Aletheia Sermon Audio



This is the sermon podcast of Aletheia Church and Pastor Adam Mabry. Aletheia exists to bring the truth, grace, and changing power of the gospel for the glory of God and the good of all people. For more information, visit


  • Moneyology: The Call To Serve - Donny Fisher

    26/05/2024 Duration: 43min

    The Bible says, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Pastor Donny digs into our relationship with money and presents the idea that we are either serving money or serving God with our money. At any given point in our lives, we are bound to serve something or someone but a servant can only serve one master.

  • Series Break: Divine Desperation - Chris Johnson

    19/05/2024 Duration: 42min

    What are you longing for in your life? In this sermon, Chris Johnson sheds light on how desperation can either lead to devastation and separation, or revelation and transformation, depending on whose hands it is in. We will learn how living in the direction of God and his righteousness can result in a deeper relationship with Him.

  • Moneyology: The Principle of Tithing - Adam Mabry

    12/05/2024 Duration: 45min

    “Will man rob God? Yet you are robbing me.” Tithing is not giving to God but returning what rightfully belongs to him. In this sermon, we look at the importance of tithing in the Christian faith and how it unlocks God’s blessings and purposes in our lives.

  • Moneyology: Remember The Lord - Adam Mabry

    05/05/2024 Duration: 49min

    In Deuteronomy 8, the Israelites are given a picture of a bountiful promised land along with a reminder to remember the Lord as they enter it. Whether in lack or plenty, how we approach money reflects our relationship with God. In this sermon, we are exhorted to remember God for us to manage our money well.

  • Pre-Decide: Pre-Decide To Persevere - Adam Mabry

    28/04/2024 Duration: 33min

    We're all going to face discouragement. We're all going to have moments of failure. We have to pre-decide to have an eternal perspective. Just like the Apostle Paul, we must fight the good fight, finish the race, and keep the faith. We must pre-decide to persevere.

  • Pre-Decide: Pre-Decide To Love Generously - Adam Mabry

    21/04/2024 Duration: 38min

    What kind of people do we want to become? In Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, he discusses the transformative power of love and how it should permeate every aspect of our lives, shaping our actions and attitudes towards others. Listen in and learn how we can live a life led by love.

  • Pre-Decide: Pre-Decide to Be Consistent - Don Weiss

    14/04/2024 Duration: 39min

    We're faced with many decisions that need to be made each day. In this sermon, we take a look at Jesus to see how he consistently made good decisions. We find that consistent faithfulness is the key to long-term fruitfulness. If you want to be fruitful, where do you need to be consistent?

  • Pre-Decide: Pre-Decide To Resist Temptation - Adam Mabry

    07/04/2024 Duration: 40min

    Making good big decisions in life often begins with making good small decisions. It’s true with health, with money, and, more importantly, with following Jesus. In this first part of the series, we’re looking at one of the essential pre-decisions—pre-deciding to resist temptation.

  • Jesus: Prophet, Priest, King | Risen King - Adam Mabry

    31/03/2024 Duration: 24min

    What compels you to give your ultimate or final allegiance to something or someone? In this sermon, Pastor Adam invites us on a journey to discover the true meaning of redemption and salvation found in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, our king.

  • Jesus: Prophet, Priest, King | Great High Priest - Adam Mabry

    24/03/2024 Duration: 29min

    Have you ever asked, “What is God’s plan for my life?” The Bible gives a clear answer to that question—God’s plan is for his people to be priests. Unfortunately, the job of a priest is less familiar for us than it was for the original hearers of the New Testament letters. But by looking at Jesus’ work as our great high priest, we start to grasp what it means to be his priestly people.

  • Jesus: Prophet, Priest, King | Listen and Speak - Jim Laffoon

    17/03/2024 Duration: 39min

    Prophet, Priest, King — these three “offices” of Christ help us understand what it means to be God’s people. The Bible speaks about Jesus as the Great Prophet and we, his prophetic people. How do we live out our calling as his prophetic people? That’s the question we explore in this sermon.

  • Isaiah (Season 2): God’s New World - Adam Mabry

    10/03/2024 Duration: 39min

    The book of Isaiah ends with a vision of new heavens and a new earth from God for his people. What’s there? What’s not there? How should this vision impact the way we live today? In this sermon, we look to answer those questions and see how the vision of God’s new world points us to the hope we have in Jesus.

  • Isaiah (Season 2): Being Isaiahs - Adam Mabry

    03/03/2024 Duration: 45min

    At the end of Isaiah 59, God promises to put the Spirit that’s on Isaiah into a generation of his people. Isaiah lived by the Spirit in his day, so what does it look like to live by the Spirit in our day. In this sermon, we look at questions we should ask of a prophetic, Spirit-empowered generation.

  • Isaiah (Season 2): The Servant & Our Exile - Adam Mabry

    25/02/2024 Duration: 41min

    The Israelites were in geographical exile, but all humanity is in spiritual exile. We try to deal with our exile through life hacking and technique, but God has a better answer—the Servant. The Servant is the true answer to our exile, and in this sermon, we explore what the Servant does to end our exile.

  • Isaiah (Season 2): God’s Presence, a Promise - Adam Mabry

    18/02/2024 Duration: 36min

    From chapter 40 onward, Isaiah’s message is addressed to God’s people after the exile. But God wasn’t done with his people. God’s discipline was carried out in love, and his message to the exiles is one of comfort. In this sermon, Pastor Adam Mabry shows one of God’s major promises to his people—his presence.

  • Isaiah (Season 2): Lord of the Odds - Don Weiss

    11/02/2024 Duration: 42min

    Every now and then, a story is inserted into the poetry of Isaiah that acts like evidence for the message. This week’s story is about King Hezekiah. He faced odds that were totally against him, but it turns out chance and odds don’t apply to those who are called to trust God.

  • Isaiah (Season 2): Woe to the Self-Reliant - Adam Mabry

    04/02/2024 Duration: 38min

    A “woe” in the Bible is an expression of dissatisfaction, anger, and sadness from God. In Isaiah 28, God’s woe is directed at the leaders of Judah who have chosen to trust political alliances rather than God. God’s woe against them shows us just how fragile and damaging self-reliance is, as well as what God has done to offer us something better.

  • Set Apart: Holiness Restored - Adam Mabry

    28/01/2024 Duration: 35min

    Priests were an important part of keeping holiness going for Israel, but they were flawed. Whether or not we realize it, we treat certain people like priests, but any priest we trust is flawed…except Jesus.

  • Set Apart: A Life That Pleases God - Adam Mabry

    21/01/2024 Duration: 37min

    How do we measure holiness? Many people think that morality is the measure of holiness. That’s certainly part of it, but Paul describes a holy life as one that pleases God. He also describes where we get the power to live that kind of life.

  • Dangerous Holiness

    14/01/2024 Duration: 37min

    Holiness is a problem for sinful people because sinful people can’t be in the presence of a holy God. In this sermon, we learn how the only way to approach God is through atonement of sin and this he made possible through Jesus Christ.

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