Torat Ramah



A chance for all members of the Camp Ramah in New England Community to study a little Torah together.


  • Parashat Vayeshev Year II

    18/12/2008 Duration: 05min

    Rabbi Ethan Lindej discusses what Joseph the dreamer fails to see.

  • Parashat Vayera Year II

    14/11/2008 Duration: 07min

    This week, Rabbi Ethan Linden discusses one of the often overlooked narratives in this week's parasha.

  • Parashat Noach Year Two

    30/10/2008 Duration: 05min

    As we celebrate our first anniversary of divrei Torah podcasts, Rabbi Ed Gelb speaks about the profound lessons of this week's Torah portion.

  • Parashat Bereshit

    23/10/2008 Duration: 07min

    Rabbi Ethan Linden examines the twin curses of Cain, and discusses the more lasting of the two.

  • Hol HaMoed Sukkot

    17/10/2008 Duration: 07min

    This week, Rabbi Ethan Linden dicusses the reading of the book of Ecclesiastes on Sukkot.

  • Parashat Vayelekh

    03/10/2008 Duration: 06min

    Rabbi Ethan Linden discusses the need for human leadership, even with the presence of God in the camp.

  • Episode 28

    26/09/2008 Duration: 03min

    Rabbi Ethan Linden thinks about what collective punishment might mean.

  • Parashat Ki Tavo

    19/09/2008 Duration: 04min

    Rabbi Ethan Linden speaks about the difference between monuments to identity and monuments to idolatry.

  • Parashat Ki Tetze

    10/09/2008 Duration: 05min

    We're back! We've moved to our new office but it's the same Torah. This week, Rabbi Ed Gelb gets us back in the groove with some musings...

  • Parashat Shemot

    02/01/2008 Duration: 07min

    We're a bit late on this one, sorry! Rabbi Ed Gelb kicks off the second book of the Torah with a discussion of leadership.

  • Parashat Lech Lecha

    18/10/2007 Duration: 06min

    Our second chance to study together again features our assistant director, rabbi Ethan Linden. His topic: why Abaraham?

  • Dvar Torah on Parashat Noach

    15/10/2007 Duration: 04min

    Our first episode of Torat Ramah features Rabbi Ethan Linden, the Assistant Director of Camp Ramah in New England, giving a brief dvar Torah on parashat Noach.