Small Changes Big Shifts With Dr. Michelle Robin



The Small Changes Big Shifts podcast is your weekly dose of wellness encouragement. Dr. Michelle Robin and her renowned guests will share wisdom, knowledge, real life stories and practical tips to inspire and inform you as you move forward on your journey to a life of wellness. It’s the small changes that stick and ultimately compound to create big shifts in our holistic wellbeing.


  • Change Your Relationship With Food and Create Life-Long, Healthy Habits with Melissa Hartwig Urban

    14/01/2024 Duration: 20min

    Today on Small Changes Big Shifts we have Melissa Hartwig Urban. Melissa is a Certified Sports Nutritionist who specializes in helping people change their relationship with food and create life-long, healthy habits. She is the co-creator of the original Whole30 program, the New York Times bestselling author of The Whole30 and It Starts With Food, and has been featured by Dr. Oz, Good Morning America, the Wall Street Journal, Details, Shape, Outside, and SELF. Melissa has presented more than 150 health and nutrition seminars worldwide, and provides support to more than 1.5 million people a month through the Whole30 website. Melissa enjoys kettlebell training, traveling, hiking, winter sports, yoga, and riding her motorcycle, and is on the advisory board for Paleo Magazine. She lives in Salt Lake City, UT.

  • Be grateful. Have faith. Live Oola. with Dave Braun and Troy Amdahl

    07/01/2024 Duration: 28min

    Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? - Mary Oliver Be grateful. Have faith. Live Oola. Those are the words of wisdom that the OolaGuys and Authors of Oola and Oola for Women, Dave Braun and Troy Amdahl, of OolaLife are spreading to the USA: That we must always be grateful; even be grateful for our past, have faith in the future, and live in the present. As you listen to Dr. Michelle’s interview with them, you will learn what the 7 F’s  | 7 Blockers | 7 Accelerators of the OolaLife are, what sparked them to do the OolaLife Dream Tour, how they’ve incorporated the OolaLife into their own lives, and what big shifts you can make with their 21 Day OolaLife Challenge. Turn small changes into big shifts with their 3 core steps to living an OolaLife by thinking about: Where you are today Where you want to go How you’re going to get there If you aim at nothing, you'll hit it every time.- Zig Zaglar About OolaLife What is OolaLife all about? The OolaLife isn’t just a book series b

  • Renewing & Reimagining Your Well-Being with Dr. Michelle Robin

    31/12/2023 Duration: 20min

    "I hear well-being differently every year based on how I’ve grown – and I know you will, too.” - Dr. Michelle Robin  As you approach the New Year, it’s a wonderful time to develop fresh perspective about your goals, dreams, purpose, and overall life. People do this by taking time to reconnect with their heart, utilizing the power of “yes” toward themselves, flexing their empathy muscles, and even zooming out from situations to see from a wider lens. In this solo show, join Dr. Michelle Robin as she talks about the importance of renewing your energy so you can focus on your calling and well-being. She’ll explain why it can be easy to give up on our needs (i.e. self-care) when other needs seem so much greater around you – and she’ll also share why it helps to recall lessons you’ve learned along the way to get you to the next step in life. As she celebrates 10 years of this podcast, she’ll explain why there will be some upcoming changes to the show beginning in 2024. You’ll also get to hear a sneak peek of episo

  • How Positive Relationships Move Us to Greatness with Matt Miller

    24/12/2023 Duration: 27min

    "When we operate from the premise that everybody is going through something, we show more grace.” - Matt Miller  For over 30 years, Matt Miller has been serving kids, teachers, and their communities in the education system by helping them reach their potential. Join Dr. Michelle Robin as she invites him to share how he met John O’Leary, what inspired him to join John’s mission in 2016 after that interaction, and why they are on a mission to help people live inspired. Matt will also explain some things he’s learned over the years about people, and why our lives (and the lives of people around us) improve when we decide to love each other more. His story and wisdom will help you see that living a better life isn’t as complicated as we make it – we just need to do simple better. About Today’s Guest:  Matt Miller is a former special education teacher and spent the majority of his educational career as an elementary principal. Under Matt’s leadership, Kellison Elementary went from a low performing school in 2000 t

  • A Deep Look at the Word Trust with Cory Scheer

    17/12/2023 Duration: 22min

    "Trust is the firm belief in the truth of something.” - Cory Scheer  Due to the declining trust across the globe, experts say its absence is making it harder to solve key problems than it used to. Join Dr. Michelle Robin as she invites Cory Scheer – author of Closing the Trust Gap – to share what inspired him to begin researching this word 12 years ago and why it’s now inspired him to re-educate people what it means and how to gain it or regain it in a new way. He provides insight and wisdom on just how powerful this word is in our language, and why his father was an influential part of his life when it came to modeling trusting relationships. About Today’s Guest:  Cory Scheer is the Founder and CEO of TrustCentric™ Consulting, an organizational and leadership development firm. TrustCentric™ helps leaders, teams, and organizations become more trustworthy, focused, and productive by using empirical evidence to define reality, implementing a proven trust building framework, and walking alongside clients to deve

  • Reflecting on Gratitude This Year with Mark Hulet

    10/12/2023 Duration: 22min

    "It feels good to be grateful. Gratitude opens your heart and unleashes a power of love.” - Mark Hulet  As we head more into the holidays, this season helps us become more aware of the level of gratitude in our lives. Join Dr. Michelle Robin as she invites Mark Hulet from the YMCA of Greater Kansas City to share some lessons and insights he’s learned over the course of this year. He’ll speak about what it means to reflect and forgive, and why sometimes we can get stuck in a place with relationships by thinking about what should be next – when really it’s important to first pause and find gratitude in those relationships. As he prepares to start his 24th year at the YMCA, he’ll also explain the impact their nonprofit has had on families’ lives in Kansas City this year – and why they couldn’t do what they do in the community without their volunteers.  About Today’s Guest:  In July 2023, Mark Hulet became the 11th chief executive officer to lead the YMCA of Greater Kansas City since it was founded in 1860. Hulet

  • Discovering What Brings You Joy with Gina Creek

    03/12/2023 Duration: 27min

    "When I took someone who felt lost, and I would suddenly see the clouds lift and that lightbulb come on for them – that's where I discovered my joy.” - Gina Creek  Did you know there’s a difference between feeling happy and experiencing joy? Experts often describe happiness as a positive state of overall well-being and impacts your outlook on the meaning of life. However, joy is felt in moments such as listening to a friend make a toast or receiving a hug from a dear friend. When we experience joy, it’s less about that overall sense of how life is going, and more about discovering what moments touch your heart. Join Dr. Michelle Robin as she invites Gina Creek to share how she began to lean into those joyful moments early in life, which eventually impacted her career path in a profound way and now helps her experience that same joy throughout the workday. She’ll share about her journey into healthcare and why it was the people who mentored and surrounded her that became a key ingredient to learning what lit u

  • Why Health Equity Matters in Our Communities with Caleb Cooper

    26/11/2023 Duration: 29min

    "I’m grateful for where I’m planted in each season of life.” - Caleb Cooper  What would you do differently with your health if there were no barriers? Would you choose more organic? Workout at a gym? Plug into your community through classes or even see a therapist? Join Dr. Michelle Robin as she invites Caleb Cooper from the YMCA of Greater Kansas City to share why their organization is focused on health equity in our community - a state in which everyone has a fair and just opportunity to attain their highest level of health. He’ll also explain how kindness and gratitude overlap within their mission, and why he recognizes that many people choose the Y because they find kindness and gratitude within their walls. Caleb will also explain why it’s a human need to feel like we belong, and how the Y delivers on that need. At the end of the episode, he’ll also share some personal stories that he recalls over his 20-year career with the Y. Each one is rooted in the power of what happens when we give people an opport

  • Why the Traditional Approach to Saving Money No Longer Works with Anita Newton

    19/11/2023 Duration: 32min

    "It’s the emotions and habits that create a powerful formula for financial well-being.” - Anita Newton  A recent study revealed that money negatively impacts 52% of adults’ mental health in the U.S. - and 4 in 5 of those individuals say it causes them to lose sleep at night. There’s a problem in today’s world with money, and it’s time we address that the traditional approach to saving isn’t working anymore. Join Dr. Michelle Robin as she invites Anita Newton from CommunityAmerica Credit Union to highlight some key findings their in-house Innovation Lab have discovered about our spending habits. She will also share how they are helping members (customers) approach their money story and why it matters to their success. Additionally, she’ll explain some tools and resources they offer their members that work better in today’s financial climate vs. the traditional approach. Anita will also tell why she’s passionate about helping others reach their financial goals, which includes her personal money story. Get ready

  • Memorable Moments This Year During the 31 Days of Kindness with Bayleigh Petty

    13/11/2023 Duration: 26min

    "If there’s one thing you can do today, be kind.” - Bayleigh Petty  We’re celebrating another amazing year of the 31 Days of Kindness annual series, which began on October 14 and ended on World Kindness Day (November 13). Dr. Michelle Robin invites the Big Shifts Foundation Program Director, Bayleigh Petty, to share why this year was special to her while running it. She’ll also share why she continues to learn something new about herself every year she participates. Both Dr. Robin and Bayleigh will read some stories that were submitted to our team during the 31 days – which all truly reflect the power kindness has in our lives. At the end of the show, she’ll also explain how the series impacted kids in schools this year, and why the younger generation has an opportunity to change the world by carrying kindness forward.  About Today’s Guest:  Bayleigh Petty’s passion for health and wellness began when she first started playing sports. She studied Human Performance with an emphasis in Sports and Exercise Therap

  • How Dog Grooming is Helping People Go from Poverty to Prosperity with Natasha Herdman

    05/11/2023 Duration: 28min

    "One of our graduates is impacting a massive amount of people every day – she's making giant change after going through our program.” - Natasha Herdman When Natasha Herdman was growing up, she took care of the marketing and bookkeeping for her mom’s grooming business in Iowa. Fast forward to 2011, she began working with homeless families in Kansas City, where she was seeing some big barriers between employment and getting out of poverty. Little did she know a vision would come to her in 2012 where these two worlds would collide into one: Pawsperity (formerly known as The Grooming Project). Join Dr. Michelle Robin as she invites Natasha to share her behind-the-scenes story about how this vision came to life one day, and why it took a village of people – some complete strangers – to lift her up and make it a reality. She’ll share some incredibly inspiring stories about some people who have graduated from Pawsperity’s grooming school and what they are doing to give back to our community today from that experienc

  • Why Hope and Kindness Are Designed to Work Together with Dr. Dave Braun

    29/10/2023 Duration: 29min

    "You can’t truly treat people with kindness if you aren’t first kind to yourself.” - Dr. Dave Braun  Did you know one of the most common reasons that people give on improving their health is because it gets too hard or the results take too long? Oftentimes it’s because we don’t approach our well-being with a wider lens, meaning we try to eat our way to good health or exercise our way to feeling better about ourselves. However, our well-being encompasses more than one area to reach the state of physical and mental wellness that we’re truly seeking. Join Dr. Michelle Robin as she invites Dr. Dave Braun to share his incredibly inspiring story of living his best life – his dream job, dream house, dream family, dream cars, dream financials – only to hit rock bottom and walk through a very dark season shortly after reaching that success. He will explain what made him start becoming more self-aware of the way he was living, specifically in seven areas, which eventually led him to launch an entire brand around it cal

  • How Kindness Creates a Pathway for Self-Improvement with Dr. Diedrick Graham

    22/10/2023 Duration: 27min

     "Diversity is a fact, equity is a choice, inclusion is the action, and belonging is the outcome.” - Dr. Diedrick Graham  As we continue to celebrate our annual 31 Days of Kindness series, Dr. Michelle Robin invites Dr. Diedrick Graham to share why kindness has influenced what he does today in the world for others. During this powerful conversation, he’ll reveal who helped him understand the most foundational aspects of kindness, and why their guidance taught him that no matter what’s happening in the world, it should always be our goal to connect with a person and hold space for them. Dr. Diedrick will also share why we as humans are wired for connection, and how kindness created a pathway for him to seek self-improvement. This ultimately helped him finally understand what it meant to truly belong and find his purpose. By the end of the episode, listeners will be encouraged to trace the threads in their own lives to see who has impacted it and helped them become the person they are today. About Today’s

  • What I’ve Learned About Kindness After 25 Years as a News Anchor with Cynthia Newsome

    15/10/2023 Duration: 25min

    "Kindness is really rooted in love.” - Cynthia Newsome It’s official – the annual 31 Days of Kindness series (powered by the Big Shifts Foundation) has launched across the world, and Dr. Michelle Robin has invited a true kindness champion in the Kansas City community to celebrate it. Award-winning journalist Cynthia Newsome reveals what she’s learned about kindness after being an anchor for 25 years – even through some of the world’s darkest days and her battle through breast cancer – plus, why she continues to keep her heart centered on being kind. You’ll also hear what inspired her to launch Awesome Ambitions for young girls in Kansas City, and how this nonprofit is reshaping these girls’ futures and establishing a village around them to help navigate life. There’s also an incredibly emotional story about what one group of girls chose to do for three kids at their school that showcases what kindness does for the heart. Near the end of the episode, Cynthia will also share what she believes are some missed

  • When Processing Grief Becomes a Kind Gift to Yourself with Luke Russert

    08/10/2023 Duration: 28min

    "Don’t be afraid to listen to what’s going on in your mind – your body can speak to you.” - Luke Russert  As we get ready to dive into our annual 31 Days of Kindness series this year, Dr. Michelle Robin invites author of Look for Me There, Luke Russert, to talk about why processing the grief of his father’s sudden passing was one of the kindest acts he ever did for himself. Rather than follow society’s way of moving on as quickly as possible, Luke shares what inspired him to push pause on his life and run a self-diagnostic test to explore what he was feeling after losing his father. He’ll also share some tips about what someone can do to begin tuning in to what you are feeling inside and explain why there’s power in being kind to yourself and seeking what your soul needs. At the end of the show, he’ll also share a kind gesture that a stranger did for him during his travels and why it remains in his heart to this day. About Today’s Guest:  Luke Russert is an Emmy Award-winning journalist who was an NBC News co

  • Helping Kids Find Their Belonging in Our Community with Darcy Swan

    01/10/2023 Duration: 28min

    "Kindness is showing an investment to each other.” - Darcy Swan  A recent study revealed that two in three millennials don’t feel like they belong in their local community. Looking a little further up the stream, another study showed that one in five students don’t feel like they belong at their school. There’s a growing void developing among the younger generations, who are looking for who they are in this great big world – and the YMCA wants to close that gap for them. Join Dr. Michelle Robin as she invites Darcy Swan from the Y to talk about why they’ve implemented specific Youth Development Services in our community to help kids find their belonging and develop a purpose in life. Darcy will also share some impactful encounters she had during her school years that led her into a teaching profession and later to the Y. The power of kindness will also become a cornerstone in this conversation, which proves how far small acts go in another person’s life – such as calling someone by name or remembering what th

  • Why Your Gut is a Telephone Line to the Rest of Your Body with Dr. Denise Scott

    24/09/2023 Duration: 32min

    "Eating habits are going to play a bigger role in the disease process than we’ve been led to believe.” - Dr. Denise Scott  Did you know that 70 to 80 percent of our immune cells live in our gut? Why is that important? Because what goes on in the gut communicates whether our body thrives or attacks itself. Ultimately, our gut is responsible for how our immune system responds and functions – and more importantly, it's responsible for how well we are. Join Dr. Michelle Robin as she invites Dr. Denise Scott to talk more about this fascinating connection between the gut and disease prevention. She’ll share what led her down this journey of wanting to work with kids and parents, and what missed opportunities and conversations parents should be having with their kid’s pediatrician. She will also provide wisdom behind what our gut needs so that the rest of our body functions well – and why the first few years of a child’s life are crucial to setting the stage for their future health. About Today’s Guest:  Dr. Denise

  • The Power of Discovering Our Identity & Building Confidence with Princess Sarah Culberson

    17/09/2023 Duration: 36min

    "We all have our identity journeys.” - Princess Sarah Culberson  During her teenage years, Princess Sarah Culberson began to get curious about her identity, biological history, and even who she looked like. Once embarking on her journey, she learned that her biological mother died when she was 11, and her father lived in a village in Sierra Leone, West Africa. From him, she learned about her royal family, and that she is a Mahaloi, the granddaughter of a Paramount Chief, which meant Sarah is a princess. During today’s show, Dr. Michelle Robin invites Princess Sarah to share more of her story and the search for her family – and the extraordinary things that began to happen when her two worlds came together into one story. She also shares how her adoptive parents played a vital and positive role in learning more about her roots – plus, how their response and engagement in their community taught her about confidence. To end the show, she will also provide her best guidance to listeners around building confidence

  • How to Help Kids Understand the Connection Between Their Gut & Brain with Stacy Cahalan

    10/09/2023 Duration: 24min

    "When you write down what you eat, suddenly you become aware.” - Stacy Cahalan   Kids are establishing their school routine again, but students are still struggling to regain some aspects of what they lost during the pandemic. This results in loss of connection, loneliness, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. During today’s show, Dr. Michelle Robin invites Stacy Cahalan to share why she decided to leave her previous career path and begin helping younger generations navigate these unchartered waters. Stacy also reveals a personal story about why food can play a major role in that disconnection and the way a child feels each day. Their conversation also dives into why gut health directly impacts moods. By the end of the show, Stacy will also share more about the book she and Jane Hosey Stern wrote that helps put simple, yet powerful life lessons back into focus.  About Today’s Guest:  One of Stacy’s favorite quotes is by Emily Dickinson, “I am out with the lanterns looking for myself.” All the

  • Why Many Lifetime Relationships Begin at the YMCA with Amy Jewell

    27/08/2023 Duration: 19min

    "Connectivity is so important – no matter what age.” - Amy Jewell   A recent study showed that 2 in 5 Americans haven’t made a new friend in five years due to shyness or introversion. Even more, another study revealed that the loneliness rate in America has doubled since the 1980s. That number has now reached 40 percent of adults in America, and some experts believe the “real number” may be a lot higher than that. During today’s episode, Dr. Michelle Robin invites Amy Jewell from the YMCA of Greater Kansas City to share the multitude of ways their organization is helping to address the loneliness and mental health crisis for all ages. Amy will share why connection and relationships make all the difference in the world when we’re going through challenges – saying that she can see relationships building everywhere you look at the YMCA. She will also explain why creating friendships can be a powerful form of therapy for kids and how some of their longest and lifelong friendships begin at the Y.  About Today’s Gu

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