Meliss Marketing

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 100:58:46
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Podcast by Meliss Marketing


  • Ep. 285: Steps To Scaling

    04/05/2021 Duration: 10min

    "How is scaling different from growing?" In this 9-minute episode I'm explaining the difference between scaling and growing your business, and what the steps to scaling are including: -Growing refers to investing in resources in the same time you're increasing your revenues. -Scaling means you've already invested in all of the resources you needed, and now your revenues are increasing exponentially! -How to tell the difference between the two -Steps to scaling and why they work -Remember there's only 24 hours in a day, use it wisely and outsource or automate to save time! Take notes on the steps to scaling and let me know if you're in the growing or the scaling part of your business! Join my FREE Facebook group: Grab my toolkit here:

  • Ep. 284: How's Your Money Mindset?

    29/04/2021 Duration: 13min

    "I have a question for is your money mindset?" As a business owner, I have learned throughout the years that I have to be totally aligned with my mindset. In this 13-minute podcast I'm talking about your money mindset: -The limiting beliefs you might have when deciding to charge what you're worth -Money is an energy exchange -Are your prices in alignment with the true value you provide to someone that helps them along their journey? -Introducing my new pop up program called Client Abundance So if you ever wish someone could just hold your hand and walk you through how to bring on clients again and again, and again this program is for you! I'm going to be covering six different topics in this training on money mindset. Learn more about Client Abundance at: Join my FREE group:

  • Ep. 283: How Did My Challenge Go This Time?

    27/04/2021 Duration: 10min

    "I think it's important for me to be able to break down the data that came from this so you can see how a challenge can be successful for your business and learn from the data and improve." In this 10-minute episode I'm breaking down the data from our Thanks For The Clients!™ Challenge Group: -How many people signed up, subscribed to my list, and who joined the group with the challenge -Who opened the emails? -Total ad spend budget vs. net profit (which is the strongest challenge we've had to date!) -83% of the people who purchased participated in the homework live -This time it only me 6 hours to put this whole thing together! As I look at the numbers from the previous challenges, it's amazing to see that we've increased our numbers each time! Challenges are very profitable when done well, and recording the data each time helps you improve your challenge. I hope you guys consider running a challenge in the future if it helps you with your program. If you have questions drop them in the comments or pop in

  • Ep. 282: Do You Know Your Top 5?

    22/04/2021 Duration: 09min

    "Do you know your top 5? Coming up with consistent content that provides value to your prospects and converts them into clients can be a bit of a challenge sometimes..." In this 8-minute episode, I'm talking about your top 5 when it comes to content creation: -Focus in on what your issue is with your content (if no issue, how can you improve?) -What does your ideal target market want to hear? What worries do they have? -Create content around their worries-this positions you as the solution to their problems -Marketing is repetition What are the top five solutions you can give your client to make the feel amazing? Create the content around these top five and keep it simple! I have a free gift for you at so go check it out and tell me if it helps you! Join my free group:

  • Ep. 281: Quit Worrying About What They Think

    20/04/2021 Duration: 09min

    "Have you ever felt nervous to post on social media because you are worried your friends will think one way or another about you?" In this 9-minute episode I'm talking about why you should quit worrying about what people think: -Your message needs to get out there because it will help someone else -When you share something vulnerable, you're opening up your heart to someone who can relate with the story you are telling. This positions you as an expert and guide! -We've all had vulnerable moments -Connect with people through your vulnerability We want to expand our audience and our growth. You want to add to your network with deep connection. People are feelings, emotions, and stories. When you can connect in this way, you can really see your authenticity and your truth. Join my free group:

  • Ep. 280: Let's Talk About Money

    15/04/2021 Duration: 14min

    "It's April 15th! Here in the US, it's Tax Day! Let's talk about money." In this 14-minute episode I'm excited to talk about money: -Profit First by Mike Michalowicz -Know where your money comes from, how much you need, and how much is going out -Budgeting for your business -Different bank accounts for different types of money -The percentages you pay to each part of the profit puzzle -Taxes! I want you to be well-informed of where your money is going. If you want to get into all the details of this, you can go read the book Profit First. If you want to grow, scale, and delegate your business you need to understand where your money is going. Join my FREE group: Ready to scale and grow your business? Book a call with me:

  • Ep. 279: How To Increase Your Course Sales

    13/04/2021 Duration: 15min

    "If you are just starting out and want to go straight into course sales, you might have a hard time getting course sales. Before you hop into courses thinking it's the end all be all, let's be smart and let's have realistic expectations." In this 15-minute episode, I'm talking about how to increase your course sales: -Organic marketing and building relationships -Lead with value -Who is your course for? Be super specific! -How does your course stand out from the crowd? -Find your power partners -Make tweaks along the way -Promotion & writing great content Be real! Be authentic! Remember, it is not about you, it's about them. How your program can help them and get them from point A to point B. If you can speak on those things you can definitely increase your course sales. Want to find a power partner or network with like minded individuals? Check out my FREE group: Ready to take the next step in your business by growing and scaling? Book a call with me: go.melissm

  • Ep. 278: Hiring For Your Team

    08/04/2021 Duration: 14min

    "How do you actually hire a virtual assistant to add to your team?" Recently I had to hire someone for my team, and so did one of my 1:1 clients, so I wrote down all of the steps of hiring a virtual assistant to share with you. In this 13-minute episode I'm talking about how you can hire a virtual assistant to follow through on the delegation I'm always talking about including: -The different types of virtual assistants -Where to find virtual assistants and what to include in your search -When to turn off the comments on your search post -Take your time and read through all of the responses, do your research on each qualified candidate to find a virtual assistant in alignment with you -Have training videos available This is the system that works best for me and I encourage you to document the process for hiring too, incase this person doesn't work out or they leave to move on to something different. Have a question on hiring for your team? Hop into my FREE Facebook group, Magnetic Marketing Mastermind: w

  • Ep. 277: Once I Figured This Out I Started Making $10K+ Month

    06/04/2021 Duration: 12min

    "One very powerful thing that came out of this conversation was the importance of delegation, automation, and elimination..." I love hosting and co-hosting Clubhouse rooms. Recently I helped host a room that talked about how to get over the $10k+ month milestone. Now I'm spilling those tips and tricks from all four of the experts (myself included) so you can make it past $10k+ months too! In this 10-minute episode, I'm talking about: -Knowing how to charge what you're worth. -Being conscious of the time and effort to reach your monetary goals when building your systems and programs. -Feeding your strengths and outsourcing your weaknesses. -Who do you want to work with? Get really, really clear on this! -Recognizing it's not 'what can you do for me?' it's 'what can I do for you?' Decide to do better and have confidence to make it happen. You have to want this more than anyone else. Your dreams have to start with you. This is how all four of our panelists made it to the $10k+ mark consistently in their busi

  • Ep. 276: Time To Make It Happen

    01/04/2021 Duration: 11min

    "What are your goals? Are you on the way to get them done?" If you want to make stuff happen in your business this year, let's get on the train right now. Sometimes it's just a few little tweaks that need to happen before you have MASSIVE change. In this 11-minute episode I'm talking about why now is the time to make it happen: -Things can happen so quickly when you have the strategy, tools, clarity, and focused action. -My "Thanks For The Clients" FREE Challenge group & what's inside it! -The universe co-creates with you, put the mindset out there now to have clients later. Take action steps now, and bring your thoughts towards something. Join the "Thanks For The Clients" Free Challenge Group now! Don't suffer from FOMO and let's get your business moving in the right direction quickly and intentionally. Go register at now!

  • Ep. 275 My Best Business Investments

    30/03/2021 Duration: 16min

    "People always say 'you need to invest in your need to put money back into your business if you want it to grow' and I 100% agree but there's a lot of different ways to do this and ALL of them are important." When we're talking about investing in our business we're talking about putting money towards something that will help us grow and scale. In this 17-minute episode I'm digging into all of the different ways to invest in your business and why each one is important: -Using software or tools in your online business to enhance your business -Courses-why and when to invest in them -Delegation to a virtual assistant -Business coaches or strategists: don't rely on getting all of your support and information from Google. -I even talk about the success and failures I've had to get to where I am today! Are you investing in any of these items? If not, you could be missing out on significant growth in your business to help you get to the next level. Join my Facebook Group: www.magneticmarketingmas

  • Ep. 274: It's Time To Run FB Ads...Or Not!

    25/03/2021 Duration: 15min

    "I want clients, and I want to run Facebook ads!" I work with a lot of people who say this, and it might not be the right time to run Facebook ads. In this 14-minute episode I'm talking about when the best time to run Facebook ads is: -Low-level ads to help your potential audience warm up to you and get a feel for your brand -What does your data say? -Other cost-effective ways to get ROI on filling your programs with a stream of leads -Organic versus Pay-To-Play marketing -Building a relationship and providing value to turn leads into sales If you're wondering if it's time to run Facebook ads, I encourage you to really take a look at all of these aspects of your business before making the decision to run ads or not. Still stuck? Learn more and explore the beauty of organic Facebook marketing by chatting more with me! Join my FREE Thanks For The Clients Challenge Group: Join my free Facebook group:

  • Ep. 273: Universal Laws For Business and Marketing

    23/03/2021 Duration: 21min

    "There are actually 12 universal laws!" Everyone knows about the Law Of Attraction, but did you know there are actually 12 different laws? In this 20-minute episode I'm going to talk to you about the Law Of Gender and the Law Of Reciprocity: -Why these two laws are KEY to success in your business -When it comes to marketing your business, it has to be a give before a take -How to use the Law of Reciprocity in our businesses -You are working in a partnership with the universe Manifesting is marketing. It's about the intuition, the systems and strategies, and using these universal laws to move your business forward. Want more information about growing your business? Join my FREE group: Sign up for 'Thanks For The Clients FREE Challenge Group':

  • Ep. 272: How To Network Properly

    18/03/2021 Duration: 13min

    "Networking brings me joy." If you had asked me 10 or 15 years ago if I liked networking, the answer would have been 'Hell no!', but now that I know how to network properly, I love it! In this 14-minute episode I'm talking to you about the different types of networking, and a few strategies on how to do it: -Join a networking group & share what you do with them -Coffee chats or collaboration calls -Networking in your niche and why it's so important -Setting boundaries for a better networking sessions and avoiding the time suck When you can network properly and give referrals out that is the law of reciprocity! Karma happens and people will be flooded towards you. I hope that you found this episode helpful, and I hope that you take action on this! Join my FREE group:

  • Ep. 271: How To Handle A Not Perfect Fit Client

    16/03/2021 Duration: 18min

    "Have you ever had a client that drives you insane? The relationship between you and a client is just as important as a relationship between you and a friend." Sometimes we find ourselves with clients who we've either fallen out of alignment with or who are just not a great fit anymore for some reason. In this 19-minute episode I'm sharing tips on how to deal with a not perfect fit client: -The method I learned from Billy Gene -Making sure your clients are still in alignment with you -Don't let a client disrespect you, you are worth more than being the 'hired help', you are the person who they look up to to take them through a transformation! -Don't fear what comes next, end on a positive note I hope this helps you create the mindset you need to let go of any client who might not be a perfect fit. Join my free group:

  • Ep. 270 I Just Don't Like It

    11/03/2021 Duration: 10min

    "There are things in our life that we don't like. There are things in our business that we don't like." Today we're talking about things we just don't like to do. Often we talk about how wonderful our business is, how awesome our life is, and we always post on social media about how great things are. Incase you forgot, we are human and not everyone feels like things are roses all the time. In this 10-minute episode I'm talking about what I don't like, and why that's totally normal including: -Winter, how to seek the positive things in things that are out of your control -One of the top things my clients say they don't like doing: Writing Content! -If you have the financial resources, outsource! -Lift up your vibration and make it a positive one When you have a high, positive vibration everyone you're touching and having an impact on will make it ripple. Same thing with a negative vibration, so choose which way to put your vibrations out into the world. Tell me one thing you don't like & how you are movin

  • Ep. 269: Is It Hard To Start A Podcast

    09/03/2021 Duration: 15min

    "Is it hard to start a podcast?" I started podcasting back in the day when I thought 'hey, why not? I can talk to myself in the shower and in the car, why not record it and give some value to people.' In this 15-minute episode, I'm answering this audience-asked question, "Is it hard to start a podcast?": -Reasons to start a podcast (and who your target market is) -Are you a solo podcaster or inviting guests? -Batching your content -Equipment & Software needed -Formatting & Shownotes -Promoting it If you're considering starting a podcast, I urge you to go through this list and nail down your idea before starting. Podcasting is a great way to provide value to your audience and grow your audience. Join my FREE group:

  • Ep. 268: Marketing Your Biz With Clubhouse

    04/03/2021 Duration: 22min

    "How can you use Clubhouse to market your business?" Clubhouse is a new app (in beta for iPhone/iPad users) that you may have heard about. What's so important about it? In this 20-minute episode I'm talking all about Clubhouse (and why I'm adding it to my marketing strategy!): -What is Clubhouse & how do you get in? -Choose your handle wisely, you can only change this once -How does each 'room' work? How do you start your own 'room'? -How to connect with prospects who feel aligned with your message If you're on Clubhouse, drop your handle in the comments and let's connect on there! Join my Facebook Group: Want to work with me? Let's chat and see if you're a good fit for Marketing With Intention:

  • Ep. 267: What The Tech

    02/03/2021 Duration: 13min

    "We have so many love-hate relationships with technology because it is an integral part of running a business." When we're running a virtual business we have to be pretty familiar with technology. In this 14-minute episode I'm talking about 'what the tech?' and going over: -Technology is for everyone! -Don't get stuck in the back, get on board and learn the technology of your business -What to do when technology fails you No matter what platforms you use or which social media channels you're on, things are bound to mess up at some point. It's how you react to it and overcome this mess up that defines how we move forward. We can't control everything but we can use it as a learning experience. Make sure that you remember that you have a message to share with the world, and if something is stopping you like a piece of technology don't let that stop you. Ready to scale your business? Book a call with me: Join my Facebook group:

  • Ep. 266: The Thing Most Biz Owners Struggle With

    25/02/2021 Duration: 07min

    "I posted this in a group of mine 'What is something you're struggling with as a business owner?' and every single comment pretty much said the same thing....getting clients." Lucky for you, I can help! In this 5-minute episode I'm talking about getting clients in three simple steps: -Setting up the marketing systems that make everyone want to work with you -Creating back-end systems and funnels that do the work for you so you have results and freedom -Speaking to your market and building momentum for consistent leads month after month Talk to yourself. Real talk. Are you showing up at the level that you need to? I bet if you try this, clients will start coming through the pipeline! Join my Facebook Group, Magnetic Marketing Mastermind: Want to work with me? Let's chat and see if you're a good fit for Marketing With Intention:

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