College Debt To Career Cash: Go Beyond The Resume And Sell Yourself In The Interview, Negotiate Salary And Pay Off Loans Earl



Going from college debt to career cash!


  • Secret interview tips revealed by CEO Jason Forrest. His sales training program is ranked #1 in the country. (part 1)

    14/02/2021 Duration: 23min

    Start with your "story" not only for your own motivation but how you come across in a meeting. Having trouble getting interviews? Work on meeting people and becoming friends with other reps.  Need some great questions to set you up as the leader in the interview? Use Jason's words and begin to practice in your own words so you can win! I offer coaching to help you go through three steps to get hired. If you want help with discovering your story and selling yourself, finding interviews and crushing the interview please reach out to me on LinkedIn or go to my website:

  • I wish I was more prepared and would have found your podcast sooner-Priscilla part 1

    01/02/2021 Duration: 33min

    Three steps to Get Hired: Discover Your Story and Sell Yourself Find interviews through Networking with reps Four Stages to Crush the Interview Today's episode focuses on step one, your story! As you develop your story you want to identify "transferrable skills" and have multiple examples.  Next give them the passion "why" you want the job, again support your drive and determination with stories form your personal and professional life! Next time we will talk about the secret get interviews and how to become the one they want to hire! Interviewing is like sales in that there is a proven process. I look forward to sharing and helping you with this process.   

  • Sick of Zoom? Wait! Your Zoom and virtual skills might give you an edge! -Steve Benson CEO

    25/01/2021 Duration: 40min

    Steve Benson CEO of Badger Maps and LinkedIn Instructor and business owner is an expert on sales force management. We talk about how companies will have different hiring practices coming out of the pandemic. Now might be the opportunity to demonstrate your Zoom or virtual selling skills. Yes we are all sick of "Zoom", but medical and pharmaceutical sales reps might be stuck with it for a while longer.  Steve's podcast, Outside Sales Talk, is a gold mine for learning what is popular is sales! His expert guest might just be what you need to land and excel in your first sales role! For example: Joanne Black, No More Cold Calling,  Steve's enthusiasm and knowledge is sure to support your efforts to get hired and be successful in medical sales.  After talking to over 100 reps and other experts this year, I have come up with my Three Steps to Get Hired coaching plan Do you need help with your story or resume, help getting interviews and want to learn how to sell yourself

  • I didn't get the offer so how can I do better next time? - Meghan

    14/01/2021 Duration: 43min

    Your story in an interview comes down to why you and how are you are going to do it! That's what the employer cares about so start now developing your story. What makes you special or unique compared to the competition? Your story! The specific examples and details of your life's experiences and accomplishments is what they are looking for and how they will remember you. So take time now to review your  skills and accomplishments. Next think through your transferable skills from previous jobs.  How are you going to be successful in this new job? How are you going to use your skills and abilities to accomplish this? Think about your personality and the proof! Are you likeable and are you able to connect in the interview? Can you provide specific examples of the skills required?  Great! Now practice telling your story as it relates to the job for which you are interviewing!    

  • From retail store manager to trauma sales in NY city. What is your next move? -Joe

    22/12/2020 Duration: 31min

    Joe followed a step by step process that led to his medical sales job. Starting with his college degree and work experience he developed his story and got the coaching and stuck to a process.  He needed to get some B2B sales experience since retail sales alone is often not valued enough when one is applying for a high level medical sales job. Next he learned some crucial interviewing skills that helped him "close" and advance to next steps in the hiring process. What is your plan and process to get hired? I encourage you to think about the three steps: Discover Your Story, Network to Get Interviews and Four Stages to Crush an Interview.  Everyone is at at different place so think about your situation and how you can move through the three steps! If I can help please send me a message on LinkedIn or go to:   

  • Don't waste your time applying for jobs! Learn how to get interviews! - Travis

    04/12/2020 Duration: 48min

    Use LinkedIn to reach out and make friends in the medical and pharmaceutical sales community. Use a "custom connection request" that has two parts: *Compliment the person! (Genuinely find something you admire) *Ask for their help! ( Ask for their advice or suggestions) Your chances are much higher to make a new connection with this approach, rather than randomly sending out generic connection requests. Not one wants to feel spammed! If you want friendships that will lead to interviews then start off by being a genuine friend with your personalized invitation! Have a goal to send out so many a day, say 5-6, and then follow up and build your network! If you are interviewing then leverage those relationships to get the inside scoop about a "day in the life" for that role.     

  • Need interviews? Want to get better at interviewing?-Emily (part two)

    28/10/2020 Duration: 16min

    What is Emily's secret weapon to get hired? Does she have a silver bullet? Not really, but she is focusing her energy and enthusiasm on all the things that she can control! To get interviews she is doing tons of follow up and talking to anyone she can!  I ask her," How are you overcoming the lack of medical sales experience?" Her answer was to get in the right mindset by gaining confidence in the interview rather getting discouraged! That led to a great talk about playing the numbers game when it comes to interviewing and how it can be a huge confidence booster! What is the biggest mistake we all tend to make? We stop doing the things that are working and then our progress stops.   

  • What are the best parts of your story?- Emily

    16/10/2020 Duration: 21min

    People buy or hire people they like and your story will help them to like you. I suggest if you are networking to get interviews or if you have an interview, practice sharing your top three qualities. Don't wait and stumble when you are asked, "tell me about yourself and why medical sales?"  Come up with specific examples that are relevant and create some emotional bonding so people are more drawn to you! Have no doubts when the interview is over that you we were persuasive and likeable! Practice so it flows with confidence!    

  • No sales experience? No problem! Learn how Clay closes the interview with confidence!

    30/09/2020 Duration: 23min

    Clay lands a premium medical sales position without having any sales experience! His advice: "The process to get interviews and to get hired works so don't give up!" Clay was getting turned down but he got better at the interview process. He says take all the interviews you can get and practice and improve along the way! How much time and energy are you willing to invest to learn how to sell yourself?     

  • Does the job fit with your personality? - Shaney

    01/09/2020 Duration: 27min

    Be extremely over prepared for everything!  How can you shine in the interview? Start now putting together your brag book. Are you demonstrating that you know the "touch points" in the interview and in the medical sales process? How would you rate your follow up on a scale from 1-10?

  • We are always looking for good people! - Paul Seymour

    03/08/2020 Duration: 39min

    Once again our guest talks about you don't have to be perfect to get hired. But you do have to be likeable, consistently show up and be prepared. Yes this is a difficult time and hiring might be delayed but the bottom line is they still need good people. Learn what it takes and sharpen your skills with Academy for Medical Device Sales. Save 10% Coupon Code: get hired in medical sales  

  • How does someone get hired during a pandemic? Let's ask Lyonell Gaines!

    15/07/2020 Duration: 32min

    Lyonell just stayed focused and found opportunities to interview. Look at your plan to get hired and yourself if you are really focused on what you can control? Think about the 80/20 rule and are you spending the majority of your time on what will give you the best results?  Have your elevator speech ready and be willing to meet new people and share it!

  • Is now the time to consider medical or pharmaceutical sales?-Chris Burkhart

    23/06/2020 Duration: 33min

    If you have been laid off and you have transferrable skills think about medical or pharmaceutical sales!  1.) Discover your story and get clear on your strengths  2.) Network to get interviews 3.) Crush the interview in Four Stages In this episode Chris has a lead on a job opening so I help him zero in on getting the interview.  Chris and I are working on the Three Steps to Get Hired and hopefully this discussion will give you some ideas.

  • Why is your resume getting screened? What can you do? Virginia Franco

    10/06/2020 Duration: 38min

    Virginia Franco Resmues Job Search Secret Weapon (DIY service for all of your job search tools) Here is exactly how to word your resume to get noticed. She is an executive storyteller, which basically means she can help us craft a great resume! Have you ever wondered why your resume gets screened? She tells us why and offers a fresh approach!

  • Take time now to find the "transferable skills" in your story-Cal

    26/05/2020 Duration: 44min

    The key to getting hired is being likeable and credible. People form opinions about us in seconds so how can we win them over? Practice being warm and competent. Before an interview in medical sales have an in depth conversations with a couple of reps for that company. Be informed about "a day in the life" of those reps. This will totally help you to bond and show knowledge about the job during the interview. Find your special abilities and learn to weave those into the interview. Build your close around those little wins!

  • How do I capitalize on the opportunity to sell myself?- Clay Brearly

    13/05/2020 Duration: 35min

    Clay is getting so close but needs a little help to nail the final interview! Without sales experience you have to demonstrate that you have the "self-awareness" to embrace the process and get better! They already have your resume so don't worry about your lack of experience now is the time to sell yourself. For a deeper dive check out: Academy For Medical Device Sales  Get industry knowledge, get certified and get more confidence!    

  • How much time should I allow to close the interview?- Michelle Chauvin

    06/05/2020 Duration: 34min

    If you don't close a sales interview you will never get hired. Reverse engineer the interview making time to set up the close and give it the time and attention required. There is a good chance you are interviewing with sales people so they expect you to make a strong and persuasive close. Time clock for interview: 10 minutes intro/bonding 10 minutes questions/answers and 10 minutes trial close/hard close

  • From forklift driver to medical sales! Prepare now for your hurdle? -Scott Vanstory

    24/04/2020 Duration: 37min

    Scott shares that after trying several different things he was ready for medical sales.  What do you need to do now to be ready?   Should you do some self study through Academy for Medical Device Sales? Get some industry specific knowledge and the personal confidence to nail your interview! If you are willing to "Zig Zag" like Scott you too can get hired!

  • Does medical and pharmaceutical sales pay the same?- Kolby Wood

    17/04/2020 Duration: 48min

    In a Medreps salary survey for 2019, pharmaceutical sales reps saw an average of $10,000 increase. ( 2019 salary survey) Listen to Kolb's best advice to sell "yourself" in an interview! If the pay is not much greater for a straight commission verse a salaried position, is it worth the downside risk? What is the best career path in medical or pharmaceutical sales?  Should I wait for the perfect job or just get my foot in the door?   

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