M. Darusha Wehm



Explorer of Worlds Real and Imagined


  • Episode Three


    Episode Three The birds weren't that bad after all. They really did just chirp, and about three of them flapped benignly over Jack's bed until she hit the off button on the alarm. "I can live with that," she said, getting out of bed and padding to the bathroom. She went through the usual morning paces and was out the door within fifteen minutes. She washed down half her breakfast bar with coffee as she headed for the train stop. The morning was pretty much the same as every other day, maybe a few more streeters than before. It seemed like there were more streeters every day. It was hard to tell if it just seemed that way; if there were any official stats on the number of street people, they were classified and unreported. Most people were thankful for what they had and didn't like to think about the alternative. [audio: The post Episode Three appeared first on M. Darusha Wehm.

  • Episode Two


    Episode Two As Jack left the building, the rain was falling lightly and making the streets shine in the dim late afternoon sun. Without even thinking, she opened up a program called "shades" from her home brew launcher and a dark platinum tinted screen rolled over her field of vision. To any bystander she looked like she had silver eyes – utilitarian but not very fashionable. The trendy look was to have glowing or animalistic prints on the outside of your shades, but Jack couldn’t be bothered. She started heading directly for the train stop, but was distracted by a sidewalk vendor selling spare electronics. The seller was obviously a scavenger, one of the many street people who eke out an existence on one or other side of the law, but always close to the line. The spare parts gleamed in the wet, and Jack stopped to take a look. She wasn’t working on any particular project, but you never knew when you might need something. The seller had spread an old rug on the sidewalk and had arranged her wares carefully on

  • Episode One


    Episode One The figure stood beside Jack’s bed and looked down at her sleeping form. Maybe she sensed his presence because she turned ever so slightly. He leaned toward her, his 5 o’clock shadow nearly scratching against her chin. “Good morning, Jack,” he said, his voice low and gravelly. “What the fuck!” Jack woke up immediately, terrified and energized by the unexpected presence in her bedroom. She sprang toward the figure, jumping through his body and punching a button on the console sitting on the table at the side of her bed. The image of the intruder flickered once, twice, then disappeared. [audio:] Direct download Music: The post Episode One appeared first on M. Darusha Wehm.

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