Living Your Purpose



People either believe they create their own purpose or that they were created with a purpose. The person who creates his own purpose is obligated to fulfill his appetites. The person who is created for a purpose has a greater reason for living but needs to know where and how to find that reason. This message will not tell you your purpose but it will tell you how you can find it.


  • Making Giving Easy

    25/09/2016 Duration: 27min

    How much does God want you to give? The answer is simple but people make it complicated. God expects you to give all of it. God has commissioned you to manage all that He has given you. That means that He will require that some will be released from your charge. That means you must go to Him to know what should be given. This is rare-even among Christians. Most people fail to ask Him and want a formula that allows them to give Him a minimum. God has never wanted giving to Him to be a burden. He isn't opposed to you having some fun with what you have either. The question is: Do you have the courage to ask Him how much you should give? That's what this message is all about. Listen if you dare.

  • Hearing God's Call

    21/08/2016 Duration: 31min

    God shapes us through needs. It takes faith to see these needs met. It takes a word from God to have faith. God calls people to meet needs but many do not know how to receive a word from God. This message should help people "hear" God's call.

  • Making Mountains Move

    14/08/2016 Duration: 37min

    Many people believe the things that happened in the Bible can't happen today. They believe that there are no more miracles and no more works of God without explanations. This message and testimony at the end reveals how God is still the God of the Bible. (You may have to turn up the volume at the end because the testimony was done from a distant microphone.)

  • Living Your Purpose

    15/11/2015 Duration: 36min

    People either believe they create their own purpose or that they were created with a purpose. The person who creates his own purpose is obligated to fulfill his appetites. The person who is created for a purpose has a greater reason for living but needs to know where and how to find that reason. This message will not tell you your purpose but it will tell you how you can find it.