Jonathan Giner's Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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With a conviction to see this generation reach its full potential, Jonathan Giner delivers the Word of God in a way that is both passionate and clear. Through these messages he hopes to empower the local church and raising up a generation of believers that are committed to the divine call of God over their lives.


  • What Are You Hungry For?


    Genesis 6-8 describes the events of the worldwide flood. The Bible says that God called the animals into the ark that He had instructed Noah to build. He called them in sets of seven and in sets of two. Jesus said you have not chosen me, but I have chosen you (John 15:16). In the […]

  • What’s In Your Hand?


    In Exodus chapter 4 we find that God ask Moses a question. He asked Moses, “What’s In Your Hand?”. Anytime the one that knows all and sees all ask a question like this it is worth some attention. God clearly knew that answer to His question. He asked this question simply to reveal something not […]

  • He Is Enough


    Have you ever had something consume you to the point that you could not focus on your day? Perhaps it even consumed you to the point that you couldn’t even sleep. Chances are you were worrying about something that had already happened or something that could happen. Worry can be defined as an ongoing preoccupation […]

  • Sitting In the Dark


    Ever noticed how waiting rooms are like time warps? You are there for what feels like forever only to look at the clock and see you been there for 5 mins. No one likes waiting. Our culture has conditioned us to expect things right away. We have often been referred to as the “microwave generation”. […]

  • A Lion, A Bear & A Big Dude


    When we look at the life of David its as though we can not help but focus on Goliath. After all, David has been known as the giant slayer. Its kind of like peanut butter and jelly, salt and pepper, Batman and Robin or Tom and Jerry. Its seems like you can’t have one without […]

  • The Fear Factor


    Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. With faith we believe God for what it is that we are expecting from Him. The same way that with faith you believed God for your salvation, anything else you are expecting from God will also be received […]

  • Following At A Distance


    The concept of “following Jesus” is found all throughout the gospel. Following Jesus is what makes us His disciples. As disciples of Christ we are followers of Christ. This concept though is more of a spiritual one, then a physical one. When Jesus told people to follow him His request was concerning the proximity of […]

  • Put Me Back Together


    Has your past left you hurt? Is there a situation in your life that has left you broken? Many times life’s experiences leave us wounded. God wants to make us whole. Tune in to this message as I show you how Jesus died to put you back together. Click Below. PUT ME BACK TOGETHER

  • Loving Her, Respecting Him


    Is your relationship on the rocks? Wife, do you feel unloved? Husband, do you feel disrespected? The marriage relationship is under tremendous attack. Many relationships are ending unsuccessfully and so many are not even starting due to how unsuccessful so many have been. I believe the reason for this attack is because the marriage relationship […]

  • The Danger Of Living On The Edge


    As humans we love to push the limits. We want to see how far we can go without it affecting us. Daredevils make a living off of pushing the limits and living on the edge. We love to watch them cheat death. Their ability to live on the edge and not get hurt fascinates us. […]