Meliss Marketing

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 100:58:46
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Podcast by Meliss Marketing


  • Ep. 305: Boundaries For Self Care

    13/07/2021 Duration: 09min

    "I want you to write this down and read it. 'I deserve to ask for what I need'. You matter. Your self care matters. Your self love matters." In this 9-minute episode, I'm talking about boundaries for self care: -Boundaries can be used for anything, and they are important. -What are boundaries? Why are they important? -If you don't have boundaries, we run the risk of 'losing ourselves' and this can eventually negatively impact your health and business. -How to set boundaries by being specific and with positive intent. When you set boundaries, you are going to grow confidently. You'll be able to attract positive people into your life who will help you grow into a bigger, better version of yourself. So what are you waiting for? Let's establish boundaries (or improve them!) for self care. Join my FREE group:

  • Ep. 304: People Are Watching

    08/07/2021 Duration: 11min

    "It doesn't matter if you get 0 or 100 likes, you want to continue promoting your business." In this 10-minute episode I'm talking about how people are watching: -People are always watching, even if you don't see the likes. They could be following for years and years without engagement until the time is right for them. -In marketing, it takes about 7-12 touchpoints before someone wants to engage with you. -Be consistent. You don't want to promote, hear crickets and give up. You want to continue to promote, keep quality content flowing, and let the natural transformation of your audience happen. The way you show up as a leader is showing up no matter what. Join my FREE group: Grab my Content Strategy Toolkit:

  • Ep. 303 Scheduling Freedom

    06/07/2021 Duration: 08min

    "It might sound a little weird, and I know that-but when you can stick to a schedule you can get a lot more done." In this 8-minute episode I'm talking about scheduling freedom: -Quarterly planning and how this helps my schedule in the long run -When something doesn't work, go back and make improvements -Avoid burnout by scheduling in free time around your other tasks. When you schedule your free time, you can be totally present. Everything you need to do to operate your business is already set up so you can truly enjoy your free time. What are you struggling with when it comes to your business? Grab the free guide: Join my FREE group:

  • Ep. 302: Failure Is A Feature

    01/07/2021 Duration: 08min

    "Failure is a feature, and when you have this mindset failure is something you look forward to." In this 7-minute episode, I'm talking about why failure is a feature and what that means: -MVP is the minimum viable product. Use this to see how customers respond to your offers. -Failure is valuable! -Action and failure go hand in hand. When people stop taking action, look for what can be improved to keep moving forward. -Don't be ashamed or have negative feelings about failure. Let failure be the ignition that opens up the problem solving to success. Plan for failure, assume it will happen and learn to love it as part of the process. Tell me, what did you fail at today? Join my FREE group: Grab my Content Strategy Toolkit:

  • Ep. 301: Work/Life Balance

    29/06/2021 Duration: 14min

    "Work/life balance is having balance or equilibrium where you are balancing the demands of your business and the demands of your self and family." In this episode I'm talking about the work/life balance: -Everything is a push and pull or give and take relationship. If you can balance these you have less stress and a greater sense of well being. -If you don't have balance, you'll burn out. -Delegation-you can't do everything on your own and have work/life balance. -Let go of your perfectionism. Done is better than perfect. -Are you making and sticking to your goals? Remember, you are allowed to set boundaries and say no (to everyone!). Your work/life balance is very important to how your success unfolds. So tell me, do you have work/life balance or are you struggling with this? Join my FREE group: Grab my Content Strategy Toolkit:

  • Ep. 300: A Millionaire's Streams Of Income

    24/06/2021 Duration: 09min

    "Most millionaires have seven streams of income." In this 8-minute episode, I'm talking about the saying 'the average millionaire has seven streams of income': -The different ways this saying breaks income streams down for a non-online company. -How you can make millionaire status running your online based personal branded business (hint: it won't look like the 'standard' millionaire's streams of income) -Running ads could be a great profit generator if you're at the step where you're ready to run ads You can take all of these ideas and make lots of money with them, and then go back to the initial list of streams of income the average millionaire has. It can help you ripple into other businesses. So tell me, what are your streams of income in your business? Are you more 'traditional' millionaire style, or the online personal brand based business? Join my FREE group: Check out the Acceleration Club:

  • Ep. 299: Free Places To Promote Yourself

    22/06/2021 Duration: 17min

    "The good news is, although you do have to build brand awareness and visibility, you can also position yourself as an expert in your industry without spending money." In this 15-minute episode I'm talking about free places to promote yourself: -Time is money, and these will take time to set up. -Having an active presence online and a strong email list. -Always have a backup when it comes to your lead flow. -How to nurture your audience You're building your following on your platforms, and if you ask for an email you're building your email list as well. You can use many different platforms to build your audience, but I always recommend starting strong with just one platform before expanding. Are you promoting yourself in the right places? If you've got a consistent flow of leads, congrats! If not, try these tips and let me know how they work for you! Join the Acceleration Club: Join my FREE group:

  • Ep. 298: The Law Of Success

    17/06/2021 Duration: 07min

    "It's very important to understand that success in inevitable. Success is a law. If it's meant to be, it will be. And if you believe this, you'll reach success." In this 6-minute episode I'm talking about the law of success: -Just like the law of gravity, there's a law of success. -How are you looking at life? What do you want to achieve? -You need to step into the abundant, successful person that you are, before you can achieve it. It's waiting for you! You're deserving of this abundant truth. Think about who you need to become, what you need to step into, what you need to say, and what's the walk and talk you need to do all the way to success. This is how you'll become successful. So what's stopping you from success? Are you letting limiting beliefs get in the way? Join my FREE group: Ready to accelerate to the next level? Join my Acceleration Club:

  • Ep. 297: There Are No Shortcuts

    15/06/2021 Duration: 07min

    "There are no shortcuts when it comes to building your business online." In this 7-minute podcast, I'm talking about how there are no shortcuts when it comes to building your business, even if it looks like some other people have 'overnight success': -Success takes blood, sweat, tears and time! -Avoid the 'too good to be true' things. They're fluff and lack substance! -What you need to understand in order to grow your business in the long run. Don't put yourself everywhere. Don't put your eggs in one basket. Marketing is playing for that long game, and I want you to commit to playing that long game with authentic, genuine love and value for your prospects. Who's with me on skipping the shortcuts? I know you can do this! Join my FREE group: Check out the Acceleration Club:

  • Ep. 296: Doing All The Things And Still No Leads?

    10/06/2021 Duration: 07min

    "If you're doing all the things and still getting no leads we need to figure out what is going on. It's some sort of block, some sort of limiting belief. It's normal, it's ok." In this 7-minute episode I'm talking about what happens and what you should do when you're doing all the things and still getting no leads: -Everybody has these limiting beliefs. -Sometimes when we overlook this inner work that we need to do, then we don't end up reaching our goals. -What's holding you back? How can we repair this? Journal out your feelings. Meditate on what you want to achieve. Visualize it. Encourage your subconscious mind to reprogram into the person that you need to become to reach the next level of success. Join my FREE group:

  • Ep. 295: Laws of Polarity and Correspondence

    08/06/2021 Duration: 08min

    "Polarity is having two sides to everything, the good and evil, the love and hate, the negative energy and the positive energy. Everything in this world has balance." In this 9-minute episode, I'm talking about two laws, the law of polarity and the law of correspondence: -What is the law of polarity? Why is it important to business? -There's two ways to see everything, be sure to sit in the energy to learn how you come into things. -What is the law of correspondence? Why is it important to business? -What do you do when you struggle with a client or relationship? This might be super woo-woo, but I really want you to understand that if things aren't going the way you want in your life, business or relationships change something within yourself and heal it. Really take the time to solve that problem within, so that reality you see outside of yourself can connect to what you truly desire. Join my FREE group:

  • Ep. 294: Bro Marketing

    03/06/2021 Duration: 11min

    "Bro Marketing. The way I envision this term coming about is fraternity boys. Fraternity boys showing off their marketing skills." In this 12-minute episode I'm explaining the term 'bro marketing' and what we can do about it so that we don't have to participate in it: -What is 'Bro Marketing'? -Instead of focusing on the value you provide with your services, it focuses on the flashy side of things-inflating the market. -Bro Marketing is just about pushing their success in other people's faces for an inflated idea of what is possible. -What happens when someone doesn't achieve those same results? -I share a few tips on how to better your marketing without the flashy pizzazz of 'bro marketing'. You can make sales in a very authentic way. You don't have to be sleazy, flashy, or pushy! You can be authentic, empathetic, and just being genuine is a way for people to naturally connect with you and want to work with you. The way you treat your clients is the way I want you to treat your prospects before they becom

  • Ep. 293: How To Be A Podcast Guest

    01/06/2021 Duration: 13min

    "Getting on a podcast can be a challenge, especially if you're never done it before." In this 13-minute episode, I'm talking about how to be a podcast guest and some tips you can use to get on more podcasts: -The best way to gain authority is to land a spot on someone's podcast, but you need to have this one item. -Think about what you say that can provide value to their audience. -Speaker pages -Why are Facebook groups beneficial? -Everything is about building relationships. -The best way to pitch a podcast host. You want to be patient, this doesn't happen overnight. You might get one a month, one a week, etc-it starts slowly! Just be patient, sometimes people book out their guests months in advance. Be patient, follow up, build the relationship and you will get featured. Join my FREE Facebook group:

  • Ep. 292: Should You Name Your Price Online?

    27/05/2021 Duration: 07min

    "They make a decision on whether or not they want to work with you or whether or not they want to book a call with you just from the price that they see." In this 6-minute episode I'm talking about if you should name your price on your website: -Could having your price online hurt your chances of success? -It can get really overwhelming for your leads if there is too much going on -Assumptions about your services that might hurt your business -Listen to your clients needs on a call and offer them a solution If there's no price, you can have a conversation about price based on what is ideal for your potential client. There's room for creativity, flexibility, growth and conversation when you're thinking outside the box. I hope this helps you when deciding whether you should list your prices on your website or not. Tell me in the comments if you have pricing on your website or not. Join my FREE group: Ready to scale your business? Book a call with me: go.melissmarketing.

  • Ep. 291: Plan D Sometimes Works Best

    25/05/2021 Duration: 09min

    "We are the ones who problem solve when there is a need for something in the market. When there is a need, we create it. But sometimes, things don't go as planned." In this 9-minute episode I'm talking about what happens when Plan B & Plan C don't work: -What I did when a BIG tech issue happened during my new Client Abundance program -Remember that it will be fine, you'll find a solution or "Plan D" -You might have a plan to reach a goal, but you might reach that goal a completely different way. That's ok! So if you can be creative once to come up with the main idea, you can be creative again to create a back up plan. To show up as a leader we have to be calm, creative, and resourceful. Remember, sometimes "Plan D" works best! Join my FREE group: Ready to scale your business? Book a call with me:

  • Ep. 290: The Energy Of Abundance

    20/05/2021 Duration: 06min

    "Everything springs from here. This determines how much money you make, how much time you have...this is the energy of abundance!" In this 6-minute episode I'm talking about the energy of abundance: -Getting our conscious mind to reprogram our subconscious mind. -Being in alignment with what you want to attract, you become a magnet. -How to move the pointer from point A thinking to point B thinking. I hope you can relate this to something you're trying to attract right now. If you want to know more, visit and hop into our next training! Join my FREE group: Ready to scale your business? Let's chat:

  • Ep. 289: Why You Don't Show Up In The Newsfeed

    18/05/2021 Duration: 10min

    "Why don't I show up in the newsfeed? I'm posting, I'm commenting, I'm doing everything I should be!" In this 9-minute episode I'm explaining why you don't show up in the newsfeed on social media: -You need to give before you can get-this applies to social media too. -The right kind of consistency to start getting the algorithm to work for you. -Making your audience feel welcome by adding just one thing to your routine. -Set up a block of time for your social media nurturing. This doesn't mean you need to spend fourteen hours a day online, it doesn't even mean you need to spend five hours a day online. You can spend thirty minutes a day actively engaging with your audience and the algorithm will reward you. So tell me, are you showing up in the newsfeed? If not, try these tips and tricks and let me know if they work for you! Join my FREE group: Ready to scale your business? Let's chat:

  • Ep. 288: It's Such Crap

    13/05/2021 Duration: 09min

    "Tap into your creativity. Everything you need is inside of you already. You are the creator in your life and business." In this 9-minute episode I'm talking about a lesson my 12-year old son taught me in a conversation where he mimicked me recently: -What CRAP really stands for -When things are bad, your mindset isn't really where it needs to be, just remember you can switch it around and make it something meaningful. -Meditate and take 'me time'. Burnout prevents you from reaching success. -There is an abundance of everything in this world-you have to believe it first. -Positivity! I know my son was mimicking me, but the fact that he thought of this shows that he truly believes it. If you think everything I teach is CRAP-I have news for you, it is! Creativity, Relaxation, Abundance, Positivity. Join my FREE group: Grab my toolkit:

  • Ep. 287: Tweak, Test, Triumph

    11/05/2021 Duration: 12min

    "I know that running an online business is not easy. I know that it takes time, and sometimes that time is frustrating." In this 11-minute episode I'm talking about tweaking: -I talk about a client of mine who was struggling to sign new clients -Defining your target market first and foremost-this is where you have to begin! -You can't sell a package to someone who you aren't in alignment with -Playing for the long game-it doesn't happen overnight. When you say you're "done" and no longer tweak or test, you're shutting yourself off from triumphing! Revisit your target market and your message every three months or so to make sure you're still in alignment with your business and your clients. As you evolve your target market evolves. Join my FREE group: Ready for abundance? Check out

  • Ep. 286 How To Sell As An Introvert

    06/05/2021 Duration: 16min

    "We're not only talking about sales, we're talking about sales specifically for introverts." In this 16-minute episode I'm talking about how to sell as an introvert: -The differences between introverts and extroverts in their respective spaces in business & what that means for sales -The best wording to have genuine conversations that help you grow with potential clients -How to take the pressure off the discovery call -Stop talking! Listening helps the sale. -Get comfortable with networking If you're using being an introvert as a crutch to stay hidden, your business might be suffering. Use being an introvert as an opportunity, not a challenge. Learn more in my FREE group: Check out the Content Strategy Toolkit at

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