Still Standing With Valerie Silveira

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 103:18:58
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Podcast by Valerie Silveira


  • When Nobody Understands

    07/02/2024 Duration: 17min

    Does it ever feel as if nobody understands how you feel? They can't seem to comprehend your painful journey. In this episode, Valerie will discuss helpful perspectives so you can feel less abandoned and why it helps other people when you give them the gift of learning how to reach out to you and others in situations foreign to them.

  • This Is Not What I Signed Up For

    30/01/2024 Duration: 14min

    We have all felt at times that our situation is not what we "signed up for." Much of Valerie's life turned out to be from what she thought it would be - even in her worst nightmares. You probably didn't expect some of life's two-by-fours that have clobbered you over the head. But no matter our trials, we always have a choice of what we do next. No doubt you can relate to Valerie's viewpoint, but stay to the end of the episode because you will get fired up! Join her Sisterhood:

  • Happy 38th Birthday, Jamie

    24/01/2024 Duration: 18min

    In this episode, Valerie pays tribute to her daughter, Jamie, celebrating her 38th birthday - the eighth in heaven. It reminds us that we are all more than the Beast that attaches itself to us. In this upbeat episode, Valerie shares more of the real Jamie and encourages you to start living your life. Nobody knows the future, but we all have an opportunity to shine in the darkness. Join Valerie's Warrior Sisterhood! Let's link arms because everything is easier together.

  • Managing Disappointment With Donna Bova - Manly

    17/01/2024 Duration: 35min

    Disappointment is a part of life. The key is to manage expectations. My discussion with Donna Bova-Manly, a Warrior in Hope, gives you insight into her heartbreaking journey as a mom with a son in long-term addiction and, importantly, her courageous path to recovery and passion for her life without losing hope for her son. Join Donna and me as Warriors in Hope at P.S. You get early release episodes as one of the many benefits of Membership.

  • What Kind Of Support Do We Really Want

    10/01/2024 Duration: 12min

    Everybody needs some support, but what kind of support do you want? Are you at the point where you want someone to listen and understand? That is okay, up to a point, but somewhere on the journey, we need people who will encourage us to move forward. This message will resonate with you if you are ready! If not, it might inspire you to take the next step. Connect with Valerie @

  • Why I'm Not A Big Fan Of New Year's Resolutions

    03/01/2024 Duration: 15min

    I'm not a big fan of New Year's Resolutions. It might surprise you since I'm about growth, change, and improvement. But there is a big problem with these types of "resolutions." Listen to this episode to be empowered to make a pivotal decision any time of the year! Join Valerie as a Warrior in Hope!

  • Mother & Son Managing Our Grief

    27/12/2023 Duration: 28min

    My son Sean and I discuss the last 23 years of grief with Jamie's addiction journey, including the seven years since her murder. Importantly, we talk about managing our grief and living with joy & happiness! Join Valerie as a Warrior in Hope!

  • Which One Writes The Rules Of Your Life?

    20/12/2023 Duration: 13min

    We are either ruled by fear or courage. There isn't much in between. We get to decide which will write the rules of our lives! Join me for this encouraging message of hope. Stop allowing fear to define who you are, what you do, and how you feel! Connect with Valerie at: Become a Warrior in Hope at:

  • From Hopelessness to a Beacon of Hope with Donna Bova-Manly

    14/12/2023 Duration: 29min

    For twenty-three years, Donna navigated the turbulent journey of her son's addiction. It was a rollercoaster ride of hopelessness and survival, a daily battle that pushed her to the limits of her strength. Yet, amidst the darkness, Donna discovered her strength. She embraced the power of acceptance, recognizing that addiction did not define her. Today, Donna is a beacon of hope, sharing her story to inspire other moms on their recovery journeys. Though addiction will always be a part of her story, it no longer controls her. Join Valerie and Donna in this insightful episode that will inspire you to believe in your courage.

  • Why You Need To Laugh More With Sean

    12/12/2023 Duration: 23min

    In this episode, my son, Sean, joins me to discuss laughter. It seems inappropriate to laugh during tough times or periods of mourning or loss, but this might be precisely what you need. Join us for this candid and spontaneous discussion about how you need to laugh more. Connect with Valerie at Become a Warrior in Hope at:

  • Courage To Share Your Story

    06/12/2023 Duration: 17min

    Your story is a powerful tool that can inspire and empower others in unexpectedly profound ways. It doesn't matter if you're not naturally extroverted like myself. During Jamie's struggle with addiction, even Rich, the closest person to me, didn't fully understand the toll it was taking on me. Countless tears were shed in the solace of the walk-in closet, a secret sanctuary that hid the pain I was enduring. Now, as I pour my heart out and embrace my vulnerability, I realize that it takes immense courage. What if there is someone out there desperately in need of hearing your story? What if your words become the lifeline they never thought existed? Consider this: what if it is YOU who becomes the force that helps them rise from the depths of their struggle? What if your story becomes the catalyst that propels them towards liberation and freedom? We often underestimate the power of our own stories. But remember, we are all interconnected in this intricate tapestry of existence. By embracing vulnerability and

  • What Are Your Prioritizing?

    28/11/2023 Duration: 15min

    In today's fast-paced, materialistic world, getting caught up in pursuing external achievements is easy. We focus on physical appearance, striving for the perfect body, and accumulating possessions. However, in the race for success, we often overlook what truly matters – our spiritual, emotional, and mental well-being. Our spiritual health provides us with meaning and contentment. Taking time for prayer, self-reflection, or connecting with nature allows us to find solace and peace. Emotional health is crucial for fulfilling relationships and overall satisfaction. Mental health is essential in a stressful world. Ultimately, it's essential to recognize that external achievements don't define our overall happiness and fulfillment. By prioritizing our spiritual, emotional, and mental health, we can lead more balanced and meaningful lives in the digital age of success-driven culture. Join Valerie as a Warrior in Hope!

  • Thanksgiving Message to Heal Your Heart

    22/11/2023 Duration: 11min

    A special Thanksgiving message from my heart to yours.

  • Unload Your Baggage

    08/11/2023 Duration: 13min

    We carry around our baggage like Jed Clampett heading to Beverly Hills. The pain, loss, betrayal, disappointment or fear is loaded onto our shoulders like a thousand pound Beast. Be inspired in this episode to start unloading the emotional baggage. Connect with Valerie at

  • Why I Became A Warrior & How You Can Too

    01/11/2023 Duration: 28min

    No matter who you are or what circumstances you face, there are moments in life that have the power to shake us to our core. It could be receiving devastating news or simply navigating the challenges of everyday life. In these moments, we have a choice – we can let the weight of these experiences crush us, or we can rise above them and become warriors. You don't have to allow adversity to destroy you - it's your superpower! It is about tapping into our resilience and refusing to let difficult circumstances define us. When life throws its worst at us, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and defeated. But it is in these moments that we can dig deep within ourselves and discover our true strength. We may not have control over the challenges that come our way, but we have the power to control how we respond to them. Being a warrior means embracing our vulnerabilities and pushing through our fears. It means acknowledging the pain and sorrow but not allowing them to consume us. Instead, we channel our energy towards

  • Grief: The Price We Pay For Love

    23/10/2023 Duration: 15min

    Grief is not always a popular topic. It's something we would rather we didn't have to go through. While we may be inclined to avoid grief, doing so would prevent us from fully experiencing the dance of life—the transformative power of love and connection. Grief reminds us of the significance of our memories and the value of cherishing them, even through pain. It's the price we pay for love and it's worth the cost. Join Valerie for her perspective on this topic. Connect with Valerie at

  • Why You Should Never Retreat

    18/10/2023 Duration: 15min

    Life is in constant motion. We are never truly stuck. Instead, we move forward or backward. In the grand symphony of life, let us remember that rest is not retreat but an integral part of our journey towards growth and success. Through these moments of introspection and restoration, we gain the strength and clarity needed to face the challenges ahead boldly. So, let us embrace rest as a deliberate step towards a brighter, more meaningful future. Go ahead and rest, but NEVER retreat! Connect with Valerie & stay updated on the progress of our new Warriors in Hope App! Connect with Valerie at: Follow her on FB at:

  • The One & Only YOU

    11/10/2023 Duration: 15min

    Esteem comes under attack for many reasons. We are teased as a child, so we don't want to be different. We want to be like "everybody else." The problem is, nobody is like anybody else! We are all unique and attempting to be like others only serves to discount what makes us special. Check out this insightful and entertaining episode about the one and only YOU! Connect with Valerie at: Follow her on FB at:

  • Your Precious Time

    04/10/2023 Duration: 14min

    Every night when the clock strikes midnight, it's game over on another day of our lives. Time is the most precious commodity ew have, yet we tend to: - spend - pass - kill - waste Or worse - endure - our precious time! This episode is going to motivate you to get excited about the rest of your precious time! Connect with Valerie at: Follow her on FB at:

  • Don't Allow That Label To DefineYou

    27/09/2023 Duration: 17min

    People have a need for connection. We often find this connection through shared interests, such as our favorite sports teams, musical groups, culinary passions, or a great book. It's fascinating how a simple act like buying a new car can suddenly make us feel connected to others who own the same vehicle. We may exchange smiles or nods with fellow drivers who share our automotive choice. We also seek connection in tragedy, loss, and hardship. While it is valuable to connect with those who understand our struggles, it's crucial to avoid being defined solely by these experiences. We must remember that we are more than the labels society might impose or that we place on ourselves. Some can define our entire existence! Yes, tragedies and heartbreaks are genuine, and they shape us, but they are not the entirety of who we are. Life is a tapestry woven with various experiences, both pleasant and painful. Embrace the fact that you are a multifaceted individual who has encountered numerous ups and downs, successes a

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