Generous Change



Dream of quitting your day job to become an entrepreneur? Get real, down-and-dirty advice from two real (awesome) women on how (and how not) to start your own business. Jenna Goodman and Nancy Jackson took the leap and quit their jobs as successful fundraisers to go all-in on Generous Change, their nonprofit fundraising consulting company. Follow their entrepreneurial journey. Get tips on how to pitch your business to an investor, build your website, learn social media marketing and video on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. Get inspiration to be more productive*, get organized, stop procrastinating and be generous - to yourself, your business and the people you love. *Hint: wine...lots of wine.


  • Favorite Things of 2018 - 011

    25/01/2019 Duration: 56min

    It's day 402 of entrepreneurship and the end of 2018! We're reviewing our very favorite books, movies, wine, food, music, places, advice, realization and generous moments.

  • Iconic & Uplift - 010

    06/12/2018 Duration: 53min

    On day 384 entrepreneurship, we're exploring the beauty & benefits of conferences. We've attended a gazillion in this first year, but we're focusing on a truly transformative retreat: Ali Brown's Iconic. We're also hosting our own retreat for women in development: UPLIFT. Get on the list here!

  • Unforeseen Consequences - 009

    12/09/2018 Duration: 41min

    On day 283, we're exploring the unforeseen consequences - the good and not so good - of entrepreneurship. Big Ideas: Embrace every day. Treat it like the insane gift it is. Cry when you need to. Also, throw things. We won't judge you.

  • Creativity Killers & Boosters - 008

    27/06/2018 Duration: 32min

    On day 230 of entrepreneurship, we're realizing how fundamental creativity is to business and life. What kills your creativity? What boosts it? How can you make more? Think more? Play more? Laugh more? Be more inspired? Our challenge: be less "busy" and more creative! xo Jenna & Nancy  

  • Jen Sincero's 10 Secrets to Badassery - 007

    30/05/2018 Duration: 50min

    It's freaking day 193! That's one half of a year of entrepreneurship. We're feeling lots of feelings - growth, excitement, pain, weepiness and happiness - usually all in one day. In this episode, we share (and remind ourselves) of the amazing Jen Sincero and her 10 secrets to badassery. We were so super lucky to meet Jen in Wichita at Watermark Books. We're still nerding out about it.

  • Social Media Marketing World 2018! - 006

    06/05/2018 Duration: 34min

    On day 148, we've been entrepreneurs for 40% of a year! Gulp. Yay! In this episode, we share our top 10 lessons from the Social Media Marketing World conference in San Diego. This thing blew us away with insanely valuable lessons for EVERYONE! We're already signed up for 2019 - come with us!

  • Employee to Entrepreneur - 005

    16/03/2018 Duration: 42min

    On day 106 of entrepreneurship, we're (almost) recovered from the hangover of going from employees to entrepreneurs. Out of the fog of fear comes EXCITEMENT & INSPIRATION. In this episode, we share tips from amazing bosses on how to be a better manager, better employee, better partner, better parent...just better! Whether you're considering a new job, hiring a new employee or thinking of taking the leap into a new career, these tips will remind you what we're all striving for - at work and in life.

  • Failures, Fears & Panic Attack II - 004

    21/02/2018 Duration: 31min

    On day 64 of entrepreneurship, we've had some failures, a lot of fear and a second panic attack. Being self-employed, making a huge life change or taking any risk is not glamorous - it's damn hard work. In this episode, we share our own failures & fears and an awesome exercise from the founders of Warby Parker that made our business stronger. Whether you're a solo entrepreneur, considering going into business with a friend or just facing a big decision, this monthly 360 exercise can help you keep your priorities in perspective, talk through the tough stuff with honesty & authenticity and get you out of the fetal position and back to kicking ass.

  • Shingles & A Panic Attack - 003

    25/01/2018 Duration: 29min

    What are you afraid of? Us? Being broke, heights, drowning and brown recluse (just to name a few). Entrepreneurship brings its fair share of fear. It can stop you from doing something stupid or motivate you. For us, it's done both. In this episode, we share tips and actual exercises to work through fear. Hint: sometimes you have to take antivirals. Boo.

  • Perfection is the Enemy of Done. - 002

    21/12/2017 Duration: 27min

    Are you a perfectionist? A procrastinator? Yes and yes? You're not alone! We'll share a few tips on what (and what not) to do to get yourself unstuck.

  • We Quit Our Jobs! - 001

    21/12/2017 Duration: 25min

    Making a big decision? You are not alone! 28 days ago, we quit our jobs to go all-in on our new company, Generous Change. We'll share advice from our favorite mentors that helped us take the leap. No matter what big decision you're facing, we'll share tips to help you work it out.

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