The Mind Revolution Podcast shares relatable and practical tools to tap into the power of your mind to help you step into your own power, unleash your highest potential, and turn your big dreams into actualized results. Host Brenda Terry, a personal development trainer and master coach, utilizes her insights to inspire, motivate, and educate listeners to achieve mastery in business, relationships and personal development. Join a community of go-getters, leaders, and seekers actively working to live life fully by making an inward turn and taking a courageous leap to discover the greatness inside.
What it Really Takes to Have that Dream Business
29/09/2021 Duration: 49minEvolving, growing, transforming — this is what the people in my space want (and they’re doing it!) Change is beautiful and thrilling, and it comes with some challenges. When you're ready to create change, your unconscious mind will begin to show you all the ways that what you’re currently doing doesn’t work. And let me tell you, that can feel frustrating. But it’s just your unconscious mind confirming for you that growth is in order. While uncomfortable, this is just part of the growth process. So it’s probably a good idea to expect and embrace it. It means that your unconscious mind is getting on board — which is great news! This discomfort is what can propel you to take action in the direction of what you want. The first step can be especially difficult because your nervous system is learning and evolving to accommodate the growth you’re seeking. This is why taking those first steps can be painfully uncomfortable. I’ve made two big changes in my career, and both times my new choices were uncomforta
Disrupting Your Limiting Money Story
21/09/2021 Duration: 39minPeople are social creatures, and we organize ourselves into cultures, societies, governments, groups. And here’s the thing about these groups — most people here are living in a self-sacrificial environment. At an unconscious level, we’re taught that the individual is subservient to the group, and the group is more important than the individual. Is it any wonder that most of us have a hard time embracing our desires and dreams when we’ve been conditioned to feel guilty and selfish if we expend too much energy going after what we want? In today’s episode, we scratch the surface of Clare Graves’ Values work. Clare Graves’ work is less about individual values and more about thinking systems. The foundational values level systems are rooted in self-sacrifice or aggressive, shoot-myself-in-the-foot type of self-expression. It’s not until Values Level (VL) 5 (there are at least 8 values levels) that we get into expressive values with win-win scenarios. It’s a level where individualistic, “selfish” behavior is
On Choosing Your Personal "Hard"
15/09/2021 Duration: 34minThere’s no such thing as small changes. All change is BIG. Some changes might seem small, but when you shift to something outside of your usual patterns or take a path that diverges from your typical choices, that’s no small feat. Continue to make small, incremental changes, and you can dramatically change your life’s trajectory. But change is scary because getting out of the comfort zone is uncomfortable. I always tell my clients that intentional change is optional. You have a right to stay in what’s familiar. You’re entitled to your away-froms, negative thinking, and limiting beliefs. You can continue to do the same thing and hope that something will change. You can stay right where you are and try to make the most of it. But the reality is that the comfort zone eventually reveals a certain discomfort. The comfort zone is supposed to be comfortable, but it’s also boring and predictable, and it becomes increasingly unsatisfying. Why? Because human beings are meant to grow and evolve. You w
THIS Could be Keeping You from Living Your Best Life
09/09/2021 Duration: 37minTo get what we want in life, we need to balance thinking and doing, and connecting emotionally and spiritually with what we want. A lot of the work I do with my clients is about creating the emotional and spiritual space for the things they want in their lives. This emotional-spiritual collaboration lets us get what we want with a greater sense of ease, purpose, and fun. The problem is that our internal resources go largely untapped. We simply haven’t been trained to cultivate and use them. It’s like you have a sports car sitting in the garage, but you don’t even know it’s there. And all the while, you’re sweating on a bicycle around town when you could be driving your sports car. We have this fantastic, powerful resource inside us, so how can we tap into it? Often we see things we want and feel a pang inside. Perhaps it feels like jealousy or lack. The next time you feel triggered by seeing something you want, try this: Step one — Find a sense of trust inside that you have the resources, access t
The Value of Making Tough Inward Turns
01/09/2021 Duration: 36minOver the last week, a theme was running through the people in my space — one of frustration. Many clients and students felt that they were doing all the right things but they weren’t getting the outcomes they wanted. It was happening in their businesses, sales, and relationships. By the end of the week, I had to use NLP to release frustration for myself! If you can subscribe to the NLP idea that you are the sum total of your conscious and unconscious choices and can believe that you can train your unconscious mind, then I’ve got good news and bad news for you. The bad news: You’re responsible for your life experience. The good news: You’re responsible for your life experience. And you can shape that life experience by working with your conscious and unconscious minds. If you feel like you’re doing everything you can but the results aren’t to your liking, here are some things to consider… Are you going deep to uncover dominant limiting beliefs? Working on surface-level things can only get you so far. I
Misconceptions about Creating a Dream Life
26/08/2021 Duration: 42minIf you’re here, you’re probably like most of my clients. You want to have something in your life experience, but it’s not here yet. Or, there are some things in your life experience that you don’t like. Bottom line, you want change in your life. For many of us, things are great in most areas of life, but there are one or two challenging areas. These areas are where our conscious and unconscious minds don’t align. In NLP, we say there are two types of problems: The presenting problem — what’s in our sensory awareness The deep structure problem — what’s happening underneath in our belief systems. This is the root of the presenting problems. To achieve the change you’re seeking — you need to align your intention and your behavior. To do this, first, let’s clear up some misconceptions: Misconception 1 - Plan for the future by thinking about the future. The truth - Your unconscious mind understands the difference between the concepts of “present” and “future”, and while your unconscious mind
The Power of Surrender and Trust
19/08/2021 Duration: 31minWhen you turn on a garden hose, do you wait impatiently for the water to come out of the spout? Of course not. You know it’s coming eventually, so you trust that water’s going to pour out of there any second. When you plug in the hairdryer, do you wonder if it will work? Probably not. When you drive on a two-lane road, are you afraid that the oncoming traffic will hop into your lane? I hope not. When you go to bed at night, are you concerned that the sun might not rise in the morning? No way! We TRUST that these things will happen. What would happen if we, in a similar way, trust that the universe had our backs? What if we trust the universe with our big desires knowing full well they would show up? In today’s episode, I’m inviting you to adopt a sense of trust and surrender regarding the outcomes that you want, to trust in the power of your unconscious mind and your source (God, the universe, creative energy, etc.) just like you would the force behind the garden hose. When you turn on the sp
One Simple Change for Big Results
12/08/2021 Duration: 41minNLP places a premium on the ‘L’ -- linguistic. Language. The language we use matters. And the language we use gives us all sorts of clues about what we believe. Today we're talking about two different linguistic assumptions. See if you spot these in your own thinking. The first is cause and effect, the linguistic structure behind beliefs. It's simply the idea that one thing causes another. Cause and effect is all about the “how”. Like I must work hard to have money — meaning HOW does one make money? Oh, by working hard. Or He must do ____ in order for me to feel loved. Cause and effect thinking can often lead to the next linguistic assumption: complex equivalence. Complex equivalence occurs when we equate two things as being equal. Making money equals working hard. Or My partner neglects to _____ which means he doesn't love me. These linguistic assumptions trip us up because instead of focusing on the thing that we want and feeling good, we’ve linked what we want to something that is uncomfortabl
Quantum Leap Thinking to Change Paradigms
05/08/2021 Duration: 36minThis week is Integration Week inside our Soulful Business Revolution Program which means that I’ve got more time on my hands. I used this time to revisit an old book that I’ve read again and again, Price Pritchett’s You2. — it’s a quick read and so worth the time. The book reminded me that the fastest way to get from where you are to where you want to be is to work from the inside out. No doubt, there are things in the physical world that will need to change or to happen, but working from the inside out can allow the external changes to happen with much more ease. Change starts in the mind and emotions. If you can begin with the end in mind and align your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions with your desired outcomes, you’ll be able to accomplish them. As Carl Jung said, your unconscious mind must express itself in your environment via people, circumstances, and events. So, if you want to know what your mind believes to be true, take a look around because your environment is showing it to you 24/7/365. If
Letting Your Purpose Lead the Way
29/07/2021 Duration: 42minI’ve been studying self-development since learning English as a kid. But I have memories, even as a young girl, of being mesmerized by Gloria Steinem’s inspiring messages, seeing her on Mexican TV, as her words were translated into Spanish. As an adult, my love of self-development led me to breathwork, meditation, books, fitness, and eventually to NLP, and then to coaching others. Over the years, I’ve evolved and have discovered my why for being here and doing what I do. It’s what lights me up and gives my life meaning. I haven’t always known my purpose, even though I experienced success in many areas. There was a time when I felt like I had arrived. I was living in a 5,000 square-foot home — just me and my two boys, working long hours, and collecting a lot of things. But I was lacking real purpose and meaning. My purpose has revealed itself as I’ve been on my journey. I have evolved and so have my programs and services. I’ve become bolder, more true to myself. Some of the clients that I had a coup
Managing Negative Emotions Effectively
22/07/2021 Duration: 34minWhy do negative emotions stick around longer than positive ones? It’s because we’re wired with a negativity bias. It’s nature’s way of keeping us safe. But it doesn’t feel good. Negative emotions have a way of spiraling into more than just negative feelings. What may start out as a negative emotion can lead to a limiting belief, an away-from orientation, negative outcomes, fewer resources, and even a general place of disempowerment that doesn’t feel good. Don’t get the idea that negative emotions are useless — they’re not! In fact, they’re a valuable form of communication from your unconscious mind. And when handled effectively, they can, in a roundabout way, help reorient you in a better direction. While your life is an emotional and spiritual journey, we usually have to take action to feel better. Recognize that emotions — negative and positive ones — are going to happen. Emotions are part of being human. Try to observe your emotions at a distance. It may help to imagine that you’re floating ab
Feeling Your Way to Success
15/07/2021 Duration: 38minSome people are into hobbies like writing, painting, music, or fitness. Me? I’m into self-improvement. Self-improvement is my thing, and it’s been my jam for a long time. As a teenager, I read self-help books for fun. I even put myself in therapy when I was 17. My mom found out when she got a call from Kaiser. So, yeah, that was me, feeling the desire, even as a teen, to gather as many tools and resources as possible to better myself and my life. You might not be a self-development junkie to the extent that I am, but virtually everyone in my space is here because they want to realize something in their life that’s not yet present. And if you’ve been in my space for a while, you know that I preach doing the work. The work involves focusing on what you want so that you can enlist your unconscious mind in the process of manifesting your dreams. If you’ve been doing that, and you’re still waiting to see the fruits of your focus, this episode is for you. Doing the work and waiting for results can be
NLP Model to Train Your Brain
01/07/2021 Duration: 24minThere’s a powerful tool in NLP called the negotiation model. The idea — it’s easier to reach an agreement the more ambiguous the concept up for debate is - think of something like “dinner”, chances are everyone in your family can agree that having dinner is a good thing. . Get more specific about what’s for dinner, and it’s harder to reach a consensus. The goal of the negotiation model is to reach agreement with as much specificity as possible. When there’s disagreement, the model says to scale back to something a little more ambiguous until you reach agreement. In today’s episode, we focus on using the negotiation model to reach agreement between your conscious and unconscious minds. Goals and plans originate in the conscious mind, but it’s the conscious and unconscious minds working together that bring those plans to fruition. If you’re not living your conscious goals and dreams, your unconscious mind isn’t completely on board. And the way you know is that the unconscious mind, by need, will express
How Your Unconscious Mind Prevents You form Crushing It in Sales
24/06/2021 Duration: 38minRecently, I surveyed 40 people, and every one of them cringed when we talked about sales and money. These are people who are interested in growing a business — why would they have such a reaction? Business owners need sales to make money and money makes a business a business. NLP teaches that the unconscious mind is “a highly moral being,” meaning it upholds beliefs. And the morality your unconscious mind works so hard to uphold is the one that you’ve taught it through your beliefs. The problem is that many of us have deeply rooted, limiting beliefs like… “Money is hard to come by.” “I never have enough.” “Selling feels icky.” And your unconscious mind is doing the work to uphold those beliefs and giving you the real-life manifestation of them in your world. The result is that you’re living the essence of your beliefs. If your beliefs are positive and lead to you having what you want, then that’s fantastic. If they don’t, it’s time to get to work and teach your unconscious mind what you want instea
End-All Be-All for Client Retention
17/06/2021 Duration: 32minFor the last week or so, I’ve been reflecting on my first job at age 16. I got a job at Carl’s Jr. (a fast food restaurant) to carry customers’ trays from the counter to their tables. I also made sure the dining room was tidy and kept an eye on the stock levels of the ketchup packets and napkins. I wanted to do the best job I possibly could. Before long, I took care of the customers in the entire large dining room on my own — and got tips! Have you ever seen someone tip a fast-food restaurant worker? Well, it happened to me, and it happened often I didn’t hover around the customers, but I kept an eye on things. I was looking for what I needed to do as well as what I could do. I was looking for ways to create a more enjoyable dining experience. People noticed, and they rewarded me with cash tips that lined my pockets. I’ve carried that same servicial (Spanish for helpful) spirit into my work today. It’s just part of who I am. And that spirit helps me stay in rapport with my clients. What’s rapport?
What You Know Vs What You Want
10/06/2021 Duration: 38minWhen people join my 12-month mentorship and coaching program, they have a goal or dream in mind. They know what they want, and they join to get help to take them there. They come excited, ready, and willing to do the work to bring their dreams to life. A principle in NLP is ‘the map is not the territory,” meaning that while we can agree that reality exists, our individual version of reality is subjective and will never ever be the same as someone else's. Have you ever heard someone say, “That’s the truth?”, based on the principle that the map is not the territory, the truth, is really their truth. Each person’s perspective of that reality is unique based on internal filters dictated by their beliefs, values, memories, emotions, and experiences. This makes their truth feel very real. Just as we can change the filters of a Google map to see the street, satellite, or terrain view, our internal “map” acts like a filter. We don’t see the whole picture. The whole picture would be all of reality. But our
3 Steps to Tap Into Courage and Embrace Change [Rebroadcast]
03/06/2021 Duration: 37minChange is hard, no matter its source. Some types are harder than others. And all types can be life-changing in a positive way. I see three types of change in my clients: You’re starting something new. You’re ready to start that business or embrace a new career or leave your comfortable gig for something else. This type of change involves leaving the Comfort Zone and creating new neural pathways that will support your success. It takes effort. You’re in a phase of growth. You’re accumulating tools and resources to grow personally and professionally. You’re in the Growth Zone. You already have the neurology to go after your goals. You’re building on top of your previous successes -- enriching your relationships, getting to a new level of physical health and strength, taking your business to the next level. When you’re in this phase of change, it’s self-initiated. You choose to grow. You choose to change. You’re forced to change. This is turbulent change. Life happened and you were, to some degree, caught of
Balancing Being and Doing
27/05/2021 Duration: 41minI look to the people in my space — private clients, those in the Soulful Business Revolution program, and those in the private Facebook group — for inspiration before I recorded this podcast. One thing that’s been coming up lately is the concept of balance. And, wow, we can really be hard on ourselves when we feel like we’re missing the mark. I believe that the best way to view “balance” is to see it as a concept to aim for because perfect balance doesn’t exist in real life. Our lives are in a constant state of flux and change, and so the balance point is always shifting and moving. But, believe me, balance is a concept worth striving for. Maybe you’ve heard me say that the balance between doing and being leads to your having. That bears repeating — the balance between doing and being leads to your having. I’ve observed that most of us tend to favor one side or the other — doing or being. Some of us do, do, do, do, and we don’t focus on being enough. We’re caught up in doing all the things and trying
The Winning Combination for All Pursuits
20/05/2021 Duration: 43minMy life and business are about achieving outcomes — in my life and the lives of my students and clients. I’ve discovered some patterns related to the way we go about transforming our lives and pursuing outcomes. These are observations from my life and those in my space, so we’re talking about a group of go-getters who desire personal growth and transformation. These are people with goals, ambitions, and a desire for excellence. Spoiler alert: You can achieve success and positive outcomes with all of the following combinations, but the winning combination is the one that feels the best in the pursuit of the goal, the one that allows for sustained success — is the last one. Combination #1: You believe you’re special, magnificent, and worthy — which is great. But instead of taking action and doing the things that align with what you want, you’re waiting for the universe to manifest success for you. You may be waiting for signs that the time is right. This results in a lot of positive thinking but very litt
The perils of having a magic bullet mindset
13/05/2021 Duration: 40minMagic bullet promises are everywhere – on your phone, your desktop, and your television. Everywhere you look there’s an offer of an easy fix to lifelong problems. While the promise is alluring, we have to dig deeper to find the evidence of true results. We’re bombarded with quick-fix messages that tell us that… if you do this one thing, you're going to have this amazing result one email can absolutely dramatically shift your business one Facebook Live is going to get a bunch of people to enroll in your program if you follow this eating plan for a week, you'll drop 30 pounds if you take that this pill, everything you want is going to be in your experience if you follow this advice, it’ll solve all your problems So many promises, but it never really pans out that way, does it? Magic bullets may sell, but they don’t do much else besides leave us disappointed and looking for someone or something to blame for unfulfilled expectations. I’ve bought plenty of programs, taken courses, and read books, and whi