Generous Change



Dream of quitting your day job to become an entrepreneur? Get real, down-and-dirty advice from two real (awesome) women on how (and how not) to start your own business. Jenna Goodman and Nancy Jackson took the leap and quit their jobs as successful fundraisers to go all-in on Generous Change, their nonprofit fundraising consulting company. Follow their entrepreneurial journey. Get tips on how to pitch your business to an investor, build your website, learn social media marketing and video on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. Get inspiration to be more productive*, get organized, stop procrastinating and be generous - to yourself, your business and the people you love. *Hint: wine...lots of wine.


  • DAY 1000! - 031

    04/08/2020 Duration: 01h08min

    It's DAY 1000 of entrepreneurship! We're shocked that only 8% of start-ups survive their first 1000 days. Put differently, 92% of start-ups fail in their first 1000 days. Those are some seriously tough odds, but we're still here! And we're examining advice on how to be here for another 1000 days.

  • UPLIFT Week 4: How have you grown?

    22/06/2020 Duration: 50min

    This is the last week of 4 whole weeks of UPLIFT! 

  • UPLIFT Week 3: Who are you really?

    15/06/2020 Duration: 35min

    It's week 3 of virtual UPLIFT and we're gettin' really real. On day 958 of entrepreneurship, we're obsessed with Glennon Doyle’s beautiful book, UNTAMED. Giant questions we're grappling with that we hope will inspire you, too: Why do you think you’re broken when you have a bad feeling? Can you own ALL the pieces of you and be accepting of even the tough stuff? Who are you really and do you have the guts to show all the way up? Are your dreams your plans?

  • UPLIFT Week 2: Who are you becoming?

    08/06/2020 Duration: 40min

    On day 951 of entrepreneurship, we recognize that we're all becoming a different version of who we were before the pandemic. We're inspired by Michelle Obama's book and Netflix documentary, Becoming. Who are you becoming? How can you show up unapologetically and entirely yourself in all contexts? How are you dealing with control and the lack of it in this tough time? Are you focused on perfection and arriving at a goal? Can you focus more on the journey and becoming? Stick with us to the end for a powerful exercise where you can unlock the real advice you need right now.

  • UPLIFT Week 1: What brings you joy?

    01/06/2020 Duration: 38min

    UPLIFT is our retreat just for women in development planned for June 4&5 in Miami. But, since we can't be together in Miami , we're bringing UPLIFT to you (even if you're NOT a lady in development) throughout the entire month of June! So, the next 4 podcasts will be a little different. We're talking just to the ladies (sorry, guys , but you can still totally listen!) In this first week of UPLIFT, we're exploring joy – not just happiness, but bubbly, bright, sparkly joy! In these past few months, with so much anxiety, sadness and stress, it's been tough to feel joyful. Listen and give yourself a few minutes to discover what really brings you joy. Once you know, you can really focus on it and, best of all, plan more of it. Sign up to receive weekly emails and join our Happy Hours every Thursday through the month of June at!  

  • Life From Home - 026

    08/05/2020 Duration: 42min

    On day 913 of entrepreneurship, we're all up in life from home - working, cooking, exercising - just plain old BEING from home every day. We feel like this time at home has shown us who we really are - the good, the bad and the ugly. We're also revisiting The Desire Map (from episode 22) to see how this moment has changed our core desired feelings. How are you holding up? Feeling super-present and super-scattered all at the same time? You are not alone. Let us know how you're doing at Sending hugs.

  • Day Number 6,625,004??? - 025

    24/04/2020 Duration: 44min

    Day million 625 thousand and four?? Who the hell knows? Ok, we do know. It's day number 892 of entrepreneurship. We're trying to choose the very best contagions - optimism, gratitude, presence. With so much new, so much unknown and so much out of our control, how are you holding up? If you're stressed, worried, anxious, distracted and exhausted - YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Can you find a little joy today? Can you grow just a teeny tiny bit today? Sending you virtual hugs and missing your faces.   Here's a quote Nancy has next to her desk. Hope it brings you some peace.   There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called Yesterday and the other is called Tomorrow. Today is the right day to Love, Believe, Do and mostly Live. - Dalai Lama

  • Love as a Verb - 024

    24/02/2020 Duration: 43min

    What does it look like to do love? It’s day 836 of entrepreneurship and Valentine’s Day, so we’re sharing our four ingredients of L.O.V.E. and singing a whole lot of love songs. Whether you love Love Day or are a Hallmark Holiday Hater, doing love as a verb every day will make you happier and make the world a better, more generous place.

  • Three's Company - 023

    17/02/2020 Duration: 37min

    Are you facing a big decision? Thinking of making a huge change in your life? On day 820 of entrepreneurship, we're interviewing our new COO, Kelsey, about why she took the leap and quit her job (with a pension!) to join Generous Change. As a new mom working for a start-up, she shares her biggest fears and wise advice for anyone at a crossroads. Warning: There are so many "YAYs!" in this episode because three really is a company!! YAAAAY!!  

  • The Desire Map - 022

    04/02/2020 Duration: 41min

    What if you put your feelings first when setting your goals? On day 806 of entrepreneurship, we dive into a resource that has changed the way we are setting our own goals for 2020 – The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte. Danielle reminds us that most people don’t actually want the goal itself, they want the feeling they expect will come from achieving it. So instead of constantly chasing goals, take some time (a lot - this is a big book full of big questions!) to explore your desired feelings. This heartfelt approach to setting intentions has helped us kick-off the year with more creativity, inspiration and soul. Listen to the end to hear each of our core desired feelings, and share your own once you check out the book!   Find the book here:

  • Love Your Meetings! - 021

    15/01/2020 Duration: 59min

    On day 779 of entrepreneurship, we're not the brightest bulbs on the shelf. But we're exploring a topic that impacts so many of us - meetings! We've heard from so many of you that you're sick and tired of meetings. You're having too many. They're unproductive. They feel like a painful punishment that steals hours of your life and prevents you from getting your real work done. What if you could transform your meetings? Make them more meaningful, more productive and less frequent? We've got some tips! For more, including a cool tool to use for weekly reporting (via email instead of a face-to-face meeting!) check out this blog post. The goal: you might start to maybe, possibly, hopefully love your meetings (or at least stop dreading them so damn much)!

  • 730 Days - 020

    25/11/2019 Duration: 01h05min

    It's the 2-year businessaversary of Generous Change. Wanna know the best thing about being an entrepreneur? The worst? How has entrepreneurship changed Nancy and Jenna? Think they ever wanted to quit? Celebrate, reminisce and dream big on day 730.

  • The Ultimate Paradox - 019

    30/10/2019 Duration: 58min

    Excitement, pride, anticipation, terror, pain, anxiety are just a few of the opposites we're feeling on day 715 of entrepreneurship. Just 15 days away from 2 full years in business, we're exploring the top 10 lessons and crazy paradoxes of livin' the dream.

  • A Toddler Business - 018

    17/10/2019 Duration: 55min

    Day 687 of entrepreneurship has us celebrating our little, unsteady, adorable toddler business. Like other toddlers, it's full of mystery, madness, pure joy and crazy tantrums. Listen for the top 10 tips we've learned for dealing with (and enjoying) your toddler business and life, in general. 

  • Your Voice - 017

    31/07/2019 Duration: 59min

    On day 602 of entrepreneurship we want to hear your voice! Do you hate the sound of your own voice? Are you the one who sits in the back of the room hoping you won't be called on? Do you keep quiet to avoid conflict? We see you and we're exploring how to speak up and take a stand.

  • Girl Power!!!!! - 016

    02/07/2019 Duration: 53min

    On day 588 of entrepreneurship, we're celebrating GIRL POWER! We just hosted the inaugural UPLIFT, a 2-day retreat for women in fundraising in Phoenix. Those 21 ladies blew us away and we are still reeling from the connection, honesty and bad-assery in the room. We believe: It's time for a new workplace. Minimum compliance & maximum widget production are in the past. For innovation, collaboration and nimbleness, we must focus on building healthy teams, embrace the personal as integral to the professional & lift one another up.  You decide what success looks like. Get rid of the shoulds. Ignore those flawless Instagram stories. Focus on what brings you joy. Define and redefine what success means to you - not to everyone else. Show up for yourself. Hold workouts, massages, alone-time and girls' trips sacred. Give yourself space to think big. Give yourself permission to cry and to be pissed off. Be all-the-way you and you will find your tribe.

  • Travel For Work

    17/05/2019 Duration: 31min

    On day 545 of entrepreneurship, we're exploring travel for work. If you travel for work, you know it includes both magic and mundane, retreat and regret, love and loathing.

  • Try New (Hard) Things - 014

    29/04/2019 Duration: 29min

    On day 531 of entrepreneurship, we're exploring trying new HARD things. 3 big ideas: 1) Name your fears. Say them out loud. There's science behind this! Once you give your fears a name, they are less scary. If you're terrified of a change, stressed out about work or a big decision, write down your fears. Then, tell someone! Talk it out. 2) Everyone else DOESN'T have it all figured out. Let's stop trying to appear so damn perfect. Everyone is a beginner at something at different times in our lives. Admit when you're a newbie. Ask questions. Get advice. Find a coach or a mentor. BE a coach or a mentor. Then, do something new all over again! 3) New = Memorable. It's easy to remember our firsts - first day of school, first dance, first kiss, first car, first house. Do more firsts. Make more memories. Grow.

  • Growing Pains - 013

    25/03/2019 Duration: 37min

    It's day 478 of entrepreneurship! We're pumped about  UPLIFT, our retreat for women in development and we're thinking about growing pains - not the sitcom - the actual physical & mental pain of change. If you're changing ANYTHING, join us to explore: the pain of growth how to embrace piles of failures what to do with wavering confidence the tricky role of ambition your real aspirations the beauty of imbalance

  • The Year of Feelings - 012

    21/02/2019 Duration: 26min

    On day 429 of entrepreneurship, we've decided 2018 was the year of feelings. While Jenna is anti-resolution and Nancy is pro, we both agree that 2019 is going to be AWESOME! Feel more feelings with us as we explore goal-setting without self-punishment. Because you're good enough, smart enough and doggone it, people like you!

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