And one of the best ways to make someone FEEL CONNECTED with you is to make them feel understood and listened to! This is my MOST TACTICAL episode to date! I’m revealing the MASTER 12 Steps to becoming a better listener and MAXING OUT your connection and charisma! This was a subject that I have personally struggled with throughout my life and am STILL working to improve. But I have found that the skill of listening is SO IMPORTANT and often overlooked in our quest to influence and connect with others. I’m guilty of it myself and am constantly striving to improve. There are tremendous benefits to learning the secrets of listening! It’s the most powerful form of communication. Mastering the skill of listening is a necessity to build in every area of your life. Whether

  • The Ultimate Hack To Limitless Thinking w/ Jim Kwik

    19/12/2023 Duration: 01h14min

    Tap into your inner GENIUS and revolutionize how you think, learn, and succeed! This week, we're diving into the art of maximizing your brain's potential with the incredible Jim Kwik, a master in brain optimization techniques. He was once known as the boy with the BROKEN BRAIN. But Jim overcame a severe childhood injury to become one of the world’s foremost experts on learning theory, neuroscience, and brain performance. It's not just about Jim's inspiring journey; it's about what his insights can do for YOU. We're going to explore practical, powerful strategies to elevate your cognitive abilities and unlock new levels of personal and professional achievement. Together we’re going to help you put on your thinking cap and dig into how to OPTIMIZE YOUR BRAIN to help you live better and accomplish more including: Discovering your BRAIN TYPE How to REMEMBER more LEARN at maximum retention How to harness diverse thinking styles for extraordinary results. Understanding your RAS and the brain's role in filtering inf

  • 7 Symptoms Of Self-Sabotage

    14/12/2023 Duration: 27min

    What if the BIGGEST ENEMY in your life is YOU? Ever felt like you're fighting a battle against yourself? In this week’s NEW EPISODE, we're diving deep into one of the most critical yet overlooked battles you'll ever face - the battle against SELF-SABOTAGE. Behind MOST of my successes, there's a story of overcoming my own barriers. It's been a journey of recognizing and conquering my shortcomings and now, I want to share these insights with you, so you can navigate away from these pitfalls and fast-track your path to becoming the NEXT BEST VERSION OF YOU. There are 7 THINGS PEOPLE DO TO SABOTAGE THEMSELVES and I’m revealing them all in this episode AND giving you the tools to be able to RECOGNIZE them, CORRECT them, or AVOID them completely. Have you ever felt stuck in life? Or felt like regardless of what you do, you just can't move the needle? Or maybe you’ve reached a certain level of success, but somehow always seem to slide backwards? If any of these sound familiar, you are likely a victim of self-sabotag

  • Jewel: How To Build A Life Without Regret (And Find The Courage To Do It)

    12/12/2023 Duration: 01h08min

    Unlock the secrets of resilience with Jewel: Learn how to turn life's toughest challenges into your greatest achievements in this transformative episode! Prepare to embark on an extraordinary journey this week, as we welcome the incredible Jewel Kilcher, known globally as JEWEL. Beyond her mesmerizing voice and iconic songs, Jewel's life story is a masterclass in resilience, transformation, and the power of the human spirit. In this episode, you're not just going to hear about her rise to fame; you're going to uncover life-changing insights and strategies that Jewel herself used to navigate through her toughest challenges. From her early days in Alaska's harsh wilderness with no running water and no heat, to the glittering stages of global stardom, Jewel's journey is more than inspiring—it's a roadmap for anyone seeking to overcome obstacles and achieve their dreams. With over 30 million albums sold and a treasure trove of life experiences, Jewel offers wisdom that transcends the boundaries of music. In our d

  • 10 Lessons I’ve Learned From My Dogs

    07/12/2023 Duration: 23min

    Many of you know I’m the happy owner of THREE DOGS, (Lilly, Daisy and Rose) and they add a huge amount of BLISS to my life. But here's a thought: what if dogs are more than our furry friends? What if they're actually tiny, four-legged life coaches? I've been thinking over this and realized dogs might just be God's way of showing us how to live better, love more, and wag our way through life. So in this episode, I’m sharing my list of 10 LIFE LESSONS our canine pals teach us that ranges from how to CHASE your dreams all the way to PROTECTING your family. Sure, cats have their own mysterious ways, and maybe one day we'll decode that feline philosophy. But for now, it's all about our canine teachers. This week, it’s DOG LOGIC taking the spotlight. Watch/Listen to this episode for the simple yet profound lessons these furry friends teach us. God’s creatures, each with a purpose, and who would’ve thought – our dogs, some of the greatest teachers we could ever ask for! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podca

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