Technicolor Jesus



Technicolor Jesus is a podcast about movies and ministry for pastors, preachers, and Sunday school teachers. Hosts Matt Gaventa and Adam Hearlson choose movies from across the history of film and discuss how these movies might connect to the coming Sunday scripture from the Revised Common Lectionary. Technicolor Jesus is a podcast for those who recognize the power of film to inspire our theological imaginations.


  • 75: Some Like it Hot

    18/02/2020 Duration: 49min

    On this week's Sunday Morning Matinee, Matt and Adam talk comedy, identity, and Billy Wilder's classic, Some Like it Hot. In the first segment, Matt and Adam talk about how a radical vision of gender ambiguity animates the comedy of Some like it Hot. The conversation turns to a discussion about how the famous last line of the movie has deeply theological implications. In the second segment, the two discuss the scripture passages for Transfiguration Sunday and how Christ's new form and Some like it Hot intersect at questions of revealed identities and what is hidden in the midst of revelation. Finally, Matt talks about movies he watched on a plane, and Adam discusses an article he read.

  • 74: 2020 Oscars Discussion

    11/02/2020 Duration: 32min

    On this week's Sunday Morning Matinee, Matt and Adam talk about how the Academy Awards disrupted their own narrative by awarding the Best Picture award to Bong Joon Ho's masterpiece, Parasite. After heaping praise on Parasite (and scorn on the award show) Matt and Adam discuss a great year in movies and note some of their own favorites.

  • 73: The Two Popes

    13/01/2020 Duration: 51min

    On this week's Sunday Morning Matinee, Matt and Adam talk about the papacy, the burdens of ministry, and The Two Popes. In the first segment, Matt and Adam discuss how two of the most powerful people in the world can still struggle with the quotidian trials of ministry. Popes! They are just like us. The conversation also turns to how failure prepares people for leadership. In the second segment, Matt and Adam discuss the advent texts for Epiphany 2 and how the sound of the calling shapes the one being called. Finally, Matt loves British television and Adam loves bad television. So after you watch two guys talk to each other for a full movie, come and listen to two guys talk to each other about the movie where two guys talk to each other!

  • 72: Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker

    24/12/2019 Duration: 55min

    On this special Christmas Eve Sunday Morning Matinee, Matt and Adam talk about stories, Christmas and Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Considering that Star Wars might be the most important pop culture property of the past 100 years, it is fitting to gather and talk about the last film in the Skywalker Saga. Matt and Adam talk about the problems and merits of The Rise of Skywalker before trying to connect the story to the season of Christmas and Epiphany. Finally, the two end the show with a discussion of film archives and christmas bobby traps. So if you are driving home for Christmas or have run out of things to say to your family, come and join Matt and Adam for a little holiday fun.

  • 71: It's a Wonderful Life

    16/12/2019 Duration: 58min

    On this week's Sunday Morning Matinee, Matt and Adam talk sacrifice, small town life, Christmas movies, and the Frank Capra classic, It's a Wonderful Life. In the first segment, Adam share his distaste before Matt provides an affectionate rebuttal. Then Adam softens and Matt gets critical. In the second segment, the discussion turns to the lectionary passages for Advent 4A and how the connect to It's a Wonderful Life. Specifically, talk centers around Matthew's birth narrative and how mission and calling help us understand Christmas. Finally, Matt loves movies about reading and Adam loves Little Baby Yoda. It's doesn't matter if you prefer Pottersvile or Bedford Falls, you will always find a home at Sunday Morning Matinee.

  • 70: The Irishman

    10/12/2019 Duration: 54min

    On this week's episode of Sunday Morning Matinee, Matt and Adam talk aging, gangsters, repentance and Martin Scorcese's new film, The Irishman. In the first segment, Matt and Adam discuss their thoughts of the movie, it's three and half hour runtime, and its place within the genre. The discussion then turns to themes of repentence and the formation of identity in a violent world. In the second segment, the discussion turns toward the lectionary passages for this coming week, December 15, 2019. Specifically, the conversation examines the back and forth of John the Baptist and Jesus and the way in which hearing and seeing Christ in the world undermines the propensity to do terrible things. Finally, in the final segment, Matt goes tech geek and Adam learns that reading is pretty great. So, when you finally finish The Irishman, stop in and join the conversation!

  • 69: A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

    27/11/2019 Duration: 54min

    On this week’s Sunday Morning Matinee, Adam and Matt are joined by Bromleigh McCleneghen to discuss the new Fred Rogers movie, A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood. In the first part of the show, the group discusses the peculiarity of Fred Rogers and the theological lessons he taught the world. The group also tries to understand the value of Fred Rogers in our divided time. In the second segment, attention turns to the lectionary passages for the first week in Advent, year A. Spending time with the Isaiah passage, the group discusses the types of imagination and work needed to turn swords into plowshares. Finally, in the last segment, Matt goes click and clack and Adam lets out his inner Roman Catholic. You know, it IS a beautiful day in the neighborhood. Won’t you join us?

  • 68: Frozen

    12/11/2019 Duration: 56min

    In anticipation of Frozen 2, Matt and Adam revisit Disney's 2013 mega-hit, Frozen. In the first segment, the conversation turns to questions of sacrifice, atonement, and true love. Additionally, the hosts can't escape talking about the staying power and meaning of the ubiquitous ear-worm of a song, "Let it Go." In the second segment of the show, Matt and Adam turn their attention to the lectionary passages for November 17th and talk about how Frozen can help us understand the New Jerusalem and the grace of ice. Finally, in the final segment, Adam talks banned books and Matt pours one out for some bloggers. Friends, let it go--all of it--it's time for Sunday Morning Matinee!

  • 67: Minding the Gap

    29/10/2019 Duration: 49min

    On this week's Sunday Morning Matinee, Matt and Adam talk about skateboarding, family, brokenness and Bing Lau's incredible film, Minding the Gap. In the first segment, Matt and Adam discuss the themes of the film and how they intersect with life, theology and ministry. Specifically, the conversation examines the way in which violence shapes, deforms and inspires the main characters. In the second segment, Matt and Adam discuss the movie in light of the lectionary scriptures for this coming Sunday, November 3rd. Specifically, the conversation centers around Habbakuk, the alternate Psalm and the interplay of truth, waiting, and patience. Finally, in the last segment, Matt talks parasites and Adam talks waves. Minding the Gap  is an amazing film, go watch it. Once you have, come and join the conversation!

  • 66: Joker

    15/10/2019 Duration: 51min

    On this week's Sunday Morning Matinee, Adam and Matt reflect on the the many themes of the movie Joker and how they might inform our theologies and support our ministries. In the first segment, the conversation revolves around the all the ways Joker tries to be something other than a superhero movie, while also trying to be a superhero movie. In the second segment, Matt and Adam look at the lectionary passages for October 20th, 24th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year C and discuss how they connect to Joker. Finally, Matt talks about another stand up comic movie and Adam talks about a comic book... book.

  • 64: Booksmart

    01/10/2019 Duration: 51min
  • #64: Terminator 2: Judgement Day

    17/09/2019 Duration: 51min

    In the first episode of the season, Matt and Adam welcome Brennan Breed to talk about apocalypse, transhumanism, and Terminator 2 Judgement Day. In the first segment, the discussion centers around theological questions of apocalypse, human hubris, and the technocratic impulses of our world. In the second segment, the group discusses Terminator 2 in light of the lectionary passages for September 22. In the final segment, Matt talks Veronica Mars and Adam gives thanks for his liberal arts education. So break out your Guns and Roses casette tape and jump on your dirt bike, it's time for another week of Sunday Morning Matinee.

  • LIVE: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

    09/09/2019 Duration: 27min

    In anticipation of the new season of Sunday Morning Matinee here is a quick discussion of Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade at the Alamo Draft House in Austin, TX. As guests of Covenant Presbyterian Church in Austin, TX, Adam and Matt discuss holiness, the grail, and fathers in front of a live audience that has just watched the movie.

  • 63: The Biggest Little Farm

    07/05/2019 Duration: 53min

    On this week's episode of Sunday Morning Matinee, Matt and Adam talk with Nate Stucky, Director of the Farminary at Princeton Theological Seminary about farming, harmony, theology and the new film, The Biggest Little Farm.  In 2011, Los Angeles couple John and Molly Chester decided to upend their cosmopolitan lifestyle and bought a piece of dried-out land north out of the city and dedicated themselves to converting it into a fully biodiverse agricultural utopia named Apricot Lane Farms. This move was in accordance with Molly’s long-held dream, but John also happens to be an Emmy-Award winning director and cinematographer, so over the eight years of bringing this farm to life he has been chronicling their story on film, which now comes together as the feature documentary The Biggest Little Farm. Because it’s John and Molly telling their own story, this thing is profoundly personal -- it’s not a critical look, it’s a reflective love letter to the dream they had and the way in which it has grown and changed the

  • 62: Avengers: Endgame

    30/04/2019 Duration: 57min

    The end is nigh! On this week’s Sunday Morning Matinee, Matt and Adam talk with Eric Barreto about redemption, the apocalypse, and  Avengers: Endgame. In case you have been living in a monastic hut, Avengers: Endgame was released on April 25th and made nearly 1.2 Billion dollars in a single weekend. The movie is a pop culture goliath. But is it any good? Does it preach? In the first segment, Justification by Faith, Matt, Adam and Eric describe the theological themes within Avengers: Endgame and how the movie affected them. In the second segment, Preaching to the Choir, the crew discusses how the lectionary passages for May 5th, Easter 3, Year C, intersect with Avengers: Endgame. Finally, in the Postludes, Matt discusses Free Comic Book Day and Adam talks about his pop culture smorgasbord.

  • 61: Life of Brian

    16/04/2019 Duration: 49min

    On this week’s episode of Sunday Morning Matinee, Matt and Adam sit down with Matt Skinner, NT Testament Professor at Luther Seminary, to talk about Easter, Crucifixion and the greatest story ever told (sort of), Monty Python’s Life of Brian. In the first segment, the discussion centers around Monty Python’s  absurd spin on the ancient world that helps us see religion, power, and Jesus from a new vantage. In the second segment, Preaching to the Choir, the group examines Luke’s resurrection account and the idle tales that make up our Easter preaching. Finally, Matt and Adam play to type. Matt talks about The Simpsons and Adam talks about Chrysostom. Remember friends, Brian is not the Messiah, he is a very naughty boy. If that reference makes any sense then you are sure to love this week’s episode.

  • #60: A League of Their Own

    02/04/2019 Duration: 50min

    On opening day for the 2019 baseball season, Adam and Matt welcome Kathryn Reklis to the Sunday Morning Matinee to talk about Penny Marshall's 1992 film, A League of Their Own. In the first segment, the conversation explores the theological and social themes of A League of Their Own, noting the ways in which the motivation and desires of Dottie, the protagonist, remain elusive and curious. In the second segment, Preaching to the Choir, the discussion turns to the intersections of the movie with the lectionary passages for the fifth week in Lent, Year C, April 7. Finally, in the final segment, Postludes, Matt talks about robots and Adam talks about kilts. Support the war effort and come and listen!

  • 59: Captain Marvel

    12/03/2019 Duration: 49min

    New name, same nerds! Sunday Morning Matinee travels back to the nineties to talk memory, refugees, and Marvel’s newest superhero movie, Captain Marvel. In our first segment, Justification by Faith, we talk about the theological themes of Captain Marvel. Specifically, the conversation revolves around memory, assimilation, and the Marvel genre. In our second segment, Preaching to the Choir, we discuss how Captain Marvel might intersect with the lectionary passages for Lent 2, Year C, March 17, 2019. Finally, with our closing Postludes, Matt talks about Star Trek (again) and Adam talks about a documentary (again). So grab your popcorn, your flannel shirt, and your alien cat, it is time for Sunday Morning Matinee. Also, support for Technicolor Jesus comes from Emory University's Candler School of Theology in Atlanta. They have just begun offering a two year master's degree in religious leadership. Learn more at:

  • 58: Oscars Round-up

    26/02/2019 Duration: 35min

    As part of their yearly tradition, Matt and Adam reflect on the 2019 Academy Awards and the year in filmmaking. Besides discussing favorite moments, the guys discuss the merits of Green Book and the absence of Spike Lee within the history of the Academy Awards. Finally, in an effort to reach a broader audience (among other things) the name of the podcast is going to change. The subscriptions won't be affected and we will still be working with The Christian Century, but the name and artwork of the show will change before the next episode on March 11. The new name of the podcast will be..."Sunday Morning Matinee" Stay tuned for new and interesting things happening in the near future. Also, support for Technicolor Jesus comes from Emory University's Candler School of Theology in Atlanta. They have just begun offering a two year master's degree in religious leadership. Learn more at

  • 57: Love and Basketball

    20/02/2019 Duration: 51min

    On the heels of NBA All-Star weekend and in anticipation of March Madness, this week Matt and Adam sit down with Aisha Brooks Lytle to talk about Love and Basketball. In the first segment, Justification by Faith, the group discusses what Love and Basketball has to do with life, ministry and the world. In the second segment, Preaching to the Choir, the trio discusses how Love and Basketball intersects with the lectionary passages for the Seventh sunday in Epiphany, Year C. Specifically, they spend most of their attention on the story of Joseph and the role of family systems in the formation of identity. Finally, as postludes, Matt sees the groundhog and Adam learns to love his city. Come for the good conversation, stay for Adam’s list of best Basketball movies. Friends, it’s time for Technicolor Jesus.

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