Right Now With Jim Daws

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 495:33:46
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Right Now with Jim Daws is a webcast covering news, politics & culture from an America First perspective. Find us on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter & most podcast directories.Please support this program by clicking here: www.paypal.me/rightnowjimdaws


  • Episode 221 - Trump and America vs. China and Globalists

    05/04/2018 Duration: 49min

    Trump is trying to rebalance our disastrous trade deficit with China and the globalist forces in the U.S. are calling it a trade war and demanding America’s surrender.Pressured by globalists and establishment powers, Facebook and Google are promising to censor dissident voices like this America First broadcast.And the globalists are also seeking to prevent the U.S. from securing its borders so they can destroy the traditional American nation.And the UK escalated the new cold war based on accusations that Russia attempted to murder a former Russian spy in England - that story, as predicted, is now falling apart.

  • Episode 219 - Trump to use military to protect U.S.

    04/04/2018 Duration: 49min

    It’s been revealed that after a year of investigation Mueller has no probable cause to target Trump for any crime.With the tantrum over Sinclair Broadcasting the opposition media may have reached peak hypocrisy.President Trump will send the U.S. military to defend the border pending the construction of a wall .

  • Episode 218 - Mexico aiding migrant invasion

    01/04/2018 Duration: 49min

    The Mexican government is assisting a small army of Central American migrants to cross their nation and crash the American border.China has retaliated against Trump’s tariffs by targeting American agricultural products for 25% tariffs.The opposition media is struggling to come to terms over the massive ratings for Roseanne and are beginning to go on the attack.

  • Episode 217 - Left goes Hogg wild

    30/03/2018 Duration: 49min

    More corporate advertisers are joining David Hogg’s call to boycott the Laura Ingraham Show on Fox, we list the companies that caved to the gun grabbers.The wife of the Orlando nightclub shooter Omar Mateen has been acquitted of aiding and abetting the mass murder.More text messages have leaked out of the FBI showing that the Agency was coordinating with the White House in the Russia collusion frame up.

  • Episode 215 - Dems becoming more and more unhinged

    27/03/2018 Duration: 49min

    Democrat states and cities are lining up to sue the Trump administration for daring to ask citizenship status on the U.S. census – yes, it’s come to that.As first reported here, counties in California are revolting against the state’s sanctuary laws and their attorney general is threatening to arrest Sheriffs who cooperate with federal law enforcement.And the Cambridge Analytica Facebook scandal looks like its going to come back to bite the Democrats in the butt, just like the Russia collusion hoax did.

  • Episode 216 - North Korean and Chinese dictators meet

    26/03/2018 Duration: 49min

    The backlash from the left continues to the announcement that the Census Bureau will ask about citizenship status in 2020.Democrats and the media are determined that Trump not use the U.S. military to secure America’s borders.And the North Korean dictator met with the Chinese dictator to plot strategy against the United States.

  • Episode 213 - Gun grabbers on Parade

    25/03/2018 Duration: 49min

    Saturday’s anti-2nd Amendment march in Washington was cult Marxist street theater, using high school kids as the left’s new stage props.Fallout continues over the obscene, so-called omnibus budget – was it designed to destroy the President’s America First Agenda.And 60 Minutes drug the nation into the gutter last night with an interview of a porn prostitute’s unproven claims of sex with the president.

  • Episode 214 - Cold War Blues

    24/03/2018 Duration: 49min

    The Trump administration expelled another 60 Russian diplomats signaling that the Deep State has won the argument on restarting the Cold War.The 2020 census will contain a question asking citizenship status and the Democrats are gearing up the lawsuits.The fallout over the interview of porn slut Stormy Daniels continues, prompting comparisons of Anderson Cooper and 60 Minutes to Jerry Springer.

  • Episode 212 - Confronting China's trade abuses

    22/03/2018 Duration: 49min

    Congress is sending a $1.5t spending bill to the president’s desk that contains billions for Chuck Schumer’s tunnel in New York, but not for the border wall - after initially threatening to veto, Trump signed the bill?General McMaster is out as National Security Advisor and John Bolton is in – did we just go from bad to worse?And we’ll talk to Michael Stumo of the Coalition for a Prosperous America on Trump’s latest round of tariffs.

  • Episode 211 - Did Russia really kill the spy in Britain?

    21/03/2018 Duration: 49min

    As the new Cold War deepens, we learn that the poisoned Russian double agent in Britain was a source for the Steele dossier.Trump is set to impose over $50b in tariffs on China in retaliation or their theft of American intellectual property.

  • Episode 209 - Media accuses: Trump used Facebook ads to win

    19/03/2018 Duration: 49min

    With the Russia collusion narrative debunked, the opposition media has settled on a new line of attack: Trump used Facebook to brainwash voters.In his desperate effort to overturn the election, Mueller is now going after Trump’s business dealings.And despite opposition media report, disgraced perjurer Andrew McCabe is not losing his pension.

  • Episode 210 - Trump battles the Deep State

    19/03/2018 Duration: 49min

    We’ll talk more about the left’s latest smear that Trump misused Facebook by targeting ads to voters.The opposition media continue to pretend that Andrew McCabe lost his pension because he was fired, we’ll set the record straight.President Trump is taking the gloves off and adding the street fighter Joe Digenova to his legal team.And a school shooter in Maryland was stopped by a good guy with a gun that did his job.

  • Episode 208 - Public school kids hijacked by Marxists

    16/03/2018 Duration: 49min

    The new front on the culture wars is in your child’s public school classroom where leftists are turning students into foot soldiers for Marxism.Peter Schweitzer's new book details how China bribed the sons of Joe Biden and John Kerry to undermine America’s national security.And Trump has joined the new Cold War against Russia, but is Putin really behind the nerve gas attack in Britain?

  • Episode 207 - America First Democrat beats establishment Republican in PA

    14/03/2018 Duration: 48min

    The results of the special election in Pennsylvania should be a wake up call to establishment Republicans.The Democrats are going to attack Trump’s nominee to head the CIA by falsely accusing her or torture.And after giving hours of coverage to bogus collusion allegations, the opposition media are ignoring the House Intelligence Committee’s finding that there was none.

  • Episode 206 - Trump inspects border wall prototypes

    13/03/2018 Duration: 46min

    - Rex Tillerson is out as Secretary of State- Trump visits California to inspect boarder wall prototypes- The House Intel Committee issues its report finding no collusion- There’s a critical election today in Pennsylvania Trump country- And we have yet another example of Hillary unhinged

  • Episode 205 - Trump willing to meet Little Rocket Man

    11/03/2018 Duration: 53min

    Upon learning that President Trump would meet the North Korean dictator the press reacted positively, but then got their anti-Trump talking points in order.After predictions of Armageddon if Trump imposed steel tariffs, the stock markets set new records and the jobs report were off the charts.And the Democrats choice for presidential nominee in 2020 promise a sure win for Trump and lots of laughs along the way.

  • Episode 204 - Tariffs are good

    08/03/2018 Duration: 48min

    The President has kept his promise and imposed tariffs on steel and aluminum imports, but he granted a temporary waiver for Canada and Mexico.The Democrats and Mueller have become totally incoherent in their desperation to justify their whole Russia collusion hoax.And Jeff Session’s decision to sue California for obstructing Federal law enforcement has many parallels in the Jim Crow South.

  • Episode 203 - Globalist Democrat Gary Cohn resigns - Buh bye

    07/03/2018 Duration: 48min

    Globalist Democrat Gary Cohn finally resigned as the president’s economic advisor and we’re supposed to be upset.Jeff Session has awakened from his long slumber to sue California for defying federal law on so-called sanctuary cities.

  • Episode 202 - Free traitors on the run

    06/03/2018 Duration: 48min

    In the past 30 years, the U.S. has run a cumulative trade deficit of over $12 trillion dollars, on today’s show we’ll tell you how are trading partners are ripping us off.The Special Counsel, Robert Mueller, has expanded his inquisition far past his original mandate, proving that the real motive is to get Trump.Tech giants are engaged in censorship of conservative voices with the intent on shutting down dissent.

  • Episode 201 - Hollywood hypocrisy on parade

    05/03/2018 Duration: 48min

    The 90th Annual Oscars last night was a three hour social justice marathon that had much less to do with the cinematic arts.Nationalist parties won in Italy’s elections yesterday, continuing the populist rejection of the Europe Union.And Robert Mueller is reported to be expanding his inquisition far beyond his Russia mandate.

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