How To Health Podcast With Laurie Marbas, Md, Mba



Dr. Laurie Marbas brings you the most inspiring stories of individuals conquering chronic disease, overcoming incredible obstacles, and the experts to help you find health. Changing health by changing the food we eat.


  • Dr. Yami CL

    29/04/2017 Duration: 47min

    Meet Dr. Yami Cazorla-Lancaster, also known as just Dr. Yami from Yakima, Washington. Dr. Yami has opened a new type of practice called Nourish Wellness where she takes the stance of disease prevention at one of the earliest points, childhood, with nutrition and other lifestyle choices. She is a wealth of information, shares her message to many throughout her community, a bundle of energy and if you are a parent you need to hear her message. Learn the first thing families can do to enhance the health of their children, the one food myth many pediatricians still believe and how Dr. Yami can be your doctor if you live in her area! Find Dr. Yami at and on Facebook at

  • Raising Strong Children

    27/04/2017 Duration: 25min

    Parenting is a tough business and who doesn't need a little help along the way. In this special Wednesday episode I share my own experiences raising three kids to adulthood who are hard working and amazing young people now and the science and research that shows healthy children need boundaries, rules and consistency. Parents need to parent! Some pearls of wisdom from the experts and a doctor mom who has been around the block more than a few times! (Those three in the photo are mine by the way!) Please share this podcast! Rate us and leave comments on tools you have found to be effective in raising strong children!

  • Bill Sycalik: Running a marathon in all 59 national parks

    24/04/2017 Duration: 01h16min

    Meet Bill Sycalik, a former IT management consultant from NYC who decided the lights and glamour were eating him alive. He came to the conclusion that he needed to run a marathon in all 59 national parks! And yes you read that right...all 59 national parks and at the time of publishing this podcast he has done 40! Bill has some amazing insight on mindset and motivation. He speaks of the 3 P's: Possibilities, Parks and Plants...oh yeah is a plant based athlete also! He shares how he fuels his body without a kitchen and on the road, including things he calls a salad sandwich. This interview was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed the talk about finding possibilities in your life. Don't forget to leave a comment where you listen and please rate the podcast too! Thanks! If you are inspired by Bill like I was please visit his website at and on Facebook Please consider giving any donation you can to help fund the last leg of

  • Dr. Joel Kahn: America's Healthy Heart Doc

    22/04/2017 Duration: 01h40s

    Meet Dr. Joel Kahn, America'a Healthy Heart Doc! This was an excellent example of a fantastic interview. Dr. Kahn shares some extremely important information about treating heart disease and it is fascinating. He has opened up a vegan restaurant called GreenSpace Cafe with his son. Dr. Kahn is insightful and down right hilarious...we did this podcast while he was driving...I promise it was okay. You will find yourself laughing, leaning in to learn more and finding the answers. Everything between The Vegan Sex book that is coming out soon to what to do with statins. More to come! Find Dr. Kahn at and

  • Declutter your mind to get things done

    20/04/2017 Duration: 11min

    This week's tidbit how I made it through medical school (a dual degree program MD/MBA at the same time) with three kids (5, 3, 10 months old when I started) and how you can use the same techniques to declutter your mind and get things done. You don't want to miss this one.

  • Andrew "Spud Fit" Taylor

    15/04/2017 Duration: 52min

    Meet Andrew "Spud Fit" Taylor who used the humble potato to cure his food addiction. Andrew ate only potatoes for one year when he had a self realization that he had to abstain from food in order to beat his addiction. (BTW he lost a significant amount of weight !) He shares how at times he wished his addiction had been alcohol just from the simple fact it would have been much easier to abstain from. Andrew was intuitive and very practical in his approach to overcoming his food addiction. His insight absolutely intrigues me in this interview and he shares step by step what he did on a mental and emotional level to overcome his addiction. It is a powerful interview that will encourage anyone struggling with any problem in life. There were a few technical glitches, I apologize in advance...I edited out the best I could but a few remained. You can find Andrew at and on Facebook at

  • Habits: How to Cultivate the Good Ones and Leave the Bad Ones

    13/04/2017 Duration: 28min

    Dr. Laurie Marbas starts a new addition to her regular podcast. Wednesdays she will release short, informative and practical advice on how to improve your health. These are the same things she teaches her Doc and Chef Inner Circle members. This week learn how to break bad habits and replace with good ones. Stop the never ending circle of goals that are never met. If you would like to join the Inner Circle check it out here.

  • John Pierre: celebrity trainer, kind soul and the kind of human we should all strive to be

    01/04/2017 Duration: 51min

    When you meet John Pierre, aka JP, you instantly feel like you have met an old friend. You may have seen JP work out with celebrities like Ellen DeGeneres but that is only a small part of his passions and talents. JP has been a vegan for 30+ years and is working on building an animal sanctuary. He has written and published two books, The Pillars of Health and Strong, Savvy, Safe. He is a relentless fund raiser for Project Child Save, an organization that rescues children who have been kidnapped or sold into the dark world of sex trafficking. JP has become a dear friend and I am blessed to have him in my life. I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did. You can find JP at And please consider supporting Project Child Save and you can learn more about them at

  • Dr. Kim Williams: One of America's top cardiologists talks plants

    25/03/2017 Duration: 29min

    Meet Dr. Kim Williams, past president of the American College of Cardiology and chief of cardiology at Rush University, advocates a plant-based diet for heart disease prevention. Our conversation was brief due to time constraints but it was extremely informative. We talk about the role of the whole foods plant based diet treating heart disease along with when a statin might be necessary. I hope you enjoy our conversation and it was such an honor to speak to one of my heroes! Enjoy!

  • Chris Carnrick: Confession of a Starchivore

    18/03/2017 Duration: 57min

    Meet Christopher Carnick, a humorous vegan chef who keeps me laughing throughout the entire conversation! He shares his story of discovering the power of a plant based diet thanks to Dr. John McDougall. He shares intimate details of serious side effects of a common medication prescribed to men and how his diet changed everything. He has written a book titled, Confessions of a Starchivore, which can be found on Amazon. His website is Plus, he runs a vegan bed and breakfast called Pirate Palms in Naples, Florida and it has an EDIBLE FOREST! No kidding! I can't wait to see it. You can learn more about Pirate Palms at You don't want to miss this one! Please comment and rate the podcast wherever you listen to it! Thanks...Dr. Laurie (

  • David Clark: running guru, happiness warrior, cosmic vegan, formerly depressed alcoholic

    11/03/2017 Duration: 42min

    Meet David Clark who used to rely on narcotic pain pills and alcohol to get through the day. He lost an $8 million mattress company, weighed 320 pounds, was prediabetic, and had dangerously high blood pressure. So how did he turn his life around to become one of the most talented ultra runners in the world? Including running multiple races over 100 miles. Listen, learn and be prepared to be inspired! He is also an ambassador for the Herren Project, an organization that provides education, treatment and mentoring for addiction. Check it out here.

  • Ian Cramer: the Plant-Based Cyclist

    04/03/2017 Duration: 53min

    The plant-based cyclist, searched for the ultimate nutrition to improve his cycling performance and came to the conclusion the plant-based diet was it. He was so impressed by the information he wants to gather interviews of experts to share with the world. I was lucky to be invited to talk to Ian and you will enjoy listening to this young man. His approach of sharing this information is a slow drip of sorts which you may find very useful when sharing information to others!

  • Rick Friday: Farmer cartoonist who shook up Big Ag with cartoon

    28/02/2017 Duration: 01h14min

    Meet Rick Friday, a kind farmer from Iowa who just loved to share his talent of drawing cartoons for the local farming paper until one day the truth upset the "apple cart". Listen to his story to understand the power of one voice and the need for all of us to use our influence for positive change regardless of how hard it is. I consider Rick a friend and I hope you enjoy his humor and wisdom as much as I do. You can learn more about Rick at

  • Diamond Dallas Page: This Ain't Your Mama's Yoga

    23/02/2017 Duration: 53min

    Meet Diamond Dallas Page, former professional wrestler, inductee into the WWE Hall of Fame, developer of DDP Yoga and one of the most inspiring individuals you will ever meet. He has turned his home into a refuge for those recovering from addiction and used his own injury to create a system of yoga that helps motivate many people to change their lives! You won't want to miss this one! Check out Dallas at his website and check out his awesome DDP app full of workouts, nutritional advice and yoga for everyone. Also you will want to watch Arthur Boorman's video and this is how I found Dallas!

  • Jason Cohen: Big Change the Film and Much More

    19/02/2017 Duration: 01h57min

    Meet Jason Cohen the director and creator of Big Change the Film which documents 4 individuals radical life transforming changes when they embraced a whole foods plant based diet. Jason has his own transformation that he shares with us along with much more. If you would like to learn more about his film and support the cause check out or check him out on Facebook at

  • Marcus Cook: changing your mind set can set you free

    19/02/2017 Duration: 01h52min

    Meet Marcus Cook who has had a long journey to find himself hundreds of pounds lighter and his inner athlete. Marcus shares with us how he changed his mindset, how he discovered a plant-based diet after gastric bypass and has many goals ahead of him!

  • Robyn O'Brien: Food's Erin Brockovich

    11/02/2017 Duration: 01h24min

    Meet Robyn O'Brien, a former financial, food industry analyst, mother of four, and author of The Unhealthy Truth reveals the alarming relationship between the manipulation of our food and both the increase in dangerous allergies in our children. She is a champion of a cause that is dear to her heart as her own child had an allergic reaction to food. Learn about that and much much more in this endearing and insightful conversation. Learn more about Robyn and her work at and on Facebook at

  • Adam Sud: A drug and food addict turned plant based health coach

    09/02/2017 Duration: 01h18min

    Meet Adam Sud who over came drug and food addiction and major depression to losing 130 pounds and embracing the plant based lifestyle. He is now a health coach for an innovative clinic ran by Whole Foods in Austin, Texas. You won't want to miss this one. Our conversation was full of emotion and learn how a father and son were reunited emotionally in the end. You will enjoy this one!

  • John Riddle and Leigh Garczynski: Their journey to finding nutrition that heals

    28/01/2017 Duration: 38min

    John Riddle and Leigh Garczynski the owners of Progressive Self Defense Systems have been eating a whole foods plants based diet for a few months and have had dramatic health benefits. John even gives up his age of 57 and given his history of the military, mastering multiple martial arts and creating his own system, over 2 decades in the police force and over a decade of that in SWAT he has abused his body. But food removed joint pains, fatigue and much more. Leigh has had dramatic changes as well and she didn't share her age and I won't tell. I'll just say she looks fabulous! I love these two like family and I hope you enjoy our conversation.

  • Nalida Lacet Besson

    26/01/2017 Duration: 01h04min

    Meet Nalida Lacet Besson who is going to inspire you to be the best you regardless of your circumstances. Learn how this teacher and mother of three visually impaired children went on to lose 100 pounds! She is beautiful human being from the inside out and I hope you enjoy listening as much as I did speaking to her.

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