Living Springs Fellowship - Prosper, Tx



Living Springs


  • Dumb Things Christians Say - Audio

    02/10/2016 Duration: 2305h00s

    Have you ever heard someone say, "God told me?" It is a common but often abused phrase that can bring damage to others. Listen to Pastor Mike as he shares some guiding principles that will help us better understand how God speaks to us and how we should speak to others when we feel like God may be leading us to do something.

  • Dumb Things Christians Say - Audio

    18/09/2016 Duration: 2576h00s

    We often say things with good intentions but at times can say things that bring hurt to others. We want to help others, but the wrong thing can do damage to God and your relationship with that person. Find out from Message #1 Dumb Things Christians Say - "Everything happens for a reason" what is wrong with this statement and how we can make a sound biblical correction that actually comforts and helps others to know God is with them during any trial they face.

  • Real Marriage - Romance, Rugrats, Re-do's - Audio

    11/09/2016 Duration: 2607h00s

    Success in life and in marriage is mastering the "Art of the Re-do." We all say things we shouldn't have said, we all have done things that we wish we could do over. But the most successful marriages learn how to do "re-do's" really well. Listen and find out four key steps that will help you in the "re-do's" with your spouse...

  • Real Marriage - Romance, Rugrats, Re-do's - Audio

    04/09/2016 Duration: 2491h00s

    Let's admit this... once children come into the home it is much more difficult to strengthen the core of your marriage. Listen to Pastor Dave share from Genesis 2 the biblical theology of "You become a family when you say 'I Do' and that children don't make a family they extend the family unit of Husband and Wife." This message will help strengthen your marriage, strengthen your family for the long term...

  • Real Marriage - Romance, Rugrats, Re-do's - Audio

    28/08/2016 Duration: 2603h00s

    How would you rate your marriage? How would your spouse rate your marriage? Ouch. While nobody gets married to be miserable, too often we find ourselves struggling to make the grade. But in marriage, as in every area of life, it’s all about mastering the fundamentals. Do you know the 3 Rs of marriage? Join us for this three-week message series as we explore the challenges of Romance, Rugrats and Re-dos. Whether your marriage is coasting or crashing, you’ll find help and hope as we shed some light on the building blocks of a great marriage.

  • Back To School 2016 - Audio

    21/08/2016 Duration: 2389h00s

    Fall is a great time of year where the weather gets cooler, football starts, BBQ is back in, and the kiddos go back to school. But how can we have a successful "Back to School" year? Pastor Dave provides us three keys to have a successful year that speaks to kids but also to parents.

  • What IF Jesus is coming back next summer? - Audio

    14/08/2016 Duration: 2749h00s

    What IF Jesus is coming back next summer? Part 2 of our 12 months vision. Find out why Pastor Dave is calling us to get unstuck and GO! You don't want to miss this series, so that you can roll up your sleeves and be apart of what God is doing the next 12 months!

  • What IF Jesus is coming back next summer? - Audio

    07/08/2016 Duration: 2583h00s

    What if Jesus is coming back next summer? What would you change? How would you spend your money? What priorities would take precedent in your life? Learn in Part 1, the priorites and objectives that God is leading us, Living Springs Fellowship, towards the next 12 months.

  • Revealed - Uncovering the Mystery of Revelation - Audio

    31/07/2016 Duration: 2388h00s

    What is heaven like? How do you describe the indiscriable? John closes out his letter, the NT, and the entire Scriptures with such an encouraging message about life after this life... But fair warning it is a little different than what some of our cultural myths portray.

  • Revealed - Uncovering the Mystery of Revelation - Audio

    24/07/2016 Duration: 2256h00s

    Jesus is coming back, but we don't know when. But the real and practical question is "How then shall we live?" The Apostle John gives some concrete, pratical tools, and encouragement to live out our faith till that time comes.

  • Revealed - Uncovering the Mystery of Revelation - Audio

    17/07/2016 Duration: 1912h00s

    The Apostle John provides us a great insight to the salvation process by showing us three steps of salvation that leads up to the "Marriage Supper of the Lamb." Listen and find out what step we are currently in and how God will complete the ceremony of our salvation.

  • Revealed - Uncovering the Mystery of Revelation - Audio

    03/07/2016 Duration: 2235h00s

    Our culture says, "It's Politicall Incorrect to Judge" But what does the Bible say? What is judgment? Is justice the same thing. The Apostle John helps us identify what judgment and justice is and our responsibility in the cosmic framework.

  • Revealed - Uncovering the Mystery of Revelation - Audio

    26/06/2016 Duration: 1785h00s

    What are our responses as followers of Jesus in a morally bankrupt world? How do we live as good citizens under a bad government? How does God want us to respond to evil? Find out from Revelation 14 the answers to these key questions.

  • Revealed - The War of Politics & Power - Audio

    19/06/2016 Duration: 2691h00s

    Do words matter? Is behavior more important than belief? Find out what really matters to God and also what Satan focuses on. John outlines that Satan has declared two wars... War on the king, and war on his people. Find out what is important as we battle for God

  • Revealed - "The Most Dangerous Thing You Can Do!" - Audio

    12/06/2016 Duration: 2053h00s

    What is the most dangerous thing you can do? It may surprise you, but it is living out your faith in a postmodern society. It is dangerous. It may cost you your job. It may cost relationships. Yes, faith is dangerous, but the reward is great.

  • Revealed - "The Calm Before the Storm" - Audio

    05/06/2016 Duration: 1840h00s

    The calm before the storm...

  • Revealed - Uncovering the Mystery of Revelation - Audio

    29/05/2016 Duration: 1748h00s

    Popular culture champions that everyone gets a trophy for participating in life. But John champions another message entirely to the seven churches. They asked the question, "What will I get if I do this?" And John provides them an answer of incredible rewards, but the only trophies handed out are to those who are faithful to the end...

  • Revealed - Uncovering the Mystery of Revelation - Audio

    22/05/2016 Duration: 1924h00s

    How do you stand up, when you want to give up? We have all been there. There are some days, weeks, and years when we want to just throw in the towel. But when you want to give up, how does God want us to repsond? Find out what Revelation 6 instructs us to do...

  • Revealed - Uncovering the Mystery of Revelation - Audio

    15/05/2016 Duration: 2055h00s

    "Where is God, When Evil Happens?" This is the most asked question in all of humanity. How do we reconcile the amount of evil we see in our world, whether it is caused by moral choices or through our natural world? The Apostle and Pastor, John, answers these questions in the first half of Revelation 6. Listen and learn where God is at in the battlefield of life.

  • Revealed - Uncovering the Mystery of Revelation - Audio

    08/05/2016 Duration: 2226h00s

    How do you handle crisis? How does God handle crisis? We all have crisis, but how we handle them determines our future. The Pastor, the Apostle John, provides some amazing biblical insight to God's plan for crisis management. Listen and ask yourself, "How are you approaching the crisis' in your life?"

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