Cloud Streaks



Chats between James and Duncan on anything we find interesting... hopefully you find it interesting as well :)Please note all statements are the individuals own and do not represent the organisations they work for.


  • 63. Fun - what is it and different types of fun. Mentioning Tony Robins, Robert Kegan & more.

    02/10/2022 Duration: 52min - Work can be fun. - Play can be fun. - Relaxing can be recharging, and a peaceful kind of fun. Progress can be happiness which can be fun. Writing can be fun.

  • 62. Remote vs in office working. Mentioning Scott Galloway, Paul Graham, Scott Farquhar & more

    25/06/2022 Duration: 58min

    The different types of work time: work from home, work from office, meetings, coffees, team lunch, company drinks, team offsite, company offsite. Some balance of all of them is optimal? Work from home is almost like having your own office. Sometimes you want to be in an open office, sometimes in a closed door office. With working from home and in the office you get both? Maker's Schedule, Manager's Schedule - Paul Graham Some days working from home and some from the office means you can optimise for the different types of time? Building relations with coworkers is critical. See blog from Scott Galloway. Everytime you interact with someone you are either bulding or burning a unit of credibility. If you want to contact us please do so at

  • 61. Is The US On Track To Break? Mentioning Stephen West, Ian Shapiro, Newt Gingrich & more

    15/06/2022 Duration: 01h05min

    In this episode we discuss if the US democracy is on track to break. In short we think yes. We discuss a history of governance systems and possible things that could be done to change the course. Here are some of the things mentioned: Transforming Power Relationships: Leadership, Risk, and Hope: Stephen West and Philosophize this: The Open Society and Its Enemies - Book by Karl Popper: Contact us at

  • 60. To Be A Parent, Or Not To Be A Parent. Mentioning Howard Chilton, Brian Gallagher & more

    23/05/2022 Duration: 01h01min

    Some interesting resources: - Baby on Board: Understand Your Baby's Needs in the First Twelve Months by Howard Chilton - Love Is Biological Bribery. Evolution uses all its tricks to make sure we procreate. But love in humans is a many-splendored thing. BY BRIAN GALLAGHER Outcome = 1. Category of caring * 2. Length of caring - Categories of caring: conditional, unconditional and earned, unconditional and given (children) - Time: life long or not life long. Children have the deepest story of care: unconditional and given * life long. So it's easier to love them? Some definitions: - Love = Something you care about more than yourself - Child = Something you help - Child = Something you are care about your entire life Contact us at

  • 59. Discussing Brené Brown's Atlas of the Heart. Mentioning Daniel Goleman & Chip Conley

    26/04/2022 Duration: 58min

    Listen to: Brené Brown Says You're Doing Feelings Wrong - Daniel Goleman's emotional intelligence framework: - Self-awareness – the ability to know one's emotions, strengths, weaknesses, drives, values and goals and recognize their impact on others while using gut feelings to guide decisions. - Self-regulation – involves controlling or redirecting one's disruptive emotions and impulses and adapting to changing circumstances. - Social skill – managing relationships to get along with others - Empathy – considering other people's feelings especially when making decisions - Motivation – being aware of what motivates them. Chip Conley emotional equations:*q1fZlZu3ZdcYBhj_.jpg The limits of my language mean the limits of my world - Ludwig Wittgenstein -Language does not just communicate emotions, it shapes them. Contact us at

  • 58. Management Styles. Mentioning Kim Scott, Andy Grove & Randall Stutman

    24/02/2022 Duration: 58min

    Parenting Styles ≈ Management Styles - Neglectful, Permissive, Authoritarian, Authoritative and Helicopter. Permissive = High care & Low boundaries Neglectful = Low care & Low boundaries Authoritarian = Low care & High boundaries Authoritative = High care & High boundaries Helicopter = Authoritative + Don't allow people to make mistakes. Contact us at

  • 57. Attachment Styles: not just for relationships, but for work, with yourself.

    03/02/2022 Duration: 01h55s

    Attachment styles 1: Secure, Avoidant, Ambivalent, Disorganised. Attachment styles 2: Secure, Anxious, Dismissive, Fearful Attachment styles 3: Secure, Insecure, Dysfunction Attachment styles 4: Cool, Clingy, Stalker, Loner Variables that matter: - low vs high self esteem - low vs high trust Contact us at

  • 56. Common Characteristics Of Charisma. Mentioning Joyce Newman, Allen Grabo & John Antonakis

    23/12/2021 Duration: 01h01min

    Joyce Newman - “Everyone can be charismatic. We are not born charismatic - we cultivate it in many ways. One way is by observing and learning from people who you think are charismatic. You don’t need to copy them, but learn their secrets, try them on and fine-tune them until they fit you. It’s a trial and error process. Bad news is that once you have your charismatic status, you can lose it. Just look at Mel Gibson and Lindsay Lohan. But here’s the good news – if you lose it, with self awareness and effort, you can regain your charismatic ranking” Some links: - - - - Contact us at

  • 55. Common Leadership Characteristics. Mentioning JD Vance, Simon Sinek, George Bernard Shaw

    05/11/2021 Duration: 01h02min

    “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” George Bernard Shaw Leadership = 1. Vision for how to change the world + 2. Confidence + 3. Inspiring + 4. A source of challenge + 5. Confidence = Not knowing you are right, but that you could be wrong, however you are ok with it. "Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." Churchill. Inspiring = Epic at what they do = Have built themselves to be the best. To be a good leader one should be a pragmatist, not an ideologue. Ideologues who are good leaders often become cult leaders. Effort = Crazy work ethic. Leadership = 1. Vision for change + 2. Ability to actualize it Manager = Helping organise to get things done Worker = Doing what they are told. Simon Sinek: why / what / how Contact us at

  • 54. Management styles: Michael Jordan vs Ted Lasso. Mentioning John Mcgrath, John Wooden

    21/10/2021 Duration: 01h42s

    “There is no "I" in team but there is in win.” Jordan "A champion team will beat a team of champions." John Mcgrath Outcome = 1. Value of input + 2. How easy you are to work with + 3. Energising / draining for yourself and others. Jordan = Win at all costs. It’s not about life or death. Jordan = Win. Lasso = Belief. The best = 1. The most hours spent upgrading + 2. Will always get up after being knocked down = Often makes someone intense AF. Nice guys finish last… but they are nice because they are last. If they weren't nice no one would speak to them. We tend to equate niceness with weakness. "Kindness is my religion. Be kind to yourself and be kind to others." Dalai Lama To get things done with others you have three tools? Carrot, stick and inspiration. If you are the best then you can inspire. And often the more you can inspire the more you are able to use a stick. Jordan was lots inspiration and stick. Lasso is mainly carrot. Can you be the best of both Jordan and Lasso? I hope so! 'Play nice, but win'

  • 53. Automaticity & the subconsious; mentioning Martin Seligman, Daniel Kahneman, Carl Jung

    24/09/2021 Duration: 01h50s

    Automaticity: The ability to perform a task by automatic processing, independent of conscious control and attention. Strong automaticity is almost entirely automatic and can be carried out without attention. “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” - Carl Jung One lens: - Unconscious incompetence - Conscious incompetence - Conscious competence - Unconscious competence Another lens: - Biology - story of delta and spiders. With vertigo and horney, finding mothers brest. - Family history - story of the mice and raspberries - Sociocultural programming - Programming you do to yourself. And another: - Unconscious desires - Unconscious beliefs - Unconscious memories - Unconscious fears Contact us at

  • 52. Do you want to be famous? Is fame just reputation?

    10/09/2021 Duration: 54min

    Your profile is a tool and fame is a tool. Take care of your reputation, it’s your most valuable asset. Credibility = Reputation. Is fame just your reputation on steroids? Contact us at

  • 51. Conversation Outcome = Mindset * Messaging * Message. Mentioning Tim Urban,

    08/08/2021 Duration: 58min

    The main article referred to is here: 1. Positive Sum Conversation Mindset = 1.1 What did I learn? + 1.2 How does the other person feel? 2. Messaging = 2.1 Empathy * 2.2 Word choice * 2.3 Confidence 3. Message = 3.1 Quality ideas + 3.2 Ideas put forward ‘like a scientist’ + 3.3 Not committing any logic fallacies Jingle: Getting good at conversations ≈ Getting good at life Tim Urban - Zealot ⇔ Scientist: Contact us at

  • 50. Messaging Vs Message; mentioning Jordan Peterson, Ricky Gervais & Carl Jung

    01/07/2021 Duration: 59min

    *So sorry, there is an echo in one of the recordings :(. Outcome = Message * Messaging. We've come to believe Messaging is more important than Message. Key questions to ask at the end of a conversation are 1. “What did I learn?” and 2. “How does the other person feel?” 1. “What did I learn?” Taxonomy -L1: Why i’m right and defend anything others say about me being wrong L1: Try to listen to the other party L2: What can I learn? 2. “How does the other person feel?” Taxonomy -L1: Told them they are wrong. Like you less. L1: Tried to have someone understand your view. Neutral, don't like more or less L2: Tried to understand their view, tried to help someone understand your view. Tried to show what you learned and show how your view changed because of this. Tried to help the other change their own mind with eg socratic questions. They like you more. Likability ≠ Value of input. - Likability = Messaging. Try for agreeable disagreement. - Value = Message. Could have totally opposite view. Likability unco

  • 49. Free will vs determinism; mentioning Sam Harris, Shankar Vedantam, Daniel Kahneman

    11/06/2021 Duration: 01h02min

    Biology vs Nature vs Self Authoring. Useful delusions. - Shankar Vedantam The difference between genius and insanity is success. Areas = 1. Biological programs you can’t change + 2. Subconscious programs you can change + 3. Micro things like tired and hungry + 4. Subconscious + 5. Listening to your subconscious + 6. Willpower. The mind is a great servant, but a terrible master. Eliminate the need for willpower. Contact us at

  • 48. What Is Inspiration In The Context Of Elon Musk, also mentioning Steve Jobs & Simon Sinek

    28/05/2021 Duration: 01h01min

    Leadership taxonomy: - L-100: 'Leading' through intimidation: - L1: 'Leading through information' - L10: 'Leading through inspiration' 1. Vision * 2. Communication (done well) = 3. Inspiration Inspiration = Vision * Communication * Levelling up * Credibility build through progress * Presentation skills Inspiration = Problem solving ability * Progress What makes the great great = 1. Ability to inspire to get past go + 2. Ability to inspire to go from small to large. Contact us at

  • 47. What Is A Friend - thoughts on different types of friendships

    23/04/2021 Duration: 59min

    Partner types: Relax partner, Party partner, Activity partner, Best friend partner, Laugh partner, Sex partner, Parent partner, Self actualisation partner, etc Relationship activities: 1. stop me from being bored or lonely 2. entertainment / relax time 3. shared interests / passions 4. discussions with the purpose of learning. Eg talk about a article that someone has found, bookclub, etc 5. shoulder to cry on / reactive support 6. reactive problem solver. Eg a problem is brought to you with someone wanting to discuss something at work, or in a romantic relationship, etc 7. will provide unprompted feedback (radical candour). This should be both positive and constructive. Eg reality check when you are getting an ego. Eg did you know you are actually really quite a good public speaker. 8. counsellor - which is a problem uncoverer and solver (ie proactive problems vs reactive problems above) 9. builder - eg working to build something like a family, company, etc. You love what you have cared for - levels of rel

  • 46. Positive Sum Vs Zero Sum Games - mentioning Adam Robinson, Robert Kegan and more

    08/03/2021 Duration: 01h01min

    One lens you can look at life as: a series of games. Most of the modern world is positive sum. But most of history was zero sum. Do we do a good job at knowing games can be positive sum? How to create positive sum games? How to be a positive sum game player? The best thing in life get better because you make them better. In some respects friendships are games, businesses are games. How to plan infinite (vs finite) games in a positive sum way is much fun! Contact us at

  • 45. 5 days of Purpose, 1 day of Play & 1 day of Peace

    30/01/2021 Duration: 52min

    One lens I have for life - there are three types of time: purpose (serious), play and peace (rest). In a normal week I try to do 5 days of Purpose, 1 day of Play and 1 day of Peace. Purpose: 1. Find a way to make the world better => 2. Take on responsibility to make change => 3. Get meaning / purpose => 4. Happiness [4th order happiness] Play: no responsibility - Purpose = responsibility * fun - Play = no responsibility * fun [1st order happiness] Peace = just doing nothing [2nd order happiness. 1. Calm / rest => 2. peaceful happy] A life without seriousness is frivolousness. A life with only seriousness is silliness. Also referencing: Contact us at

  • 44. Unleashing human potential. Mentioning Jeff Hunter, Bertrand Russell and more

    10/10/2020 Duration: 58min

    The inspiration for this episodes is an episode of the Knowledge Project called "Jeff Hunter: Embracing Confusion [The Knowledge Project Ep. #74]", Contact us at

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