Note Mba



The Note MBA Podcast aims to show you an inside story of two guys who have jumped head first into the defaulted note business. Follow us as we share our grassroots education in note investing and this expanding community of investors. Learn all while one half travels the world in pursuit of every location independent entrepreneurs dream and the other expands his love for business and family enough to fill the great state of Texas. Were here to show you that youre never alone in the note business. Join us every Wednesday to find out what were up to now.


  • 110: Meta Learning, Florida Foreclosure & The FAT Tax

    08/02/2017 Duration: 33min

      First off, Chase wants everyone to join us in wishing Robert a belated Happy Birthday as he celebrated yet another wonderful year on this earth this past week! To kick things off from there, Robby and Chase discuss a recent Facebook challenge that Robby has taken on with a friend of his, Eric Harding. The challenge involves being more in tune with your health, proper alcohol intake & a “fat tax.” The rules dictate that everyone will be their accountability partners so to speak and anyone who discovers Robert or Eric having a sip of alcohol before March 5th will be paid $250. On a quick side note, an awesome fundraiser that we'd love for you to check out involves a fellow note investor. It's a GoFund Me for a friend who’s son has some type of genetic disease. Also, Robby will be headed to Haiti at the end of February with another note investor, Scott Dilley. It's for the charity organization Children First. Go check out their Facebook page, and if you're able to they could always use a donation. Next u

  • The Science of Getting Rich: Gratitude, Thinking In A Certain Way

    03/02/2017 Duration: 16min

    Hey guys, We're really excited with the idea of these extra episodes to the podcast. I came to Chase with the idea of just reading from books that I'm being influenced by, or that he's being influenced by. And we're going to mix that in throughout the course of the year with some video. But, given this is our first go at it,I guess I thought it was important to point out this is just a book we're really influenced by. It's not number one on the list, it's not number 10 or number 20 - I don't really know where it falls. I think it's really valuable to just have in your space. I know I appreciate that I was exposed to this book by multiple people. One person pointed out four chapters specifically. We'll be bringing you something special regarding that, and try to include a cameo appearance by that person. I want to say thank you for listening. Bare in mind that this first reading is my first attempt at anything like this. We appreciate all the feedback that you guys might have about this project. And as always,

  • 109: Oklahoma CFD & Property Management To Avoid

    01/02/2017 Duration: 38min

    Robby and Chase are both freshly back from recent trips and have finally decompressed from some packed schedules. After thanking listeners from their past weekends, they dive into a few great books they recently finished as well as what Chase is currently reading, which happens to be a re-read, 4 Hour Chef and a daily dose of The Tools of Titans. Next up, they start discussing an Oklahoma CFD deal Chase just funded. He explains that it looks like the borrower has actually completed some capital improvements to the property instead of paying the bills. The actual UPB they had on this one was just south of 35k and the acquisition price was $24,000, while the current market value is between 49k and 56k. The exit strategy currently looks like foreclosure for this one and Chase will keep everyone posted as to how it works out. Robert goes over a deal he’s getting out of in Canton, Ohio where he has discovered one of the worst property managers he has ever worked with which is Hayes Property Management. He original

  • The Science of Getting Rich: Increasing Life, How Riches Come To You

    27/01/2017 Duration: 20min

    Hey guys, We're really excited with the idea of these extra episodes to the podcast. I came to Chase with the idea of just reading from books that I'm being influenced by, or that he's being influenced by. And we're going to mix that in throughout the course of the year with some video. But, given this is our first go at it,I guess I thought it was important to point out this is just a book we're really influenced by. It's not number one on the list, it's not number 10 or number 20 - I don't really know where it falls. I think it's really valuable to just have in your space. I know I appreciate that I was exposed to this book by multiple people. One person pointed out four chapters specifically. We'll be bringing you something special regarding that, and try to include a cameo appearance by that person. I want to say thank you for listening. Bare in mind that this first reading is my first attempt at anything like this. We appreciate all the feedback that you guys might have about this project. And as always,

  • 108: High Priced Mortgage Loans

    25/01/2017 Duration: 37min

    Today the fellas let a guest break down the nuances of high priced mortgage loans, and more. Robby & Chase kick things off by discussing how Robert started a relationship with his new accountant and ways to set expectations on both ends to ensure a positive & proactive business relationship. Also, as a friendly reminder, if you shared the show, be sure to check your email as Chase is still waiting on a few addresses to email out copies of Tim Ferriss’ book titled Tools of Titans. After the reminder, they quickly segue into an IMN conference Robby recently attended in Palm Beach, Florida. His biggest takeaway there was the power of networking. It’s always great to be able to put a name and a face to the individuals you’re wiring hundreds of thousands of dollars to. Of course, building additional rapport can only help in the long run as well. Chase and Robby then reminisce to the first IMN event that Robby attended and how far he has come since then. They discuss the emotions when attending one of these

  • The Science of Getting Rich: Is Opportunity Monopolized, The First Principle

    23/01/2017 Duration: 18min

    Hey guys, We're really excited with the idea of these extra episodes to the podcast. I came to Chase with the idea of just reading from books that I'm being influenced by, or that he's being influenced by. And we're going to mix that in throughout the course of the year with some video. But, given this is our first go at it,I guess I thought it was important to point out this is just a book we're really influenced by. It's not number one on the list, it's not number 10 or number 20 - I don't really know where it falls. I think it's really valuable to just have in your space. I know I appreciate that I was exposed to this book by multiple people. One person pointed out four chapters specifically. We'll be bringing you something special regarding that, and try to include a cameo appearance by that person. I want to say thank you for listening. Bare in mind that this first reading is my first attempt at anything like this. We appreciate all the feedback that you guys might have about this project. And as always,

  • 107: Analytical Engineer to Real Estate Investor, Multiple Family to Notes

    18/01/2017 Duration: 50min

    On today’s episode, Robby and Chase interview a guy that went from analytical engineer to real estate investor. They are fortunate to have a guest on the show with a wealth of experience in multi-family and single family investing. His name is Adam Adams with AJA Investments. They get started by letting Adam talk about how his ROI analysis software which evolved over time to allow for more efficient analysis of potential note deals. They go on to discuss how the overall effects of this on his business and the benefits to understanding and being confident in your numbers. They then segue into discussing forced place insurance and a cheaper insurance option that Adam recently found at Note Expo in Fort Worth, Texas. One of the great things that Adam found is a program they have for pools of notes where he’s paying 1% premiums per year on his declared note value. This prompts Robby to ask a question and also issue a small challenge. Robby uses REI Guard through Infinity and he does the replacement cost / actual

  • The Science of Getting Rich, The Preface

    13/01/2017 Duration: 17min

    Hey guys, We're really excited with the idea of these extra episodes to the podcast. I came to Chase with the idea of just reading from books that I'm being influenced by, or that he's being influenced by. And we're going to mix that in throughout the course of the year with some video. But, given this is our first go at it,I guess I thought it was important to point out this is just a book we're really influenced by. It's not number one on the list, it's not number 10 or number 20 - I don't really know where it falls. I think it's something that really valuable to just have in your space. I know I appreciate that I was exposed to this book by multiple people. One person pointed out four chapters specifically. We'll be bringing you something special regarding that, and try to include a cameo appearance by that person. I want to say thank you for listening. Bare in mind that this first reading is my first attempt at anything like this. We appreciate all the feedback that you guys might have about this project.

  • 106: We're Hiring a VA Because of You

    11/01/2017 Duration: 41min

    Today the guys discuss an effective strategy for hiring a VA, a marketing event happening in February, contract for deeds, and more. First off, a reminder to all, remember to share the content from a past episode, tag the Note MBA Facebook business page, and subscribe to the NoteMBA podcast to get a free copy of the book by Tim Ferriss titled, “Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers.” They then dive into the trials and tribulations of hiring an effective virtual assistant that can have an immediate impact on your business. $7.5 to $8.5 per hour is the effective rate that Chase has found for a solid VA. Robert then dives into weighing the dollar value of your time versus the cost of hiring a virtual assistant which then leads into the value of putting the proper system(s) in place for your business (one of which is Salesforce for Robert). One of the best lessons of the show is that if time and hard work equals easy then you’re in the right place! C

  • 105: Important Real Estate Rehab Lessons, Goal Review & Book Giveaway

    04/01/2017 Duration: 31min

    Robby & Chase are back and fresh off some recent travels where they were both reminded of goal setting & episode 96 that showcased Earl Nightingale’s “the Strangest Secret.” However on this episode, they wanted to talk about 2 particular items regarding deals. Robert starts out by discussing a situation in Ohio where they have one contractor working on multiple full renovation projects. Robert started the relationship off a referral from someone he has a great relationship and extreme trust with so he gave the contractor a lot of leeway. There were some delays (snow & health issues), but for various reasons, Robert never went up to inspect the properties. Robby laments that he does take full responsibility for the problems and knows that many of the listeners are probably laughing as they know what’s coming… So over the holidays, Robby flew Jeff up to see his family as well as inspect these properties. Before Jeff got there, the contractor asked Robby for the final payment on one of the properties

  • 104: Goals R' Us

    28/12/2016 Duration: 01h18min

    Show notes coming soon.

  • 103: Thanksgiving 2k16 & Drug Dealer Cellphones

    23/11/2016 Duration: 36min

    It's Thanksgiving 2k16 people! In this week's show we take time to say thank you, talking about outsourcing, buying drug dealer cellphones, and so much more. Right off the top, this week's episode is the annual Thanksgiving edition, and Chase dives right in with gratitude. As part of the weekly Note MBA Insider email, he already took some time to thank the listeners and Note MBA community. However, just in case you don't get the weekly email, he takes a moment to say thank you. Moving right along with the Thanksgiving analogue, Chase prompts Robby to discuss how full their plates are currently. They've been incredibly busy these past few months. Robby notes that one of the biggest opportunities with all these projects is closing them out. He harps on the need to finish what they've started to keep from spinning too many plates at once. We've talked before about the importance of having effective boots on the ground in areas you're investing. Well, what's the next best thing to your own boots? During the inter

  • 102: 0 to 1500 deals in 3 years with Paul Birkett

    16/11/2016 Duration: 53min

    Since Robby had to take a last minute trip up to Chicago to take a look at some of their assets, Chase took the time to interview, Paul Birkett, who has a 20 year corporate career background with the likes of Proctor & Gamble and Pepsi Co and has been able to acquire 1,500 assets in his first 3 years! To start out the conversation, Chase asks Paul to describe how he got started and some of the pitfalls he experienced in the beginning stages of his note business. He begins by repeating one of our favorite phrases on the show, “well, you don’t know what you don’t know.” He started out in the Note business while doing a short sale with PNC Bank when the lady who was managing the short sale called him and told him we can’t sell you the note because we sold the note. Paul then met the guy who bought the note and discovered the wonderful world of notes. He quickly sold the roughly 15 rentals had so he could putting capital in to the note space. He also describes how they grew a little too quickly for their own

  • 101: Florida Supreme Court Rulings, The Benefits of Facebook Advertising & Facebook Live

    09/11/2016 Duration: 38min

    After some initial Election Day banter, Robby and Chase discuss a couple important topics including a recent Florida Supreme Court Ruling. In the case of the legal topic, the Florida Supreme Court finally ruled on the statute of limitation issue presented in Bartram vs U.S. Bank. Long story short, banks now essentially have a do over and experts expect upticks in State foreclosures in the next 12 to 24 months. The guys discuss the future impact and ramifications of this ruling and you’ll be surprised at their thoughts on whether it’ll spread to other States. Their next topic is another fascinating article from the Wall Street Journal titled “Banks Fall Back in Mortgage Lending.” The reason they believe this is so impactful is because of the $50,000 to $100,000 mark where banks don’t really want to lend because of limitations of Dodd Frank. Essentially, this lending range is slowly giving way more to individual investors & smaller funds and there is a great opportunity to build wealth in the near future w

  • 100: The First Principles of Note Investing & Life

    02/11/2016 Duration: 39min

    This week we break down the first principles of note investing, life, and business. All viewed through the scope of our first 100 episode of the Note MBA podcast. We realized there have been some interesting trends and motifs that have emerged throughout the first 100 episodes. So, today we discuss those principles, as well as a few of our favorite moments. We kick off this week's Best of Note MBA-esque show with Episode 7: We're Not Gurus. This was a seminal episode for us, where we put a line in the sand about what the show would and wouldn't be. During this show we also talked about how we breakdown a note tape. Episode 8: Joel Markovitz, VP of Business Development, is the next show up for discussion. An interview with a servicer can usually be a daunting task. However, time with Joel Markovitz is always pleasant. This was also the episode we announced we were on the home page of iTunes. This is something that we could not have accomplished without our growing community. After this, Robby took some time t

  • 099: Love It Or List It, You Decide

    26/10/2016 Duration: 31min

    Love it or list it? To start off the show, Robby discusses a decision he has to make with his condo/loft in Las Vegas. He needs to decide whether to rent it out again or to sell it and use the capital for a multi-family deal he has his eyes on. Chase lets listeners know that a survey will be emailed out to the Note MBA Insiders who will get to help Robby decide what to do! Chase then brings up the idea, from a few shows ago, about bringing on a tax/accountant guy to interview on the show. He let’s everyone know that it is actually in the works and is trying to make it happen before the end of the year. The guys then segue into the topic of Contract for Deeds. Recently, a well informed listener (on the topic of contract for deeds) reached out to Robby to give him a contact for an attorney in Columbus, OH and also, a link for a great resource as well which is: It’s an extremely beneficial resource that links to each State’s laws on Contract for Deeds! Robby then discusse

  • 098: New Capital Raising Strategies to Supercharge Your Business

    19/10/2016 Duration: 24min

    On this week’s episode, Robby and Chase talk about some new capital raising strategies, but they start out by discussing necessary business expenses due to a recent story about Chase needing to buy a new iPhone which ultimately led him to switching carriers. They quickly segue into an email Chase received on his new iPhone about an interesting strategy & potentially great idea to utilize self-directed IRA money for raising capital. Chase then recounts the recent Note Camp where over 400+ investors were in attendance and no one discussed this strategy that was brought up in the email Chase received. Chase also gave a presentation at this event on marketing your business and was extremely humbled to hear that one of the attendants has been very successful at raising capital as of late because he  has implemented Chase’s guide to a T. This story reminds Robby of a quote he heard which claims “Not taking action is still making a decision,” and that’s it’s always gratifying to hear that there are listeners out

  • 097: Note CAMP & Networking at 30,000 Feet

    12/10/2016 Duration: 30min

    Today's episode is jammed packed with content ranging from Note CAMP to Contract for Deeds to Networking. We thought we were back in the saddle last week. This week, we really get after it. We jump right in with Note CAMP 2.0. Chase has been gearing up for the Note CAMP 2.0. Note CAMP was the industry's first completely virtual conference. It's back again this week with an even better line up of speakers. IF you haven't already pick up your ticket for the event. It's one of the best note investing conferences in the country, and you can attend from the comfort of your home. From there, the guys transition to some of the upcoming interviews that'll be featured on Note MBA. Hedge fund managers, accountants, loss mitigation servicers, and more. As he does from time to time, Robby took a day trip up to Washington, DC, to look at some assets. One deal in particular could use our a listener's help. One of the assets Robby went to take a look at is in Baltimore, MD. So, if you've got a contractor and/or are in the B

  • 096: Mindset & Earl NightingaleThe Strangest Secret

    05/10/2016 Duration: 42min

    Today we talk about Earl Nightingale, The Strangest Secret, to be precise. Don't let the age of this message fool you. It packs a punch. Back from a month long and much needed vacation to Barcelona, Spain, Robby is finally back to join Chase on an exciting episode where the two catch up on everything that has transpired over the last month in each others lives. They delve deep into perspectives, the benefits of vacation, mind sets & videos they enjoy repeat watching. One of these videos / audio files they enjoy going back to watch every now and then is the Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale. The message and recording is now 60 years old and is still as relevant today as it ever was. Robby and Chase discuss one of the great quotes that came from this recording that defines Success as “the progressive realization of a worthy ideal,” before they replay the recording for all to hear. To finish out the show, they briefly discuss the recording and the need to focus on staying positive and growing yourself, yo

  • 095: Replacing a Six Figure Income with Real Estate Investing

    28/09/2016 Duration: 38min

    Many of our listeners dream of leaving their corporate job, and making the transition into full-time real estate investor. Today we talk with a guy about replacing a six figure income with real estate investing. Wayne Snell used to work over 80 hours a week as the VP of Marketing for a large cloud based software company called Trintech. He has been investing for over 10 years with a focus on Non-performing notes for the last 5 years and was able to replace his 6 figure annual income in that timeframe through real estate investing. He now runs and is the President for his own Note Business called Platinum Ventures. Platinum Ventures is a private real estate investment company focused on the purchase of single-family residences and real estate notes to produce above-average, safe and consistent returns for their partners. Chase starts out the interview by asking Wayne to recollect his early years in real estate investing and how he was able to juggle his 80+ hour a week job and his growing business with Real Es

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