Fr. Dan Riley Clouds & Sun Reflections



Reflections about the canvas of life at Mt. Irenaeus Franciscan Community.


  • Set the World on Fire with Love and Peace

    27/05/2024 Duration: 11min

    As we think about the tables and churches where we gather, what can we do to find unity among ourselves? Fr. Dan Riley, ofm, invites us to set the world on fire with love and peace. Music, "This Little Light of Mine," by Kim and Reggie Harris (used with permission). Produced May 27, 2024. Podcast #290. For more information about Mt. Irenaeus, visit

  • Grounded In Love

    10/05/2024 Duration: 07min

    "Remaining" with God does not mean to be static, but to be alive within creation. Fr. Dan Riley, ofm, shares this reflection from the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Music, "The Love of God," by Fr. Cyprian Consiglio (used with permission). Produced May 9, 2024. Podcast #289. For more information about Mt. Irenaeus, visit

  • The Journey Toward Easter

    29/03/2024 Duration: 08min

    As we move through Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter, Fr. Dan Riley, ofm, reflects on these days and the journey of Jesus. Music, "There Is A Light" by Fr. Cyprian Consiglio (used with permission). Produced March 28, 2024. Podcast #288. For more information about Mt. Irenaeus, visit

  • The Rich Possibility of Mercy

    14/03/2024 Duration: 12min

    God is beside us in everything, ready to heal us as we open our hearts. Fr. Dan Riley, ofm, shares this reflection as we continue our Lenten journeys. Music, "Jesus, Be Here," by Fr. Cyprian Consiglio (used with permission). Produced March 13, 2024. Podcast #287. For more information about Mt. Irenaeus, visit

  • The Deep Roots of Lent

    03/03/2024 Duration: 11min

    From Scottsdale, Arizona, Fr. Dan Riley, ofm, invites us all further into our Lenten journeys by looking back on Christmas, reflecting on the woman at the well with Jesus, and then looking forward to the promise of Easter with streams of living water. Music, "Streams of Living Water," by Fr. Cyprian Consiglio (used with permission). Produced March 3, 2024. Podcast #286. For more information about Mt. Irenaeus, visit

  • Blossoming in the Desert

    19/02/2024 Duration: 12min

    Sharing a reflection from the Arizona desert, Fr. Dan Riley, ofm, invites us to see life differently, especially during this Lenten season. Music, "Leave the Past in Ashes," by Fr. Cyprian Consiglio (used with permission). Produced Feb. 18, 2024. Podcast #285. For more information about Mt. Irenaeus, visit

  • The Beauty of the Journey

    23/01/2024 Duration: 11min

    As Fr. Dan Riley, ofm, begins a three-month sabbatical, he joins Stephen Copeland, the co-author of "Franciscan Lectio," to describe their journey west as a model of movement for all of us. Music, "Rise Up Shepherd and Follow," by Kim and Reggie Harris (used with permission). Produced Jan. 21, 2024. Podcast #284. For more information about Mt. Irenaeus, visit

  • Chosen In This New Year

    06/01/2024 Duration: 10min

    As we begin a new year, Fr. Dan Riley, ofm, shares this reflection on being God's chosen ones as God reigns and rests in our hearts. Music, "This Is Who You Are," by Fr. Cyprian Consiglio, and "Because You Are Chosen," by John Michael Talbot (used with permission). Produced Jan. 5, 2024. Podcast #283. For more information about Mt. Irenaeus, visit

  • Holding Us Together This Christmas

    24/12/2023 Duration: 11min

    Merry Christmas! As we celebrate the light and peace of the birth of Jesus, we're joyous, but we also wonder how much gentleness is in our world. Fr. Dan Riley, ofm, shares a reflection about coming together amid the brokenness of our world, including the story of St. Francis 800 years ago in Greccio, Italy. Opening music, "A Light Will Shine On Us This Day" and "There Is a Light," by Fr. Cyprian Consiglio (used with permission). Closing song, "Happy Birthday, Jesus," provided by students of St. Timothy Catholic School in Chantilly, Virginia. Produced Dec. 24, 2023. Podcast #282. For more information about Mt. Irenaeus, visit

  • What Does Christmas Look Like?

    17/12/2023 Duration: 10min

    To celebrate the Christmas season means to fully live out the presence of Jesus in our lives. Maybe your recent days have felt tiresome and difficult through hills, valleys and muddy roads, but Fr. Dan Riley, ofm, encourages us to continue preparing for Christmas during this Advent season. Opening music, "Prepare" provided by students of St. Timothy Catholic School in Chantilly, Virginia. Closing song, "In the Bleak Midwinter," by Fr. Cyprian Consiglio (used with permission). Produced Dec. 16, 2023. Podcast #281. For more information about Mt. Irenaeus, visit

  • Awakening During Advent

    04/12/2023 Duration: 11min

    As this new season of Advent dawns upon us, Fr. Dan Riley, ofm, invites us to continue to realize that Jesus is amid us all the time as we move toward the commemoration of His birth. Music, "O Come, O Come Emmanuel," by Fr. Cyprian Consiglio (used with permission). Produced Dec. 3, 2023. Podcast #280 For more information about Mt. Irenaeus, visit

  • The Shepherd in Each of Us

    28/11/2023 Duration: 12min

    We're called to go beyond borders and boundaries to help others and listen to each other. We're called to know that Jesus walks with us, too, so we can rise to the reality of caring for others as Fr. Dan Riley, ofm, shares. Music, "Shepherd Me O' God," by John Michael Talbot (used with permission). Produced Nov. 27, 2023. Podcast #279 For more information about Mt. Irenaeus, visit

  • The Life and Joy of St. Francis

    11/10/2023 Duration: 10min

    As the colors around us change in autumn, we're reminded of a delighted world, but a world filled with anguish. Fr. Dan Riley, ofm, invites us to hear how St. Francis befriended many people who were on the margins of society. Music, "Echo of your Peace," by Fr. Cyprian Consiglio (used with permission). Produced Oct. 9, 2023. Podcast #278 For more information about Mt. Irenaeus, visit

  • God’s Bounty Is Beyond Our Imagination

    09/09/2023 Duration: 11min

    Our world is broken in so many ways, yet many of us try to continue to find our way to faith and peace in our lives. Fr. Dan Riley, ofm, invites us to find that way, coming to know how much God has blessed us with. Music, "Streams of Living Water," by Fr. Cyprian Consiglio (used with permission). Produced Sept. 8, 2023. Podcast #277. For more information about Mt. Irenaeus, visit

  • The Light of Clare

    13/08/2023 Duration: 09min

    In some of the dark times we're in, we cry out for clarity, we cry out for St. Clare. Reflecting from Keuka Lake, Fr. Dan Riley, ofm, invites us to find the light of Clare around us and in our lives. Music, "The Mirror of Eternity," by John Michael Talbot and "There Is a Light," by Fr. Cyprian Consiglio (used with permission). Produced Aug. 13, 2023. Podcast #276. For more information about Mt. Irenaeus, visit

  • Looking Out From the Mountaintop

    10/08/2023 Duration: 11min

    Reflecting on the Transfiguration of Jesus, Fr. Dan Riley, ofm, invites all of us to look further out into the world and see what's around us, even in places we're familiar with every day. Music, "Sing to the Mountains," by John Michael Talbot (used with permission). Produced Aug. 9, 2023. Podcast #275. For more information about Mt. Irenaeus, visit

  • The Abundance of Jesus

    18/07/2023 Duration: 08min

    It's a challenge to sometimes find the fullness of life. Fr. Dan Riley, ofm, invites us to find that fullness in the details and intimacy of life around us. Music, "The Love of God," by Fr. Cyprian Consiglio (used with permission). Produced July 17, 2023. Podcast #274. For more information about Mt. Irenaeus, visit

  • Food For Our Journey

    15/06/2023 Duration: 12min

    The bread that we break is all of us participating in the Body of Christ. Fr. Dan Riley, ofm, invites us into this unified table of partaking and participating without fences or walls. Music, "I Am the Bread of Life," "One Bread, One Body" and "We Are One Body," by John Michael Talbot (used with permission). Produced June 14, 2023. Podcast #273. For more information about Mt. Irenaeus, visit

  • Joining In On God’s Party Line

    25/05/2023 Duration: 10min

    Jesus invites us to listen to the richest, fullest party line ever created. Fr. Dan Riley, ofm, welcomes us to be invited as sisters and brothers with one another and to love God, our Father. Music, "Ready to Go," by Reggie Harris (used with permission). Produced May 24, 2023. Podcast #272. For more information about Mt. Irenaeus, visit

  • Our Journeys

    04/05/2023 Duration: 12min

    What are our life journeys like? What paths do we take? Fr. Dan Riley, ofm, welcomes us into this reflection with the wonderful story of the Emmaus journey. Music, "Alleluia Are Not Our Hearts," by Fr. Cyprian Consiglio (used with permission). Produced May 4, 2023. Podcast #271. For more information about Mt. Irenaeus, visit