Rockit N Rebel



This is my podcast!


  • What Could It Be Now Part 1

    24/07/2019 Duration: 05min

    This is Rockit and what since my dilemma is lengthy I had to divide it into two. And here is part one --- Send in a voice message:

  • Step 3 For Making Better Decisions

    23/07/2019 Duration: 03min

    Finally, we're at step number three on making a better decision.  The first thing we talked about was gathering information, not all the information. So you don't freak out and spend all your time looking things up, pretending like you're working. And then deciding whether or not you're going to make a decision. And also making sure that your decision is to take a form of action. So that's steps one and two.  So go out and make a decision today. Here's a good one:   Decide to click on over here for some dang good online marketing know-how. 

  • Step 2 For Making Better Decisions

    22/07/2019 Duration: 04min

    Greetings once again. Today we're talking about step number two in making better decisions.  Now, if you remember from yesterday, the first step is to gather available information. But not to gather all available information because you can get bogged down in doing that forever, and never make up your mind on what to do.  The second step is one that seems so logical. You choose the best alternative. For instance, you've got all your information in front of you and you've decided that there are three different alternatives, three different ways you can go.  Here’s where I share some of the best decisions I've learned to make in my marketing. 

  • Step 1 For Making Better Decisions

    21/07/2019 Duration: 03min

    Hey, how's it going there? This is going to be section one, module one, step one, whatever you want to call it, of how to make better decisions. If you're looking at the available information and you don't want to try to get it all, because your ego will say, "Well we need more information," and you'll get bogged down in attempting to figure out all these different things. Oh, do I need, I might need to know that, and did I look over here. Gathering information to make better business decisions? Start here. 

  • Unearthing Victoria Secret Lingerie

    20/07/2019 Duration: 04min

    In m life I never own a Victoria Secret lingerie. That's kind of crazy knowing I'll spend money buying expensive purses. Until opportunity presented itself and I found myself going inside Victoria Secret chamber of sexiness. Speaking of about unearthing good Online Marketing stuff? --- Send in a voice message:

  • The Quest To Save Your Data

    19/07/2019 Duration: 04min

    Imagine you build yourself up to hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, and all of a sudden all your stuff's gone.  Something to think about.  Struggling with your marketing?  Get more killer online business tips here. 

  • The Dull, Boring Way To Be An Expert

    18/07/2019 Duration: 04min

    When you're looking at all this stuff that you're trying to figure out to do, and you get your training on it... You just have to commit to doing that thing and keep working on it daily for a long period of time... Until you get it.  But in the end, they only thing it's going to make you proficient at anything is consistently, every day, doing it until you get good at it. So there I am with the, one of the foundational things. It's not exciting, but it's what you've got to do if you're going to succeed.  Here's something that IS exciting for affiliates and networkers. 

  • Take An Opportunity When It's Offered

    17/07/2019 Duration: 05min

    And you may be wondering what I'm doing here on my day off. Well, I happened to be around the office, and my friend, the guy that owns the trucking company, says "Hey man, you want to do some local stuff today?" So it's an opportunity I saw and I took it... grabbed it. And now here I am. I'm doing a couple of things today where I could have been laying around at home.  Oh boy... And it just got me thinking about why is it that most people for some reason just avoid opportunity. Or they don't see it when it's presented to them, because they're so caught up, I guess, in everything else that's going on in their life. Speaking of opportunity check this out... Here’s how I stay ahead of the latest online marketing trends. 

  • How Advantages Can Be A Bad Thing For Your Business

    16/07/2019 Duration: 05min

    So when you're setting up your business and you want to get things done, the key is to find a way to do things with as little money as possible. And that forces your mind to be creative, and you pick up things that a person who thinks they've got money to spend never occurs to them. Because you'll just go back to the well to get more if something doesn't work. So keep that in mind. Sometimes the advantages you see really are disadvantages. As you go forward, always keep that in the back of your mind. Maybe I'll do some more on this tomorrow. I don't want my video to be too long. I hope you're having a wonderful day wherever you are. That's all I've got. Keep it tight and keep it lean. I'm out. Here’s an advantage you might not even know you have.

  • Are You All In?

    14/07/2019 Duration: 04min

    You don't want to THINK that you've got it and go a little bit. Because one false move and you're done for. Well, that's the way this stuff works.  So my advice for today, or my 2 cents or what I'm thinking about is, if you're going to go into something, go in like you mean it and get all in.  Because if you ain't all in, you ain't in at all. 

  • How's That Course Working Out For You?

    13/07/2019 Duration: 04min

    Rockit tells me that a lot of people ask where she lives and she says  Sparks and they say what part?  And she says Spanish Springs.  And they go, "Oh, you live in the ritzy part of town.  I don't know.  It's not all that ritzy to me. 

  • How Are You Going To Take Up The Slack?

    12/07/2019 Duration: 05min

    I was listening to one of my favorite podcasts today, and the guy is talking about the death of the middle class.  And how it's all cause,d by the gubmint indoctrination camps.  Commonly referred to as public schools. Listen to my podcast and tell me your opinion. 

  • The 3 Most Important Points In Business

    11/07/2019 Duration: 04min

    I was thinking today as I'm driving along, way, way early in the morning,  (I started at about 2:00 AM) and I was thinking about how things work out where most of the time. if not 100%, a big factor in whatever you're doing is going to come down to timing.  Because there are just the right times to get things done.  For instance, on a large scale, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.  They wouldn't have been able to do the things they did except for the timing.  What was going on in the culture technology-wise and so on.

  • Do You Have What It Takes To Stay On Course?

    09/07/2019 Duration: 05min

    Hey, what's up? It's time for episode, whatever you call it.  Okay, so I'm driving along today and when I took off it was kinda rough road weather. Snowing and icy. Roads were kind of bad in spots. So I took off and things looked like they were getting better for a while. And then all of a sudden things went sideways.  It started snowing harder and the road was all messed up. There was a plow truck spreading sand and salt. And I'm thinking to myself, "Man, this is just a drag."  What happen next is for you to find out by listening to the rest of my podcast. 

  • How To Be Irresistible To Your Perfect Client

    08/07/2019 Duration: 04min

    I started off my day reading some emails from a guy that I get a lot of good stuff from. And of course, being a copywriter, it's all about persuasion and influence and stuff like that. And it comes to me as I'm reading all this stuff, as I come out here to let the dogs out, that the most sexy thing you can do in order to persuade people, and I'm not just talking about being attractive to the opposite sex.  I'm talking about anybody that you're attempting to have a conversation with.  And that's confidence. And confidence comes from knowing what you're doing.  When you don't have a confidence and you don't know what you are going to do next...go here.

  • Are You Making This Mistake In Your Online Business?

    06/07/2019 Duration: 04min

    I was thinking as I'm driving along here, everybody talks about why so many businesses fail. Of course there's a million different reasons, at least as many reasons as there are people who have ever started a business. And I believe that one of the biggest is being timid. Being reserved. Holding back. Here is the good news.

  • Poshmark is a Depressing Selling Platform

    05/07/2019 Duration: 03min

    Instead of writing how I feel about Poshmark....I would rather let you listen to it. --- Send in a voice message:

  • The 'Never Fails' Secret To Success

    04/07/2019 Duration: 05min

    People will ask, "Well, how'd you get so good at doing this?" Most of the time it's just because whoever you're talking to has been doing whatever they're doing for so long. They just keep getting better at it. All of a sudden, one day, everybody thinks they're a natural, and they're lucky, and "Oh my gosh, you're so wonderful." Before taking this and see if you have use for it.

  • Why I Don't Bow At The Altar Of Social Media

    01/07/2019 Duration: 04min

    I've been thinking about social media, and sometimes I wonder if I'm the only person, especially marketer that doesn't like it. I really don't. I don't go on social media. I don't use it. Rockit does post some of my stuff. My stuff is posted on YouTube if that counts as social media. Facebook. I spend my time on what i am good at and this might help you too.

  • How To Make Your Goals Easy To Reach

    29/06/2019 Duration: 04min

    Find out more about my topic by listening to my podcast

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