Ed Mylett Show



Delivering to you on the show great ideas, tactics, strategies and hopefully some inspiration that could help shape and transform areas of your life that you want to improve, whether that's your body, or your mind, your business or your family.


  • What Most People Avoid!

    18/03/2019 Duration: 33min

    It’s time to get DESPERATE! How HUNGRY and FOCUSED are you on your dreams? Do you want it as bad as breathing? Do you want it as bad as LIFE itself? Are you literally DESPERATE to achieve? Desperation is one of the most powerful emotions because when you are desperate, your mind and body will tap into your reserve or strengths, talents and abilities that you never knew you had! I’m telling you, the people who WIN in life are DESPERATE for their dreams and goals. Imagine this… How resourceful, motivated, and relentless would you be if your children were literally starving and you were DESPERATE to feed them? What about if a loved one, a child, a parent, a niece or nephew were in grave danger? You would be DESPERATE to get to them and to help them! There would be NO OBSTACLE too big or NO REJECTION strong enough to STOP you from reaching that loved one! You must also be HUNGRY and DESPERATE for your goals and dreams! Do you need your goals like you need to breathe? to eat? to survive? Are you willing to d

  • Stop Killing Your Dreams

    11/03/2019 Duration: 31min

    STOP letting this 1 thing KILL YOUR DREAMS! Is everybody really hating on you? It's easy to just say everybody is a hater. Some people are actually concerned. Some people are giving you feedback and you have to learn how to distinguish between who is a hater and who is not! This episode will teach you EXACTLY how to separate the haters! Most people confuse concern with hate and end up removing people from their lives that truly care about them and keeping toxic people around for far too long! But just because someone loves and cares about you does NOT mean they are giving you sound or good advice! People with the best intentions can STILL be blocking you from reaching your dreams. It’s time to find clarity! I'm giving you 5 practical steps on how you can identify the haters and the fakers from the people who truly care for you, how to know what advice to take and what advice to ignore, what to do with people who have good intentions but terrible advice, AND how to stop ANYONE from stealing your dreams!

  • Jesse Itzler - The Success Formula

    07/03/2019 Duration: 01h05min

    Success begins NOW! This is one of THE MOST crucial interviews ever released! Jesse Itzler is the living definition of success! He has created success in business, in his family, in his health, in his spirituality… literally, he is MAXING OUT in every area of his life. Jesse co-founded the world’s largest private jet card company. He is a New York Times bestselling author. He is married to @sarablakely, the founder of #spanx. He is a marathon runner, an owner of the NBA’s Atlanta Hawks. He is a former MTV rapper, one of the greatest speakers in the world! He founded Marquis Jets which he later sold to Warren Buffet and SO MUCH MORE! This man has already achieved so much and he is sharing his SUCCESS FORMULA with all of you right here! The skills you will learn and mindset shift you will experience in this interview will teach you how to KEEP winning at life again and again! We’re building LIFE MOMENTUM! It’s time to rip up the playbook, trust your own innovation and create the BEST version of yourself AND

  • Find Your Purpose!

    04/03/2019 Duration: 29min

    It's time to find YOUR CALLING in LIFE! We are all on a mission to find our calling because we ALL want to experience more happiness and fulfillment in our lives. But often times, we let the vanity of MONEY get in the way! We get distracted by wealth and end up chasing MONEY vs Fulfillment! I've been poor and I've been rich and my fulfillment is NOT defined by the number of dollars in my bank account. I have many friends who will NEVER be wealthy but they are MORE FULFILLED and HAPPIER than many of my friends that ARE wealthy multi-millionaires! Get out of your own way and find your calling! In this episode, I'm going to DISPELL the myths that are holding you back from finding your true calling, and giving you practical steps to help you open your mind so that you CAN find your purpose, your happiness, your why! I ALSO WANT YOU TO BECOME WEALTHY! Wealth DOES generate happiness but it CANNOT generate fulfillment! I’m going to teach you how you can FIRST achieve fulfillment, and THEN achieve wealth THROUGH

  • Conquer Your Mind - with Jim Kwik

    28/02/2019 Duration: 01h01min

    Your MIND is POWER! Do you always forget names right after you meet someone? Do you struggle with memory loss? Do you often forget things or are absent minded? Are you MAXING OUT your brain power??? I'm honored to bring you the great Jim Kwik - THE world expert in speed-reading, memory improvement, and optimal brain performance! With over 7 MILLION podcast downloads, Jim Kwik is the definition of MAXOUT with the #1 training podcast on iTunes! The #1 skill you should learn this year is how to LEARN better! Increase your ability to think! This interview is so jammed packed with tactics you better be READY TO TAKE NOTES! You're going to learn exactly what to do to become SMARTER and change the way you learn, think and perform! We're revealing the best way you can boost your memory and brain performance, AND show you how speed reading can literally save you YEARS of productivity! Jim is even sharing the step-by-step process you can implement TODAY on how you can conquer the most important business skill...

  • The Pathway to Fulfillment

    25/02/2019 Duration: 19min

    Are you chasing happiness or fulfillment? The things that make you feel HAPPY are not always the same things that make you FULFILLED! Happiness is that feeling you get when you finally buy that new car or move into your new home, or close a new deal. As blissful as it is... Happiness is also TEMPORARY! Fulfillment is what you experience when you use your unique and natural gifts, like your intelligence, compassion, creativity, determination, athleticism or sense of humor, to make an impact on the lives of others! Fulfillment is DEEP and it's INFINITE! It's OK to want both! We ALL want more happiness AND fulfillment! In this release, I'm going to reveal exactly how you can acquire and experience more of BOTH in every area of your life! I'm breaking down my entire process into 10 practical steps you can take to open the gateway to more Happiness and Fulfillment. I'm going to teach you how you can enhance the caliber of your entire life simply based on your own emotions and experiences. It is time to fulf

  • Trent Shelton - Finding Purpose in Your Pain

    21/02/2019 Duration: 54min

    It's time to turn your PAIN into POWER! If you are at a point in your life right now where you feel like you are at your lowest point and all of the setbacks and hardships and disappointment are mounting... OR if you know someone going through this and you just wish you knew how to help them, this interview is for you! He's one of the most vulnerable, thoughtful and positive influencers on all of social media AND one of the most inspirational people in the world! He's a motivational speaker, author, former NFL player, and the founder of RehabTime, Trent Shelton! I am HONORED to sit down with this thought leader as we discuss how YOU can find purpose in your pain. We’ve ALL experienced disappointment and setback after setback after setback that leads to questioning your abilities, your worthiness, your identity and sometimes even life itself. Find out how Trent Shelton was able to overcome an NFL career that was riddled with disappointment and stolen opportunities to beat depression and father one of the l

  • Control Your Identity Change Your Life

    18/02/2019 Duration: 24min

    THIS is the MOST important skill in becoming the best version of yourself! It will literally change your life! In my own life, I'm always working on my self-confidence, my tactics and strategies, my ability to influence. But the thing I am MOST obsessed about... the thing I KNOW will take me to the next best version of myself, is constantly elevating my IDENTITY. The most powerful force in the world is to be consistent with the thoughts, ideas, concepts, and beliefs you hold to be true to yourself! This is what your identity is made of! Your identity is like a THERMOSTAT setting The entire temperature of your life. And once you understand how to adjust this thermostat, you can adjust any area of your life you want to! In this episode, I'm teaching you my top strategies on how to understand, develop and control your identity so YOU can control the script of your life! WHO YOU BECOME is dictated by your ability to alter your identity and shape yourself into the next best version of yourself. THIS IS THE K

  • Irresistible Influence - with Marshall Sylver

    14/02/2019 Duration: 39min

    The man most popularly known for controlling minds is about to release his secrets so YOU can increase your influence! He is one of the WORLD'S MOST WELL KNOW HYPNOTIST, author, personal development expert, public speaker, thought leader, entrepreneur and "THE MILLIONAIRE MAKER!" The man himself, Marshall Sylver, is sharing his mastery of the mind and how YOU can use his techniques to create irresistible influence and move the people around you into taking regular and massive action. The #1 skill you must master and continuously improve on if you want to become successful is INFLUENCE. The techniques we cover in this interview can be applied to increase your influence with large crowds, one-on-one conversation, in sales, in business, in your relationships, with your children and really EVERY aspect of your life. I am literally sharing with you for FREE the techniques that the most popular and well-respected hypnotist uses to control minds and behaviors so that YOU can lead and inspire others to take actio

  • The Secret to Growth

    11/02/2019 Duration: 25min

    You're either GROWING... or you’re DYING! The pathway to true bliss, true happiness, is GROWTH all the time! In order to grow your identity, your happiness, your confidence, you MUST take control of the growth in your life. Are you the same person last year as you were 10 years ago? What about 5 years ago? What about last year? Just like how our bodies regenerate cells on a daily basis, your mind must grow and replace its thoughts if you want to become the next best version of yourself. It is time to grow! In this episode, I'm teaching you how to GROW and replace your thoughts year over year over year! CHANGE and GROWTH must be INTENTIONAL! I will teach you HOW. The power of identity is so strong that if you are NOT growing, your life around you will be a direct reflection of your complacency. You CANNOT GROW and find success in your business, in your faith, in your relationships, in your fitness if your MIND and IDENTITY is not also growing! GROWTH IS A NEVER ENDING PROCESS! It is time to jump-start th

  • The Home Run Trailblazer

    07/02/2019 Duration: 01h32s

    This history-making trailblazer and hall-of-famer is igniting the path for female athletes as one of the most powerful women in major league baseball! She is a 4 time All-American Athlete, Professional Softball Player, hall-of-famer, and Olympic Gold Medalist! She's the first female commentator for a Major League Baseball game in the history of ESPN AND the first female commentator in MLB postseason history. It is my pleasure to share with you the trailblazer herself, Jessica Mendoza. "I WANT TO WIN!" These are the words of Jessica as she expressed her passion to achieve in every area of her life. In this interview, we dive into what it really takes to win, whether that be in business, in sports, in raising children, in your faith... EVERYTHING! Find out what this Olympian Trailblazer is made of as we venture through her journey of crossing cultural barriers at the Olympics to how she has changed the trajectory of baseball forever! What does it really take to be a trailblazer? Find out how Jessica was abl

  • How to Conquer Self-Doubt! - with Ed Mylett

    04/02/2019 Duration: 25min

    "I am worth it!" "I deserve it!" This is what I'm going to teach you to believe about YOURSELF! It's the feeling that creeps up on you when you need your confidence the most. That relentless voice that tells you, you're not good enough, smart enough, fast enough, strong enough, beautiful enough. Doubt can be so crippling. It can stop you from achieving greatness in your business, in your faith, in your relationships... in EVERYTHING! I can tell you a million times that YOU ARE ENOUGH but if YOU don' believe it yourself, that temporary boost of confidence will eventually wear off and the doubt will settle back in. Confidence has to be cultivated from within! But how do you do this???? In this episode, I'm going to teach you the exact skills that will allow you to conquer self-doubt and replace it with self-confidence! I'm going to release you from the guilt of self-doubt so that you can crush the hold it has on you. It's time to STOP reinforcing your self-doubt and strip away its power.! Are you ready to

  • The Secret to How I get 21 Days a Week!

    28/01/2019 Duration: 20min

    Are you ready to become a master of time manipulation? Today I'm going to teach you exactly how to take control of your TIME - the 1 thing we all wish we had more of! Elite achievers desire the same things as you. They have the same big dreams. They read the same books. They have the same busy schedule as the mediocre, but SOMEHOW they are able to achieve FASTER... as if time stood still for them as it passed you by. Elite achievers get more done before noon every day than the average person gets done in an entire day! They get more done in one day than the average person gets done in a week! So, HOW DO I THIS? I have the same 24 hours in a day as you right? The person who is able to implement the skills I reveal in this episode will conquer time. They will WIN each day, each week, each month, each year OVER A LIFETIME! I'm going to teach you how to BEND time and TRIPLE your productivity EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! I asked you earlier if we all have the same 24 hours in a day to work with. You probably said YES.

  • 310 Pounds to a Nike Athlete - with Charlie Rocket

    24/01/2019 Duration: 01h08min

    On the outside, a successful, young, MILLIONAIRE CEO, Management and Marketing Mogul... on the inside, he was battling depression, binge eating, crippling insecurities, and a brain tumor. Charlie Rocket is a Grammy-winning, million dollar music mogul, He's sold millions of records, changed the trajectory of how to market to millennials, and guided the careers of influential hip-hop artists including 2 Chainz. To everyone on the outside, he was crushing it. On the inside, he was dying. In this exclusive interview, we reveal how Charlie was able to overcome his food addiction and transform his body, mind and his life into the next best version of himself! We dive into the darkest moments of his life and shed light on his mental process and practical steps of how he was able to TAKE CONTROL OF HIS IDENTITY and CHANGE EVERYTHING... and how YOU can do the same. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

  • How to Become a Real World Influencer - with Ed Mylett

    21/01/2019 Duration: 17min

    Facts Tell. Stories Sell! The vast majority of my wealth would NOT EXIST if I did not have the ability to influence people. INFLUENCE is the #1 Skill all leaders need to master if they want to find success. NO MATTER WHAT your industry is, whether you are a parent learning to persuade your children, a business person persuading a lead to buy, a pastor persuading your congregation, a coach persuading your team, an artist persuading your fans, a teacher persuading your students, YOU NAME IT, the art of persuasion is vital to your success. In this episode, I'm going to teach you the exact steps you need to take to optimize your ability to persuade others to take regular massive action. If you think you are already a great leader and influencer, I guarantee you are NOT as good as you think you are! This episode will explain WHY and what you need to do to become that great leader you envision. If you are struggling with leadership, in any area of your life, mastering these skills of influence will allow you

  • Finding Light in the Darkness - with Jake Olson

    16/01/2019 Duration: 50min

    It's not the events of your life that define you, but the MEANING you attach to those events. WHATEVER YOUR SETBACKS, HARDSHIPS, EXCUSES ARE IN LIFE, THIS INTERVIEW WILL GIVE YOU A COMPLETELY NEW PERSPECTIVE. I am truly honored to bring you one of THE MOST inspiring human beings on the planet in this intimate one on one interview with Jake Olson. Imagine being told at the age of 12 that you would lose your eyesight and have to live the rest of your life in darkness. A cancer survivor and now completely blind, Jake has overcome every hardship to become a long-snapper for the @USCedu #TROJANS and a history-making play! This is one of the GREATEST sports stories of all time! His incredible achievements, relentless resiliency and ability to be THE EXAMPLE for how to MAXOUT every circumstance has lead Jake to lead and inspire people all over the world. We discuss how to OVERCOME ADVERSITY from a man that has experienced more setbacks and unfairness in the first chapter of life than many of us will experience

  • How to CONTROL Your MIND to Get Anything You Want! - with Ed Mylett

    14/01/2019 Duration: 13min

    If you TAKE CONTROL of your thoughts, you can alter the direction of your entire life! Are you wanting to break through a barrier that is holding you back from finding success? Do you KNOW you are so close to winning but need a small shift in your mindset to put you over the edge? The difference between winning and losing is SO SMALL that it's scary to think about and it all has to do with CONTROLLING YOUR THOUGHTS. In this episode, I'm sharing with you exactly how to control your thoughts and ALTER THE MOMENTUM OF YOUR LIFE! The BRAIN is the MOST POWERFUL organ in the body. It is a weapon! When you first UNDERSTAND how your brain works, you can then shape your brain to manifest more success, more joy, more happiness in EVERY area of your life. If you are ready to TAKE CONTROL of your life... If you are ready to TRAIN YOUR BRAIN to attract joy, happiness, and success... If you are ready to finally #MAXOUT your Mind and completely alter the direction of your life... THIS EPISODE IS FOR YOU! Learn more abou

  • Expert Secrets to Becoming a MAXOUT Leader - with John Maxwell

    09/01/2019 Duration: 01h02min

    “Most people don't LEAD their life, they ACCEPT their Life!” These are the powerful words from the legend himself, John Maxwell! If you already are or WANT to become a LEADER in your business, in your family, in your community, in your faith, THIS interview will give you the expert principles YOU NEED to succeed! Do you want to become a better person? Do you want to become a better leader? Do you want to unlock your potential to add value to the lives of others? If you said YES to any of these questions, get your notepad ready as we divulge the TOP business leadership strategies, tips and actionable steps to become the MAXOUT Leader that is living inside you! THIS is truly one of the only interviews I've done so far that actually had me nervous beforehand! John Maxwell has trained High-Achieving Leaders in EVERY COUNTRY on earth and has dominated the business leadership industry, selling over 30 MILLION books throughout his lifetime! It is my honor and a GREAT pleasure to bring you this interview with THE

  • The Truth About Work/Life Balance - with Ed Mylett

    07/01/2019 Duration: 14min

    I KNOW you have asked yourself time and time again "How do I achieve Work-Life balance?!" It is literally one of the TOP questions I receive on a daily basis. If you want the SECRETS to how I've been able to successfully manage my main business, 14 different "side hustles," my fitness, social media, my Podcast, my YouTube Channel, family and friends, charities, 4 homes, jets and boats that all require upkeep and Millions of people who depend on me on a DAILY basis, YOU NEED TO WATCH/LISTEN TO THIS NEW RELEASE! More people than ever before are finding they have less time but want to achieve so much more! In the era of the Side Hustle, HOW do you manage it all and still find the balance between all the different areas of your life? In this episode, I'm going to debunk the myth of WORK/LIFE BALANCE give you 3 ACTIONABLE tips that you can implement RIGHT NOW to help you be more productive, keep your family first and take control of your day. The truth is, you want to win in every area, And so you seek this il

  • MONEY MAKING Advice for Young People

    02/01/2019 Duration: 13min

    I'm exposing the WORST advice you could EVER take right here! I was making 6 FIGURES by the time I reached my 20's. I was making 7 FIGURES by the time I was 30 and 8 FIGURES by the time I was 40! I HAVE BEEN THERE and I have heard and seen SO much along my journey. Now, I am speaking to all the young people out there who are ready to take their life to the next level! In this new episode, I am going to expose the #1 WORST piece of advice that you've been taught thus far AND the secret formula to becoming successful beyond your wildest dreams! If there are young people in your life, if you are a role model, if you interact with young people in ANY way, or if you are a young person yourself, THIS EPISODE IS FOR YOU! It is time to start 2019 off on the right foot! No matter your age, if you are ready to become a #MAXOUT ACHIEVER, there is no better episode to watch as you set your New Year's goals. This episode is FULL of all of the actionable steps you need to take RIGHT NOW NO MATTER WHAT AGE YOU ARE! The

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