Voices Of Impact With Ryan France



Ryan France, Host of the Voices of Impact Podcast, a business owner himself, had an interest in meeting other smart, savvy and local business owners. Entrepreneurs and community leaders. He started to reach out to these people, started having great conversations and quickly realized that others needed to hear their stories too. These were experts in their respective fields. Passionate and intelligent. Dedicated to making impact in the lives of their clients, customers, patients and patrons. So he asked, “Why not create a podcast and interview these people? Why not build a platform meant to turn a spotlight onto these local stories?” With that, the concept for Voices of Impact was born. For more, visit: www.VoicesOfImpact.com


  • Liz Feezor - Liz Feezor Creative

    31/07/2018 Duration: 28min

    How To Create The Opportunity You've Been Searching For After nine years of blogging in her free time, Liz Feezor decided to toss her traditional resume aside and double down on making a name for herself through her content and creative strategy. “I had become increasingly disenchanted with what was going on in the corporate realms,” Liz said, “and I wanted to see what I could create for myself if I took the leap and had faith in my abilities.” Liz spent 15 years in a corporate HR setting where she gradually grew tired of resume scrapers and programmed bots dictating who was worthy of a job. Since leaving, she’s worked one on one with clients to help them understand the “why” behind their work and project that core message through the written and visual content she creates. Along the way, Liz had a watershed moment with her physical health, by sustaining an incredible 100lb weight loss. That very same determination, structure, and discipline learned through the process of losing weight is reflective of the wa

  • Emilee & Ben Blackburn - Tatum's Love Foundation

    24/07/2018 Duration: 31min

    How To Turn Pain Into Purpose Through their marriage and the birth of their first child, Emilee and Ben Blackburn had nothing but blessings. But then, an unexpected hardship rocked the core of the Blackburn family — a stillbirth of their second child, Tatum. During the grieving process, Emilee suggested the family find a way to turn that pain into purpose. With a naming suggestion from the Blackburn’s first child, Walker, Tatum’s Love Foundation was founded. “We’re always thinking of things that we can do to give back. That helps with our grief,” the couple says. “We show other families this is what helps us, so they can possibly get through their grief by doing the same thing that we are.” Tapping into Ben’s experience running a family business, the Blackburns have moved Tatum’s Love Foundation from a message of hope to a proven program, raising $80,000 to support the stillbirth loss community. And along that path, Ben and Emilee also created Fathers For Hope and Mothers For Hope. Both groups have fundraisin

  • Sam Gozo - Animode Empire

    17/07/2018 Duration: 31min

    How to Rewrite Your Definition of Success Sam Gozo can recall the early morning hours of February 28th 2016 like they were yesterday. It was under the cover of darkness that the concept of his business, AniMode Empire, saw first light. “I still have that piece of paper,” Sam says, “I wrote down what I wanted the company to be. It’s about changing lives and perspectives. Unbeknownst to us, we’ve allowed complacency, hopelessness and things that bastardize the human spirit to creep in. We are chasing the wrong things.” Even at the ripe old age of 24 years old, Sam had the awareness to recognize he’d been firing at the wrong targets. He knew that there was more to his story than just the pursuit of material wealth. With AniMode Empire and his Lionheart Life Coaching program, Sam is on a mission to help others re-write their own definition of “success.” Sam believes that life is a game of chess, not checkers. “We can’t just focus on one piece, one move, and expect to win the whole game. It’s about actionable step

  • How To Craft A More Powerful Identity Through Story

    10/07/2018 Duration: 24min

    How To Craft A More Powerful Identity Through Story “Surely I wasn’t put on this earth to be just a real estate agent, right?” That was the nagging question and the uncomfortable conclusion I came to about three years ago. I was sitting on the couch in our upstairs game room — second week in March 2015. My wife, Kristin, was by my side and my kids were playing on the floor beneath my feet. “What’s wrong?” she asked All I could muster was, “I can’t do THIS anymore. It’s just not me.” I think you’ll agree with me that it’s terribly uninspiring to pour so much time and emotional energy into becoming a better version of something, deep down, you know you were never meant to be. You see, nearly ten years after finally losing my dream — my purpose — of playing professional baseball, I’d yet to find something to fill the emptiness of a vacated “dream-hole.” That “couch conversation” touched off a series of events that led me to the conclusion that I needed to “change my story.” Both the one I was telling myself and

  • Mark Garza - Flatwater Foundation

    03/07/2018 Duration: 38min

    How To Turn Tragedy Into A Million Dollar Opportunity Mark Garza didn’t ask to be the son of a terminal cancer patient. He didn’t ask to have his family rocked by the repercussions. He didn’t ask for the responsibility of bootstrapping a non-profit and raising awareness around the stigma of mental health. But following his father’s diagnosis in 2009, Garza couldn’t ignore the calling to step up, honor his father and continue the family legacy. “My dad didn’t only teach me how to run an organization, he taught me the value of helping others.” Mark said. “He taught me about following your passion, serving a higher purpose and getting rich in the soul, mind and heart. He used to tell me, there are no do-overs in life.” Leaving a successful career as an advertising executive, Garza established Flatwater Foundation. Since its inception, the “Flatwater Family” has raised $3.2 million dollars to pay for over 19,000 hours of therapy, helping caregivers and affected families cope with cancer. In this episode of Voices

  • Mia Johns - Dress For Success Austin

    26/06/2018 Duration: 22min

    How To Build A Network Of Impassioned Volunteers Despite a longstanding, successful background in marketing & community relations, eight years ago, Mia Johns was at a crossroads. She was searching for a sense of fulfillment and a community that spread the “message of hope.” She found her match in Dress For Success Austin. Starting out as part-time volunteer coordinator, Johns later ascended to Program Director — tasked with building community and helping further the mission of a local affiliate that has served over 11,000 women since opening its doors in 2003. “Women come to Dress For Success Austin with a variety of challenges — homelessness, underemployment, divorce, domestic violence or illness — and we do provide clothing and support. But we are much more than that,” Mia says. “We have so many pre and post-workforce development programs. We pride ourselves on meeting each client exactly where she is and helping her along her journey to self-sufficiency.” With just five full-time staff, serving thousan

  • Robin Emmerich - Beauty And The Mess

    19/06/2018 Duration: 27min

    How To Live A Life Beyond The To-Do List A little more than a decade ago, Robin Emmerich’s foundation was shaken. Seemingly all at once, a car accident, an apartment break-in and some powerful, yet unexpected, advice led Emmerich down a path of personal re-discovery. “I started asking myself questions like what am I doing, why am I here and what is my purpose in life,” Robin shared. “I started digging deeper because I knew there was something missing but I just didn’t know what.” She eventually found the answers she was looking for in the form of “two mentors,” one for the heart and one for the mind. With a renewed sense of peace and internal direction, Emmerich started her own life coaching business. For the past eight years, she’s been teaching her clients how to tap into intuition, rewrite the script and live with a strong sense of mission. Along the way, Robin discovered her own inner-artist, which led to the creation of her athleisure line, Beauty And The Mess. It’s a phrase that Emmerich says has multip

  • Chelsea Phillips & Joe Moore - Tiny Tails To You

    12/06/2018 Duration: 35min

    How To Grow From Passion Project to Thriving Business Chelsea Phillips left college with a degree in political science and the thought that she could make the biggest impact through government work. But it didn’t take long for her to realize that she wasn’t particularly passionate about working as a government lobbyist. “I didn’t really enjoy the work that I was doing“, Phillips said. “I decided I needed to focus on and pursue something that I loved instead.” What she loved was kids, animals and teaching. So, true to her word, Phillips left her stable job to venture out into the choppy waters of entrepreneurism. In the teeth of the recession, she boldly followed in her mother‘s footsteps and started Tiny Tails To You – a local hands-on, traveling petting zoo, designed to engage both like young in age and the young at heart. Before long, business was booming, and recognizing she needed help, Chelsea recruited her partner, Joe Moore, away from his teaching job to help scale the business to another level. Togeth

  • David C. Smith - United Way Of Greater Austin

    05/06/2018 Duration: 31min

    How to Open Eyes To The Needs Of A Community At the age of twelve, David C. Smith says he already knew that his life would be dedicated to the cause of creating a world where “equality is the norm.” He remembers being impacted by the number of homeless he saw on the streets, during his first visit to New York City. With young eyes opened, it was clear David’s path forward would become ruled by a strong sense of social justice. “Once your eyes are opened to that,” Smith told us, “you start to see it everywhere and that’s where it just becomes part of the fabric of your life.” Speaking of fabric, Smith’s resume is a colorful tapestry, woven over twenty years of nonprofit and business leadership. He founded both the Hill Country Ride for Aids and the Mamma Jamma Ride for Breast cancer — two of the most successful fundraisers of their kind. He started his own consulting agency, with stints as interim CEO of a handful of local businesses like Conspirare and The Thinkery. Then two years ago, he came on board as CEO

  • Aysa Province - Beautifully Loved

    29/05/2018 Duration: 30min

    Fashioning Fun for Austin’s Pediatric Patients Aysa Province has a longstanding love for fashion, event planning and giving back to those in need. And yet she confessed to wondering how her three passions would one day fit together. Then, the vision for “Beautifully Loved” firmly took hold of her heart. It started with the idea of a fashion show, to support and spotlight young patients of the Blood and Cancer Center at Dell Children’s Hospital. And with one night’s worth of runway sashay, Province caught a glimpse of her life’s calling. “I played with the idea for months,” she said. “I had questions of — is this enough and will this actually make a difference? Finally I just took the leap of faith and everything kind of fell into place. In my head I just thought I’d rather try and know than always wonder what if.” The impact that Beautifully Loved has made in a short time, is beyond measure. From Mother’s and Father’s Day pamper events to holiday initiatives and fundraisers like the Fashion Show, Province and

  • Carly Pollack - Nutritional Wisdom

    22/05/2018 Duration: 34min

    A Hunger To Change The Conversation About Health Growing up, Carly Pollack struggled with a buffet of issues: anxiety, autoimmune disorder, a never-ending battle with her weight. As Pollack puts it, “I was the queen of impeccable weekday eating and the impressive weekend binge.” So, it’s only natural then, that she’d go on to earn a Master’s Degree in Holistic Nutrition and be voted ‘Best Nutritionist’ in Austin for four years running. Right? Well, that’s not exactly the most obvious line of logic but Carly believes, “we often teach what we need to learn most.” That mantra bleeds through to every corner of her work. Pollack caries an impressive resume, having lectured all over the country for incredible companies like: Facebook, Whole Foods, Lulu Lemon and the Livestrong Foundation. And yet, she’s equally at home giving a small talk at the Sustainable Food Center or mentoring an aspiring entrepreneur at the Young Women’s Alliance. Her No-BS approach to creating lasting change is both uncommon and refreshing.

  • Ryan Anglen - Whitestone Brewery

    15/05/2018 Duration: 23min

    Serving Pints With A Purpose Ryan Anglen says he originally started home brewing as a way to keep his mind off of work — a welcomed distraction from the daily “corporate grind.” Years later though, when it got to the point where his wife, Danielle, could no longer park her car in the garage, it was clear that his passion for craft beer had become more than just a “hobby.” With encouragement from friends and family, the Anglen family began scouting locations. Four years ago, they landed in Cedar Park, Texas where they opened up Whitestone Brewery — the area’s first self-distributing brewpub. While Whitestone is well known for its tasty brew, to end the story there would do a grave disservice to Anglen’s primary purpose behind becoming a business owner in the first place. As a two-time cancer survivor, there is a lot more behind Ryan’s business plan than just achieving a healthy bottom line. He and his team regularly open their doors to help fundraise for Austin area organizations like Texas Humane Heroes, Tatu

  • Rachel Holtin - AustinFoodstagram

    08/05/2018 Duration: 26min

    Crafting A Voice That Carries Positive Influence You could make an argument that Rachel Holtin is one of Austin’s original social media influencers. Her Instagram account, AustinFoodstagram, and her blog by the same name have attracted a cult-like following. Then again, Rachel is quick to point out that the good old-fashioned game of influence has been played since the beginning of time. It’s just the platforms that have changed, in today’s digital age. “The term ‘influencer’ has existed for a long time.” she said. “People have always taken advice from friends, family, even celebrities. Now, with social media, you have online friends, people you relate to, whose opinions you trust for purchasing decisions or events to attend.” As a pioneering voice in the local social media scene, Holtin has turned what was once a hobby, into a full-fledged business. From networking and business planning to storytelling and content strategy planned months in advance, it’s safe to say that Rachel has earned every one of her 76

  • Nikki Moore - Happily Ever Baskets

    01/05/2018 Duration: 27min

    Helping Recommission The Lost Art Of Appreciation Nikki Moore’s business was born out of necessity. Literally, days after giving birth to her first child, she scoured the internet in search of a “done-for-you” personalized client gift. What she found, frustrated her. “It was all perishable items or things I had to order like 30 days in advance, just to be personalized,” Moore explained. Not having that kind of time, Nikki did what she’s done her entire life. She got resourceful. An appreciation gift, skillfully assembled at the last minute was the “hey wait a minute” moment that sparked Happily Ever Baskets. It’s a business that has afforded her the opportunity to stay home with her son, Nixon, all the while making the outward contribution she desperately desired. It’s a business Moore has bootstrapped as a card-carrying member of the “mompreneur” movement and one that has become the local solution to providing appreciation gifts that recipients actually rave about. In this episode, we discuss traditional gif

  • Chad Wright - Wright Creative Group

    24/04/2018 Duration: 21min

    Rebranding The Importance Of Authentic Storytelling Chad Wright says he believes so deeply in the impact of his team’s work, that he has no qualms about passing away in the middle of a “client pitch” someday. Sounds extreme, I know. Then again, you’d expect nothing less from a guy who stumbled upon his “life’s work” as a teenager. Wright literally grew up in the design business — working for a local newspaper at the age of fourteen and managing one by twenty. “Looking back on it, I don’t know what in the world they were thinking, giving me that kind of responsibility so young,” he confessed. “But you know, I think they saw that I was capable of building something and leading a team.” Decades later, it’s that same type of leadership that local churches, businesses and non-profits look for Wright and his team to provide — in an effort to help them tell their story. Storytelling, as we discuss in this interview, is a specialized skill that is too often overlooked in the “traditional approach” to personal and pro

  • Mason Ayer - Kerbey Lane Cafe

    17/04/2018 Duration: 26min

    A Purpose Greater Than A Paycheck Mason Ayer says his first memory at Kerbey Lane Cafe was that of scraping gum off the bottom of tables in his parent’s restaurant. When he was five years old, his reward was a nickel for every crusty piece collected. More than three decades later, the stakes have radically changed. But the one thing that has remained constant is Mason’s commitment to the family business. It’s no secret that the large majority of family businesses decline — if not disappear — as the torch is passed from one generation to the next. Fortunately for Austinites, Kerbey Lane has bucked that trend. With Ayer at the helm, the iconic Cafe will expand to its eighth and ninth locations in the coming year. But that’s not all . . . As you will hear in this interview, the brain trust at Kerbey Lane has been working behind the scenes on a new “fast casual” concept that Mason says he’s extremely excited about — the name of which was announced for the first time, on Voices of Impact. In this episode, we dive

  • Liza Wilson - Toybrary

    10/04/2018 Duration: 20min

    The Four Pillars Of A Sharing Economy Liza Wilson claims that she was the last person on earth to envision running her own business. “I was stubbornly against it,” she told us. “I thought it would be boring and my brain just didn’t work that way.” Luckily for the Austin community, local teachers and stay-at-home moms, Wilson changed her mind. Radically and instantly. In fact, she went from “not wanting to run a business” to running out to purchase $3000 worth of toys, to stock what eventually became Toybrary Austin. To understand Wilson’s about-face, you first have to appreciate two things. First, Liza boasts an impressive resume in early childhood education — spending 20 years in public schools, Montessori and the French education system. Second, she grew up in a home environment where her parents and grandparents modeled a certain fearlessness. They coached her to believe in possibility and not to be intimidated by big ideas. She could figure out anything, if she stuck with it long enough. Fortunately, Liza

  • Danielle Benson - Wild Orchid Salon

    03/04/2018 Duration: 19min

    Striking a Balance Between Business and Creativity It’s pretty safe to say that one thing Danielle Benson does not lack, is drive. Beginning her career as a professional stylist, over ten years ago, Benson put herself through cosmetology school — while working full time.   As a locally renowned stylist, her work has been on display at numerous fashion shows. She been named a “Best Stylist” in the Beauty Issue of Austin Monthly and a finalist for Austin 40 Under 40. And … It wasn’t quickly after having her first child that she recognized her life lacked a measure of balance. So, what did she do? Well, she bought her own salon, of course. Danielle negotiated a deal for the rights to the Downtown location of Wild Orchid Salon. That one location quickly blossomed into two salons and then three. Has Benson achieved work-life balance? You’ll have to listen to this interview to find out. But one thing is certain, Danielle is committed to blazing her own path. In this episode of Voices of Impact, we discuss the idea

  • Mark Heaps - ATX Photo & Video Studio

    13/02/2018 Duration: 35min

    How to Act Like an Engineer and Think Like a Creative The first time I sat down with Mark Heaps, he mentioned to me that "People tell me all the time, 'Dude, your story is insane." He wasn't lying. From opulent wealth as a young child, to living with family on a small English island from graduating college at the age of 18, to essentially hitchhiking his way to Silicon Valley. Mark's story is one of patience, persistence, and most importantly, self-awareness. In this episode of Voices of Impact, Mark and I dive into the deep connection that comes by way of sharing your authentic story, what I would call the importance of "standing in your brand." And Mark shares with us why, despite decades of accolades and personal achievement, he actually derives more satisfaction and fulfillment by renting out his little photo studio in Southeast Austin, to up-and-coming creatives. Get access to full show notes by visiting: http://www.voicesofimpact.com/mark-heaps/

  • Kara Perez - Bravely

    05/12/2017 Duration: 32min

    A Story NOT Being Told About Financial Literacy In the past year and a half, Kara Perez founded her own company [Bravely] and has been featured in magazines like Glamour, Forbes and Austin Woman. She’s established herself as a paid contributor to numerous websites in the ‘financial blogosphere’ and recently started her own podcast, The Fairer Cents, where she and her co-host Tanja, untack sticky financial conversations. And to truly comprehend how impressive all of that is, you first have to understand that just three short years ago, on the regular, Perez confesses to having spent an unhealthy amount of time openly sobbing in her car. In her own words: “I like to refer to summer 2014 as ‘crying-in-cars-2014,’ because I did, indeed, spend June through August of that year crying almost every time I got into my car. Once I was tucked into my little sedan, all my anxiety and stress bubbled to the surface. I was making $900 a month, carrying $18,000 in debt, and had no idea how to break the cycle. I felt trapped

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