Right Now With Jim Daws

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 495:33:46
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Right Now with Jim Daws is a webcast covering news, politics & culture from an America First perspective. Find us on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter & most podcast directories.Please support this program by clicking here: www.paypal.me/rightnowjimdaws


  • Episode 240 - Judge slams Mueller

    04/05/2018 Duration: 52min

    A Federal judge in Virginia has blasted the Special Counsel’s indictment of Paul Manafort accusing Robert Mueller of a political prosecution.Jeff Sessions recused himself from the Russia investigation, but why has he refused to hold Hillary and Obama to account?And the tech titans are busy closing down conservative voices on social media ahead of the upcoming midterm elections.

  • Episode 239 - Rudy blows up Mueller

    03/05/2018 Duration: 53min

    Rudy Giuliani has taken charge of the president’s legal team and last night corrected the record on the blackmail payment to Stormy Daniels.Bernie Sanders proposes a government job for everyone who wants one and turns out almost half the country agrees with him.

  • Episode 238 - How about some questions for Mueller

    02/05/2018 Duration: 52min

    Lacking any evidence of a crime, the Mueller inquisition wants to question the president in hopes of providing Congress with materials for impeachment.John Bolton went on the Sunday shows and displayed his complete inability to consider any course of action that doesn’t involve war.And the Boy Scouts of America have dropped boy from their title completing the ignominious end of a once great American institution.

  • Episode 237 - Michelle Wolf perfectly reps WH reporters

    30/04/2018 Duration: 52min

    The White House Correspondence Dinner devolved into an obscene, left-wing hate feast, which is an exact representation of the White House Correspondents.And, absent any winning issues to run on, the Democrat Party is engaged in the politics of personal destruction – will the GOP fight fire with fire?

  • Episode 236 - Comey's interview on Fox News dissected

    27/04/2018 Duration: 52min

    James Comey sat down for a hard-hitting interview with Bret Baier - we’ll dissect his lies and prevarications

  • Episode 234 - Deep State went after Trump based entirely on dossier

    25/04/2018 Duration: 52min

    After more than a year and a half its been revealed that the Deep State’s investigation was based entirely on the bogus dossier and partisan lies by John Brennan.The dreaded blue wave failed again to materialize in Arizona’s special election, but the Dems are claiming victory anyway.The Democrats and the media have trotted out their character assassination strategy to block Trump’s nominee to head the VA.

  • Episode 235 - The Democrats cold war against America

    25/04/2018 Duration: 52min

    The migrant caravan that Mexico claimed to have disbanded has arrived at the border and intends to use America’s weak immigration laws to jump the border.Our country is engaged in a cold civil war, but if the GOP wins, the left is determined to escalate.The French President Emmanuel Macron addressed congress and took many direct jabs at Trump’s America First agenda.

  • Episode 233 - Rand throws Pompeo a lifeline

    24/04/2018 Duration: 52min

    After earning Rand Paul’s support, Mike Pompeo appears to be headed to confirmation as the next Secretary of State.French President Macron is in Washington trying to convince Trump to be more like Europe.And Porn star Stormy Daniels is back on the, em er job.

  • Episode 232 - DNC suit doesn't mention the dossier

    22/04/2018 Duration: 52min

    The Democrat National Committee has sued Russia, Wikileaks and the Trump campaign for the DNC hacks, but their complaint tells us much more about their own misdeeds.As the president is trying to negotiate denuclearization with North Korea, the obstructionist Democrats are blocking Mike Pompeo as Secretary of State.And Mitt Romney lost the Utah Republican Party endorsement for Senate, and will have to face a primary opponent.

  • Episode 231 - Comey memos show Trump was truthful

    20/04/2018 Duration: 52min

    The long delayed release of James Comey’s memos show that Comey was lying and Trump was telling the truth.As the Muller investigation has come up with nothing and Clinton and Obama’s misdeeds come into focus, the Democrat National Committee has filed suit against Trump and Wikileaks to try and extend the hoax.And today is the 25th anniversary of the government’s siege of the Branch Davidian compound in Waco – we’ll take a look at that tragic episode.

  • Episode 230 - Is Neal Gorsuch another David Souter?

    19/04/2018 Duration: 52min

    Supreme Court Justice Neal Gorsuch ruled against the Administration on a major immigration case, is he another David Souter?The Washington Post and New York Times were awarded a Pulitizer Prize for their fake news of Russia collusion hoax.And the president is now surrounded by neocons and war hawks, can he keep his campaign promises and resist the dogs of war.

  • Episode 229 - No evidence of chemical attack in Syria

    18/04/2018 Duration: 52min

    North and South Korea are on the verge of signing a peace agreement ending the Korean War after almost 70 years – thank you Trump.In the face of Democrat opposition, Republicans are pushing to make the Trump tax cuts permanent ahead of the 2018 elections.And Starbucks is going to close its 8000 stores for diversity training because a manager in Philadelphia threw two black men out for loitering.

  • Episode 228 - Hypocrite journos attack Hannity

    17/04/2018 Duration: 52min

    After the Deep State’s relentless attack on the 2016 election results, they’re left with allegations by a pornographic prostitute of a one-night with the President stand 12 years ago.The judge who denied the president’s attorney client privilege is a personal friend of George Soros and the Clintons.And we’ll take a look at the professional ethics of some of the so-called journalists who are attacking Sean Hannity.

  • Episode 227 - Maybe Syrian strikes won't drag us deeper

    15/04/2018 Duration: 52min

    Did Trump’s base over-react to the very limited missile strikes on Syrian targets said to be used to develop chemical weapons? James Comey’s interview on ABC proved that he was unfit to be FBI director and that Trump was 100% right to fire him.And finally the President’s attorney’s are in a court of law arguing to that the DOJ is overstepping its bounds in it’s zeal to get Trump.

  • Episode 226 - Comey's book proves Trump was right to fire him

    13/04/2018 Duration: 49min

    Another day has passed and optimism is growing that Trump might resist getting drug deeper into Syria.James Comey’s new book is self-serving tripe that fails to explain his role in the attack on our democracy.Voters will decided on whether to break up California into three new states.Trump is reportedly considering rejoining the Trans Pacific Partnership.

  • Episode 225 - The Deep State wants War and No Trump

    12/04/2018 Duration: 49min

    Among the items named on the search warrant of Michael Cohen’s office were records related to the Access Hollywood tape – anyone still doubt that this is a witch hunt?There are signs the base may have convinced the President that getting deeper into the Syrian morass is a really bad idea.The opposition media is claiming that Paul Ryan’s retirement indicates a blue wave in November, but could it really just be about purging anti-Trumpers from the party.

  • Episode 224 - DOJ colludes with Mueller to get Trump

    11/04/2018 Duration: 49min

    The raid on Trump’s attorney’s office shows collusion between Muller and the Department of Justice in a Deep State coup to overturn the 2016 election.Zuckerberg testified for a second day before Congress and none of our bought and paid for representatives seem at all concerned that Facebook will use robots to censor opinions.An the President foolishly Tweeted that he intends to launch missile strikes on Syria and challenged Russia to stop it.

  • Episode 223 - Zuck will use AI to censor

    10/04/2018 Duration: 49min

    Mueller raid on Trump’s attorney is all about protecting the Deep State by getting dirt on Trump – they’ve obviously already got it on Sessions members of Congress.Zuckerberg testified before congress and disclosed that he plans to use artificial intelligence to censor voices on Facebook.And Trump is surrounded by advisors that are beating the war drum for Syria – will he listen instead to his base.

  • Episode 222 - Mueller goes after Trump's attorney

    09/04/2018 Duration: 49min

    Mueller and the DOJ just raised the stakes by raiding the office of the President’s personal attorney, demonstrating that the Deep State will stop at nothing to remove Trump.The Neocons and Deep State are trying to drag the U.S. into a broader war in Syria with yet another fake chemical weapons attack.

  • Episode 220 - Mueller's out to frame Trump

    05/04/2018 Duration: 49min

    It’s become clear that Robert Mueller is trying to frame the president of the United States .America holds all the cards in a trade war with China.On the occasion of the new film, Chappaquiddick, we’ll take a look at the disastrous legacy of Ted Kennedy.

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